diff --git a/paths.c b/paths.c
index 8d6f0893df..37a13a403f 100644
--- a/paths.c
+++ b/paths.c
@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
 #include "paths.h"
 #include "configuration.h"
+#include "command.h"
 #include "content.h"
+#include "dynamic.h"
 #include "file_path_special.h"
 #include "core.h"
@@ -265,3 +267,101 @@ void path_set_special(char **argv, unsigned num_content)
+void path_init_savefile(void)
+   global_t            *global = global_get_ptr();
+   rarch_system_info_t *system = NULL;
+   runloop_ctl(RUNLOOP_CTL_SYSTEM_INFO_GET, &system);
+   global->savefiles = string_list_new();
+   retro_assert(global->savefiles);
+   if (system && !string_is_empty(global->subsystem))
+   {
+      /* For subsystems, we know exactly which RAM types are supported. */
+      unsigned i, j;
+      const struct retro_subsystem_info *info =
+         libretro_find_subsystem_info(
+               system->subsystem.data,
+               system->subsystem.size,
+               global->subsystem);
+      /* We'll handle this error gracefully later. */
+      unsigned num_content = MIN(info ? info->num_roms : 0,
+            global->subsystem_fullpaths ?
+            global->subsystem_fullpaths->size : 0);
+      bool use_sram_dir = path_is_directory(global->dir.savefile);
+      for (i = 0; i < num_content; i++)
+      {
+         for (j = 0; j < info->roms[i].num_memory; j++)
+         {
+            union string_list_elem_attr attr;
+            char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0};
+            char ext[32] = {0};
+            const struct retro_subsystem_memory_info *mem =
+               (const struct retro_subsystem_memory_info*)
+               &info->roms[i].memory[j];
+            snprintf(ext, sizeof(ext), ".%s", mem->extension);
+            if (use_sram_dir)
+            {
+               /* Redirect content fullpath to save directory. */
+               strlcpy(path, global->dir.savefile, sizeof(path));
+               fill_pathname_dir(path,
+                     global->subsystem_fullpaths->elems[i].data, ext,
+                     sizeof(path));
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               fill_pathname(path, global->subsystem_fullpaths->elems[i].data,
+                     ext, sizeof(path));
+            }
+            attr.i = mem->type;
+            string_list_append(global->savefiles, path, attr);
+         }
+      }
+      /* Let other relevant paths be inferred from the main SRAM location. */
+      if (!retroarch_override_setting_is_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH))
+         fill_pathname_noext(global->name.savefile,
+               global->name.base,
+               file_path_str(FILE_PATH_SRM_EXTENSION),
+               sizeof(global->name.savefile));
+      if (path_is_directory(global->name.savefile))
+      {
+         fill_pathname_dir(global->name.savefile,
+               global->name.base,
+               file_path_str(FILE_PATH_SRM_EXTENSION),
+               sizeof(global->name.savefile));
+         RARCH_LOG("%s \"%s\".\n",
+               msg_hash_to_str(MSG_REDIRECTING_SAVEFILE_TO),
+               global->name.savefile);
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      union string_list_elem_attr attr;
+      char savefile_name_rtc[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0};
+      attr.i = RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM;
+      string_list_append(global->savefiles, global->name.savefile, attr);
+      /* Infer .rtc save path from save ram path. */
+      attr.i = RETRO_MEMORY_RTC;
+      fill_pathname(savefile_name_rtc,
+            global->name.savefile,
+            file_path_str(FILE_PATH_RTC_EXTENSION),
+            sizeof(savefile_name_rtc));
+      string_list_append(global->savefiles, savefile_name_rtc, attr);
+   }
diff --git a/paths.h b/paths.h
index cb3449701e..39318cec4a 100644
--- a/paths.h
+++ b/paths.h
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
+void path_init_savefile(void);
 void path_set_redirect(void);
 void path_set_special(char **argv, unsigned num_content);
diff --git a/retroarch.c b/retroarch.c
index 1be266cf07..d4609ff3af 100644
--- a/retroarch.c
+++ b/retroarch.c
@@ -890,104 +890,6 @@ static void retroarch_parse_input(int argc, char *argv[])
-static void retroarch_init_savefile_paths(void)
-   global_t            *global = global_get_ptr();
-   rarch_system_info_t *system = NULL;
-   runloop_ctl(RUNLOOP_CTL_SYSTEM_INFO_GET, &system);
-   global->savefiles = string_list_new();
-   retro_assert(global->savefiles);
-   if (system && !string_is_empty(global->subsystem))
-   {
-      /* For subsystems, we know exactly which RAM types are supported. */
-      unsigned i, j;
-      const struct retro_subsystem_info *info =
-         libretro_find_subsystem_info(
-               system->subsystem.data,
-               system->subsystem.size,
-               global->subsystem);
-      /* We'll handle this error gracefully later. */
-      unsigned num_content = MIN(info ? info->num_roms : 0,
-            global->subsystem_fullpaths ?
