mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 16:20:27 +00:00
Add core options translation scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Recreate libretro_core_options_intl.h using translations form Crowdin
name: Crowdin Translation Integration
- master
- 'intl/*/*'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
persist-credentials: false # otherwise, the token used is the GITHUB_TOKEN, instead of your personal access token.
fetch-depth: 0 # otherwise, there would be errors pushing refs to the destination repository.
- name: Create intl file
shell: bash
run: |
python3 intl/crowdin_intl.py '<path/to/libretro_core_options.h directory>'
- name: Commit files
run: |
git config --local user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
git config --local user.name "github-actions[bot]"
git add <path/to/libretro_core_options_intl.h file>
git commit -m "Recreate libretro_core_options_intl.h" -a
- name: GitHub Push
uses: ad-m/github-push-action@v0.6.0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
branch: ${{ github.ref }}
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Prepare source for Crowdin sync
name: Crowdin Upload Preparation
- master
- '<path/to/libretro_core_options.h file>'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Setup Python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
persist-credentials: false # otherwise, the token used is the GITHUB_TOKEN, instead of your personal access token.
fetch-depth: 0 # otherwise, there would be errors pushing refs to the destination repository.
- name: Crowdin Prep
shell: bash
run: |
python3 intl/crowdin_prep.py '<path/to/libretro_core_options.h directory>'
- name: Commit files
run: |
git config --local user.email "41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com"
git config --local user.name "github-actions[bot]"
git add intl/*
git commit -m "Recreate translation source text files" -a
- name: GitHub Push
uses: ad-m/github-push-action@v0.6.0
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
branch: ${{ github.ref }}
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- source: /intl/_us/*.json
translation: /intl/_%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Place 'crowdin.yml' & the 'intl' and '.github' folder, including content, into the root of the repo.
In '.github/workflows' are two files: 'crowdin_intl.yml' & 'crowdin_prep.yml'
In each of those are place holders, which need to be replaced as follows:
<path/to/libretro_core_options.h directory>
-> replace with the path from the root of the repo to the directory containing
'libretro_core_options.h' (it is assumed that 'libretro_core_options.h' &
'libretro_core_options_intl.h' are in the same directory)
<path/to/libretro_core_options.h file>
-> replace with the full path from the root of the repo to the 'libretro_core_options.h' file
<path/to/libretro_core_options_intl.h file>
-> replace with the full path from the root of the repo to the 'libretro_core_options_intl.h' file
From the root of the repo run (using bash):
python3 intl/core_opt_translation.py '<path/to/libretro_core_options.h directory>'
(If python3 doesn't work, try just python)
Push changes to repo. Once merged, request Crowdin integration.
Crowdin integration:
On the project page, go to the Applications tab. Choose GitHub.
There are two options: connecting a GitHub account, which has write/commit permissions to the repo
or providing a GitHub token, which will unlock these permissions.
Then add a repository, a new interface opens. Pick the repository as well as the branch, which you want to sync.
On the right, Crowdin will display the default name of the repository it will use for creating PRs.
Below, set the sync schedule and then save. With that the synchronisation should be set up.
If there are still problems, you might need to manually modify the configuration (double click on the branch in the lower frame).
Here's what the file paths should look like (the '/' at the start is very important!):
Source files path:
Translated files path:
Once Crowdin successfully creates the PR & it has been merged, the automatically created branch can be deleted on GitHub.
libretro-common/samples/core_options/example_translation/translation scripts/intl/.gitignore
Normal file
libretro-common/samples/core_options/example_translation/translation scripts/intl/.gitignore
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Core options text extractor
The purpose of this script is to set up & provide functions for automatic generation of 'libretro_core_options_intl.h'
from 'libretro_core_options.h' using translations from Crowdin.
Both v1 and v2 structs are supported. It is, however, recommended to convert v1 files to v2 using the included
python3 path/to/core_opt_translation.py "path/to/where/libretro_core_options.h & libretro_core_options_intl.h/are"
This script will:
1.) create key words for & extract the texts from libretro_core_options.h & save them into intl/_us/core_options.h
2.) do the same for any present translations in libretro_core_options_intl.h, saving those in their respective folder
import core_option_regex as cor
import re
import os
import sys
import json
import urllib.request as req
import shutil
# for uploading translations to Crowdin, the Crowdin 'language id' is required
LANG_CODE_TO_ID = {'_ar': 'ar',
'_ast': 'ast',
'_chs': 'zh-CN',
'_cht': 'zh-TW',
'_cs': 'cs',
'_cy': 'cy',
'_da': 'da',
'_de': 'de',
'_el': 'el',
'_eo': 'eo',
'_es': 'es-ES',
'_fa': 'fa',
'_fi': 'fi',
'_fr': 'fr',
'_gl': 'gl',
'_he': 'he',
'_hu': 'hu',
'_id': 'id',
'_it': 'it',
'_ja': 'ja',
'_ko': 'ko',
'_nl': 'nl',
'_pl': 'pl',
'_pt_br': 'pt-BR',
'_pt_pt': 'pt-PT',
'_ru': 'ru',
'_sk': 'sk',
'_sv': 'sv-SE',
'_tr': 'tr',
'_uk': 'uk',
'_vn': 'vi'}
# these are handled by RetroArch directly - no need to include them in core translations
ON_OFFS = {'"enabled"', '"disabled"', '"true"', '"false"', '"on"', '"off"'}
def remove_special_chars(text: str, char_set=0) -> str:
"""Removes special characters from a text.
:param text: String to be cleaned.
