mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 07:21:12 +00:00
conversion from 'const float' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'float' to 'int', possible loss of data
402 lines
16 KiB
402 lines
16 KiB
#include "fontloader.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <OgreResourceGroupManager.h>
#include <OgreTextureManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_ResourceManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_FontManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_ResourceManualFont.h>
#include <MyGUI_XmlDocument.h>
#include <MyGUI_FactoryManager.h>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
unsigned long utf8ToUnicode(const std::string& utf8)
size_t i = 0;
unsigned long unicode;
size_t todo;
unsigned char ch = utf8[i++];
if (ch <= 0x7F)
unicode = ch;
todo = 0;
else if (ch <= 0xBF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
else if (ch <= 0xDF)
unicode = ch&0x1F;
todo = 1;
else if (ch <= 0xEF)
unicode = ch&0x0F;
todo = 2;
else if (ch <= 0xF7)
unicode = ch&0x07;
todo = 3;
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
for (size_t j = 0; j < todo; ++j)
unsigned char ch = utf8[i++];
if (ch < 0x80 || ch > 0xBF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
unicode <<= 6;
unicode += ch & 0x3F;
if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDFFF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
if (unicode > 0x10FFFF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
return unicode;
// getUtf8, aka the worst function ever written.
// This includes various hacks for dealing with Morrowind's .fnt files that are *mostly*
// in the expected win12XX encoding, but also have randomly swapped characters sometimes.
// Looks like the Morrowind developers found standard encodings too boring and threw in some twists for fun.
std::string getUtf8 (unsigned char c, ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder& encoder, ToUTF8::FromType encoding)
if (encoding == ToUTF8::WINDOWS_1250)
// Hacks for polish font
unsigned char win1250;
std::map<unsigned char, unsigned char> conv;
conv[0x80] = 0xc6;
conv[0x81] = 0x9c;
conv[0x82] = 0xe6;
conv[0x83] = 0xb3;
conv[0x84] = 0xf1;
conv[0x85] = 0xb9;
conv[0x86] = 0xbf;
conv[0x87] = 0x9f;
conv[0x88] = 0xea;
conv[0x89] = 0xea;
conv[0x8a] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0x8b] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0x8c] = 0x8f;
conv[0x8d] = 0xaf;
conv[0x8e] = 0xa5;
conv[0x8f] = 0x8c;
conv[0x90] = 0xca;
conv[0x93] = 0xa3;
conv[0x94] = 0xf6;
conv[0x95] = 0xf3;
conv[0x96] = 0xaf;
conv[0x97] = 0x8f;
conv[0x99] = 0xd3;
conv[0x9a] = 0xd1;
conv[0x9c] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0xa0] = 0xb9;
conv[0xa1] = 0xaf;
conv[0xa2] = 0xf3;
conv[0xa3] = 0xbf;
conv[0xa4] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0xe1] = 0x8c;
// Can't remember if this was supposed to read 0xe2, or is it just an extraneous copypaste?
//conv[0xe1] = 0x8c;
conv[0xe3] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0xf5] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
if (conv.find(c) != conv.end())
win1250 = conv[c];
win1250 = c;
return encoder.getUtf8(std::string(1, win1250));
return encoder.getUtf8(std::string(1, c));
void fail (Ogre::DataStreamPtr file, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& message)
std::stringstream error;
error << "Font loading error: " << message;
error << "\n File: " << fileName;
error << "\n Offset: 0x" << std::hex << file->tell();
throw std::runtime_error(error.str());
namespace Gui
FontLoader::FontLoader(ToUTF8::FromType encoding)
if (encoding == ToUTF8::WINDOWS_1252)
mEncoding = ToUTF8::CP437;
mEncoding = encoding;
void FontLoader::loadAllFonts(bool exportToFile)
Ogre::StringVector groups = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getResourceGroups ();
for (Ogre::StringVector::iterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it)
Ogre::StringVectorPtr resourcesInThisGroup = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton ().findResourceNames (*it, "*.fnt");
for (Ogre::StringVector::iterator resource = resourcesInThisGroup->begin(); resource != resourcesInThisGroup->end(); ++resource)
loadFont(*resource, exportToFile);
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
} Point;
typedef struct
float u1; // appears unused, always 0
Point top_left;
Point top_right;
Point bottom_left;
Point bottom_right;
float width;
float height;
float u2; // appears unused, always 0
float kerning;
float ascent;
} GlyphInfo;
void FontLoader::loadFont(const std::string &fileName, bool exportToFile)
Ogre::DataStreamPtr file = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(fileName);
float fontSize;
if (file->read(&fontSize, sizeof(fontSize)) < sizeof(fontSize))
fail(file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
int one;
if (file->read(&one, sizeof(int)) < sizeof(int))
fail(file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
if (one != 1)
fail(file, fileName, "Unexpected value");
if (file->read(&one, sizeof(int)) < sizeof(int))
fail(file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
if (one != 1)
fail(file, fileName, "Unexpected value");
char name_[284];
if (file->read(name_, sizeof(name_)) < sizeof(name_))
fail(file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
std::string name(name_);
GlyphInfo data[256];
if (file->read(data, sizeof(data)) < sizeof(data))
fail(file, fileName, "File too small to be a valid font");
// Create the font texture
std::string bitmapFilename = "Fonts/" + std::string(name) + ".tex";
Ogre::DataStreamPtr bitmapFile = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(bitmapFilename);
int width, height;
if (bitmapFile->read(&width, sizeof(int)) < sizeof(int))
fail(bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "File too small to be a valid bitmap");
if (bitmapFile->read(&height, sizeof(int)) < sizeof(int))
fail(bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "File too small to be a valid bitmap");
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0)
fail(bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "Width and height must be positive");
