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synced 2025-03-29 22:20:21 +00:00
(.gitlab-ci.yml) OSX targets: Defer DMG generation to packaging pipeline
This commit is contained in:
@ -309,143 +309,105 @@ build-retroarch-linux-i686:
- "cp -f gfx/video_filters/*.so ${MEDIA_PATH}/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}/filters/video"
- "cp -f gfx/video_filters/*.filt ${MEDIA_PATH}/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}/filters/video"
# Mac OS x86 x64 (OpenGL, 10.7): RetroArch Unsigned DMG
# Mac OS x86_x64 (OpenGL, 10.7)
- macosx
stage: build
- export NUMPROC=$((1 + $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)/3))
- export SHELL_ID=$$
# We really do not want any garbage left over
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
- RetroArch.dmg
- retroarch
- RetroArch.tar.gz
expire_in: 10 min
dependencies: []
# Normal RetroArch Build
# Build RetroArch
- ./configure --disable-al
- make -j$NUMPROC
# Cleanup for DMG creation
# Build filters
- "cd libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters && make -j$NUMPROC build=release && cd ../../.."
- "cd gfx/video_filters && make -j$NUMPROC build=release && cd ../.."
# Create app directory
- rm -rvf "RetroArch.app/"
# Initialize for DMG Creation
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch.app/Contents/MacOS"
# Copy resources and compiled program over
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters"
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters"
# Copy resources and compiled RetroArch binary
- cp -Rv "pkg/apple/OSX/"* "RetroArch.app/Contents"
- cp retroarch RetroArch.app/Contents/MacOS
- cp media/retroarch.icns RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/
- cp libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters/*.dylib RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters
- cp libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters/*.dsp RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters
- cp gfx/video_filters/*.dylib RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters
- cp gfx/video_filters/*.filt RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/Info_Metal.plist
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/modules_ppc
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/default.metallib
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/MainMenu_Metal.nib
# Update properties within the application properties
- sed -i '' 's/\${EXECUTABLE_NAME}/RetroArch/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)/com.libretro.RetroArch/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\${PRODUCT_NAME}/RetroArch/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}/10.7/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
# TODO: It seems this messes with code signing, so delete it??
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/en.lproj
# Create archive for use in packaging pipeline
- rm -f RetroArch.tar.gz
- tar -czf RetroArch.tar.gz RetroArch.app
- rm -rf RetroArch.app
# Undo the state from a previous failure, if so
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf RetroArch.dmg "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
# Create template DMG
- mkdir -p template
- hdiutil create -fs HFSX -layout SPUD -size 200m empty.dmg -srcfolder template -format UDRW -volname RetroArch -quiet
- rmdir template
# Package the DMG together
- mkdir -p "wc$SHELL_ID"
- hdiutil attach empty.dmg -noautoopen -quiet -mountpoint "wc$SHELL_ID"
- rm -rf "wc$SHELL_ID"/RetroArch.app
- ditto -rsrc RetroArch.app "wc$SHELL_ID"/RetroArch.app
- ln -s /Applications "wc$SHELL_ID"/Applications
- WC_DEV=`hdiutil info | grep "wc$SHELL_ID" | grep "Apple_HFS" | awk '{print $1}'` && hdiutil detach "$WC_DEV" -quiet -force
- hdiutil convert empty.dmg -quiet -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o RetroArch.dmg
# Cleanup afterwards
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
# Mac OS x86 x64 (Metal, 10.13): RetroArch Metal Unsigned DMG
# Mac OS x86_x64 (Metal, 10.13)
- macosx
stage: build
- export NUMPROC=$((1 + $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)/3))
- export SHELL_ID=$$
# We really do not want any garbage left over
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
- RetroArch_Metal.dmg
- retroarch
- RetroArch_Metal.tar.gz
expire_in: 10 min
dependencies: []
# Normal RetroArch Metal Build
# Build RetroArch
- ./configure --enable-metal --disable-al --enable-coreaudio3
- make -j$NUMPROC
# Cleanup for DMG creation
# Build filters
- "cd libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters && make -j$NUMPROC build=release && cd ../../.."
- "cd gfx/video_filters && make -j$NUMPROC build=release && cd ../.."
# Create app directory
- rm -rvf "RetroArch_Metal.app/"
# Initialize for DMG Creation
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/MacOS"
# Copy resources and compiled program over
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters"
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters"
# Copy resources and compiled RetroArch binary
- cp -Rv "pkg/apple/OSX/"* "RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents"
- cp retroarch RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/MacOS
- cp media/retroarch.icns RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/
- mv RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Info_Metal.plist RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Info.plist
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/modules_ppc
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/MainMenu.nib
- cp libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters/*.dylib RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters
- cp libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters/*.dsp RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters
- cp gfx/video_filters/*.dylib RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters
- cp gfx/video_filters/*.filt RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters
- rm -rvf RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/modules_ppc
- rm -rvf RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/MainMenu.nib
# Update properties within the application properties
- sed -i '' 's/\${EXECUTABLE_NAME}/RetroArch/' RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)/com.libretro.RetroArch/' RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\${PRODUCT_NAME}/RetroArch/' RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}/10.13/' RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/Info.plist