:param char_set: 0 -> remove all ASCII special chars except for '_' & 'space';
1 -> remove invalid chars from file names
:return: Clean text.
command_chars = [chr(unicode) for unicode in tuple(range(0, 32)) + (127,)]
special_chars = ([chr(unicode) for unicode in tuple(range(33, 48)) + tuple(range(58, 65)) + tuple(range(91, 95))
+ (96,) + tuple(range(123, 127))],
('\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|'))
res = text
for cm in command_chars:
res = res.replace(cm, '_')
for sp in special_chars[char_set]:
res = res.replace(sp, '_')
while res.startswith('_'):
res = res[1:]
while res.endswith('_'):
res = res[:-1]
return res
def clean_file_name(file_name: str) -> str:
"""Removes characters which might make file_name inappropriate for files on some OS.
:param file_name: File name to be cleaned.
:return: The clean file name.
file_name = remove_special_chars(file_name, 1)
file_name = re.sub(r'__+', '_', file_name.replace(' ', '_'))
return file_name
def get_struct_type_name(decl: str) -> tuple:
""" Returns relevant parts of the struct declaration:
type, name of the struct and the language appendix, if present.
:param decl: The struct declaration matched by cor.p_type_name.
:return: Tuple, e.g.: ('retro_core_option_definition', 'option_defs_us', '_us')
struct_match = cor.p_type_name.search(decl)
if struct_match:
if struct_match.group(3):
struct_type_name = struct_match.group(1, 2, 3)
return struct_type_name
elif struct_match.group(4):
struct_type_name = struct_match.group(1, 2, 4)
return struct_type_name
struct_type_name = struct_match.group(1, 2)
return struct_type_name
raise ValueError(f'No or incomplete struct declaration: {decl}!\n'
'Please make sure all structs are complete, including the type and name declaration.')
def is_viable_non_dupe(text: str, comparison) -> bool:
"""text must be longer than 2 ('""'), not 'NULL' and not in comparison.
:param text: String to be tested.
:param comparison: Dictionary or set to search for text in.
:return: bool
return 2 < len(text) and text != 'NULL' and text not in comparison
def is_viable_value(text: str) -> bool:
"""text must be longer than 2 ('""'), not 'NULL' and text.lower() not in
{'"enabled"', '"disabled"', '"true"', '"false"', '"on"', '"off"'}.
:param text: String to be tested.
:return: bool
return 2 < len(text) and text != 'NULL' and text.lower() not in ON_OFFS
def create_non_dupe(base_name: str, opt_num: int, comparison) -> str:
"""Makes sure base_name is not in comparison, and if it is it's renamed.
:param base_name: Name to check/make unique.
:param opt_num: Number of the option base_name belongs to, used in making it unique.
:param comparison: Dictionary or set to search for base_name in.
:return: Unique name.
h = base_name
if h in comparison:
n = 0
h = h + '_O' + str(opt_num)
h_end = len(h)
while h in comparison:
h = h[:h_end] + '_' + str(n)
n += 1
return h
def get_texts(text: str) -> dict:
"""Extracts the strings, which are to be translated/are the translations,
from text and creates macro names for them.
:param text: The string to be parsed.
:return: Dictionary of the form { '_<lang>': { 'macro': 'string', ... }, ... }.
# all structs: group(0) full struct, group(1) beginning, group(2) content
structs = cor.p_struct.finditer(text)
hash_n_string = {}
just_string = {}
for struct in structs:
struct_declaration = struct.group(1)
struct_type_name = get_struct_type_name(struct_declaration)
if 3 > len(struct_type_name):
lang = '_us'
lang = struct_type_name[2]
if lang not in just_string:
hash_n_string[lang] = {}
just_string[lang] = set()
is_v2 = False
pre_name = ''
p = cor.p_info
if 'retro_core_option_v2_definition' == struct_type_name[0]:
is_v2 = True
elif 'retro_core_option_v2_category' == struct_type_name[0]:
pre_name = 'CATEGORY_'
p = cor.p_info_cat
struct_content = struct.group(2)
# 0: full option; 1: key; 2: description; 3: additional info; 4: key/value pairs
struct_options = cor.p_option.finditer(struct_content)
for opt, option in enumerate(struct_options):
# group 1: key
if option.group(1):
opt_name = pre_name + option.group(1)
# no special chars allowed in key
opt_name = remove_special_chars(opt_name).upper().replace(' ', '_')
raise ValueError(f'No option name (key) found in struct {struct_type_name[1]} option {opt}!')
# group 2: description0
if option.group(2):
desc0 = option.group(2)
if is_viable_non_dupe(desc0, just_string[lang]):
m_h = create_non_dupe(re.sub(r'__+', '_', f'{opt_name}_LABEL'), opt, hash_n_string[lang])
hash_n_string[lang][m_h] = desc0
raise ValueError(f'No label found in struct {struct_type_name[1]} option {option.group(1)}!')
# group 3: desc1, info0, info1, category
if option.group(3):
infos = option.group(3)
option_info = p.finditer(infos)
if is_v2:
desc1 = next(option_info).group(1)
if is_viable_non_dupe(desc1, just_string[lang]):
m_h = create_non_dupe(re.sub(r'__+', '_', f'{opt_name}_LABEL_CAT'), opt, hash_n_string[lang])
hash_n_string[lang][m_h] = desc1
last = None
m_h = None
for j, info in enumerate(option_info):
last = info.group(1)
if is_viable_non_dupe(last, just_string[lang]):
m_h = create_non_dupe(re.sub(r'__+', '_', f'{opt_name}_INFO_{j}'), opt,
hash_n_string[lang][m_h] = last
if last in just_string[lang]: # category key should not be translated
for j, info in enumerate(option_info):
gr1 = info.group(1)
if is_viable_non_dupe(gr1, just_string[lang]):
m_h = create_non_dupe(re.sub(r'__+', '_', f'{opt_name}_INFO_{j}'), opt,
hash_n_string[lang][m_h] = gr1
raise ValueError(f'Too few arguments in struct {struct_type_name[1]} option {option.group(1)}!')