std::vector<Ogre::uchar> textureData;
if (bitmapFile->read(&textureData[0], width*height*4) < (size_t)(width*height*4))
fail(bitmapFile, bitmapFilename, "Bitmap does not contain the specified number of pixels");
std::string resourceName;
if (name.size() >= 5 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name.substr(0, 5), "magic"))
resourceName = "Magic Cards";
else if (name.size() >= 7 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name.substr(0, 7), "century"))
resourceName = "Century Gothic";
else if (name.size() >= 7 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name.substr(0, 7), "daedric"))
resourceName = "Daedric";
return; // no point in loading it, since there is no way of using additional fonts
std::string textureName = name;
Ogre::Image image;
image.loadDynamicImage(&textureData[0], width, height, Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGBA);
Ogre::TexturePtr texture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(textureName,
width, height, 0, Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGBA);
if (exportToFile)
image.save(resourceName + ".png");
// Register the font with MyGUI
MyGUI::ResourceManualFont* font = static_cast<MyGUI::ResourceManualFont*>(
MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().createObject("Resource", "ResourceManualFont"));
// We need to emulate loading from XML because the data members are private as of mygui 3.2.0
MyGUI::xml::Document xmlDocument;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr root = xmlDocument.createRoot("ResourceManualFont");
root->addAttribute("name", resourceName);
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr defaultHeight = root->createChild("Property");
defaultHeight->addAttribute("key", "DefaultHeight");
defaultHeight->addAttribute("value", fontSize);
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr source = root->createChild("Property");
source->addAttribute("key", "Source");
source->addAttribute("value", std::string(textureName));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr codes = root->createChild("Codes");
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
float x1 = data[i].top_left.x*width;
float y1 = data[i].top_left.y*height;
float w = data[i].top_right.x*width - x1;
float h = data[i].bottom_left.y*height - y1;
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder encoder(mEncoding);
unsigned long unicodeVal = utf8ToUnicode(getUtf8(i, encoder, mEncoding));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", unicodeVal);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// More hacks! The french game uses several win1252 characters that are not included
// in the cp437 encoding of the font. Fall back to similar available characters.
if (mEncoding == ToUTF8::CP437)
std::multimap<int, int> additional; // <cp437, unicode>
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2019)); // apostrophe
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2013)); // dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(45, 0x2014)); // dash
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201D)); // right double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(34, 0x201C)); // left double quotation mark
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201A));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(44, 0x201E));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(43, 0x2020));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(94, 0x02C6));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(37, 0x2030));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(83, 0x0160));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(60, 0x2039));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(79, 0x0152));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(90, 0x017D));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(39, 0x2019));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(126, 0x02DC));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(84, 0x2122));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(83, 0x0161));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(62, 0x203A));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(111, 0x0153));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(122, 0x017E));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(89, 0x0178));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(156, 0x00A2));
additional.insert(std::make_pair(46, 0x2026));
for (std::multimap<int, int>::iterator it = additional.begin(); it != additional.end(); ++it)
if (it->first != i)
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", it->second);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
code->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// ASCII vertical bar, use this as text input cursor
if (i == 124)
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", MyGUI::FontCodeType::Cursor);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
cursorCode->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// Question mark, use for NotDefined marker (used for glyphs not existing in the font)
if (i == 63)
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", MyGUI::FontCodeType::NotDefined);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
cursorCode->addAttribute("size", MyGUI::IntSize(static_cast<int>(data[i].width), static_cast<int>(data[i].height)));
// These are required as well, but the fonts don't provide them
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
MyGUI::FontCodeType::Enum type;
if(i == 0)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::Selected;
else if (i == 1)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::SelectedBack;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", type);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", "0 0 0 0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", "0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", "0 0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("size", "0 0");
if (exportToFile)
xmlDocument.save(resourceName + ".xml");
font->deserialization(root, MyGUI::Version(3,2,0));