diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_ar.h b/intl/msg_hash_ar.h index 195a68c07e..37ec1977eb 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_ar.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_ar.h @@ -2946,9 +2946,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Disconnects an active Netplay connection.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Scans a directory for compatible files and add them to the collection.") + "Scans a directory for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Scans a compatible file and add it to the collection.") + "Scans a file for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_chs.h b/intl/msg_hash_chs.h index b75d26954a..6d1207d911 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_chs.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_chs.h @@ -3166,9 +3166,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "断开当前网络连接。") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "扫描目录并将兼容的文件添加到合集中。") + "扫描目录并将兼容的文件添加到播放列表。") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "扫描一个兼容的文件并将其添加到合集中") + "扫描一个兼容的文件并将其添加到播放列表") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "为垂直同步使用自定义的交换间隔。该设置可以\n" "有效地降低显示器刷新率。" diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_cht.h b/intl/msg_hash_cht.h index cbb4791073..2d01248423 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_cht.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_cht.h @@ -2764,9 +2764,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Disconnects an active Netplay connection.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Scans a directory for compatible files and add them to the collection.") + "Scans a directory for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Scans a compatible file and add it to the collection.") + "Scans a file for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_de.h b/intl/msg_hash_de.h index 37dc9501f9..86b61cfa8f 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_de.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_de.h @@ -2872,9 +2872,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Beendet eine aktive Netplay-Verbindung.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Durchsuche ein Verzeichnis nach kompatiblen Dateien und füge diese zur Sammlung hinzu.") + "Durchsuche ein Verzeichnis nach kompatiblen Dateien.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Untersuche eine kompatible Datei und fügt diese zur Sammlung hinzu.") + "Untersuche eine kompatible Datei.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Verwende ein eigenes Intervall für Vsync. Aktivieren, um die Bildschirm-Wiederholrate zu halbieren." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_el.h b/intl/msg_hash_el.h index 7ea57d58f9..0f9dc8fc03 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_el.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_el.h @@ -5291,11 +5291,11 @@ MSG_HASH( ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Σαρώνει ένα ευρετήριο για συμβατά αρχεία και τα προσθέτει στην συλλογή." + "Σαρώνει ένα ευρετήριο για συμβατά αρχεία." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Σαρώνει ένα συμβατό αρχείο και το προσθέτει στην συλλογή." + "Σαρώνει ένα συμβατό αρχείο" ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_eo.h b/intl/msg_hash_eo.h index 2fb8d1a49c..c23584af9a 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_eo.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_eo.h @@ -2650,9 +2650,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Disconnects an active Netplay connection.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Scans a directory for compatible files and add them to the collection.") + "Scans a directory for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Scans a compatible file and add it to the collection.") + "Scans a file for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_es.h b/intl/msg_hash_es.h index e8c34f713b..e788d60183 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_es.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_es.h @@ -5392,11 +5392,11 @@ MSG_HASH( ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Escanea una carpeta en busca de archivos compatibles y los añade a la colección" + "Escanea una carpeta en busca de archivos compatibles." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Escanea un archivo compatible y lo añade a la colección" + "Escanea un archivo compatible." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_fr.h b/intl/msg_hash_fr.h index f8228b317a..e17e5c49fd 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_fr.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_fr.h @@ -2808,9 +2808,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Se déconnecter de la session de jeu en réseau active.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Analyse récursivement un dossier pour y trouver des contenus compatibles qui seront ajoutés dans des playlists.") + "Analyse récursivement un dossier pour y trouver des contenus compatibles.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Analyse un fichier pour vérifier s'il est compatible et l'ajouter à une playlist.") + "Analyse un fichier pour vérifier s'il est compatible.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_it.h b/intl/msg_hash_it.h index 2b3e89714f..fe58db0988 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_it.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_it.h @@ -2844,9 +2844,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Disconnette da una connessione Netplay attiva") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Effettua la scansione di una directory per i file compatibili e li aggiunge alla raccolta.") + "Effettua la scansione di una directory per i file compatibili.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Esegue la scansione di un file compatibile e li aggiunge alla raccolta.") + "Esegue la scansione di un file compatibile.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Utilizza un intervallo di scambio personalizzato per Vsync. Impostando un valore corretto dimezza la frequenza di aggiornamento del monitor." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_ja.h b/intl/msg_hash_ja.h index 6407db9604..3e0f46fe63 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_ja.