(VFS UWP) Revert this back

This commit is contained in:
twinaphex 2019-04-27 09:05:39 +02:00
parent e1b11593fc
commit cff92152db

View File

@ -55,63 +55,69 @@ using namespace Windows::Storage::FileProperties;
/* Dear Microsoft
* I really appreciate all the effort you took to not provide any
* synchronous file APIs and block all attempts to synchronously
* wait for the results of async tasks for "smooth user experience",
* but I'm not going to run and rewrite all RetroArch cores for
* async I/O. I hope you like this hack I made instead.
template<typename T>
static T RunAsyncAndCatchErrors(std::function<concurrency::task<T>()> func, T valueOnError)
T RunAsync(std::function<concurrency::task<T>()> func)
volatile bool finished = false;
volatile Platform::Exception^ exception = nullptr;
volatile T result;
func().then([&finished, &exception, &result](concurrency::task<T> t) {
result = t.get();
catch (Platform::Exception^ exception_)
exception = exception_;
finished = true;
/* Don't stall the UI thread - prevents a deadlock */
Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ corewindow = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
while (!finished)
if (corewindow)
if (exception != nullptr)
throw exception;
return result;
template<typename T>
T RunAsyncAndCatchErrors(std::function<concurrency::task<T>()> func, T valueOnError)
/* Dear Microsoft
* I really appreciate all the effort you took to not provide any
* synchronous file APIs and block all attempts to synchronously
* wait for the results of async tasks for "smooth user experience",
* but I'm not going to run and rewrite all RetroArch cores for
* async I/O. I hope you like this hack I made instead.
volatile bool finished = false;
volatile Platform::Exception^ exception = nullptr;
volatile T result;
func().then([&finished, &exception, &result](concurrency::task<T> t) {
result = t.get();
catch (Platform::Exception^ exception_)
exception = exception_;
finished = true;
/* Don't stall the UI thread - prevents a deadlock */
Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow^ corewindow = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread();
while (!finished)
if (corewindow)
if (exception != nullptr)
throw exception;
return result;
return RunAsync<T>(func);
catch (Platform::Exception^ e)
return valueOnError;
static void windowsize_path(wchar_t* path)
/* UWP deals with paths containing / instead of \ way worse than normal Windows */
/* and RetroArch may sometimes mix them (e.g. on archive extraction) */
if (!path)
while (*path)
void windowsize_path(wchar_t* path)
if (*path == '/')
*path = '\\';
/* UWP deals with paths containing / instead of \ way worse than normal Windows */
/* and RetroArch may sometimes mix them (e.g. on archive extraction) */
if (!path)
while (*path)
if (*path == '/')
*path = '\\';
@ -119,38 +125,35 @@ namespace
/* Damn you, UWP, why no functions for that either */
template<typename T>
static concurrency::task<T^> GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<T^> GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path)
static_assert(false, "StorageFile and StorageFolder only");
static concurrency::task<StorageFile^> GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<StorageFile^> GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path)
return concurrency::create_task(StorageFile::GetFileFromPathAsync(path));
static concurrency::task<StorageFolder^> GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<StorageFolder^> GetItemFromPathAsync(Platform::String^ path)
return concurrency::create_task(StorageFolder::GetFolderFromPathAsync(path));
template<typename T>
static concurrency::task<T^> GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<T^> GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path)
static_assert(false, "StorageFile and StorageFolder only");
static concurrency::task<StorageFile^> GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<StorageFile^> GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path)
if (path->IsEmpty())
retro_assert(false); /* Attempt to read a folder as a file - this really should have been caught earlier */
return concurrency::create_task(folder->GetFileAsync(path));
static concurrency::task<StorageFolder^> GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<StorageFolder^> GetItemInFolderFromPathAsync(StorageFolder^ folder, Platform::String^ path)
if (path->IsEmpty())
return concurrency::create_task(concurrency::create_async([folder]() { return folder; }));
@ -163,7 +166,7 @@ namespace
/* A list of all StorageFolder objects returned using from the file picker */
Platform::Collections::Vector<StorageFolder^> accessible_directories;
static concurrency::task<Platform::String^> TriggerPickerAddDialog()
concurrency::task<Platform::String^> TriggerPickerAddDialog()
auto folderPicker = ref new Windows::Storage::Pickers::FolderPicker();
folderPicker->SuggestedStartLocation = Windows::Storage::Pickers::PickerLocationId::Desktop;
@ -180,18 +183,16 @@ namespace
template<typename T>
static concurrency::task<T^> LocateStorageItem(Platform::String^ path)
concurrency::task<T^> LocateStorageItem(Platform::String^ path)
/* Look for a matching directory we can use */
for each (StorageFolder^ folder in accessible_directories)
std::wstring file_path;
std::wstring folder_path = folder->Path->Data();
/* Could be C:\ or C:\Users\somebody - remove the trailing slash to unify them */
if (folder_path[folder_path.size() - 1] == '\\')
folder_path.erase(folder_path.size() - 1);
file_path = path->Data();
std::wstring file_path = path->Data();
if (file_path.find(folder_path) == 0)
/* Found a match */
@ -230,7 +231,7 @@ namespace
static IStorageItem^ LocateStorageFileOrFolder(Platform::String^ path)
