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synced 2025-03-16 07:20:54 +00:00
Use LRU cache for ESMReaders. When cache capacity is reached close least recently used ESMReader. Remember the file name if a reader was open. Once the reader requested again open the file if there is stored name for it. Put released ESMReader to the back of the free items list. Close ESMReader's from the front of the free items list. Cached item can be used only by one client at the same time. If the same item is requested twice exception is thrown. This should never happen in practice. If this happens need to fix the client logic. It's allowed to go over the capacity limit when requesting different readers. Ideally this should never happen but there will be system error anyway signalizing about too many open files. Need to fix client logic in this case. All places that were using a vector of ESMReaders now using the cache. Cache is local for each use case and there is no need for a thread safety.
535 lines
16 KiB
535 lines
16 KiB
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <components/esm/luascripts.hpp>
#include <components/esm/records.hpp>
#include "store.hpp"
namespace Loading
class Listener;
namespace MWMechanics
class SpellList;
namespace ESM
class ReadersCache;
namespace MWWorld
class ESMStore
Store<ESM::Activator> mActivators;
Store<ESM::Potion> mPotions;
Store<ESM::Apparatus> mAppas;
Store<ESM::Armor> mArmors;
Store<ESM::BodyPart> mBodyParts;
Store<ESM::Book> mBooks;
Store<ESM::BirthSign> mBirthSigns;
Store<ESM::Class> mClasses;
Store<ESM::Clothing> mClothes;
Store<ESM::Container> mContainers;
Store<ESM::Creature> mCreatures;
Store<ESM::Dialogue> mDialogs;
Store<ESM::Door> mDoors;
Store<ESM::Enchantment> mEnchants;
Store<ESM::Faction> mFactions;
Store<ESM::Global> mGlobals;
Store<ESM::Ingredient> mIngreds;
Store<ESM::CreatureLevList> mCreatureLists;
Store<ESM::ItemLevList> mItemLists;
Store<ESM::Light> mLights;
Store<ESM::Lockpick> mLockpicks;
Store<ESM::Miscellaneous> mMiscItems;
Store<ESM::NPC> mNpcs;
Store<ESM::Probe> mProbes;
Store<ESM::Race> mRaces;
Store<ESM::Region> mRegions;
Store<ESM::Repair> mRepairs;
Store<ESM::SoundGenerator> mSoundGens;
Store<ESM::Sound> mSounds;
Store<ESM::Spell> mSpells;
Store<ESM::StartScript> mStartScripts;
Store<ESM::Static> mStatics;
Store<ESM::Weapon> mWeapons;
Store<ESM::GameSetting> mGameSettings;
Store<ESM::Script> mScripts;
// Lists that need special rules
Store<ESM::Cell> mCells;
Store<ESM::Land> mLands;
Store<ESM::LandTexture> mLandTextures;
Store<ESM::Pathgrid> mPathgrids;
Store<ESM::MagicEffect> mMagicEffects;
Store<ESM::Skill> mSkills;
// Special entry which is hardcoded and not loaded from an ESM
Store<ESM::Attribute> mAttributes;
// Lookup of all IDs. Makes looking up references faster. Just
// maps the id name to the record type.
using IDMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, int, Misc::StringUtils::CiHash, Misc::StringUtils::CiEqual>;
IDMap mIds;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> mStaticIds;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> mRefCount;
std::map<int, StoreBase *> mStores;
unsigned int mDynamicCount;
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::weak_ptr<MWMechanics::SpellList>, Misc::StringUtils::CiHash, Misc::StringUtils::CiEqual> mSpellListCache;
/// Validate entries in store after setup
void validate();
void countAllCellRefs(ESM::ReadersCache& readers);
template<class T>
void removeMissingObjects(Store<T>& store);
using LuaContent = std::variant<
ESM::LuaScriptsCfg, // data from an omwaddon
std::string>; // path to an omwscripts file
std::vector<LuaContent> mLuaContent;
void addOMWScripts(std::string filePath) { mLuaContent.push_back(std::move(filePath)); }
ESM::LuaScriptsCfg getLuaScriptsCfg() const;
/// \todo replace with SharedIterator<StoreBase>
typedef std::map<int, StoreBase *>::const_iterator iterator;
iterator begin() const {
return mStores.begin();
iterator end() const {
return mStores.end();
/// Look up the given ID in 'all'. Returns 0 if not found.