# TODO: It seems this messes with code signing, so delete it??
- rm -rvf RetroArch_Metal.app/Contents/en.lproj
# Create archive for use in packaging pipeline
- rm -f RetroArch_Metal.tar.gz
- tar -czf RetroArch_Metal.tar.gz RetroArch_Metal.app
- rm -rf RetroArch_Metal.app
# Undo the state from a previous failure, if so
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf RetroArch_Metal.dmg "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
# Create template DMG
- mkdir -p template
- hdiutil create -fs HFSX -layout SPUD -size 200m empty.dmg -srcfolder template -format UDRW -volname RetroArch -quiet
- rmdir template
# Package the DMG together
- mkdir -p "wc$SHELL_ID"
- hdiutil attach empty.dmg -noautoopen -quiet -mountpoint "wc$SHELL_ID"
- rm -rf "wc$SHELL_ID"/RetroArch_Metal.app
- ditto -rsrc RetroArch_Metal.app "wc$SHELL_ID"/RetroArch_Metal.app
- ln -s /Applications "wc$SHELL_ID"/Applications
- WC_DEV=`hdiutil info | grep "wc$SHELL_ID" | grep "Apple_HFS" | awk '{print $1}'` && hdiutil detach "$WC_DEV" -quiet -force
- hdiutil convert empty.dmg -quiet -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o RetroArch_Metal.dmg
# Cleanup afterwards
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
# Mac OS AArch64 (Metal, 10.14): RetroArch Metal Unsigned DMG
# Mac OS AArch64 (Metal, 10.14)
- macosx
@ -454,65 +416,46 @@ build-retroarch-metal-osx-arm64:
stage: build
- export NUMPROC=$((1 + $(sysctl -n hw.ncpu)/3))
- export SHELL_ID=$$
# We really do not want any garbage left over
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
- RetroArch.dmg
- retroarch
- RetroArch.tar.gz
expire_in: 10 min
dependencies: []
# Normal RetroArch Metal (ARM64) Build
# Build RetroArch
- ./configure --enable-metal --disable-al --enable-coreaudio3
- make ARCH=arm64 BUILDBOT=1 -j$NUMPROC
# Cleanup for DMG creation
# Build filters
- "cd libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters && make -j$NUMPROC build=release && cd ../../.."
- "cd gfx/video_filters && make -j$NUMPROC build=release && cd ../.."
# Create app directory
- rm -rvf "RetroArch.app/"
# Initialize for DMG Creation
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch.app/Contents/MacOS"
# Copy resources and compiled program over
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters"
- mkdir -vp "RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters"
# Copy resources and compiled RetroArch binary
- cp -Rv "pkg/apple/OSX/"* "RetroArch.app/Contents"
- cp retroarch RetroArch.app/Contents/MacOS
- cp media/retroarch.icns RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/
- mv RetroArch.app/Contents/Info_Metal.plist RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- cp libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters/*.dylib RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters
- cp libretro-common/audio/dsp_filters/*.dsp RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/audio_filters
- cp gfx/video_filters/*.dylib RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters
- cp gfx/video_filters/*.filt RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/video_filters
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/modules_ppc
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/MainMenu.nib
# Update properties within the application properties
- sed -i '' 's/\${EXECUTABLE_NAME}/RetroArch/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)/com.libretro.RetroArch/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\${PRODUCT_NAME}/RetroArch/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
- sed -i '' 's/\${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}/10.15/' RetroArch.app/Contents/Info.plist
# TODO: It seems this messes with code signing, so delete it??
- rm -rvf RetroArch.app/Contents/en.lproj
# Undo the state from a previous failure, if so
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf RetroArch.dmg "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
# Create template DMG
- mkdir -p template
- hdiutil create -fs HFSX -layout SPUD -size 200m empty.dmg -srcfolder template -format UDRW -volname RetroArch -quiet
- rmdir template
# Package the DMG together
- mkdir -p "wc$SHELL_ID"
- hdiutil attach empty.dmg -noautoopen -quiet -mountpoint "wc$SHELL_ID"
- rm -rf "wc$SHELL_ID"/RetroArch.app
- ditto -rsrc RetroArch.app "wc$SHELL_ID"/RetroArch.app
- ln -s /Applications "wc$SHELL_ID"/Applications
- WC_DEV=`hdiutil info | grep "wc$SHELL_ID" | grep "Apple_HFS" | awk '{print $1}'` && hdiutil detach "$WC_DEV" -quiet -force
- hdiutil convert empty.dmg -quiet -format UDZO -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o RetroArch.dmg
# Cleanup afterwards
- umount "wc$SHELL_ID" || echo "Not mounted, so not caring right now."
- rm -rvf "wc$SHELL_ID" empty.dmg
# Create archive for use in packaging pipeline
- rm -f RetroArch.tar.gz
- tar -czf RetroArch.tar.gz RetroArch.app
- rm -rf RetroArch.app
image: $CI_SERVER_HOST:5050/libretro-infrastructure/libretro-build-dingux:latest
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