# group 4:
if option.group(4):
for j, kv_set in enumerate(cor.p_key_value.finditer(option.group(4))):
set_key, set_value = kv_set.group(1, 2)
if not is_viable_value(set_value):
if not is_viable_value(set_key):
set_value = set_key
# re.fullmatch(r'(?:[+-][0-9]+)+', value[1:-1])
if set_value not in just_string[lang] and not re.sub(r'[+-]', '', set_value[1:-1]).isdigit():
clean_key = set_key.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode('unicode-escape')[1:-1]
clean_key = remove_special_chars(clean_key).upper().replace(' ', '_')
m_h = create_non_dupe(re.sub(r'__+', '_', f"OPTION_VAL_{clean_key}"), opt, hash_n_string[lang])
hash_n_string[lang][m_h] = set_value
return hash_n_string
def create_msg_hash(intl_dir_path: str, core_name: str, keyword_string_dict: dict) -> dict:
"""Creates '<core_name>.h' files in 'intl/_<lang>/' containing the macro name & string combinations.
:param intl_dir_path: Path to the intl directory.
:param core_name: Name of the core, used for naming the files.
:param keyword_string_dict: Dictionary of the form { '_<lang>': { 'macro': 'string', ... }, ... }.
:return: Dictionary of the form { '_<lang>': 'path/to/file (./intl/_<lang>/<core_name>.h)', ... }.
files = {}
for localisation in keyword_string_dict:
path = os.path.join(intl_dir_path, localisation) # intl/_<lang>
files[localisation] = os.path.join(path, core_name + '.h') # intl/_<lang>/<core_name>.h
if not os.path.exists(path):
with open(files[localisation], 'w', encoding='utf-8') as crowdin_file:
out_text = ''
for keyword in keyword_string_dict[localisation]:
out_text = f'{out_text}{keyword} {keyword_string_dict[localisation][keyword]}\n'
return files
def h2json(file_paths: dict) -> dict:
"""Converts .h files pointed to by file_paths into .jsons.
:param file_paths: Dictionary of the form { '_<lang>': 'path/to/file (./intl/_<lang>/<core_name>.h)', ... }.
:return: Dictionary of the form { '_<lang>': 'path/to/file (./intl/_<lang>/<core_name>.json)', ... }.
jsons = {}
for file_lang in file_paths:
jsons[file_lang] = file_paths[file_lang][:-2] + '.json'
p = cor.p_masked
with open(file_paths[file_lang], 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as h_file:
text = h_file.read()
result = p.finditer(text)
messages = {}
for msg in result:
key, val = msg.group(1, 2)
if key not in messages:
if key and val:
# unescape & remove "\n"
messages[key] = re.sub(r'"\s*(?:(?:/\*(?:.|[\r\n])*?\*/|//.*[\r\n]+)\s*)*"',
'\\\n', val[1:-1].replace('\\\"', '"'))
print(f"DUPLICATE KEY in {file_paths[file_lang]}: {key}")
with open(jsons[file_lang], 'w', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
json.dump(messages, json_file, indent=2)
return jsons
def json2h(intl_dir_path: str, json_file_path: str, core_name: str) -> None:
"""Converts .json file in json_file_path into an .h ready to be included in C code.
:param intl_dir_path: Path to the intl directory.
:param json_file_path: Base path of translation .json.
:param core_name: Name of the core, required for naming the files.
:return: None
h_filename = os.path.join(json_file_path, core_name + '.h')
json_filename = os.path.join(json_file_path, core_name + '.json')
file_lang = os.path.basename(json_file_path).upper()
if os.path.basename(json_file_path).lower() == '_us':
print(' skipped')
p = cor.p_masked
def update(s_messages, s_template, s_source_messages):
translation = ''
template_messages = p.finditer(s_template)
for tp_msg in template_messages:
old_key = tp_msg.group(1)
if old_key in s_messages and s_messages[old_key] != s_source_messages[old_key]:
tl_msg_val = s_messages[old_key]
tl_msg_val = tl_msg_val.replace('"', '\\\"').replace('\n', '') # escape
translation = ''.join((translation, '#define ', old_key, file_lang, f' "{tl_msg_val}"\n'))
else: # Remove English duplicates and non-translatable strings
translation = ''.join((translation, '#define ', old_key, file_lang, ' NULL\n'))
return translation
with open(os.path.join(intl_dir_path, '_us', core_name + '.h'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as template_file:
template = template_file.read()
with open(os.path.join(intl_dir_path, '_us', core_name + '.json'), 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as source_json_file:
source_messages = json.load(source_json_file)
with open(json_filename, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as json_file:
messages = json.load(json_file)
new_translation = update(messages, template, source_messages)
with open(h_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as h_file:
def get_crowdin_client(dir_path: str) -> str:
"""Makes sure the Crowdin CLI client is present. If it isn't, it is fetched & extracted.
:return: The path to 'crowdin-cli.jar'.
jar_name = 'crowdin-cli.jar'
jar_path = os.path.join(dir_path, jar_name)
if not os.path.isfile(jar_path):
print('Downloading crowdin-cli.jar')
crowdin_cli_file = os.path.join(dir_path, 'crowdin-cli.zip')
crowdin_cli_url = 'https://downloads.crowdin.com/cli/v3/crowdin-cli.zip'
req.urlretrieve(crowdin_cli_url, crowdin_cli_file)
import zipfile
with zipfile.ZipFile(crowdin_cli_file, 'r') as zip_ref:
jar_dir = zip_ref.namelist()[0]
for file in zip_ref.namelist():
if file.endswith(jar_name):
jar_file = file
os.rename(jar_file, jar_path)
return jar_path
def create_intl_file(intl_file_path: str, intl_dir_path: str, text: str, core_name: str, file_path: str) -> None:
"""Creates 'libretro_core_options_intl.h' from Crowdin translations.
