* Clean up tvos defines, make debug the same as release
* Compile tvOS against libMoltenVK.dylib and enable vulkan driver
* Make sure HAVE_UPDATE_CORE_INFO is set for tvos
* Support for Swift, added emulator keyboard
* fixed toggle key handling using magic number hack for now
* fixed keyboard transparency slider for now with suboptimal fix; add gesture recognizer to hide/show keyboard
* Support CocoaView extensions in Swift; move keyboard delegate impl and setup to swift extension
* moved keyboard view model creation out of EmulatorKeyboard
* implement key pressed delegate in swift extension
* added input method for directly sending RETROK_* codes to support a touchscreen keyboard; assign keyboard model delegates; updated keyboard layout (added F1-F12 keys); change shift, control and alt keys to be modifiers
* enable focus mode when custom keyboard is shown; enable/disable overlay when custom keyboard is toggled
* Specify -DHAVE_OPENGLES2 instead of -DHAVE_OPENGLES3 since glsym_es3.h does not compile in iOS 14.5
Fix tvOS build using compiler flags
* Create new project for iOS 13 deploy target; add check for deploy target to conditionally compile for new iOS 13 specific feature (custom keyboard)
* force disable core info caching for iOS, use opengl es2 for debug
* Add flag for iOS custom keyboard - 3-finger swipe up to show, 3-finger swipe down to hide
* use OpenGLES2 instead; using ES3 results in compile time errors on iOS 14.5
* code cleanup
* Updated references to -DDONT_WANT_ARM_ASM_OPTIMIZATIONS flag
* Add JIT support for non-jailbroken devices
* iOS: Add support for touch mouse handler
* Added a HAVE_IOS_TOUCHMOUSE preprocessor macro so that it builds under the iOS11_Metal xcode project
* Changed click-and-drag behavior to double tap hold and drag
* Visual improvements to the emulator keyboard: updated colors, improved key-press effect
* Add intrinsic NEON versions for float_to_s16/s16_to_float courtesy
of davidgfnet
* Define -DDONT_WANT_ARM_OPTIMIZATIONS for resampler sinc - this should
default to intrinsic versions
* Default to ARM NEON intrinsic codepath and make the ASM codepaths
* (Pkg/apple/Android) Take out ASM files being compiled in