* Added newlib changes
* Add action to launch PPSSPP simulator
* Remove legacy config for the stack and heap
* Add pthread
* Simplify kernel_functions and improve references to HAVE_KERNEL_PRX
* Add some flags
* Improve audio init/deinit
* Improve exit by clicking home
* Add CI for PSP1
* Update PSP.yml
* Allow parallel compilation in PS2
* Allow to compile with griffin or common compilation in PS2
* Enable dummy core to be used in other platforms
* Use threads in YML config
* Add the compilation to PS2 in GitHub Actions
- only call disconnect when we're actually disconnecting a remote
(e.g. read errors or remote goes to sleep).
- clean up some compile warnings introduced by others (mainly
unused variables)
- rewrote the HID deregistration algorithm; it should no longer
cause issues when dealing with multiple pads of the same HID/VID
- fix initialization bug that caused wiimotes to fail to register
without an accessory attached
cause of crash: trying to deference init when it's null
the reason it was going into deregister: the HID/VID lookup was
failing because it wasn't getting initialized first
cause of 2nd crash: the "end of pad list" method looked for an entry
with a magic value, so we add an end marker
When I first implemented the Wii U HID architecture, I ended up
having to design my own implementation because, at the time, I did
not have a way to read the HID device string to allow the existing
code to successfully detect the gamepad.
After spending some time experimenting, I've figured out how to
do this. And that means I can better align the HID driver with other
change summary:
- create a single state structure for all three sub-types of wiiu pads
(kpad, wpad, and hid)
- eliminate confusing duplicate pad lists
- eliminate confusing duplicate HID pad drivers (ds3, gamecube
adapter, etc)
- ensure the ds3 driver still works
* (3DS) Add bottom screen menu
-> User can save/load state on botom screen with thumbnail.
-> Call a save_state_to_file() when RAM state has data to write a disk.
-> If the bottom screen needs updating, swap the bottom framebuffers.
-> This is useful for devices with slow I/O
-> 3DS bottom save state use CMD_EVENT_SAVE_STATE_TO_RAM
-> 3DS bottom load state use CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE when RAM state has no data
-> 3DS bottom load state use CMD_EVENT_LOAD_STATE_FROM_RAM when RAM sate has data
* Rewrite path_get_state to retroarch_get_current_savestate_path
* Fix unterminated state_path
After a bisect, the culprit was changing the gamepad interface from
returing a single button (bool) to multiple (int16).
The issue is that the Wii U gamepad (and presumably the Pro controller too)
have more than 16 buttons, which means some buttons get lost. Notably, L3 (18)
and R3 (17).
The solution: use int32 instead of int16.
I did a test build and confirmed that this change restores L3/R3 functionality
with the gamepad. Don't have a pro controller to test, but it should work too.
This change makes the call to 'udev_enumerate_scan_devices' much faster.
In particular, for some bluetooth devices, this function may implicitly
read its battery's virtual file 'uevent', e.g.
Reading this file may (for unknown reasons) block up to 10 seconds.
Since udev_enumerate_scan_devices is called 4 times (for keyboard,
mouse, touchpad, and joypad) during startup this may cause a
considerable delay.
Limiting the scan to subsystem 'input' yields the same devices but makes
the scan faster and does not read 'uevent' of the input controller's
* (PS2) added Multitap support (up to 8 players)
* (PS2) revert some identation changes
* (PS2) fix for non-analog controllers
* fix for not recognized digital and other non-standart controllers
* fixed ps2_joypad_destroy
Rumble was not working for me. I learnt a bit about how evdev works and it seems like you need to set a replay which defines how long the effect is (previously we set it to 0). This means there's a maximum length to the rumble effect which feels wrong.
When we do `play.value = !!strength;` we're setting the number of times for the effect to repeat, which works fine because the effect stops when we set it to 0.
It doesn't feel quite right to me playing e.g. Goldeneye but I've not played on real hardware for a while.
I'm hoping someone is more familiar with evdev and can suggest a better approach.