mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 09:40:11 +00:00
78 lines
3.1 KiB
78 lines
3.1 KiB
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos Glslang Reference Front End; 1
; Bound: 30
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Shader
%1 = OpExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpEntryPoint GLCompute %func "main"
OpExecutionMode %func LocalSize 1 1 1
OpSource ESSL 310
OpSourceExtension "GL_GOOGLE_cpp_style_line_directive"
OpSourceExtension "GL_GOOGLE_include_directive"
OpMemberDecorate %input_struct 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %input_struct 1 Offset 16
OpMemberDecorate %output_struct 0 Offset 0
OpMemberDecorate %output_struct 1 Offset 16
OpDecorate %input_struct BufferBlock
OpDecorate %inputs DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %inputs Binding 0
OpDecorate %output_struct BufferBlock
OpDecorate %outputs DescriptorSet 0
OpDecorate %outputs Binding 1
%void = OpTypeVoid
%main_func = OpTypeFunction %void
%uint = OpTypeInt 32 0
%uvec4 = OpTypeVector %uint 4
%int = OpTypeInt 32 1
%ivec4 = OpTypeVector %int 4
%ivec4_ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %ivec4
%uvec4_ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %uvec4
%zero = OpConstant %int 0
%one = OpConstant %int 1
%input_struct = OpTypeStruct %ivec4 %uvec4
%input_struct_ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %input_struct
%inputs = OpVariable %input_struct_ptr Uniform
%output_struct = OpTypeStruct %uvec4 %ivec4
%output_struct_ptr = OpTypePointer Uniform %output_struct
%outputs = OpVariable %output_struct_ptr Uniform
%func = OpFunction %void None %main_func
%block = OpLabel
%input1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ivec4_ptr %inputs %zero
%input0_ptr = OpAccessChain %uvec4_ptr %inputs %one
%input1 = OpLoad %ivec4 %input1_ptr
%input0 = OpLoad %uvec4 %input0_ptr
%output_ptr_uvec4 = OpAccessChain %uvec4_ptr %outputs %zero
%output_ptr_ivec4 = OpAccessChain %ivec4_ptr %outputs %one
; Test all variants of ShiftRightLogical
%result_iadd_0 = OpShiftRightLogical %uvec4 %input0 %input1
%result_iadd_1 = OpShiftRightLogical %uvec4 %input1 %input0
%result_iadd_2 = OpShiftRightLogical %uvec4 %input0 %input0
%result_iadd_3 = OpShiftRightLogical %uvec4 %input1 %input1
%result_iadd_4 = OpShiftRightLogical %ivec4 %input0 %input0
%result_iadd_5 = OpShiftRightLogical %ivec4 %input1 %input1
%result_iadd_6 = OpShiftRightLogical %ivec4 %input0 %input1
%result_iadd_7 = OpShiftRightLogical %ivec4 %input1 %input0
OpStore %output_ptr_uvec4 %result_iadd_0
OpStore %output_ptr_uvec4 %result_iadd_1
OpStore %output_ptr_uvec4 %result_iadd_2
OpStore %output_ptr_uvec4 %result_iadd_3
OpStore %output_ptr_ivec4 %result_iadd_4
OpStore %output_ptr_ivec4 %result_iadd_5
OpStore %output_ptr_ivec4 %result_iadd_6
OpStore %output_ptr_ivec4 %result_iadd_7