mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:14:00 +00:00
272 lines
8.4 KiB
272 lines
8.4 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <peglib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
const char* slang_fn = NULL;
const char* vs_asm_fn = NULL;
const char* ps_asm_fn = NULL;
const char* vs_out_fn = NULL;
const char* ps_out_fn = NULL;
bool verbose = false;
for(int i = 1; i < argc - 1; i++)
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--slang"))
slang_fn = argv[++i];
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--vsource"))
vs_asm_fn = argv[++i];
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--psource"))
ps_asm_fn = argv[++i];
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--vsh"))
vs_out_fn = argv[++i];
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--psh"))
ps_out_fn = argv[++i];
else if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--verbose"))
verbose = true;
if(!slang_fn || !vs_out_fn || !ps_out_fn || (!vs_asm_fn && ps_asm_fn) || (vs_asm_fn && !ps_asm_fn))
printf("Usage :\n");
printf("%s --slang <slang input> --vsh <vsh output> --psh <psh output>\n", argv[0]);
printf("%s --slang <slang input> --vsource <vsh asm input> --psource <psh asm input> --vsh <vsh output> --psh <psh output>\n", argv[0]);
std::string slang;
std::ifstream fs(slang_fn);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << fs.rdbuf();
slang = ss.str();
std::string slang_grammar;
std::ifstream fs("grammar.txt");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << fs.rdbuf();
slang_grammar = ss.str();
peg::parser parser;
parser.log = [&](size_t ln, size_t col, const std::string &msg) {
std::cout << "Error parsing grammar:" << ln << ":" << col << ": " << msg << std::endl;
if (!parser.load_grammar(slang_grammar.c_str())) {
std::cout << "Failed to load grammar" << std::endl;
return 1;
parser.log = [&](size_t ln, size_t col, const std::string &msg) {
std::cout << slang_fn << ":" << ln << ":" << col << ": " << msg << std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> ast;
if (!parser.parse_n(slang.c_str(), slang.size(), ast)) {
std::cout << "Error parsing slang file: " << slang_fn << std::endl;
return 1;
ast = peg::AstOptimizer(false).optimize(ast);
std::cout << peg::ast_to_s(ast) << std::flush;
if (ast->name != "Program") {
std::cout << "Expected root node to be Program, not" << ast->name << std::endl;
return 1;
std::stringstream common;
std::stringstream vs;
std::stringstream ps;
std::stringstream* out = &common;
common << "#version 150\n";
common << "#define float2 vec2\n";
common << "#define float3 vec3\n";
common << "#define float4 vec4\n";
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &node : ast->nodes) {
if (node->name == "Version") {
/* do nothing */
} else if (node->name == "UniformBlock") {
int location = 0;
int binding = 0;
int set = 0;
int std_val = 0;
bool push_constant = false;
std::string struct_name;
std::string name;
struct member_type
std::string type;
std::string name;
std::vector<member_type> members;
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &child : node->nodes) {
if (child->name == "Layout") {
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &layout : child->nodes) {
if (layout->name == "PushConstant") {
push_constant = true;
} else if (layout->name == "Location") {
location = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (layout->name == "Binding") {
binding = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (layout->name == "Set") {
set = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (layout->name == "Std") {
std_val = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (child->name == "StructName") {
struct_name = child->token;
} else if (child->name == "Name") {
name = child->token;
} else if (child->name == "Member") {
member_type new_member;
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &member : child->nodes) {
if (member->name == "Type") {
new_member.type = member->token;
} else if (member->name == "Name") {
new_member.name = member->token;
#if 0
*out << "layout(location = " << (push_constant? "1" : "0");
*out << ", std" << std_val;
*out << ") ";
*out << "layout(std" << std_val << ") ";
*out << "uniform " << struct_name << "\n{\n";
for(member_type &member : members) {
*out << " " << member.type << " " << member.name << ";\n";
*out << "}" << name << ";";
} else if (node->name == "Declaration") {
int location = 0;
int binding = 0;
int set = 0;
std::string qualifier;
std::string type;
std::string name;
int array_size = 0;
bool has_layout = false;
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &child : node->nodes) {
if (child->name == "Layout") {
has_layout = true;
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &layout : child->nodes) {
if (layout->name == "Location") {
location = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (layout->name == "Binding") {
binding = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (layout->name == "Set") {
set = std::stoul(layout->token);
} else if (child->name == "Qualifier") {
qualifier = child->token;
} else if (child->name == "Type") {
type = child->token;
} else if (child->name == "Name") {
name = child->token;
}else if (child->name == "ArraySize") {
array_size = std::stoul(child->token);
if(has_layout && type != "sampler2D")
*out << "layout(location = " << location << ") ";
*out << qualifier << " " << type << " " << name;
*out << "[" << array_size << "]";
*out << ";";
} else if (node->name == "ConstArray") {
std::string type;
std::string name;
int array_size = 0;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast>>* array;
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &child : node->nodes) {
if (child->name == "Type") {
type = child->token;
} else if (child->name == "Name") {
name = child->token;
} else if (child->name == "ArraySize") {
array_size = std::stoul(child->token);
} else if (child->name == "Array") {
array = &child->nodes;
*out << type << " " << name;
*out << "[" << array_size << "]";
*out << " = " << type;
*out << "[" << array_size << "]";
*out << "(";
for (std::shared_ptr<peg::Ast> &item : *array) {
*out << type << "(";
*out << item->token;
*out << ")";
if(item != array->back())
*out << ", ";
*out << ");";
} else if (node->name == "Stage") {
std::string stage = node->token;
std::transform(stage.begin(), stage.end(), stage.begin(), ::toupper);
if(stage == "VERTEX")
out = &vs;
out = &ps;
} else if (node->name == "Indent"){
*out << node->token;
} else if (node->name == "Line"){
*out << node->token << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Unexcpected node " << node->name << std::endl;
std::ofstream fs(vs_out_fn);
fs << common.str();
fs << vs.str();
std::ofstream fs(ps_out_fn);
fs << common.str();
fs << ps.str();
return 0;