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#include <stdexcept>
#include "OgrePlatform.hpp"
#include <OgreDataStream.h>
#include <OgreGpuProgramManager.h>
#include <OgreHighLevelGpuProgramManager.h>
#include <OgreRoot.h>
#include "OgreMaterial.hpp"
#include "OgreGpuProgram.hpp"
#include "OgreMaterialSerializer.hpp"
#include "../../Main/MaterialInstance.hpp"
#include "../../Main/Factory.hpp"
std::string convertLang (sh::Language lang)
if (lang == sh::Language_CG)
return "cg";
else if (lang == sh::Language_HLSL)
return "hlsl";
else if (lang == sh::Language_GLSL)
return "glsl";
else if (lang == sh::Language_GLSLES)
return "glsles";
throw std::runtime_error ("invalid language, valid are: cg, hlsl, glsl, glsles");
namespace sh
OgreMaterialSerializer* OgrePlatform::sSerializer = 0;
OgrePlatform::OgrePlatform(const std::string& resourceGroupName, const std::string& basePath)
: Platform(basePath)
, mResourceGroup(resourceGroupName)
if (supportsShaderSerialization())
sSerializer = new OgreMaterialSerializer();
OgreMaterialSerializer& OgrePlatform::getSerializer()
return *sSerializer;
OgrePlatform::~OgrePlatform ()
delete sSerializer;
bool OgrePlatform::isProfileSupported (const std::string& profile)
return Ogre::GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isSyntaxSupported(profile);
bool OgrePlatform::supportsShaderSerialization ()
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 9 << 8 | 0)
return true;
return Ogre::Root::getSingleton ().getRenderSystem ()->getName ().find("OpenGL") == std::string::npos;
bool OgrePlatform::supportsMaterialQueuedListener ()
return true;
boost::shared_ptr<Material> OgrePlatform::createMaterial (const std::string& name)
OgreMaterial* material = new OgreMaterial(name, mResourceGroup);
return boost::shared_ptr<Material> (material);
void OgrePlatform::destroyGpuProgram(const std::string &name)
boost::shared_ptr<GpuProgram> OgrePlatform::createGpuProgram (
GpuProgramType type,
const std::string& compileArguments,
const std::string& name, const std::string& profile,
const std::string& source, Language lang)
OgreGpuProgram* prog = new OgreGpuProgram (type, compileArguments, name, profile, source, convertLang(lang), mResourceGroup);
return boost::shared_ptr<GpuProgram> (static_cast<GpuProgram*>(prog));
Ogre::Technique* OgrePlatform::handleSchemeNotFound (
unsigned short schemeIndex, const Ogre::String &schemeName, Ogre::Material *originalMaterial,
unsigned short lodIndex, const Ogre::Renderable *rend)
MaterialInstance* m = fireMaterialRequested(originalMaterial->getName(), schemeName, lodIndex);
if (m)
OgreMaterial* _m = static_cast<OgreMaterial*>(m->getMaterial());
return _m->getOgreTechniqueForConfiguration (schemeName, lodIndex);
return 0; // material does not belong to us
void OgrePlatform::serializeShaders (const std::string& file)
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 9 << 8 | 0)
if (Ogre::GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().isCacheDirty())
std::fstream output;
output.open(file.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
Ogre::DataStreamPtr shaderCache (OGRE_NEW Ogre::FileStreamDataStream(file, &output, false));
void OgrePlatform::deserializeShaders (const std::string& file)
std::ifstream inp;
inp.open(file.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
Ogre::DataStreamPtr shaderCache(OGRE_NEW Ogre::FileStreamDataStream(file, &inp, false));
void OgrePlatform::setSharedParameter (const std::string& name, PropertyValuePtr value)
Ogre::GpuSharedParametersPtr params;
if (mSharedParameters.find(name) == mSharedParameters.end())
params = Ogre::GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().createSharedParameters(name);
Ogre::GpuConstantType type;
if (typeid(*value) == typeid(Vector4))
type = Ogre::GCT_FLOAT4;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(Vector3))
type = Ogre::GCT_FLOAT3;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(Vector2))
type = Ogre::GCT_FLOAT2;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(FloatValue))
type = Ogre::GCT_FLOAT1;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(IntValue))
type = Ogre::GCT_INT1;
throw std::runtime_error("unexpected type");
params->addConstantDefinition(name, type);
mSharedParameters[name] = params;
params = mSharedParameters.find(name)->second;
Ogre::Vector4 v (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
if (typeid(*value) == typeid(Vector4))
Vector4 vec = retrieveValue<Vector4>(value, NULL);
v.x = vec.mX;
v.y = vec.mY;
v.z = vec.mZ;
v.w = vec.mW;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(Vector3))
Vector3 vec = retrieveValue<Vector3>(value, NULL);
v.x = vec.mX;
v.y = vec.mY;
v.z = vec.mZ;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(Vector2))
Vector2 vec = retrieveValue<Vector2>(value, NULL);
v.x = vec.mX;
v.y = vec.mY;
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(FloatValue))
v.x = retrieveValue<FloatValue>(value, NULL).get();
else if (typeid(*value) == typeid(IntValue))
v.x = static_cast<float>(retrieveValue<IntValue>(value, NULL).get());
throw std::runtime_error ("unsupported property type for shared parameter \"" + name + "\"");
params->setNamedConstant(name, v);