int find(const std::string &id) const
IDMap::const_iterator it = mIds.find(id);
if (it == mIds.end()) {
return 0;
return it->second;
int findStatic(const std::string &id) const
IDMap::const_iterator it = mStaticIds.find(id);
if (it == mStaticIds.end()) {
return 0;
return it->second;
: mDynamicCount(0)
mStores[ESM::REC_ACTI] = &mActivators;
mStores[ESM::REC_ALCH] = &mPotions;
mStores[ESM::REC_APPA] = &mAppas;
mStores[ESM::REC_ARMO] = &mArmors;
mStores[ESM::REC_BODY] = &mBodyParts;
mStores[ESM::REC_BOOK] = &mBooks;
mStores[ESM::REC_BSGN] = &mBirthSigns;
mStores[ESM::REC_CELL] = &mCells;
mStores[ESM::REC_CLAS] = &mClasses;
mStores[ESM::REC_CLOT] = &mClothes;
mStores[ESM::REC_CONT] = &mContainers;
mStores[ESM::REC_CREA] = &mCreatures;
mStores[ESM::REC_DIAL] = &mDialogs;
mStores[ESM::REC_DOOR] = &mDoors;
mStores[ESM::REC_ENCH] = &mEnchants;
mStores[ESM::REC_FACT] = &mFactions;
mStores[ESM::REC_GLOB] = &mGlobals;
mStores[ESM::REC_GMST] = &mGameSettings;
mStores[ESM::REC_INGR] = &mIngreds;
mStores[ESM::REC_LAND] = &mLands;
mStores[ESM::REC_LEVC] = &mCreatureLists;
mStores[ESM::REC_LEVI] = &mItemLists;
mStores[ESM::REC_LIGH] = &mLights;
mStores[ESM::REC_LOCK] = &mLockpicks;
mStores[ESM::REC_LTEX] = &mLandTextures;
mStores[ESM::REC_MISC] = &mMiscItems;
mStores[ESM::REC_NPC_] = &mNpcs;
mStores[ESM::REC_PGRD] = &mPathgrids;
mStores[ESM::REC_PROB] = &mProbes;
mStores[ESM::REC_RACE] = &mRaces;
mStores[ESM::REC_REGN] = &mRegions;
mStores[ESM::REC_REPA] = &mRepairs;
mStores[ESM::REC_SCPT] = &mScripts;
mStores[ESM::REC_SNDG] = &mSoundGens;
mStores[ESM::REC_SOUN] = &mSounds;
mStores[ESM::REC_SPEL] = &mSpells;
mStores[ESM::REC_SSCR] = &mStartScripts;
mStores[ESM::REC_STAT] = &mStatics;
mStores[ESM::REC_WEAP] = &mWeapons;
void clearDynamic ()
for (std::map<int, StoreBase *>::iterator it = mStores.begin(); it != mStores.end(); ++it)
void movePlayerRecord ()
auto player = mNpcs.find("player");
/// Validate entries in store after loading a save
void validateDynamic();
void load(ESM::ESMReader &esm, Loading::Listener* listener, ESM::Dialogue*& dialogue);
template <class T>
const Store<T> &get() const {
throw std::runtime_error("Storage for this type not exist");
/// Insert a custom record (i.e. with a generated ID that will not clash will pre-existing records)
template <class T>
const T *insert(const T &x)
const std::string id = "$dynamic" + std::to_string(mDynamicCount++);
Store<T> &store = const_cast<Store<T> &>(get<T>());
if (store.search(id) != nullptr)
const std::string msg = "Try to override existing record '" + id + "'";
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
T record = x;
record.mId = id;
T *ptr = store.insert(record);
for (iterator it = mStores.begin(); it != mStores.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second == &store) {
mIds[ptr->mId] = it->first;
return ptr;
/// Insert a record with set ID, and allow it to override a pre-existing static record.
template <class T>
const T *overrideRecord(const T &x) {
Store<T> &store = const_cast<Store<T> &>(get<T>());
T *ptr = store.insert(x);
for (iterator it = mStores.begin(); it != mStores.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second == &store) {
mIds[ptr->mId] = it->first;
return ptr;
template <class T>
const T *insertStatic(const T &x)
const std::string id = "$dynamic" + std::to_string(mDynamicCount++);
Store<T> &store = const_cast<Store<T> &>(get<T>());
if (store.search(id) != nullptr)
const std::string msg = "Try to override existing record '" + id + "'";
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
T record = x;
T *ptr = store.insertStatic(record);
for (iterator it = mStores.begin(); it != mStores.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second == &store) {
mIds[ptr->mId] = it->first;
return ptr;
// This method must be called once, after loading all master/plugin files. This can only be done
// from the outside, so it must be public.
void setUp();
void validateRecords(ESM::ReadersCache& readers);
int countSavedGameRecords() const;
void write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) const;
bool readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type);
///< \return Known type?