:param intl_file_path: Path to 'libretro_core_options_intl.h'
:param intl_dir_path: Path to the intl directory.
:param text: Content of the 'libretro_core_options.h' being translated.
:param core_name: Name of the core. Needed to identify the files to pull the translations from.
:param file_path: Path to the '<core name>_us.h' file, containing the original English texts.
:return: None
msg_dict = {}
lang_up = ''
def replace_pair(pair_match):
"""Replaces a key-value-pair of an option with the macros corresponding to the language.
:param pair_match: The re match object representing the key-value-pair block.
:return: Replacement string.
offset = pair_match.start(0)
if pair_match.group(1): # key
if pair_match.group(2) in msg_dict: # value
val = msg_dict[pair_match.group(2)] + lang_up
elif pair_match.group(1) in msg_dict: # use key if value not viable (e.g. NULL)
val = msg_dict[pair_match.group(1)] + lang_up
return pair_match.group(0)
return pair_match.group(0)
res = pair_match.group(0)[:pair_match.start(2) - offset] + val \
+ pair_match.group(0)[pair_match.end(2) - offset:]
return res
def replace_info(info_match):
"""Replaces the 'additional strings' of an option with the macros corresponding to the language.
:param info_match: The re match object representing the 'additional strings' block.
:return: Replacement string.
offset = info_match.start(0)
if info_match.group(1) in msg_dict:
res = info_match.group(0)[:info_match.start(1) - offset] + \
msg_dict[info_match.group(1)] + lang_up + \
info_match.group(0)[info_match.end(1) - offset:]
return res
return info_match.group(0)
def replace_option(option_match):
"""Replaces strings within an option
'{ "opt_key", "label", "additional strings", ..., { {"key", "value"}, ... }, ... }'
within a struct with the macros corresponding to the language:
'{ "opt_key", MACRO_LABEL, MACRO_STRINGS, ..., { {"key", MACRO_VALUE}, ... }, ... }'
:param option_match: The re match object representing the option.
:return: Replacement string.
# label
offset = option_match.start(0)
if option_match.group(2):
res = option_match.group(0)[:option_match.start(2) - offset] + msg_dict[option_match.group(2)] + lang_up
return option_match.group(0)
# additional block
if option_match.group(3):
res = res + option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(2) - offset:option_match.start(3) - offset]
new_info = p.sub(replace_info, option_match.group(3))
res = res + new_info
return res + option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(2) - offset:]
# key-value-pairs
if option_match.group(4):
res = res + option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(3) - offset:option_match.start(4) - offset]
new_pairs = cor.p_key_value.sub(replace_pair, option_match.group(4))
res = res + new_pairs + option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(4) - offset:]
res = res + option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(3) - offset:]
return res
with open(file_path, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as template: # intl/_us/<core_name>.h
masked_msgs = cor.p_masked.finditer(template.read())
for msg in masked_msgs:
msg_dict[msg.group(2)] = msg.group(1)
with open(intl_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as intl: # libretro_core_options_intl.h
in_text = intl.read()
intl_start = re.search(re.escape('/*\n'
' ********************************\n'
' * Core Option Definitions\n'
' ********************************\n'
'*/\n'), in_text)
if intl_start:
out_txt = in_text[:intl_start.end(0)]
intl_start = re.search(re.escape('#ifdef __cplusplus\n'
'extern "C" {\n'
'#endif\n'), in_text)
out_txt = in_text[:intl_start.end(0)]
for folder in os.listdir(intl_dir_path): # intl/_*
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(intl_dir_path, folder)) and folder.startswith('_')\
and folder != '_us' and folder != '__pycache__':
translation_path = os.path.join(intl_dir_path, folder, core_name + '.h') # <core_name>_<lang>.h
# all structs: group(0) full struct, group(1) beginning, group(2) content
struct_groups = cor.p_struct.finditer(text)
lang_up = folder.upper()
lang_low = folder.lower()
out_txt = out_txt + f'/* {LANG_CODE_TO_R_LANG[lang_low]} */\n\n' # /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_NAME */
with open(translation_path, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f_in: # <core name>.h
out_txt = out_txt + f_in.read() + '\n'
for construct in struct_groups:
declaration = construct.group(1)
struct_type_name = get_struct_type_name(declaration)
if 3 > len(struct_type_name): # no language specifier
new_decl = re.sub(re.escape(struct_type_name[1]), struct_type_name[1] + lang_low, declaration)
new_decl = re.sub(re.escape(struct_type_name[2]), lang_low, declaration)
if '_us' != struct_type_name[2]:
p = cor.p_info
if 'retro_core_option_v2_category' == struct_type_name[0]:
p = cor.p_info_cat
offset_construct = construct.start(0)
start = construct.end(1) - offset_construct
end = construct.start(2) - offset_construct
out_txt = out_txt + new_decl + construct.group(0)[start:end]
content = construct.group(2)
new_content = cor.p_option.sub(replace_option, content)
start = construct.end(2) - offset_construct
out_txt = out_txt + new_content + construct.group(0)[start:] + '\n'
if 'retro_core_option_v2_definition' == struct_type_name[0]:
out_txt = out_txt + f'struct retro_core_options_v2 options{lang_low}' \
' = {\n' \
f' option_cats{lang_low},\n' \
f' option_defs{lang_low}\n' \
# shutil.rmtree(JOINER.join((intl_dir_path, folder)))
with open(intl_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as intl:
intl.write(out_txt + '\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n'
# -------------------- MAIN -------------------- #
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
_temp = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1])
_temp = sys.argv[1]
while _temp.endswith('/') or _temp.endswith('\\'):
_temp = _temp[:-1]
except IndexError:
TARGET_DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
print("No path provided, assuming parent directory:\n" + TARGET_DIR_PATH)
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
H_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(TARGET_DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options.h')
INTL_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(TARGET_DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options_intl.h')
_core_name = 'core_options'
print('Getting texts from libretro_core_options.h')
with open(H_FILE_PATH, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as _h_file:
_main_text = _h_file.read()
_hash_n_str = get_texts(_main_text)
_files = create_msg_hash(DIR_PATH, _core_name, _hash_n_str)
_source_jsons = h2json(_files)
except Exception as e:
print('Getting texts from libretro_core_options_intl.h')
with open(INTL_FILE_PATH, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as _intl_file:
_intl_text = _intl_file.read()
_hash_n_str_intl = get_texts(_intl_text)
_intl_files = create_msg_hash(DIR_PATH, _core_name, _hash_n_str_intl)
_intl_jsons = h2json(_intl_files)
print('\nAll done!')
