diff --git a/wiiu/fs/fs_utils.c b/wiiu/fs/fs_utils.c
index 83d74411f5..e3d75c8871 100644
--- a/wiiu/fs/fs_utils.c
+++ b/wiiu/fs/fs_utils.c
@@ -31,174 +31,174 @@
 int MountFS(void *pClient, void *pCmd, char **mount_path)
-    int result = -1;
+   int result = -1;
-    void *mountSrc = malloc(FS_MOUNT_SOURCE_SIZE);
-    if(!mountSrc)
-        return -3;
+   void *mountSrc = malloc(FS_MOUNT_SOURCE_SIZE);
+   if(!mountSrc)
+   return -3;
-    char* mountPath = (char*) malloc(FS_MAX_MOUNTPATH_SIZE);
-    if(!mountPath) {
-        free(mountSrc);
-        return -4;
-    }
+   char* mountPath = (char*) malloc(FS_MAX_MOUNTPATH_SIZE);
+   if(!mountPath) {
+      free(mountSrc);
+      return -4;
+   }
-    memset(mountSrc, 0, FS_MOUNT_SOURCE_SIZE);
-    memset(mountPath, 0, FS_MAX_MOUNTPATH_SIZE);
+   memset(mountSrc, 0, FS_MOUNT_SOURCE_SIZE);
+   memset(mountPath, 0, FS_MAX_MOUNTPATH_SIZE);
-    // Mount sdcard
-    if (FSGetMountSource(pClient, pCmd, FS_SOURCETYPE_EXTERNAL, mountSrc, -1) == 0)
-    {
-        result = FSMount(pClient, pCmd, mountSrc, mountPath, FS_MAX_MOUNTPATH_SIZE, -1);
-        if((result == 0) && mount_path) {
-            *mount_path = (char*)malloc(strlen(mountPath) + 1);
-            if(*mount_path)
-                strcpy(*mount_path, mountPath);
-        }
-    }
+   // Mount sdcard
+   if (FSGetMountSource(pClient, pCmd, FS_SOURCETYPE_EXTERNAL, mountSrc, -1) == 0)
+   {
+      result = FSMount(pClient, pCmd, mountSrc, mountPath, FS_MAX_MOUNTPATH_SIZE, -1);
+      if((result == 0) && mount_path) {
+         *mount_path = (char*)malloc(strlen(mountPath) + 1);
+         if(*mount_path)
+         strcpy(*mount_path, mountPath);
+      }
+   }
-    free(mountPath);
-    free(mountSrc);
-    return result;
+   free(mountPath);
+   free(mountSrc);
+   return result;
 int UmountFS(void *pClient, void *pCmd, const char *mountPath)
-    int result = -1;
-    result = FSUnmount(pClient, pCmd, mountPath, -1);
+   int result = -1;
+   result = FSUnmount(pClient, pCmd, mountPath, -1);
-    return result;
+   return result;
 int LoadFileToMem(const char *filepath, u8 **inbuffer, u32 *size)
-    //! always initialze input
-	*inbuffer = NULL;
-    if(size)
-        *size = 0;
+   //! always initialze input
+   *inbuffer = NULL;
+   if(size)
+   *size = 0;
-    int iFd = open(filepath, O_RDONLY);
-	if (iFd < 0)
-		return -1;
+   int iFd = open(filepath, O_RDONLY);
+   if (iFd < 0)
+   return -1;
-	u32 filesize = lseek(iFd, 0, SEEK_END);
-    lseek(iFd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+   u32 filesize = lseek(iFd, 0, SEEK_END);
+   lseek(iFd, 0, SEEK_SET);
-	u8 *buffer = (u8 *) malloc(filesize);
-	if (buffer == NULL)
-	{
-        close(iFd);
-		return -2;
-	}
+   u8 *buffer = (u8 *) malloc(filesize);
+   if (buffer == NULL)
+   {
+      close(iFd);
+      return -2;
+   }
-    u32 blocksize = 0x4000;
-    u32 done = 0;
-    int readBytes = 0;
+   u32 blocksize = 0x4000;
+   u32 done = 0;
+   int readBytes = 0;
-	while(done < filesize)
-    {
-        if(done + blocksize > filesize) {
-            blocksize = filesize - done;
-        }
-        readBytes = read(iFd, buffer + done, blocksize);
-        if(readBytes <= 0)
-            break;
-        done += readBytes;
-    }
+   while(done < filesize)
+   {
