"main-desc":"RetroArch jest programem open source i wieloplatformowym frontendem/frameworkiem dla emulatorów, silników gier, gier wideo, odtwarzaczy multimediów i innych aplikacji.\n\nPodczas gdy może zrobić wiele rzeczy poza tym, najczęściej wiadomo, że umożliwia on granie klasycznych gier na szerokiej gamy komputerów i konsoli za pomocą prostego interfejsu graficznego. Ustawienia są również zunifikowane, więc konfiguracja jest wykonywana raz na zawsze.\n\nPonadto wkrótce będziesz mógł uruchomić oryginalne dyski (płyty CD) z RetroArch. Poważnie podchodzimy do kwestii ochrony gier wideo i chcemy mieć pewność, że możesz uruchamiać oryginalnie zakupioną zawartość na współczesnych komputerach.\n\nRetroArch posiada zaawansowane funkcje, takie jak shadery, gra sieciowa, przewijanie i wiele więcej!",
"final-burn-neo-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/FBN_a2.png[/img]\r\n\r\nFinal Burn Neo (aka FBNeo) is the new official branch of the Final Burn Alpha emulator, which is compatible with hundreds of arcade and console games. The libretro core of FBNeo brings its library of compatible titles to RetroArch, where the core's tight integration with the libretro API allows it to work with RetroArch's advanced time-bending features like rollback-based netplay and runahead latency reduction. It includes input presets for automatic mapping of buttons for different games, including fighting game layouts for both modern and old-school arcade controls (aka fightsticks).",
"genesis-plus-gx-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/Genesis_Plus_GX_(Phone).png[/img]\r\n\r\nGenesis Plus GX began as a homebrew port of the Genesis Plus emulator for a hacked console before being ported to libretro. With a focus on speed, accuracy and portability, Genesis Plus GX now appears on a variety of platforms and frontends, and is known as one of the most capable and compatible emulators for the consoles it covers, with support for both cartridge and CD-ROM games. It also works well with many of RetroArch's advanced features, such as real-time rewind, runahead latency reduction, cheats and RetroAchievements.",
"kronos-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/main.png[/img]\r\n\r\nKronos is a modern fork of the UoYabause emulator, which is itself a fork of the venerable Yabause emulator. This DLC provides the Kronos-libretro core for use with the RetroArch gaming and multimedia interface, allowing users to load software that is compatible with the Kronos emulator.\r\n\r\nKronos utilizes modern OpenGL capabilities to provide a variety of extra graphical features, such as increased internal resolution, so an up-to-date and reasonably powerful GPU is recommended.\r\n\r\nKronos supports loading games from many different formats, including ISO, BIN/CUE and the compressed CHD format, and it requires external BIOS files (saturn_bios.bin and stvbios.zip) placed either in RetroArch's \"system\" folder or alongside the target software in order to function correctly.",
"mesen-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/mesen2.png[/img]\r\n\r\nMesen is a highly accurate and feature-filled emulator with support for tons of cartridge mappers (even ones used for weird, unauthorized carts), custom color palettes and HD asset packs. As a libretro core, Mesen supports many advanced features, like softpatching and achievements (through the RetroAchievements service).",
"mesen-s-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/mesen2.png[/img][img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/-S2.png[/img]\r\n\r\nMesen S is a highly accurate and feature-filled 16bit console emulator. It has high compatibility, with support for the add-on chips used in many games of the era, while also maintaining high performance. As a libretro core, Mesen S supports many advanced features, like softpatching and achievements (through the RetroAchievements service).",
"mgba-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/mgba.png[/img]\r\n\r\nmGBA is a fast, accurate emulator for one of the most popular and well-loved handheld consoles, and it has compatibility with huge library of beloved 8- and 16-bit style games. On top of the commitment to speed and faithful reproduction, mGBA also has a ton of great enhancement features, including support for custom palettes for games that were originally grayscale and displaying borders for games that include them.\r\n\r\nThis DLC allows mGBA to run through RetroArch, which adds all of its enhancements and features, including real-time rewind, extensive post-processing shaders and low-latency input to provide a modern gaming experience even with classic titles.",
"pcsx-rearmed-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/PCSX.png[/img]\r\n\r\nPCSX ReARMed is part of a long line of emulators that includes PCSX-Reloaded, PCSX-df and, of course, the original PCSX. This particular fork was originally heavily optimized for devices with ARM CPUs, hence the name, but we've added back in quite a few things to make it work well on typical PC hardware, as well.\r\n\r\nAs a libretro core, this DLC requires the RetroArch interface, where it can be loaded as a core to run games and software that are compatible with the PCSX ReARMed emulator. This core requires a BIOS image (not included) for each region of the software to be placed in RetroArch's \"system\" directory in order to function properly.",
"sameboy-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/SAMEBOY_(Phone).png[/img]\r\nSameBoy is a highly accurate emulator known for successfully running a few games that cause other emulators to stumble. In addition to this high accuracy, SameBoy also sports some nice features like the ability to pick which device model to emulate regardless of what model the game is designed for, user-selectable colorization palettes, built-in HLE BIOS and the ability to load borders on the games that support them.",
"stella-desc":"[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/stealla.[/img]\n\nStella jest darmowa, Emulator open-source dla jednej z najbardziej popularnych i wpływowych domowych konsoli do gier wideo z lat 70. i 80. Emulator ten został pierwotnie opracowany do użytku w systemie operacyjnym GNU/Linux, ale z czasem już posiada, zostały przewiezione na wiele różnych platform, w tym libretro, które umożliwiają granie przez system gry RetroArch i multimediów.\n\n[img]{STEAM_APP_IMAGE}/extras/2600.[/img]\n\nW ciągu ostatnich kilku lat, zespół ds. rozwoju Stella wykonał wspaniałe kroki w łagodzeniu wielu zapytań docelowej konsoli Stelli, dostosowanie go do wielu trudnych do naśladowania gier, oprogramowania homebrajskiego i demo.\n\nPrzez RetroArch możesz wnieść nowoczesny kontakt do tego klasycznego emulatora, ze wsparciem dla rewijania i wstecznych osiągnięć w czasie rzeczywistym, jak również z najlepszymi w klasie kontrasystentami RetroArcha do emulacji wyświetlaczy CRT i innych.",
"requirements":"CPU: Intel Pentium 4 i nowsze (CPU z instrukcjami SSE2) \nzalecany CPU:Intel Core series lub AMD odpowiednik \nGrafika: Jakiekolwiek zgodna z OpenGL 2. lub Direct3D11 GPU. Aby shadery działały poprawnie, należy obsługiwać co najmniej Shader Model 2.0. \nRekomendowana Grafika: Intel: co najmniej Intel HD 4K wymagany dla OpenGL, każdy zgodny z D3D11 GPU dla Direct3D 11. Musi wspierać co najmniej model Shader 3. i/lub 4.0. \nDodatkowe uwagi: Dla OpenGL: Intel HD 2K/3K GPUs w Windows 10 będziesz musiał wrócić do sterownika OpenGL 1.1.",
"legal-limits":"RetroArch jest darmowym/otwartym oprogramowaniem dostępnym na licencji GNU GPL 3.0. \nNie zawiera żadnych materiałów chronionych prawem autorskim przez osoby trzecie. RetroArch w żaden sposób nie zgadza się z piractwem kształtem, ani formą."