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import re
# 0: full struct; 1: up to & including first []; 2: content between first {}
p_struct = re.compile(r'(struct\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_\s]+\[])\s*'
r'=\s*' # =
r'{((?:.|[\r\n])*?)\{\s*NULL,\s*NULL,\s*NULL\s*(?:.|[\r\n])*?},?(?:.|[\r\n])*?};') # captures full struct, it's beginning and it's content
# 0: type name[]; 1: type; 2: name
p_type_name = re.compile(r'(retro_core_option_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*'
# 0: full option; 1: key; 2: description; 3: additional info; 4: key/value pairs
p_option = re.compile(r'{\s*' # opening braces
r'(\".*?\"|' # key start; group 1
r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\s*\".*?\")\s*' # key end
r',\s*' # comma
r'(\".*?\")\s*' # description; group 2
r',\s*' # comma
r'((?:' # group 3
r'(?:NULL|\"(?:.|[\r\n])*?\")\s*' # description in category, info, info in category, category
r',?\s*' # comma
r'(?:' # defs only start
r'{\s*' # opening braces
r'((?:' # key/value pairs start; group 4
r'{\s*' # opening braces
r'(?:NULL|\".*?\")\s*' # option key
r',\s*' # comma
r'(?:NULL|\".*?\")\s*' # option value
r'}\s*' # closing braces
r',?\s*' # comma
r')*)' # key/value pairs end
r'}\s*' # closing braces
r',?\s*' # comma
r'(?:' # defaults start
r'(?:NULL|\".*?\")\s*' # default value
r',?\s*' # comma
r')*' # defaults end
r')?' # defs only end
r'},') # closing braces
# analyse option group 3
p_info = re.compile(r'(NULL|\"(?:.|[\r\n])*?\")\s*' # description in category, info, info in category, category
p_info_cat = re.compile(r'(NULL|\"(?:.|[\r\n])*?\")')
# analyse option group 4
p_key_value = re.compile(r'{\s*' # opening braces
r'(NULL|\".*?\")\s*' # option key; 1
r',\s*' # comma
r'(NULL|\".*?\")\s*' # option value; 2
p_masked = re.compile(r'([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]+)\s*(\"(?:"\s*"|\\\s*|.)*\")')
p_intl = re.compile(r'(struct retro_core_option_definition \*option_defs_intl\[RETRO_LANGUAGE_LAST]) = {'
p_set = re.compile(r'static INLINE void libretro_set_core_options\(retro_environment_t environ_cb\)'
r'(?:.|[\r\n])*?};?\s*#ifdef __cplusplus\s*}\s*#endif')
p_yaml = re.compile(r'"project_id": "[0-9]+".*\s*'
r'"api_token": "([a-zA-Z0-9]+)".*\s*'
r'"base_path": "\./intl".*\s*'
r'"base_url": "https://api\.crowdin\.com".*\s*'
r'"preserve_hierarchy": true.*\s*'
r'"files": \[\s*'
r'"source": "/_us/\*\.json",.*\s*'
r'"translation": "/_%two_letters_code%/%original_file_name%",.*\s*'
r'"skip_untranslated_strings": true.*\s*'
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import core_opt_translation as t
if __name__ == '__main__':
if t.os.path.isfile(t.sys.argv[1]):
_temp = t.os.path.dirname(t.sys.argv[1])
_temp = t.sys.argv[1]
while _temp.endswith('/') or _temp.endswith('\\'):
_temp = _temp[:-1]
except IndexError:
TARGET_DIR_PATH = t.os.path.dirname(t.os.path.dirname(t.os.path.realpath(__file__)))
print("No path provided, assuming parent directory:\n" + TARGET_DIR_PATH)
DIR_PATH = t.os.path.dirname(t.os.path.realpath(__file__))
H_FILE_PATH = t.os.path.join(TARGET_DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options.h')
INTL_FILE_PATH = t.os.path.join(TARGET_DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options_intl.h')
_core_name = 'core_options'
_core_name = t.clean_file_name(_core_name)
print('Getting texts from libretro_core_options.h')
with open(H_FILE_PATH, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as _h_file:
_main_text = _h_file.read()
_hash_n_str = t.get_texts(_main_text)
_files = t.create_msg_hash(DIR_PATH, _core_name, _hash_n_str)
print('Converting translations *.json to *.h:')
for _folder in t.os.listdir(DIR_PATH):
if t.os.path.isdir(t.os.path.join(DIR_PATH, _folder))\
and _folder.startswith('_')\
and _folder != '__pycache__':
t.json2h(DIR_PATH, t.os.path.join(DIR_PATH, _folder), _core_name)
print('Constructing libretro_core_options_intl.h')
t.create_intl_file(INTL_FILE_PATH, DIR_PATH, _main_text, _core_name, _files['_us'])
print('\nAll done!')