// To be called when we are done with dynamic record loading
void checkPlayer();
/// @return The number of instances defined in the base files. Excludes changes from the save file.
int getRefCount(const std::string& id) const;
/// Actors with the same ID share spells, abilities, etc.
/// @return The shared spell list to use for this actor and whether or not it has already been initialized.
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::SpellList>, bool> getSpellList(const std::string& id) const;
template <>
inline const ESM::Cell *ESMStore::insert<ESM::Cell>(const ESM::Cell &cell) {
return mCells.insert(cell);
template <>
inline const ESM::NPC *ESMStore::insert<ESM::NPC>(const ESM::NPC &npc)
const std::string id = "$dynamic" + std::to_string(mDynamicCount++);
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(npc.mId, "player"))
return mNpcs.insert(npc);
else if (mNpcs.search(id) != nullptr)
const std::string msg = "Try to override existing record '" + id + "'";
throw std::runtime_error(msg);
ESM::NPC record = npc;
record.mId = id;
ESM::NPC *ptr = mNpcs.insert(record);
mIds[ptr->mId] = ESM::REC_NPC_;
return ptr;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Activator> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Activator>() const {
return mActivators;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Potion> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Potion>() const {
return mPotions;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Apparatus> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Apparatus>() const {
return mAppas;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Armor> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Armor>() const {
return mArmors;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::BodyPart> &ESMStore::get<ESM::BodyPart>() const {
return mBodyParts;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Book> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Book>() const {
return mBooks;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::BirthSign> &ESMStore::get<ESM::BirthSign>() const {
return mBirthSigns;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Class> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Class>() const {
return mClasses;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Clothing> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Clothing>() const {
return mClothes;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Container> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Container>() const {
return mContainers;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Creature> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Creature>() const {
return mCreatures;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Dialogue> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Dialogue>() const {
return mDialogs;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Door> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Door>() const {
return mDoors;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Enchantment> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Enchantment>() const {
return mEnchants;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Faction> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Faction>() const {
return mFactions;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Global> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Global>() const {
return mGlobals;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Ingredient> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Ingredient>() const {
return mIngreds;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::CreatureLevList> &ESMStore::get<ESM::CreatureLevList>() const {
return mCreatureLists;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::ItemLevList> &ESMStore::get<ESM::ItemLevList>() const {
return mItemLists;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Light> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Light>() const {
return mLights;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Lockpick> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Lockpick>() const {
return mLockpicks;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Miscellaneous> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Miscellaneous>() const {
return mMiscItems;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::NPC> &ESMStore::get<ESM::NPC>() const {
return mNpcs;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Probe> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Probe>() const {
return mProbes;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Race> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Race>() const {
return mRaces;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Region> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Region>() const {
return mRegions;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Repair> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Repair>() const {
return mRepairs;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::SoundGenerator> &ESMStore::get<ESM::SoundGenerator>() const {
return mSoundGens;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Sound> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Sound>() const {
return mSounds;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Spell> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Spell>() const {
return mSpells;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::StartScript> &ESMStore::get<ESM::StartScript>() const {
return mStartScripts;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Static> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Static>() const {
return mStatics;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Weapon> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Weapon>() const {
return mWeapons;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::GameSetting> &ESMStore::get<ESM::GameSetting>() const {
return mGameSettings;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Script> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Script>() const {
return mScripts;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Cell> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Cell>() const {
return mCells;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Land> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Land>() const {
return mLands;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::LandTexture> &ESMStore::get<ESM::LandTexture>() const {
return mLandTextures;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Pathgrid> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Pathgrid>() const {
return mPathgrids;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::MagicEffect> &ESMStore::get<ESM::MagicEffect>() const {
return mMagicEffects;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Skill> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Skill>() const {
return mSkills;
template <>
inline const Store<ESM::Attribute> &ESMStore::get<ESM::Attribute>() const {
return mAttributes;