IStorageItem^ LocateStorageFileOrFolder(Platform::String^ path)
if (!path || path->IsEmpty())
return nullptr;
@ -245,7 +246,8 @@ namespace
/* No final slash - probably a file (since RetroArch usually slash-terminates dirs), but there is still a chance it's a directory */
IStorageItem ^item = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors<StorageFile^>([=]() {
IStorageItem^ item;
item = RunAsyncAndCatchErrors<StorageFile^>([=]() {
return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem<StorageFile>(path));
}, nullptr);
if (!item)
@ -269,14 +271,8 @@ struct libretro_vfs_implementation_file
char* orig_path;
libretro_vfs_implementation_file *retro_vfs_file_open_impl(
const char *path, unsigned mode, unsigned hints)
libretro_vfs_implementation_file *retro_vfs_file_open_impl(const char *path, unsigned mode, unsigned hints)
char *filename = NULL;
char *dirpath = NULL;
wchar_t *dirpath_wide = NULL;
wchar_t *filename_wide = NULL;
if (!path || !*path)
return NULL;
@ -292,56 +288,44 @@ libretro_vfs_implementation_file *retro_vfs_file_open_impl(
return NULL;
dirpath = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
if (!dirpath)
return NULL;
char* dirpath = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_basedir(dirpath, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
dirpath_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(dirpath);
wchar_t *dirpath_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(dirpath);
Platform::String^ dirpath_str = ref new Platform::String(dirpath_wide);
filename = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_base(filename, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
filename_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(filename);
Platform::String^ filename_str = ref new Platform::String(filename_wide);
Platform::String^ dirpath_str = ref new Platform::String(dirpath_wide);
char* filename = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_base(filename, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
wchar_t *filename_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(filename);
Platform::String^ filename_str = ref new Platform::String(filename_wide);
retro_assert(!dirpath_str->IsEmpty() && !filename_str->IsEmpty());
return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors<libretro_vfs_implementation_file*>([=]() {
return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem<StorageFolder>(dirpath_str)).
then([=](StorageFolder^ dir)
return dir->GetFileAsync(filename_str);
return concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem<StorageFolder>(dirpath_str)).then([=](StorageFolder^ dir) {
return dir->GetFileAsync(filename_str);
return dir->CreateFileAsync(filename_str, (mode & RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_UPDATE_EXISTING) != 0 ?
CreationCollisionOption::OpenIfExists : CreationCollisionOption::ReplaceExisting);
).then([=](StorageFile^ file)
FileAccessMode accessMode = mode == RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ ?
}).then([=](StorageFile^ file) {
FileAccessMode accessMode = mode == RETRO_VFS_FILE_ACCESS_READ ?
FileAccessMode::Read : FileAccessMode::ReadWrite;
return file->OpenAsync(accessMode);
).then([=](IRandomAccessStream^ fpstream)
libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream = (libretro_vfs_implementation_file*)calloc(1, sizeof(*stream));
if (!stream)
return (libretro_vfs_implementation_file*)NULL;
return file->OpenAsync(accessMode);
}).then([=](IRandomAccessStream^ fpstream) {
libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream = (libretro_vfs_implementation_file*)calloc(1, sizeof(*stream));
if (!stream)
return (libretro_vfs_implementation_file*)NULL;
stream->orig_path = strdup(path);
stream->fp = fpstream;
return stream;
stream->orig_path = strdup(path);
stream->fp = fpstream;
return stream;
}, NULL);
@ -422,10 +406,9 @@ public:
HRESULT __stdcall RuntimeClassInitialize(byte *buffer, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length)
m_buffer = buffer;
m_buffer = buffer;
m_capacity = capacity;
m_length = length;
m_length = length;
return S_OK;
@ -468,7 +451,7 @@ IBuffer^ CreateNativeBuffer(void* buf, uint32_t capacity, uint32_t length)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<NativeBuffer> nativeBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::Details::MakeAndInitialize<NativeBuffer>(&nativeBuffer, (byte *)buf, capacity, length);
auto iinspectable = (IInspectable *)reinterpret_cast<IInspectable *>(nativeBuffer.Get());
IBuffer ^buffer = reinterpret_cast<IBuffer ^>(iinspectable);
IBuffer ^buffer = reinterpret_cast<IBuffer ^>(iinspectable);
return buffer;
@ -515,13 +498,12 @@ int retro_vfs_file_flush_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *stream)
int retro_vfs_file_remove_impl(const char *path)
wchar_t *path_wide = NULL;
if (!path || !*path)
return -1;
path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path);
wchar_t *path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path);
Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide);
Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide);
return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors<int>([=]() {
@ -536,38 +518,29 @@ int retro_vfs_file_remove_impl(const char *path)
/* TODO: this may not work if trying to move a directory */
int retro_vfs_file_rename_impl(const char *old_path, const char *new_path)
wchar_t *old_path_wide = NULL;
wchar_t *new_dir_path_wide = NULL;
wchar_t *new_file_name_wide = NULL;
char *new_dir_path = NULL;
char *new_file_name = NULL;
if (!old_path || !*old_path || !new_path || !*new_path)
return -1;
old_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(old_path);