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import core_opt_translation as t
if __name__ == '__main__':
_core_name = 'core_options'
if t.os.path.isfile(t.sys.argv[1]):
_temp = t.os.path.dirname(t.sys.argv[1])
_temp = t.sys.argv[1]
while _temp.endswith('/') or _temp.endswith('\\'):
_temp = _temp[:-1]
except IndexError:
TARGET_DIR_PATH = t.os.path.dirname(t.os.path.dirname(t.os.path.realpath(__file__)))
print("No path provided, assuming parent directory:\n" + TARGET_DIR_PATH)
DIR_PATH = t.os.path.dirname(t.os.path.realpath(__file__))
H_FILE_PATH = t.os.path.join(TARGET_DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options.h')
_core_name = t.clean_file_name(_core_name)
print('Getting texts from libretro_core_options.h')
with open(H_FILE_PATH, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as _h_file:
_main_text = _h_file.read()
_hash_n_str = t.get_texts(_main_text)
_files = t.create_msg_hash(DIR_PATH, _core_name, _hash_n_str)
_source_jsons = t.h2json(_files)
print('\nAll done!')
@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Core options v1 to v2 converter
Just run this script as follows, to convert 'libretro_core_options.h' & 'Libretro_coreoptions_intl.h' to v2:
python3 "/path/to/v1_to_v2_converter.py" "/path/to/where/libretro_core_options.h & Libretro_coreoptions_intl.h/are"
The original files will be preserved as *.v1
import core_option_regex as cor
import os
import sys
def create_v2_code_file(struct_text, file_name):
def replace_option(option_match):
_offset = option_match.start(0)
if option_match.group(3):
res = option_match.group(0)[:option_match.end(2) - _offset] + ',\n NULL' + \
option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(2) - _offset:option_match.end(3) - _offset] + \
'NULL,\n NULL,\n ' + option_match.group(0)[option_match.end(3) - _offset:]
return option_match.group(0)
return res
comment_v1 = '/*\n' \
' ********************************\n' \
' * VERSION: 1.3\n' \
' ********************************\n' \
' *\n' \
' * - 1.3: Move translations to libretro_core_options_intl.h\n' \
' * - libretro_core_options_intl.h includes BOM and utf-8\n' \
' * fix for MSVC 2010-2013\n' \
' * - Added HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA flag to disable translations\n' \
' * on platforms/compilers without BOM support\n' \
' * - 1.2: Use core options v1 interface when\n' \
' * (previously required RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CORE_OPTIONS_VERSION == 1)\n' \
' * - 1.1: Support generation of core options v0 retro_core_option_value\n' \
' * arrays containing options with a single value\n' \
' * - 1.0: First commit\n' \
comment_v2 = '/*\n' \
' ********************************\n' \
' * VERSION: 2.0\n' \
' ********************************\n' \
' *\n' \
' * - 2.0: Add support for core options v2 interface\n' \
' * - 1.3: Move translations to libretro_core_options_intl.h\n' \
' * - libretro_core_options_intl.h includes BOM and utf-8\n' \
' * fix for MSVC 2010-2013\n' \
' * - Added HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA flag to disable translations\n' \
' * on platforms/compilers without BOM support\n' \
' * - 1.2: Use core options v1 interface when\n' \
' * (previously required RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CORE_OPTIONS_VERSION == 1)\n' \
' * - 1.1: Support generation of core options v0 retro_core_option_value\n' \
' * arrays containing options with a single value\n' \
' * - 1.0: First commit\n' \
p_intl = cor.p_intl
p_set = cor.p_set
new_set = 'static INLINE void libretro_set_core_options(retro_environment_t environ_cb,\n' \
' bool *categories_supported)\n' \
'{\n' \
' unsigned version = 0;\n' \
'#ifndef HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA\n' \
' unsigned language = 0;\n' \
'#endif\n' \
'\n' \
' if (!environ_cb || !categories_supported)\n' \
' return;\n' \
'\n' \
' *categories_supported = false;\n' \
'\n' \
' if (!environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CORE_OPTIONS_VERSION, &version))\n' \
' version = 0;\n' \
'\n' \
' if (version >= 2)\n' \
' {\n' \
'#ifndef HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA\n' \
' struct retro_core_options_v2_intl core_options_intl;\n' \
'\n' \
' core_options_intl.us = &options_us;\n' \
' core_options_intl.local = NULL;\n' \
'\n' \
' if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LANGUAGE, &language) &&\n' \
' (language < RETRO_LANGUAGE_LAST) && (language != RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH))\n' \
' core_options_intl.local = options_intl[language];\n' \
'\n' \
' *categories_supported = environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_V2_INTL,\n' \
' &core_options_intl);\n' \
'#else\n' \
' *categories_supported = environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_V2,\n' \
' &options_us);\n' \
'#endif\n' \
' }\n' \
' else\n' \
' {\n' \
' size_t i, j;\n' \
' size_t option_index = 0;\n' \
' size_t num_options = 0;\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_definition\n' \
' *option_v1_defs_us = NULL;\n' \
'#ifndef HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA\n' \
' size_t num_options_intl = 0;\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_v2_definition\n' \
' *option_defs_intl = NULL;\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_definition\n' \
' *option_v1_defs_intl = NULL;\n' \
' struct retro_core_options_intl\n' \
' core_options_v1_intl;\n' \
'#endif\n' \
' struct retro_variable *variables = NULL;\n' \
' char **values_buf = NULL;\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Determine total number of options */\n' \
' while (true)\n' \
' {\n' \
' if (option_defs_us[num_options].key)\n' \
' num_options++;\n' \
' else\n' \
' break;\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' if (version >= 1)\n' \
' {\n' \
' /* Allocate US array */\n' \
' option_v1_defs_us = (struct retro_core_option_definition *)\n' \