+      if(done + blocksize > filesize) {
+         blocksize = filesize - done;
+      }
+      readBytes = read(iFd, buffer + done, blocksize);
+      if(readBytes <= 0)
+      break;
+      done += readBytes;
+   }
-    close(iFd);
+   close(iFd);
-	if (done != filesize)
-	{
-		free(buffer);
-		return -3;
-	}
+   if (done != filesize)
+   {
+      free(buffer);
+      return -3;
+   }
-	*inbuffer = buffer;
+   *inbuffer = buffer;
-    //! sign is optional input
-    if(size)
-        *size = filesize;
+   //! sign is optional input
+   if(size)
+   *size = filesize;
-	return filesize;
+   return filesize;
 int CheckFile(const char * filepath)
-	if(!filepath)
-		return 0;
+   if(!filepath)
+   return 0;
-	struct stat filestat;
+   struct stat filestat;
-	char dirnoslash[strlen(filepath)+2];
-	snprintf(dirnoslash, sizeof(dirnoslash), "%s", filepath);
+   char dirnoslash[strlen(filepath)+2];
+   snprintf(dirnoslash, sizeof(dirnoslash), "%s", filepath);
-	while(dirnoslash[strlen(dirnoslash)-1] == '/')
-		dirnoslash[strlen(dirnoslash)-1] = '\0';
+   while(dirnoslash[strlen(dirnoslash)-1] == '/')
+   dirnoslash[strlen(dirnoslash)-1] = '\0';
-	char * notRoot = strrchr(dirnoslash, '/');
-	if(!notRoot)
-	{
-		strcat(dirnoslash, "/");
-	}
+   char * notRoot = strrchr(dirnoslash, '/');
+   if(!notRoot)
+   {
+      strcat(dirnoslash, "/");
+   }
-	if (stat(dirnoslash, &filestat) == 0)
-		return 1;
+   if (stat(dirnoslash, &filestat) == 0)
+   return 1;
-	return 0;
+   return 0;
 int CreateSubfolder(const char * fullpath)
-	if(!fullpath)
-		return 0;
+   if(!fullpath)
+   return 0;
-	int result = 0;
+   int result = 0;
-	char dirnoslash[strlen(fullpath)+1];
-	strcpy(dirnoslash, fullpath);
+   char dirnoslash[strlen(fullpath)+1];
+   strcpy(dirnoslash, fullpath);
-	int pos = strlen(dirnoslash)-1;
-	while(dirnoslash[pos] == '/')
-	{
-		dirnoslash[pos] = '\0';
-		pos--;
-	}
+   int pos = strlen(dirnoslash)-1;
+   while(dirnoslash[pos] == '/')
+   {
+      dirnoslash[pos] = '\0';
+      pos--;
+   }
-	if(CheckFile(dirnoslash))
-	{
-		return 1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		char parentpath[strlen(dirnoslash)+2];
-		strcpy(parentpath, dirnoslash);
-		char * ptr = strrchr(parentpath, '/');
+   if(CheckFile(dirnoslash))
+   {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      char parentpath[strlen(dirnoslash)+2];
+      strcpy(parentpath, dirnoslash);
+      char * ptr = strrchr(parentpath, '/');
-		if(!ptr)
-		{
-			//!Device root directory (must be with '/')
-			strcat(parentpath, "/");
-			struct stat filestat;
-			if (stat(parentpath, &filestat) == 0)
-				return 1;
+      if(!ptr)
+      {
+         //!Device root directory (must be with '/')
+         strcat(parentpath, "/");
+         struct stat filestat;
+         if (stat(parentpath, &filestat) == 0)
+         return 1;
-			return 0;
-		}
+         return 0;
+      }
-		ptr++;
-		ptr[0] = '\0';
+      ptr++;
+      ptr[0] = '\0';
-		result = CreateSubfolder(parentpath);
-	}
+      result = CreateSubfolder(parentpath);
+   }
-	if(!result)
-		return 0;
+   if(!result)
+   return 0;
-	if (mkdir(dirnoslash, 0777) == -1)
-	{
-		return 0;
-	}
+   if (mkdir(dirnoslash, 0777) == -1)
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
-	return 1;
+   return 1;