diff --git a/msvc/RetroArch-Xbox1/RetroArch-Xbox1.vcproj b/msvc/RetroArch-Xbox1/RetroArch-Xbox1.vcproj
index 891e953c05..1cdfc9bb5f 100644
--- a/msvc/RetroArch-Xbox1/RetroArch-Xbox1.vcproj
+++ b/msvc/RetroArch-Xbox1/RetroArch-Xbox1.vcproj
@@ -360,9 +360,6 @@
diff --git a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.cpp b/xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fc79b5357c..0000000000
--- a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
- * RetroLaunch 2012
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. To contact the
- * authors: Surreal64 CE Team (http://www.emuxtras.net)
- */
-#ifdef _XBOX
-#include "Input.h"
-Input g_input;
- m_pollingParameters.fAutoPoll = TRUE;
- m_pollingParameters.fInterruptOut = TRUE;
- m_pollingParameters.bInputInterval = 8;
- m_pollingParameters.bOutputInterval = 8;
- m_lastTick = GetTickCount();
- m_buttonPressed = false;
-bool Input::Create()
- XInitDevices(0, NULL);
- // get a mask of all currently available devices
- dword dwDeviceMask = XGetDevices(XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD);
- // open the devices
- for(dword i = 0; i < XGetPortCount(); i++)
- {
- ZeroMemory(&m_inputStates[i], sizeof(XINPUT_STATE));
- ZeroMemory(&m_gamepads[i], sizeof(XBGAMEPAD));
- if(dwDeviceMask & (1 << i))
- {
- // get a handle to the device
- m_gamepads[i].hDevice = XInputOpen(XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD, i,
- XDEVICE_NO_SLOT, &m_pollingParameters);
- // store capabilities of the device
- XInputGetCapabilities(m_gamepads[i].hDevice, &m_gamepads[i].caps);
- // initialize last pressed buttons
- XInputGetState(m_gamepads[i].hDevice, &m_inputStates[i]);
- m_gamepads[i].wLastButtons = m_inputStates[i].Gamepad.wButtons;
- for(dword b = 0; b < 8; b++)
- {
- m_gamepads[i].bLastAnalogButtons[b] =
- // Turn the 8-bit polled value into a boolean value
- (m_inputStates[i].Gamepad.bAnalogButtons[b] > XINPUT_GAMEPAD_MAX_CROSSTALK);
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-void Input::RefreshDevices()
- dword dwInsertions, dwRemovals;
- XGetDeviceChanges(XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD, reinterpret_cast(&dwInsertions), reinterpret_cast(&dwRemovals));
- // loop through all gamepads
- for(dword i = 0; i < XGetPortCount(); i++)
- {
- // handle removed devices
- m_gamepads[i].bRemoved = (dwRemovals & (1 << i)) ? true : false;
- if(m_gamepads[i].bRemoved)
- {
- // if the controller was removed after XGetDeviceChanges but before
- // XInputOpen, the device handle will be NULL
- if(m_gamepads[i].hDevice)
- XInputClose(m_gamepads[i].hDevice);
- m_gamepads[i].hDevice = NULL;
- m_gamepads[i].Feedback.Rumble.wLeftMotorSpeed = 0;
- m_gamepads[i].Feedback.Rumble.wRightMotorSpeed = 0;
- }
- // handle inserted devices
- m_gamepads[i].bInserted = (dwInsertions & (1 << i)) ? true : false;
- if(m_gamepads[i].bInserted)
- {
- m_gamepads[i].hDevice = XInputOpen(XDEVICE_TYPE_GAMEPAD, i,
- XDEVICE_NO_SLOT, &m_pollingParameters );
- // if the controller is removed after XGetDeviceChanges but before
- // XInputOpen, the device handle will be NULL
- if(m_gamepads[i].hDevice)
- {
- XInputGetCapabilities(m_gamepads[i].hDevice, &m_gamepads[i].caps);
- // initialize last pressed buttons
- XInputGetState(m_gamepads[i].hDevice, &m_inputStates[i]);
- m_gamepads[i].wLastButtons = m_inputStates[i].Gamepad.wButtons;
- for(dword b = 0; b < 8; b++)
- {
- m_gamepads[i].bLastAnalogButtons[b] =
- // Turn the 8-bit polled value into a boolean value
- (m_inputStates[i].Gamepad.bAnalogButtons[b] > XINPUT_GAMEPAD_MAX_CROSSTALK);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void Input::GetInput()
- RefreshDevices();
- if (m_buttonPressed)
- {
- m_lastTick = GetTickCount();
- m_buttonPressed = false;
- }
- // loop through all gamepads
- for(dword i = 0; i < XGetPortCount(); i++)
- {
- // if we have a valid device, poll it's state and track button changes
- if(m_gamepads[i].hDevice)
- {
- // read the input state
- XInputGetState(m_gamepads[i].hDevice, &m_inputStates[i]);
- // copy gamepad to local structure
- memcpy(&m_gamepads[i], &m_inputStates[i].Gamepad, sizeof(XINPUT_GAMEPAD));
- // put xbox device input for the gamepad into our custom format
- float fX1 = (m_gamepads[i].sThumbLX + 0.5f) / 32767.5f;
- m_gamepads[i].fX1 = (fX1 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f) *
- max(0.0f, (fabsf(fX1) - XBINPUT_DEADZONE) / (1.0f - XBINPUT_DEADZONE));
- float fY1 = (m_gamepads[i].sThumbLY + 0.5f) / 32767.5f;