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_ja.h @@ -3014,9 +3014,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "アクティブなネットプレイ接続を切断する。") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "フォルダ内のすべての対応ファイルをスキャンして\nコレクションに追加します。") + "フォルダ内のすべての対応ファイルをスキャン") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "対応ファイルをスキャンしてコレクションに追加\nします。") + "対応ファイルをスキャンし。") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_ko.h b/intl/msg_hash_ko.h index 36c9f0de9e..d4e2c6f7a1 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_ko.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_ko.h @@ -2762,9 +2762,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "활성 중인 모든 넷플레이 연결 해제.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "디렉토리에서 실행 가능한 파일을 검색하고 컬렉션에 추가.") + "디렉토리에서 실행 파일 검색.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "실행 가능한 파일을 검색하고 컬렉션에 추가.") + "실행 파일 검색.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "수직 동기에 사용자 스왑 간격을 사용. 모니터 재생 빈도를 효과적으로 줄이는데 사용." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_nl.h b/intl/msg_hash_nl.h index e8255fe5c5..9a00f46fee 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_nl.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_nl.h @@ -2653,9 +2653,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Disconnects an active Netplay connection.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Scans a directory for compatible files and add them to the collection.") + "Scans a directory for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Scans a compatible file and add it to the collection.") + "Scans a file for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_pl.h b/intl/msg_hash_pl.h index a35dd5165a..57e4296684 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_pl.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_pl.h @@ -3003,9 +3003,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Odłącz aktywne połączenie gry online.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Skanuje katalog w poszukiwaniu kompatybilnych plików i dodaje je do kolekcji.") + "Skanuje katalog w poszukiwaniu kompatybilnych plików.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Skanuje zgodny plik i dodaje go do kolekcji.") + "Skanuje zgodny plik.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Używa niestandardowego interwału wymiany dla Vsync. Ustaw, aby efektywnie zmniejszyć o połowę częstotliwość odświeżania monitora." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_pt_br.h b/intl/msg_hash_pt_br.h index d58c9b5c81..38c00d5c1d 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_pt_br.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_pt_br.h @@ -5536,11 +5536,11 @@ MSG_HASH( ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Analisa um diretório por arquivos compatíveis e os adiciona à coleção." + "Analisa um diretório por arquivos compatíveis." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Analisa um arquivo compatível e o adiciona à coleção." + "Analisa um arquivo compatível." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_pt_pt.h b/intl/msg_hash_pt_pt.h index 42c13a3ad8..39add92bc7 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_pt_pt.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_pt_pt.h @@ -2739,9 +2739,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Terminar uma ligação de Netplay ativa.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Verificar uma pasta por ficheiros compatíveis e adicionar os mesmos à coleção.") + "Verificar uma pasta por ficheiros compatíveis.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Verificar um ficheiro compatível e adicioná-lo à coleção.") + "Verificar um ficheiro compatível.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Usa um intervalo de troca personalizado para Vsync. Utilize isto para reduzir efetivamente a taxa de atualização do monitor." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_ru.h b/intl/msg_hash_ru.h index dfb17365e7..f483278b9c 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_ru.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_ru.h @@ -2813,9 +2813,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Отключить активное соединение Netplay.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Сканирует каталог для поиска совместимых файлов и добавляет их в коллекцию.") + "Сканирует каталог для поиска совместимых файлов.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Сканирует совместимый файл и добавляет его в коллекцию.") + "Сканирует совместимый файл.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Использует заданный интервал обновления для вертикальной синхронизации. Установите для эффективной частоты обновления монитора." ) diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_us.h b/intl/msg_hash_us.h index 4e8858589e..8feac9824f 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_us.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_us.h @@ -5773,11 +5773,11 @@ MSG_HASH( ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Scans a directory for compatible content. If found, content is added to playlists." + "Scans a directory for content that matches the database." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Scans a file for compatible content. If found, content is added to playlists." + "Scans a file for content that matches the database." ) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_vn.h b/intl/msg_hash_vn.h index f6d7c3a238..b70c09b1d0 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_vn.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_vn.h @@ -2812,9 +2812,9 @@ MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_ENABLE_CLIENT, MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_NETPLAY_DISCONNECT, "Disconnects an active Netplay connection.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_DIRECTORY, - "Scans a directory for compatible files and add them to the collection.") + "Scans a directory for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SCAN_FILE, - "Scans a compatible file and add it to the collection.") + "Scans a file for content that matches the database.") MSG_HASH(MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SWAP_INTERVAL, "Uses a custom swap interval for Vsync. Set this to effectively halve monitor refresh rate." )