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synced 2025-02-28 22:13:21 +00:00
This allows to distribute AI reaction calls over time. Before this change actors appearing at the same frame will react in the same frame over and over because AI reaction period is constant. It creates a non-uniform CPU usage over frames. If a single frame has too many AI reactions it may cause stuttering when there are too many actors on a scene for current system. Another concern is a synchronization of actions between creatures and NPC. They start to go or hit at the same frame that is unnatural.
178 lines
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178 lines
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#include <memory>
#include <components/esm/defs.hpp>
#include <components/detournavigator/areatype.hpp>
#include "pathfinding.hpp"
#include "obstacle.hpp"
#include "aistate.hpp"
#include "aipackagetypeid.hpp"
#include "aitimer.hpp"
namespace MWWorld
class Ptr;
namespace ESM
struct Cell;
namespace AiSequence
struct AiSequence;
namespace MWMechanics
class CharacterController;
class PathgridGraph;
/// \brief Base class for AI packages
class AiPackage
struct Options
unsigned int mPriority = 0;
bool mUseVariableSpeed = false;
bool mSideWithTarget = false;
bool mFollowTargetThroughDoors = false;
bool mCanCancel = true;
bool mShouldCancelPreviousAi = true;
bool mRepeat = false;
bool mAlwaysActive = false;
constexpr Options withRepeat(bool value)
mRepeat = value;
return *this;
constexpr Options withShouldCancelPreviousAi(bool value)
mShouldCancelPreviousAi = value;
return *this;
AiPackage(AiPackageTypeId typeId, const Options& options);
virtual ~AiPackage() = default;
static constexpr Options makeDefaultOptions()
return Options{};
///Clones the package
virtual std::unique_ptr<AiPackage> clone() const = 0;
/// Updates and runs the package (Should run every frame)
/// \return Package completed?
virtual bool execute (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, CharacterController& characterController, AiState& state, float duration) = 0;
/// Returns the TypeID of the AiPackage
/// \see enum TypeId
AiPackageTypeId getTypeId() const { return mTypeId; }
/// Higher number is higher priority (0 being the lowest)
unsigned int getPriority() const { return mOptions.mPriority; }
/// Check if package use movement with variable speed
bool useVariableSpeed() const { return mOptions.mUseVariableSpeed; }
virtual void writeState (ESM::AiSequence::AiSequence& sequence) const {}
/// Simulates the passing of time
virtual void fastForward(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, AiState& state) {}
/// Get the target actor the AI is targeted at (not applicable to all AI packages, default return empty Ptr)
virtual MWWorld::Ptr getTarget() const;
/// Get the destination point of the AI package (not applicable to all AI packages, default return (0, 0, 0))
virtual osg::Vec3f getDestination(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const { return osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 0); };
/// Return true if having this AiPackage makes the actor side with the target in fights (default false)
bool sideWithTarget() const { return mOptions.mSideWithTarget; }
/// Return true if the actor should follow the target through teleport doors (default false)
bool followTargetThroughDoors() const { return mOptions.mFollowTargetThroughDoors; }
/// Can this Ai package be canceled? (default true)
bool canCancel() const { return mOptions.mCanCancel; }
/// Upon adding this Ai package, should the Ai Sequence attempt to cancel previous Ai packages (default true)?
bool shouldCancelPreviousAi() const { return mOptions.mShouldCancelPreviousAi; }
/// Return true if this package should repeat. Currently only used for Wander packages.
bool getRepeat() const { return mOptions.mRepeat; }
virtual osg::Vec3f getDestination() const { return osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 0); }
/// Return true if any loaded actor with this AI package must be active.
bool alwaysActive() const { return mOptions.mAlwaysActive; }
/// Reset pathfinding state
void reset();
/// Return if actor's rotation speed is sufficient to rotate to the destination pathpoint on the run. Otherwise actor should rotate while standing.
static bool isReachableRotatingOnTheRun(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& dest);
/// Handles path building and shortcutting with obstacles avoiding
/** \return If the actor has arrived at his destination **/
bool pathTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const osg::Vec3f& dest, float duration, float destTolerance = 0.0f);
/// Check if there aren't any obstacles along the path to make shortcut possible
/// If a shortcut is possible then path will be cleared and filled with the destination point.
/// \param destInLOS If not nullptr function will return ray cast check result
/// \return If can shortcut the path
bool shortcutPath(const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor,
bool *destInLOS, bool isPathClear);
/// Check if the way to the destination is clear, taking into account actor speed
bool checkWayIsClearForActor(const osg::Vec3f& startPoint, const osg::Vec3f& endPoint, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor);
bool doesPathNeedRecalc(const osg::Vec3f& newDest, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const;
void evadeObstacles(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor);
void openDoors(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor);
const PathgridGraph& getPathGridGraph(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell);
DetourNavigator::Flags getNavigatorFlags(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const;
DetourNavigator::AreaCosts getAreaCosts(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const;
const AiPackageTypeId mTypeId;
const Options mOptions;
// TODO: all this does not belong here, move into temporary storage
PathFinder mPathFinder;
ObstacleCheck mObstacleCheck;
AiReactionTimer mReaction;
std::string mTargetActorRefId;
mutable int mTargetActorId;
short mRotateOnTheRunChecks; // attempts to check rotation to the pathpoint on the run possibility
bool mIsShortcutting; // if shortcutting at the moment
bool mShortcutProhibited; // shortcutting may be prohibited after unsuccessful attempt
osg::Vec3f mShortcutFailPos; // position of last shortcut fail
bool isNearInactiveCell(osg::Vec3f position);