- m_gamepads[i].fY1 = (fY1 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f) *
- max(0.0f, (fabsf(fY1) - XBINPUT_DEADZONE) / (1.0f - XBINPUT_DEADZONE));
- float fX2 = (m_gamepads[i].sThumbRX + 0.5f) / 32767.5f;
- m_gamepads[i].fX2 = (fX2 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f) *
- max(0.0f, (fabsf(fX2) - XBINPUT_DEADZONE) / (1.0f - XBINPUT_DEADZONE));
- float fY2 = (m_gamepads[i].sThumbRY + 0.5f) / 32767.5f;
- m_gamepads[i].fY2 = (fY2 >= 0.0f ? 1.0f : -1.0f) *
- max(0.0f, (fabsf(fY2) - XBINPUT_DEADZONE) / (1.0f - XBINPUT_DEADZONE));
- // get the boolean buttons that have been pressed since the last
- // call. each button is represented by one bit.
- m_gamepads[i].wPressedButtons = (m_gamepads[i].wLastButtons ^ m_gamepads[i].wButtons) & m_gamepads[i].wButtons;
- m_gamepads[i].wLastButtons = m_gamepads[i].wButtons;
- // get the analog buttons that have been pressed or released since
- // the last call.
- for(dword b = 0; b < 8; b++)
- {
- // turn the 8-bit polled value into a boolean value
- bool bPressed = (m_gamepads[i].bAnalogButtons[b] > XINPUT_GAMEPAD_MAX_CROSSTALK);
- if(bPressed)
- m_gamepads[i].bPressedAnalogButtons[b] = !m_gamepads[i].bLastAnalogButtons[b];
- else
- m_gamepads[i].bPressedAnalogButtons[b] = false;
- // store the current state for the next time
- m_gamepads[i].bLastAnalogButtons[b] = bPressed;
- }
- }
- }
-bool Input::IsButtonPressed(XboxButton button)
- if (m_lastTick + m_buttonDelay > GetTickCount())
- return false;
- bool buttonDown = false;
- switch (button)
- {
- case XboxLeftThumbLeft:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fX1 < -0.5);
- break;
- case XboxLeftThumbRight:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fX1 > 0.5);
- break;
- case XboxLeftThumbUp:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fY1 > 0.5);
- break;
- case XboxLeftThumbDown:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fY1 < -0.5);
- break;
- case XboxRightThumbLeft:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fX2 < -0.5);
- break;
- case XboxRightThumbRight:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fX2 > 0.5);
- break;
- case XboxRightThumbUp:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fY2 > 0.5);
- break;
- case XboxRightThumbDown:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].fY2 < -0.5);
- break;
- case XboxDPadLeft:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxDPadRight:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxDPadUp:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxDPadDown:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxStart:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_START) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxBack:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BACK) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxA:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_A] > 30);
- break;
- case XboxB:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_B] > 30);
- break;
- case XboxX:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_X] > 30);
- break;
- case XboxY:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_Y] > 30);
- break;
- case XboxWhite:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_WHITE] > 30);
- break;
- case XboxBlack:
- buttonDown = (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BLACK] > 30);
- break;
- case XboxLeftThumbButton:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_THUMB) != 0);
- break;
- case XboxRightThumbButton:
- buttonDown = ((m_gamepads[0].wButtons & XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB) != 0);
- break;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- if (buttonDown)
- {
- m_buttonPressed = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-byte Input::IsLTriggerPressed()
- if (m_lastTick + m_triggerDelay > GetTickCount())
- return 0;
- if (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_TRIGGER] < 30)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- m_buttonPressed = true;
- return m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_LEFT_TRIGGER];
- }
-byte Input::IsRTriggerPressed()
- if (m_lastTick + m_triggerDelay > GetTickCount())
- return 0;
- if (m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TRIGGER] < 30)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- m_buttonPressed = true;
- return m_gamepads[0].bAnalogButtons[XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_TRIGGER];
- }
-DWORD Input::GetButtonDelay()
- return m_buttonDelay;
-void Input::SetButtonDelay(DWORD milliseconds)