Platform::String^ old_path_str = ref new Platform::String(old_path_wide);
wchar_t* old_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(old_path);
Platform::String^ old_path_str = ref new Platform::String(old_path_wide);
new_dir_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
char* new_dir_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_basedir(new_dir_path, new_path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
new_dir_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(new_dir_path);
wchar_t *new_dir_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(new_dir_path);
Platform::String^ new_dir_path_str = ref new Platform::String(new_dir_path_wide);
new_file_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
char* new_file_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_base(new_file_name, new_path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
new_file_name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(new_file_name);
wchar_t *new_file_name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(new_file_name);
Platform::String^ new_file_name_str = ref new Platform::String(new_file_name_wide);
&& !new_dir_path_str->IsEmpty()
&& !new_file_name_str->IsEmpty());
retro_assert(!old_path_str->IsEmpty() && !new_dir_path_str->IsEmpty() && !new_file_name_str->IsEmpty());
return RunAsyncAndCatchErrors<int>([=]() {
concurrency::task<StorageFile^> old_file_task = concurrency::create_task(LocateStorageItem<StorageFile>(old_path_str));
@ -597,17 +570,11 @@ const char *retro_vfs_file_get_path_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_file *strea
int retro_vfs_stat_impl(const char *path, int32_t *size)
wchar_t *path_wide = NULL;
if (!path || !*path)
return 0;
path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path);
if (!path_wide)
return 0;
wchar_t *path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path);
Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide);
@ -626,31 +593,25 @@ int retro_vfs_stat_impl(const char *path, int32_t *size)
int retro_vfs_mkdir_impl(const char *dir)
char *dir_local = NULL;
char *tmp = NULL;
char *dir_name = NULL;
char *parent_path = NULL;
wchar_t *dir_name_wide = NULL;
wchar_t *parent_path_wide = NULL;
if (!dir || !*dir)
return -1;
dir_local = strdup(dir);
char* dir_local = strdup(dir);
/* If the path ends with a slash, we have to remove it for basename to work */
tmp = dir_local + strlen(dir_local) - 1;
char* tmp = dir_local + strlen(dir_local) - 1;
if (path_char_is_slash(*tmp))
*tmp = 0;
dir_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
char* dir_name = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_base(dir_name, dir_local, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
dir_name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(dir_name);
Platform::String^ dir_name_str = ref new Platform::String(dir_name_wide);
wchar_t *dir_name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(dir_name);
Platform::String^ dir_name_str = ref new Platform::String(dir_name_wide);
parent_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
char* parent_path = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_parent_dir(parent_path, dir_local, PATH_MAX_LENGTH);
parent_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(parent_path);
wchar_t *parent_path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(parent_path);
Platform::String^ parent_path_str = ref new Platform::String(parent_path_wide);
@ -692,8 +653,7 @@ struct libretro_vfs_implementation_dir
libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *retro_vfs_opendir_impl(const char *name, bool include_hidden)
libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir = NULL;
wchar_t *name_wide = NULL;
libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir;
if (!name || !*name)
return NULL;
@ -702,7 +662,7 @@ libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *retro_vfs_opendir_impl(const char *name, bool i
if (!rdir)
return NULL;
name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(name);
wchar_t *name_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(name);
Platform::String^ name_str = ref new Platform::String(name_wide);
@ -727,8 +687,10 @@ bool retro_vfs_readdir_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir)
rdir->entry = rdir->directory->First();
return rdir->entry->HasCurrent;
return rdir->entry->MoveNext();
return rdir->entry->MoveNext();
const char *retro_vfs_dirent_get_name_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir)
@ -751,21 +713,19 @@ int retro_vfs_closedir_impl(libretro_vfs_implementation_dir *rdir)
if (rdir->entry_name)
rdir->entry = nullptr;
rdir->entry = nullptr;
rdir->directory = nullptr;
return 0;
bool uwp_is_path_accessible_using_standard_io(const char *path)
bool uwp_is_path_accessible_using_standard_io(char *path)
bool result = false;
char *relative_path_abbrev = (char*)malloc(PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
fill_pathname_abbreviate_special(relative_path_abbrev, path, PATH_MAX_LENGTH * sizeof(char));
result = strlen(relative_path_abbrev) >= 2 && (relative_path_abbrev[0] == ':' || relative_path_abbrev[0] == '~') && path_char_is_slash(relative_path_abbrev[1]);
bool result = strlen(relative_path_abbrev) >= 2 && (relative_path_abbrev[0] == ':' || relative_path_abbrev[0] == '~') && path_char_is_slash(relative_path_abbrev[1]);
return result;
@ -773,11 +733,10 @@ bool uwp_is_path_accessible_using_standard_io(const char *path)
bool uwp_drive_exists(const char *path)
wchar_t *path_wide = NULL;
if (!path || !*path)
return 0;
path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path);
wchar_t *path_wide = utf8_to_utf16_string_alloc(path);
Platform::String^ path_str = ref new Platform::String(path_wide);