diff --git a/record/ffemu.c b/record/ffemu.c
index 5d8f7ad1f6..973ee99681 100644
--- a/record/ffemu.c
+++ b/record/ffemu.c
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static bool init_video(struct video_info *video, struct ffemu_params *param)
       return false;
    // Allocate a big buffer :p ffmpeg API doesn't seem to give us some clues how big this buffer should be.
-   video->outbuf_size = 5000000;
+   video->outbuf_size = 2000000;
    video->outbuf = av_malloc(video->outbuf_size);
    // Just to make sure we can handle the biggest frames. Seemed to crash with just 256 * 224.
diff --git a/ssnes.c b/ssnes.c
index 3b8ee94aa6..799fced310 100644
--- a/ssnes.c
+++ b/ssnes.c
@@ -769,8 +769,8 @@ static void init_recording(void)
       struct ffemu_params params = {
          .out_width = 256,
          .out_height = 224,
-         .fb_width = 512,
-         .fb_height = 448,
+         .fb_width = 1024,
+         .fb_height = 512,
          .channels = 2,
          .samplerate = 32000,
          .filename = g_extern.record_path,