' calloc(num_options + 1, sizeof(struct retro_core_option_definition));\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Copy parameters from option_defs_us array */\n' \
' for (i = 0; i < num_options; i++)\n' \
' {\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_v2_definition *option_def_us = &option_defs_us[i];\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_value *option_values = option_def_us->values;\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_definition *option_v1_def_us = &option_v1_defs_us[i];\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_value *option_v1_values = option_v1_def_us->values;\n' \
'\n' \
' option_v1_def_us->key = option_def_us->key;\n' \
' option_v1_def_us->desc = option_def_us->desc;\n' \
' option_v1_def_us->info = option_def_us->info;\n' \
' option_v1_def_us->default_value = option_def_us->default_value;\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Values must be copied individually... */\n' \
' while (option_values->value)\n' \
' {\n' \
' option_v1_values->value = option_values->value;\n' \
' option_v1_values->label = option_values->label;\n' \
'\n' \
' option_values++;\n' \
' option_v1_values++;\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
'#ifndef HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA\n' \
' if (environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_LANGUAGE, &language) &&\n' \
' (language < RETRO_LANGUAGE_LAST) && (language != RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) &&\n' \
' options_intl[language])\n' \
' option_defs_intl = options_intl[language]->definitions;\n' \
'\n' \
' if (option_defs_intl)\n' \
' {\n' \
' /* Determine number of intl options */\n' \
' while (true)\n' \
' {\n' \
' if (option_defs_intl[num_options_intl].key)\n' \
' num_options_intl++;\n' \
' else\n' \
' break;\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Allocate intl array */\n' \
' option_v1_defs_intl = (struct retro_core_option_definition *)\n' \
' calloc(num_options_intl + 1, sizeof(struct retro_core_option_definition));\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Copy parameters from option_defs_intl array */\n' \
' for (i = 0; i < num_options_intl; i++)\n' \
' {\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_v2_definition *option_def_intl = &option_defs_intl[i];\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_value *option_values = option_def_intl->values;\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_definition *option_v1_def_intl = &option_v1_defs_intl[i];\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_value *option_v1_values = option_v1_def_intl->values;\n' \
'\n' \
' option_v1_def_intl->key = option_def_intl->key;\n' \
' option_v1_def_intl->desc = option_def_intl->desc;\n' \
' option_v1_def_intl->info = option_def_intl->info;\n' \
' option_v1_def_intl->default_value = option_def_intl->default_value;\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Values must be copied individually... */\n' \
' while (option_values->value)\n' \
' {\n' \
' option_v1_values->value = option_values->value;\n' \
' option_v1_values->label = option_values->label;\n' \
'\n' \
' option_values++;\n' \
' option_v1_values++;\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' core_options_v1_intl.us = option_v1_defs_us;\n' \
' core_options_v1_intl.local = option_v1_defs_intl;\n' \
'\n' \
' environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS_INTL, &core_options_v1_intl);\n' \
'#else\n' \
' environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_CORE_OPTIONS, option_v1_defs_us);\n' \
'#endif\n' \
' }\n' \
' else\n' \
' {\n' \
' /* Allocate arrays */\n' \
' variables = (struct retro_variable *)calloc(num_options + 1,\n' \
' sizeof(struct retro_variable));\n' \
' values_buf = (char **)calloc(num_options, sizeof(char *));\n' \
'\n' \
' if (!variables || !values_buf)\n' \
' goto error;\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Copy parameters from option_defs_us array */\n' \
' for (i = 0; i < num_options; i++)\n' \
' {\n' \
' const char *key = option_defs_us[i].key;\n' \
' const char *desc = option_defs_us[i].desc;\n' \
' const char *default_value = option_defs_us[i].default_value;\n' \
' struct retro_core_option_value *values = option_defs_us[i].values;\n' \
' size_t buf_len = 3;\n' \
' size_t default_index = 0;\n' \
'\n' \
' values_buf[i] = NULL;\n' \
'\n' \
' if (desc)\n' \
' {\n' \
' size_t num_values = 0;\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Determine number of values */\n' \
' while (true)\n' \
' {\n' \
' if (values[num_values].value)\n' \
' {\n' \
' /* Check if this is the default value */\n' \
' if (default_value)\n' \
' if (strcmp(values[num_values].value, default_value) == 0)\n' \
' default_index = num_values;\n' \
'\n' \
' buf_len += strlen(values[num_values].value);\n' \
' num_values++;\n' \
' }\n' \
' else\n' \
' break;\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Build values string */\n' \
' if (num_values > 0)\n' \
' {\n' \
' buf_len += num_values - 1;\n' \
' buf_len += strlen(desc);\n' \
'\n' \
' values_buf[i] = (char *)calloc(buf_len, sizeof(char));\n' \
' if (!values_buf[i])\n' \
' goto error;\n' \
'\n' \
' strcpy(values_buf[i], desc);\n' \
' strcat(values_buf[i], "; ");\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Default value goes first */\n' \
' strcat(values_buf[i], values[default_index].value);\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Add remaining values */\n' \
' for (j = 0; j < num_values; j++)\n' \
' {\n' \
' if (j != default_index)\n' \
' {\n' \
' strcat(values_buf[i], "|");\n' \
' strcat(values_buf[i], values[j].value);\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' variables[option_index].key = key;\n' \
' variables[option_index].value = values_buf[i];\n' \
' option_index++;\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' /* Set variables */\n' \
' environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_VARIABLES, variables);\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
'error:\n' \
' /* Clean up */\n' \
'\n' \
' if (option_v1_defs_us)\n' \
' {\n' \
' free(option_v1_defs_us);\n' \
' option_v1_defs_us = NULL;\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
'#ifndef HAVE_NO_LANGEXTRA\n' \
' if (option_v1_defs_intl)\n' \
' {\n' \
' free(option_v1_defs_intl);\n' \
' option_v1_defs_intl = NULL;\n' \
' }\n' \
'#endif\n' \
'\n' \
' if (values_buf)\n' \
' {\n' \
' for (i = 0; i < num_options; i++)\n' \
' {\n' \
' if (values_buf[i])\n' \
' {\n' \
' free(values_buf[i]);\n' \
' values_buf[i] = NULL;\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' free(values_buf);\n' \
' values_buf = NULL;\n' \
' }\n' \
'\n' \
' if (variables)\n' \
' {\n' \
' free(variables);\n' \
' variables = NULL;\n' \
' }\n' \
' }\n' \
'}\n' \
'\n' \
'#ifdef __cplusplus\n' \
'}\n' \
struct_groups = cor.p_struct.finditer(struct_text)
out_text = struct_text
for construct in struct_groups:
repl_text = ''
declaration = construct.group(1)
struct_match = cor.p_type_name.search(declaration)
if struct_match:
if struct_match.group(3):
struct_type_name_lang = struct_match.group(1, 2, 3)
declaration_end = declaration[struct_match.end(1):]
elif struct_match.group(4):
struct_type_name_lang = struct_match.group(1, 2, 4)
declaration_end = declaration[struct_match.end(1):]
struct_type_name_lang = sum((struct_match.group(1, 2), ('_us',)), ())
declaration_end = f'{declaration[struct_match.end(1):struct_match.end(2)]}_us' \
return -1
if 'retro_core_option_definition' == struct_type_name_lang[0]:
import shutil
shutil.copy(file_name, file_name + '.v1')
new_declaration = f'\nstruct retro_core_option_v2_category option_cats{struct_type_name_lang[2]}[] = ' \
'{\n { NULL, NULL, NULL },\n' \
'};\n\n' \
+ declaration[:struct_match.start(1)] + \
'retro_core_option_v2_definition' \
+ declaration_end
offset = construct.start(0)
repl_text = repl_text + cor.re.sub(cor.re.escape(declaration), new_declaration,
construct.group(0)[:construct.start(2) - offset])
content = construct.group(2)
new_content = cor.p_option.sub(replace_option, content)
repl_text = repl_text + new_content + cor.re.sub(r'{\s*NULL,\s*NULL,\s*NULL,\s*{\{0}},\s*NULL\s*},\s*};',
'{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, {{0}}, NULL },\n};'
'\n\nstruct retro_core_options_v2 options' +
struct_type_name_lang[2] + ' = {\n'
f' option_cats{struct_type_name_lang[2]},\n'
f' option_defs{struct_type_name_lang[2]}\n'
construct.group(0)[construct.end(2) - offset:])
out_text = cor.re.sub(cor.re.escape(construct.group(0)), repl_text, out_text)
return -2
with open(file_name, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as code_file:
out_text = cor.re.sub(cor.re.escape(comment_v1), comment_v2, out_text)
intl = p_intl.search(out_text)
if intl:
new_intl = out_text[:intl.start(1)] \
+ 'struct retro_core_options_v2 *options_intl[RETRO_LANGUAGE_LAST]' \
+ out_text[intl.end(1):intl.start(2)] \
+ '&options_us, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_ENGLISH */' \
' &options_ja, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_JAPANESE */' \
' &options_fr, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_FRENCH */' \
' &options_es, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_SPANISH */' \
' &options_de, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_GERMAN */' \
' &options_it, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_ITALIAN */' \
' &options_nl, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_DUTCH */' \
' &options_pt_br, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRAZIL */' \
' &options_ru, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_RUSSIAN */' \
' &options_ko, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_KOREAN */' \
' &options_eo, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_ESPERANTO */' \
' &options_pl, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_POLISH */' \
' &options_vn, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_VIETNAMESE */' \
' &options_ar, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_ARABIC */' \
' &options_el, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_GREEK */' \
' &options_tr, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_TURKISH */' \
' &options_sv, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_SLOVAK */' \
' &options_fa, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_PERSIAN */' \
' &options_he, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_HEBREW */' \
' &options_ast, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_ASTURIAN */' \
' &options_fi, /* RETRO_LANGUAGE_FINNISH */' \
+ out_text[intl.end(2):]
out_text = p_set.sub(new_set, new_intl)
out_text = p_set.sub(new_set, out_text)
return 1
# -------------------- MAIN -------------------- #
if __name__ == '__main__':
if os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
_temp = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[1])
_temp = sys.argv[1]
while _temp.endswith('/') or _temp.endswith('\\'):
_temp = _temp[:-1]
DIR_PATH = _temp
except IndexError:
DIR_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
print("No path provided, assuming parent directory:\n" + DIR_PATH)
H_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options.h')
INTL_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(DIR_PATH, 'libretro_core_options_intl.h')
for file in (H_FILE_PATH, INTL_FILE_PATH):
if os.path.isfile(file):
with open(file, 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as h_file:
text = h_file.read()
test = create_v2_code_file(text, file)
except Exception as e:
test = -1
if -1 > test:
print('Your file looks like it already is v2? (' + file + ')')
if 0 > test:
print('An error occured! Please make sure to use the complete v1 struct! (' + file + ')')
print(file + ' not found.')
Reference in New Issue
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