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synced 2025-03-23 01:21:39 +00:00
Return value can't be nullptr. Pointer complicates the code because has to be dereferenced. Also move function definition to hpp to make it easier for compiler to optimize calls.
125 lines
5.1 KiB
125 lines
5.1 KiB
#include "actions.hpp"
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/player.hpp"
namespace MWLua
void TeleportAction::apply(WorldView& worldView) const
MWWorld::CellStore* cell = worldView.findCell(mCell, mPos);
if (!cell)
Log(Debug::Error) << "LuaManager::applyTeleport -> cell not found: '" << mCell << "'";
MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
MWWorld::Ptr obj = worldView.getObjectRegistry()->getPtr(mObject, false);
const MWWorld::Class& cls = obj.getClass();
bool isPlayer = obj == world->getPlayerPtr();
if (cls.isActor())
if (isPlayer)
ESM::Position esmPos;
static_assert(sizeof(esmPos) == sizeof(osg::Vec3f) * 2);
std::memcpy(esmPos.pos, &mPos, sizeof(osg::Vec3f));
std::memcpy(esmPos.rot, &mRot, sizeof(osg::Vec3f));
if (cell->isExterior())
world->changeToExteriorCell(esmPos, true);
world->changeToInteriorCell(mCell, esmPos, true);
MWWorld::Ptr newObj = world->moveObject(obj, cell, mPos);
world->rotateObject(newObj, mRot);
void SetEquipmentAction::apply(WorldView& worldView) const
MWWorld::Ptr actor = worldView.getObjectRegistry()->getPtr(mActor, false);
MWWorld::InventoryStore& store = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor);
std::array<bool, MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots> usedSlots;
std::fill(usedSlots.begin(), usedSlots.end(), false);
constexpr int anySlot = -1;
auto tryEquipToSlot = [&actor, &store, &usedSlots, &worldView, anySlot](int slot, const Item& item) -> bool
auto old_it = slot != anySlot ? store.getSlot(slot) : store.end();
MWWorld::Ptr itemPtr;
if (std::holds_alternative<ObjectId>(item))
itemPtr = worldView.getObjectRegistry()->getPtr(std::get<ObjectId>(item), false);
if (old_it != store.end() && *old_it == itemPtr)
return true; // already equipped
if (itemPtr.isEmpty() || itemPtr.getRefData().getCount() == 0 ||
itemPtr.getContainerStore() != static_cast<const MWWorld::ContainerStore*>(&store))
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Object" << idToString(std::get<ObjectId>(item)) << " is not in inventory";
return false;
const std::string& recordId = std::get<std::string>(item);
if (old_it != store.end() && old_it->getCellRef().getRefIdRef() == recordId)
return true; // already equipped
itemPtr = store.search(recordId);
if (itemPtr.isEmpty() || itemPtr.getRefData().getCount() == 0)
Log(Debug::Warning) << "There is no object with recordId='" << recordId << "' in inventory";
return false;
auto [allowedSlots, _] = itemPtr.getClass().getEquipmentSlots(itemPtr);
bool requestedSlotIsAllowed = std::find(allowedSlots.begin(), allowedSlots.end(), slot) != allowedSlots.end();
if (!requestedSlotIsAllowed)
auto firstAllowed = std::find_if(allowedSlots.begin(), allowedSlots.end(), [&](int s) { return !usedSlots[s]; });
if (firstAllowed == allowedSlots.end())
Log(Debug::Warning) << "No suitable slot for " << ptrToString(itemPtr);
return false;
slot = *firstAllowed;
// TODO: Refactor InventoryStore to accept Ptr and get rid of this linear search.
MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = std::find(store.begin(), store.end(), itemPtr);
if (it == store.end()) // should never happen
throw std::logic_error("Item not found in container");
store.equip(slot, it, actor);
return requestedSlotIsAllowed; // return true if equipped to requested slot and false if slot was changed
for (int slot = 0; slot < MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots; ++slot)
auto old_it = store.getSlot(slot);
auto new_it = mEquipment.find(slot);
if (new_it == mEquipment.end())
if (old_it != store.end())
store.unequipSlot(slot, actor);
if (tryEquipToSlot(slot, new_it->second))
usedSlots[slot] = true;
for (const auto& [slot, item] : mEquipment)
if (slot >= MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slots)
tryEquipToSlot(anySlot, item);