-            global->subsystem_fullpaths->size : 0);
-      bool use_sram_dir = path_is_directory(global->dir.savefile);
-      for (i = 0; i < num_content; i++)
-      {
-         for (j = 0; j < info->roms[i].num_memory; j++)
-         {
-            union string_list_elem_attr attr;
-            char path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0};
-            char ext[32] = {0};
-            const struct retro_subsystem_memory_info *mem =
-               (const struct retro_subsystem_memory_info*)
-               &info->roms[i].memory[j];
-            snprintf(ext, sizeof(ext), ".%s", mem->extension);
-            if (use_sram_dir)
-            {
-               /* Redirect content fullpath to save directory. */
-               strlcpy(path, global->dir.savefile, sizeof(path));
-               fill_pathname_dir(path,
-                     global->subsystem_fullpaths->elems[i].data, ext,
-                     sizeof(path));
-            }
-            else
-            {
-               fill_pathname(path, global->subsystem_fullpaths->elems[i].data,
-                     ext, sizeof(path));
-            }
-            attr.i = mem->type;
-            string_list_append(global->savefiles, path, attr);
-         }
-      }
-      /* Let other relevant paths be inferred from the main SRAM location. */
-      if (!retroarch_override_setting_is_set(RARCH_OVERRIDE_SETTING_SAVE_PATH))
-         fill_pathname_noext(global->name.savefile,
-               global->name.base,
-               file_path_str(FILE_PATH_SRM_EXTENSION),
-               sizeof(global->name.savefile));
-      if (path_is_directory(global->name.savefile))
-      {
-         fill_pathname_dir(global->name.savefile,
-               global->name.base,
-               file_path_str(FILE_PATH_SRM_EXTENSION),
-               sizeof(global->name.savefile));
-         RARCH_LOG("%s \"%s\".\n",
-               msg_hash_to_str(MSG_REDIRECTING_SAVEFILE_TO),
-               global->name.savefile);
-      }
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      union string_list_elem_attr attr;
-      char savefile_name_rtc[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0};
-      attr.i = RETRO_MEMORY_SAVE_RAM;
-      string_list_append(global->savefiles, global->name.savefile, attr);
-      /* Infer .rtc save path from save ram path. */
-      attr.i = RETRO_MEMORY_RTC;
-      fill_pathname(savefile_name_rtc,
-            global->name.savefile,
-            file_path_str(FILE_PATH_RTC_EXTENSION),
-            sizeof(savefile_name_rtc));
-      string_list_append(global->savefiles, savefile_name_rtc, attr);
-   }
 static bool retroarch_init_state(void)
@@ -1395,7 +1297,7 @@ void retroarch_fill_pathnames(void)
    global_t *global = global_get_ptr();
-   retroarch_init_savefile_paths();
+   path_init_savefile();
    if (string_is_empty(global->name.base))