diff --git a/intl/msg_hash_ja.h b/intl/msg_hash_ja.h index c741366bd1..2e92f2b9e0 100644 --- a/intl/msg_hash_ja.h +++ b/intl/msg_hash_ja.h @@ -2194,10 +2194,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_DEFAULT_CORE, "デフォルトのコア" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_DEFAULT_CORE, - "Specify core to use when launching content via a playlist entry that does not have an existing core association." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_RESET_CORES, "コアの関連付けのリセット" @@ -2206,14 +2202,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_RESET_CORES, "全エントリーのコアの関連付けをリセット" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_RESETTING_CORES, - "Resetting cores: " -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_CORES_RESET, - "Cores reset: " -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_PLAYLIST_MANAGER_LABEL_DISPLAY_MODE, "ラベルの表示モード" @@ -3199,122 +3187,6 @@ MSG_HASH( "画質を改善します。 " "中程度のパフォーマンスへの影響があります。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_INLINE_THUMBNAILS, - "Show Playlist Thumbnails" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_INLINE_THUMBNAILS, - "Enable display of inline downscaled thumbnails while viewing playlists. When disabled, 'Top Thumbnail' may still be toggled fullscreen by pressing RetroPad Y." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_SWAP_THUMBNAILS, - "Swap Thumbnails" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_SWAP_THUMBNAILS, - "Swaps the display positions of 'Top Thumbnail' and 'Bottom Thumbnail'." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_THUMBNAIL_DELAY, - "Thumbnail Delay (ms)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_THUMBNAIL_DELAY, - "Applies a time delay between selecting a playlist entry and loading its associated thumbnails. Setting this to a value of at least 256 ms enables fast lag-free scrolling on even the slowest devices." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_THUMBNAIL_DOWNSCALER, - "Thumbnail Downscaling Method" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_THUMBNAIL_DOWNSCALER, - "Resampling method used when shrinking large thumbnails to fit the display." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_THUMB_SCALE_POINT, - "Nearest Neighbour (Fast)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_THUMB_SCALE_BILINEAR, - "Bilinear" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_THUMB_SCALE_SINC, - "Sinc/Lanczos3 (Slow)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_NONE, - "None" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_AUTO, - "Auto" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X2, - "x2" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X3, - "x3" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X4, - "x4" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X5, - "x5" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X6, - "x6" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X7, - "x7" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X8, - "x8" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_UPSCALE_X9, - "x9" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_4_3, - "4:3" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9, - "16:9" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_16_9_CENTRE, - "16:9 (Centered)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_16_10, - "16:10" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_16_10_CENTRE, - "16:10 (Centered)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_LOCK_NONE, - "OFF" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_LOCK_FIT_SCREEN, - "Fit Screen" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_LOCK_INTEGER, - "Integer Scale" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_THUMBNAILS_DIRECTORY, "サムネイル" @@ -3424,154 +3296,6 @@ MSG_HASH( "長いテキスト文字列を表示するときのスクロールをスムーズにします。 " "パフォーマンスに少し影響します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME, - "Menu Color Theme" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME, - "Select a different color theme. Choosing 'Custom' enables the use of menu theme preset files." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_THEME_PRESET, - "Custom Menu Theme Preset" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_RGUI_MENU_THEME_PRESET, - "Select a menu theme preset from the file browser." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CUSTOM, - "Custom" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_RED, - "Classic Red" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_ORANGE, - "Classic Orange" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_YELLOW, - "Classic Yellow" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_GREEN, - "Classic Green" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_BLUE, - "Classic Blue" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_VIOLET, - "Classic Violet" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_CLASSIC_GREY, - "Classic Grey" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_LEGACY_RED, - "Legacy Red" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_DARK_PURPLE, - "Dark Purple" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_MIDNIGHT_BLUE, - "Midnight Blue" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_GOLDEN, - "Golden" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_ELECTRIC_BLUE, - "Electric Blue" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_APPLE_GREEN, - "Apple Green" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_VOLCANIC_RED, - "Volcanic Red" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_LAGOON, - "Lagoon" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_BROGRAMMER, - "Brogrammer" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_DRACULA, - "Dracula" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_FAIRYFLOSS, - "Fairy Floss" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_FLATUI, - "Flat UI" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_GRUVBOX_DARK, - "Gruvbox Dark" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_GRUVBOX_LIGHT, - "Gruvbox Light" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_HACKING_THE_KERNEL, - "Hacking the Kernel" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_NORD, - "Nord" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_NOVA, - "Nova" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_ONE_DARK, - "One Dark" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_PALENIGHT, - "Palenight" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_SOLARIZED_DARK, - "Solarized Dark" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_SOLARIZED_LIGHT, - "Solarized Light" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_TANGO_DARK, - "Tango Dark" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_TANGO_LIGHT, - "Tango Light" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_ZENBURN, - "Zenburn" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_MENU_COLOR_THEME_ANTI_ZENBURN, - "Anti-Zenburn" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TRUE, "真" @@ -3721,34 +3445,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_3DS_LCD_BOTTOM, "3DSボトム画面" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_3DS_LCD_BOTTOM, - "Enable display of status information on bottom screen. Disable to increase battery life and improve performance." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_3DS_DISPLAY_MODE, - "3DS Display Mode" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_3DS_DISPLAY_MODE, - "Selects between 3D and 2D display modes. In '3D' mode, pixels are square and a depth effect is applied when viewing the Quick Menu. '2D' mode provides the best performance." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_CTR_VIDEO_MODE_3D, - "3D" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_CTR_VIDEO_MODE_2D, - "2D" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_CTR_VIDEO_MODE_2D_400x240, - "2D (Pixel Grid Effect)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_CTR_VIDEO_MODE_2D_800x240, - "2D (High Resolution)" -) #endif MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_DRIVER, @@ -3886,18 +3582,10 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET, "シェーダのプリセットをロード" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE, - "Save ..." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_AS, "シェーダのプリセットに名前を付けて保存" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_GLOBAL, - "Save Global Preset" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_CORE, "コアのプリセットを保存" @@ -3954,26 +3642,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_VIEWPORT_CUSTOM_Y, "カスタム表示領域のY位置" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_VI_WIDTH, - "Set VI Screen Width" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_OVERSCAN_CORRECTION_TOP, - "Overscan Correction (Top)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_OVERSCAN_CORRECTION_TOP, - "Adjust display overscan cropping by reducing image size by specified number of scanlines (taken from top of screen). Note: May introduce scaling artefacts." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_OVERSCAN_CORRECTION_BOTTOM, - "Overscan Correction (Bottom)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_OVERSCAN_CORRECTION_BOTTOM, - "Adjust display overscan cropping by reducing image size by specified number of scanlines (taken from bottom of screen). Note: May introduce scaling artefacts." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_VSYNC, "垂直同期" @@ -3998,32 +3666,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_Y, "フルスクリーンの高さ" ) -#ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_LAYOUT_ENABLE, - "Enable Video Layout" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_LAYOUT_ENABLE, - "Video layouts are used for bezels and other artwork." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_LAYOUT_PATH, - "Video Layout Path" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_LAYOUT_PATH, - "Select a video layout from the file browser." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_LAYOUT_SELECTED_VIEW, - "Selected View" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_LAYOUT_SELECTED_VIEW, - "Select a view within the loaded layout." -) -#endif MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_WIFI_DRIVER, "Wi-Fiのドライバ" @@ -4092,14 +3734,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_ICON_THEME_DOTART, "ドットアート" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_ICON_THEME_AUTOMATIC, - "Automatic" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_ICON_THEME_AUTOMATIC_INVERTED, - "Automatic Inverted" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_MENU_COLOR_THEME, "メニューの色テーマ" @@ -4152,10 +3786,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_MENU_COLOR_THEME_VOLCANIC_RED, "ボルカニックレッド" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_MENU_COLOR_THEME_SUNBEAM, - "Sunbeam" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_XMB_RIBBON_ENABLE, "メニューのシェーダパイプライン" @@ -4471,14 +4101,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_ADDED_TO_FAVORITES, "お気に入りに追加しました" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_ADD_TO_FAVORITES_FAILED, - "Failed to add favorite: playlist full" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_SET_CORE_ASSOCIATION, - "Core set: " -) MSG_HASH( MSG_RESET_CORE_ASSOCIATION, "プレイリストエントリのコアの関連付けがリセットされました" @@ -4575,14 +4197,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_COULD_NOT_READ_STATE_FROM_MOVIE, "動画から状態を読み込むことができませんでした" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_CRC32_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH, - "CRC32 checksum mismatch between content file and saved content checksum in replay file header) replay highly likely to desync on playback." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_CUSTOM_TIMING_GIVEN, - "Custom timing given" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_DECOMPRESSION_ALREADY_IN_PROGRESS, "解凍は既に進行中です" @@ -4627,22 +4241,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_ERROR, "エラー" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_ERROR_LIBRETRO_CORE_REQUIRES_CONTENT, - "Libretro core requires content, but nothing was provided." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_ERROR_LIBRETRO_CORE_REQUIRES_SPECIAL_CONTENT, - "Libretro core requires special content, but none were provided." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_ERROR_LIBRETRO_CORE_REQUIRES_VFS, - "Core does not support VFS, and loading from a local copy failed" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_ERROR_PARSING_ARGUMENTS, - "Error parsing arguments." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_ERROR_SAVING_CORE_OPTIONS_FILE, "コアの設定ファイルの保存に失敗しました" @@ -4843,10 +4441,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_FRAMES, "フレーム" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_GAME_SPECIFIC_CORE_OPTIONS_FOUND_AT, - "Per-Game Options: game-specific core options found at" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_GOT_INVALID_DISK_INDEX, "無効なディスクインデックスです" @@ -4863,14 +4457,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_GAME_FOCUS_OFF, "ゲームフォーカスをオフにしました。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_HW_RENDERED_MUST_USE_POSTSHADED_RECORDING, - "Libretro core is hardware rendered. Must use post-shaded recording as well." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_INFLATED_CHECKSUM_DID_NOT_MATCH_CRC32, - "Inflated checksum did not match CRC32." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_INPUT_CHEAT, "チートを入力" @@ -4915,10 +4501,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_IN_MEGABYTES, "(メガバイト)" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_LIBRETRO_ABI_BREAK, - "is compiled against a different version of libretro than this libretro implementation." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_LIBRETRO_FRONTEND, "libretroのフロントエンド" @@ -4959,14 +4541,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_MEMORY, "メモリ" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_MOVIE_FILE_IS_NOT_A_VALID_BSV1_FILE, - "Movie file is not a valid BSV1 file." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_MOVIE_FORMAT_DIFFERENT_SERIALIZER_VERSION, - "Movie format seems to have a different serializer version. Will most likely fail." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_MOVIE_PLAYBACK_ENDED, "動画の再生を終了しました" @@ -4979,10 +4553,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_NETPLAY_FAILED, "ネットプレイの初期化に失敗しました" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_NO_CONTENT_STARTING_DUMMY_CORE, - "No content, starting dummy core." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_NO_SAVE_STATE_HAS_BEEN_OVERWRITTEN_YET, "ステートセーブはまだ上書きされていません" @@ -5003,26 +4573,10 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_PAUSED, "一時停止" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_PROGRAM, - "RetroArch" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_READING_FIRST_DATA_TRACK, "最初のデータトラックを読み込んでいます..." ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_RECEIVED, - "received" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_RECORDING_TERMINATED_DUE_TO_RESIZE, - "Recording terminated due to resize." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_RECORDING_TO, - "Recording to" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_REDIRECTING_CHEATFILE_TO, "チートファイルの出力先を変更しています to" @@ -5055,18 +4609,10 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_RESET, "リセット" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_RESTARTING_RECORDING_DUE_TO_DRIVER_REINIT, - "Restarting recording due to driver reinit." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_RESTORED_OLD_SAVE_STATE, "以前のステートセーブを復元しました" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_RESTORING_DEFAULT_SHADER_PRESET_TO, - "Shaders: restoring default shader preset to" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_REVERTING_SAVEFILE_DIRECTORY_TO, "セーブフォルダを元に戻しています to" @@ -5079,18 +4625,10 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_REWINDING, "巻き戻しています" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_REWIND_INIT, - "Initializing rewind buffer with size" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_REWIND_INIT_FAILED, "巻き戻しバッファの初期化に失敗しました。巻き戻しが無効になります" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_REWIND_INIT_FAILED_THREADED_AUDIO, - "Implementation uses threaded audio. Cannot use rewind." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_REWIND_REACHED_END, "巻き戻しバッファの終わりに達しました" @@ -5131,10 +4669,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_SENDING_COMMAND, "コマンドを送信中" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_SEVERAL_PATCHES_ARE_EXPLICITLY_DEFINED, - "Several patches are explicitly defined, ignoring all..." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_SHADER, "シェーダ" @@ -5183,30 +4717,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_TAKING_SCREENSHOT, "スクリーンショットを撮影中" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_SCREENSHOT_SAVED, - "Screenshot saved" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED, - "Achievement Unlocked" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_CHANGE_THUMBNAIL_TYPE, - "Change thumbnail type" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_NO_THUMBNAIL_AVAILABLE, - "No thumbnail available" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_PRESS_AGAIN_TO_QUIT, - "Press again to quit..." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_TO, - "to" -) MSG_HASH( MSG_UNDID_LOAD_STATE, "ステートロードを取り消しました" @@ -5223,18 +4733,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_UNPAUSED, "一時停止解除" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND, - "Unrecognized command" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_USING_CORE_NAME_FOR_NEW_CONFIG, - "Using core name for new config." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_USING_LIBRETRO_DUMMY_CORE_RECORDING_SKIPPED, - "Using libretro dummy core. Skipping recording." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_VALUE_CONNECT_DEVICE_FROM_A_VALID_PORT, "デバイスを有効なポートから接続してください" @@ -5251,18 +4749,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_VALUE_SHUTTING_DOWN, "シャットダウンしています..." ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_VERSION_OF_LIBRETRO_API, - "Version of libretro API" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_VIEWPORT_SIZE_CALCULATION_FAILED, - "Viewport size calculation failed! Will continue using raw data. This will probably not work right ..." -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_VIRTUAL_DISK_TRAY, - "virtual disk tray." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_AUDIO_LATENCY, "オーディオの遅延時間(ms)です。ドライバ対応に依存します。" @@ -5303,18 +4789,6 @@ MSG_HASH( "オーディオの音量(dB)です。 " "0dB は通常の音量で, 増幅されません。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_AUDIO_WASAPI_EXCLUSIVE_MODE, - "Allow the WASAPI driver to take exclusive control of the audio device. If disabled, it will use shared mode instead." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_AUDIO_WASAPI_FLOAT_FORMAT, - "Use float format for the WASAPI driver, if supported by your audio device." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_AUDIO_WASAPI_SH_BUFFER_LENGTH, - "The intermediate buffer length (in frames) when using the WASAPI driver in shared mode." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_AUDIO_SYNC, "オーディオを同期します(推奨)。" @@ -5386,10 +4860,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MSG_DEVICE_NOT_CONFIGURED, "設定されていません" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_DEVICE_NOT_CONFIGURED_FALLBACK, - "not configured, using fallback" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_DATABASE_CURSOR_LIST, "データベースのカーソル表" @@ -5632,10 +5102,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CORE_LIST, "使用するコアを選択します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_START_CORE, - "Start core without content." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_DOWNLOAD_CORE, "オンラインアップデータからコアをインストールします。" @@ -5716,10 +5182,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_INPUT_OVERLAY_SHOW_PHYSICAL_INPUTS, "オーバーレイにキーボード/コントローラ入力を表示します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_INPUT_OVERLAY_SHOW_PHYSICAL_INPUTS_PORT, - "Select the port for the overlay to listen to if Show Inputs On Overlay is enabled." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_INPUT_OVERLAY_SHOW_MOUSE_CURSOR, "オーバーレイにマウスカーソルを表示します。" @@ -5821,19 +5283,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_APPLY_AFTER_LOAD, "ゲームをロードしたときにチートを自動で適用します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_REPEAT_COUNT, - "The number of times the cheat will be applied. " - "Use with the other two Iteration options to affect large areas of memory." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_REPEAT_ADD_TO_ADDRESS, - "After each 'Number of Iterations' the Memory Address will be increased by this number times the 'Memory Search Size'." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_REPEAT_ADD_TO_VALUE, - "After each 'Number of Iterations' the Value will be increased by this amount." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_REWIND_GRANULARITY, "定義した数のフレームを巻き戻すときは, 一度に複数のフレームを巻き戻すことができ, 巻き戻し速度が速くなります。" @@ -5846,22 +5295,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_REWIND_BUFFER_SIZE_STEP, "このUIで巻き戻しバッファサイズの値を増減するたびに, この量だけ変化します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_IDX, - "Index position in list." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_ADDRESS_BIT_POSITION, - "Address bitmask when Memory Search Size < 8-bit." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_MATCH_IDX, - "Select the match to view." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_START_OR_CONT, - "" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_START_OR_RESTART, "左/右でビット幅を変更します。" @@ -5870,30 +5303,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_EXACT, "左/右で値を変更します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_LT, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_GT, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_LTE, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_GTE, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_EQ, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_NEQ, - "" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_EQPLUS, "左/右で値を変更します。" @@ -5902,38 +5311,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_SEARCH_EQMINUS, "左/右で値を変更します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_ADD_MATCHES, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_VIEW_MATCHES, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_CREATE_OPTION, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_DELETE_OPTION, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_ADD_NEW_TOP, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_ADD_NEW_BOTTOM, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_DELETE_ALL, - "" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_RELOAD_CHEATS, - "" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_BIG_ENDIAN, "ビッグエンディアン : 258 = 0x0102, " @@ -6137,22 +5514,10 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_THUMBNAILS, "表示するサムネイルの種類です。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_THUMBNAILS_RGUI, - "Type of thumbnail to display at the top right of playlists. This thumbnail may be toggled fullscreen by pressing RetroPad Y." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_LEFT_THUMBNAILS, "左側に表示するサムネイルの種類です。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_LEFT_THUMBNAILS_RGUI, - "Type of thumbnail to display at the bottom right of playlists." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_LEFT_THUMBNAILS_OZONE, - "Replace the content metadata panel by another thumbnail." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_XMB_VERTICAL_THUMBNAILS, "左側サムネイルを右側サムネイルの下に表示し, 両方ともスクリーンの右側に配置します。" @@ -6319,14 +5684,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_INPUT_META_REWIND, "巻き戻しの設定を管理します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_INPUT_META_CHEAT_DETAILS, - "Manages cheat details settings." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_INPUT_META_CHEAT_SEARCH, - "Start or continue a cheat code search." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_RESTART_CONTENT, "コンテンツを最初から再起動します。" @@ -6336,10 +5693,6 @@ MSG_HASH( "このコアでロードされたすべてのコンテンツに適用するオーバーライド設定ファイルを保存します。 " "メイン設定より優先されます。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_CONTENT_DIR, - "Saves an override configuration file which will apply for all content loaded from the same directory as the current file. Will take precedence over the main configuration." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_SAVE_CURRENT_CONFIG_OVERRIDE_GAME, "現在のコンテンツにのみ適用するオーバーライド設定ファイルを保存します。 " @@ -6604,58 +5957,10 @@ MSG_HASH( "シェーダパイプラインのパス数を増加または減少させます。 " "各パイプラインに別々のシェーダをバインドし, フィルタリングとスケールを設定することができます。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET, - "Load a shader preset. The shader pipeline will be automatically set-up." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE, - "Save shader preset as ..." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_AS, - "Save the current shader settings as a new shader preset." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_CORE, - "Save the current shader settings as the default settings for this application/core." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_PARENT, - "Save the current shader settings as the default settings for all files in the current content directory." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_GAME, - "Save the current shader settings as the default settings for the content." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_SAVE_GLOBAL, - "Save the current shader settings as the default global setting." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PARAMETERS, - "Modifies the current shader directly. Changes will not be saved to the preset file." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_VIDEO_SHADER_PRESET_PARAMETERS, - "Modifies the shader preset itself currently used in the menu." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_NUM_PASSES, - "Increase or decrease the amount of cheats." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_APPLY_CHANGES, "チートの変更はただちに適用されます。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_START_SEARCH, - "Start search for a new cheat. Number of bits can be changed." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_CONTINUE_SEARCH, - "Continue search for a new cheat." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CHEAT_FILE_LOAD, "チートファイルをロードして既存のチートを置き換えます。" @@ -7266,118 +6571,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_STATISTICS_SHOW, "技術的な統計を画面に表示します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_BORDER_FILLER_ENABLE, - "Border filler" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_BORDER_FILLER_ENABLE, - "Display menu border." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_BORDER_FILLER_THICKNESS_ENABLE, - "Border filler thickness" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_BORDER_FILLER_THICKNESS_ENABLE, - "Increase coarseness of menu border chequerboard pattern." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_BACKGROUND_FILLER_THICKNESS_ENABLE, - "Background filler thickness" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_BACKGROUND_FILLER_THICKNESS_ENABLE, - "Increase coarseness of menu background chequerboard pattern." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_LOCK, - "Lock Menu Aspect Ratio" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO_LOCK, - "Ensures that the menu is always displayed with the correct aspect ratio. If disabled, the quick menu will be stretched to match the currently loaded content." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_INTERNAL_UPSCALE_LEVEL, - "Internal Upscaling" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_INTERNAL_UPSCALE_LEVEL, - "Upscale menu interface before drawing to screen. When used with 'Menu Linear Filter' enabled, removes scaling artefacts (uneven pixels) while maintaining a sharp image. Has a significant performance impact that increases with upscaling level." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO, - "Menu Aspect Ratio" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_ASPECT_RATIO, - "Select menu aspect ratio. Widescreen ratios increase the horizontal resolution of the menu interface. (May require a restart if 'Lock Menu Aspect Ratio' is disabled)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_FULL_WIDTH_LAYOUT, - "Use Full-Width Layout" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_FULL_WIDTH_LAYOUT, - "Resize and position menu entries to make best use of available screen space. Disable this to use classic fixed-width two column layout." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_SHADOWS, - "Shadow Effects" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_SHADOWS, - "Enable drop shadows for menu text, borders and thumbnails. Has a modest performance impact." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT, - "Background Animation" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT, - "Enable background particle animation effect. Has a significant performance impact." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_NONE, - "OFF" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_SNOW, - "Snow (Light)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_SNOW_ALT, - "Snow (Heavy)" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_RAIN, - "Rain" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_VORTEX, - "Vortex" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_STARFIELD, - "Star Field" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_SPEED, - "Background Animation Speed" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_PARTICLE_EFFECT_SPEED, - "Adjust speed of background particle animation effects." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_RGUI_EXTENDED_ASCII, - "Extended ASCII Support" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_RGUI_EXTENDED_ASCII, - "Enable display of non-standard ASCII characters. Required for compatibility with certain non-English Western languages. Has a moderate performance impact." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CRT_SWITCH_RESOLUTION, "CRTディスプレイ専用です。 " @@ -7419,16 +6612,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_CONTENT_SHOW_OVERLAYS, "[OSDオーバーレイ]を表示" ) -#ifdef HAVE_VIDEO_LAYOUT -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_CONTENT_SHOW_VIDEO_LAYOUT, - "Show Video Layout Settings" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_CONTENT_SHOW_VIDEO_LAYOUT, - "Show/hide Video Layout options." -) -#endif MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_AUDIO_ENABLE_MENU, "メニューのオーディオを有効" @@ -7629,14 +6812,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_LOG, "ログ" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_ITEMS_COUNT, - "%1 items" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_DROP_IMAGE_HERE, - "Drop image here" -) #ifdef HAVE_QT MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_SCAN_FINISHED, @@ -8166,14 +7341,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS_STARTUP_PLAYLIST, "起動時に表示するプレイリスト:" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS_THUMBNAIL_TYPE, - "Thumbnail" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_MENU_VIEW_OPTIONS_THUMBNAIL_CACHE_LIMIT, - "Thumbnail cache limit:" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_DOWNLOAD_ALL_THUMBNAILS, "すべてのサムネイルをダウンロード" @@ -8194,14 +7361,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_DOWNLOAD_PLAYLIST_THUMBNAIL_PROGRESS, "成功した数: %1 失敗した数: %2" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_DEVICE_CONFIGURED_IN_PORT, - "Configured in port:" -) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_FAILED_TO_SET_DISK, - "Failed to set disk" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_QT_CORE_OPTIONS, "コア設定" @@ -8291,10 +7450,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_INPUT_META_AI_SERVICE, "AIサービス" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_CHEEVOS_HARDCORE_MODE_DISABLED, - "A savestate was loaded, Achievements Hardcore Mode disabled for the current session. Restart to enable hardcore mode." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_RECORD_QUALITY, "録画の品質" @@ -8311,14 +7466,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_UDP_STREAM_PORT, "UDP配信ポート" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_ACCOUNTS_TWITCH, - "Twitch" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_ACCOUNTS_YOUTUBE, - "YouTube" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_TWITCH_STREAM_KEY, "Twitch配信キー" @@ -8367,30 +7514,10 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_OZONE_MENU_COLOR_THEME, "色テーマを選択します。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_OZONE_COLLAPSE_SIDEBAR, - "Collapse the sidebar" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_OZONE_COLLAPSE_SIDEBAR, - "Have the left sidebar always collapsed." -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_OZONE_TRUNCATE_PLAYLIST_NAME, - "Truncate Playlist names" -) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_OZONE_TRUNCATE_PLAYLIST_NAME, - "When enabled, will remove the system names from the playlists. For example, display 'PlayStation' instead of 'Sony - PlayStation'. Changes require a restart to take effect." -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_MENU_USE_PREFERRED_SYSTEM_COLOR_THEME, "システムの優先色テーマを使用" ) -MSG_HASH( - MENU_ENUM_SUBLABEL_MENU_USE_PREFERRED_SYSTEM_COLOR_THEME, - "Use your operating system's color theme (if any) - overrides theme settings." -) MSG_HASH( MSG_RESAMPLER_QUALITY_LOWEST, "最低" @@ -8427,10 +7554,6 @@ MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_NO_FAVORITES_AVAILABLE, "お気に入りがありません。" ) -MSG_HASH( - MSG_MISSING_ASSETS, - "Warning: Missing assets, use the Online Updater if available" -) MSG_HASH( MENU_ENUM_LABEL_VALUE_VIDEO_WINDOW_SAVE_POSITION, "ウィンドウの位置とサイズを記憶"