- m_buttonDelay = milliseconds;
-DWORD Input::GetTriggerDelay()
- return m_triggerDelay;
-void Input::SetTriggerDelay(DWORD milliseconds)
- m_triggerDelay = milliseconds;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.h b/xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c20ae81868..0000000000
--- a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * RetroLaunch 2012
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- * version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- * details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
- * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. To contact the
- * authors: Surreal64 CE Team (http://www.emuxtras.net)
- */
-#pragma once
-#ifdef _XBOX
-#include "Global.h"
-#define XBINPUT_DEADZONE 0.24f
- // thumb stick values converted to range [-1,+1]
- float fX1;
- float fY1;
- float fX2;
- float fY2;
- // state of buttons tracked since last poll
- word wLastButtons;
- bool bLastAnalogButtons[8];
- word wPressedButtons;
- bool bPressedAnalogButtons[8];
- // rumble properties
- // device properties
- HANDLE hDevice;
- // flags for whether game pad was just inserted or removed
- bool bInserted;
- bool bRemoved;
-enum XboxButton
- XboxLeftThumbLeft,
- XboxLeftThumbRight,
- XboxLeftThumbUp,
- XboxLeftThumbDown,
- XboxRightThumbLeft,
- XboxRightThumbRight,
- XboxRightThumbUp,
- XboxRightThumbDown,
- XboxDPadLeft,
- XboxDPadRight,
- XboxDPadUp,
- XboxDPadDown,
- XboxStart,
- XboxBack,
- XboxLeftThumbButton,
- XboxRightThumbButton,
- XboxA,
- XboxB,
- XboxX,
- XboxY,
- XboxBlack,
- XboxWhite,
- XboxLeftTrigger,
- XboxRightTrigger,
-enum N64Button
- N64ThumbLeft,
- N64ThumbRight,
- N64ThumbUp,
- N64ThumbDown,
- N64DPadLeft,
- N64DPadRight,
- N64DPadUp,
- N64DPadDown,
- N64CButtonLeft,
- N64CButtonRight,
- N64CButtonUp,
- N64CButtonDown,
- N64Start,
- N64A,
- N64B,
- N64ZTrigger,
- N64LeftTrigger,
- N64RightTrigger
-enum SATURNButton
- SATURNDPadRight,
- SATURNStart,
- SATURNRightTrigger,
- SATURNLeftTrigger
-class Input
- Input(void);
- ~Input(void);
- bool Create();
- void GetInput();
- bool IsButtonPressed(XboxButton button);
- byte IsLTriggerPressed();
- byte IsRTriggerPressed();
- DWORD GetButtonDelay();
- void SetButtonDelay(DWORD milliseconds);
- DWORD GetTriggerDelay();
- void SetTriggerDelay(DWORD milliseconds);
- void RefreshDevices();
- XINPUT_POLLING_PARAMETERS m_pollingParameters;
- XINPUT_STATE m_inputStates[4];
- XBGAMEPAD m_gamepads[4];
- bool m_buttonPressed;
- DWORD m_buttonDelay;
- DWORD m_triggerDelay;
- DWORD m_lastTick;
-extern Input g_input;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuMain.cpp b/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuMain.cpp
index b9cb79e3d5..4bd84c7cc2 100644
--- a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuMain.cpp
+++ b/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuMain.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "MenuMain.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "RomList.h"
-#include "Input.h"
#include "../../console/retroarch_console.h"
#include "../../general.h"
diff --git a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuManager.cpp b/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuManager.cpp
index 9faaa9169c..4c25c7d485 100644
--- a/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuManager.cpp
+++ b/xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuManager.cpp
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
#include "MenuManager.h"
#include "MenuMain.h"
-#include "Input.h"
#include "../../general.h"
@@ -73,21 +72,6 @@ void CMenuManager::Update()
void CMenuManager::ProcessInput()
- //ADD: ProcessTarget -> switch to another menu
- //Return to Dashboard
- if(g_input.IsLTriggerPressed() &&
- g_input.IsRTriggerPressed() &&
- g_input.IsButtonPressed(XboxBlack) &&
- g_input.IsButtonPressed(XboxWhite) &&
- g_input.IsButtonPressed(XboxBack) &&
- g_input.IsButtonPressed(XboxStart))
- {
- XLaunchNewImage( NULL, (LAUNCH_DATA*)&LaunchData );
- }
diff --git a/xbox1/frontend/menu.cpp b/xbox1/frontend/menu.cpp
index e9fc148608..6119ff253e 100644
--- a/xbox1/frontend/menu.cpp
+++ b/xbox1/frontend/menu.cpp
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
#include "../../xbox1/RetroLaunch/Global.h"
#include "../../xbox1/RetroLaunch/IoSupport.h"
-#include "../../xbox1/RetroLaunch/Input.h"
#include "../../xbox1/RetroLaunch/Font.h"
#include "../../xbox1/RetroLaunch/MenuManager.h"
#include "../../xbox1/RetroLaunch/RomList.h"