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synced 2025-03-26 11:37:12 +00:00
Multiview shaders. Refactor Frustum management Rewrite shared shadow map cull mask should respect stereo Stereo savegame screencap LocalMap refactoring use the vertex buffer hint instead of the display list patch to enable/disable display lists Character preview fixes
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370 lines
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#version @GLSLVersion
#include "multiview_fragment.glsl"
#if @useUBO
#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : require
#if @useGPUShader4
#extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4: require
#include "openmw_fragment.h.glsl"
#define REFRACTION @refraction_enabled
#define RAIN_RIPPLE_DETAIL @rain_ripple_detail
// Inspired by Blender GLSL Water by martinsh ( https://devlog-martinsh.blogspot.de/2012/07/waterundewater-shader-wip.html )
// tweakables -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
const float VISIBILITY = 2500.0;
const float BIG_WAVES_X = 0.1; // strength of big waves
const float BIG_WAVES_Y = 0.1;
const float MID_WAVES_X = 0.1; // strength of middle sized waves
const float MID_WAVES_Y = 0.1;
const float MID_WAVES_RAIN_X = 0.2;
const float MID_WAVES_RAIN_Y = 0.2;
const float SMALL_WAVES_X = 0.1; // strength of small waves
const float SMALL_WAVES_Y = 0.1;
const float SMALL_WAVES_RAIN_X = 0.3;
const float SMALL_WAVES_RAIN_Y = 0.3;
const float WAVE_CHOPPYNESS = 0.05; // wave choppyness
const float WAVE_SCALE = 75.0; // overall wave scale
const float BUMP = 0.5; // overall water surface bumpiness
const float BUMP_RAIN = 2.5;
const float REFL_BUMP = 0.10; // reflection distortion amount
const float REFR_BUMP = 0.07; // refraction distortion amount
const float SCATTER_AMOUNT = 0.3; // amount of sunlight scattering
const vec3 SCATTER_COLOUR = vec3(0.0,1.0,0.95); // colour of sunlight scattering
const vec3 SUN_EXT = vec3(0.45, 0.55, 0.68); //sunlight extinction
const float SPEC_HARDNESS = 256.0; // specular highlights hardness
const float BUMP_SUPPRESS_DEPTH = 300.0; // at what water depth bumpmap will be suppressed for reflections and refractions (prevents artifacts at shores)
const vec2 WIND_DIR = vec2(0.5f, -0.8f);
const float WIND_SPEED = 0.2f;
const vec3 WATER_COLOR = vec3(0.090195, 0.115685, 0.12745);
const float WOBBLY_SHORE_FADE_DISTANCE = 6200.0; // fade out wobbly shores to mask precision errors, the effect is almost impossible to see at a distance
// ---------------- rain ripples related stuff ---------------------
const float RAIN_RIPPLE_GAPS = 10.0;
const float RAIN_RIPPLE_RADIUS = 0.2;
float scramble(float x, float z)
return fract(pow(fract(x)*3.0+1.0, z));
vec2 randOffset(vec2 c, float time)
time = fract(time/1000.0);
c = vec2(c.x * c.y / 8.0 + c.y * 0.3 + c.x * 0.2,
c.x * c.y / 14.0 + c.y * 0.5 + c.x * 0.7);
c.x *= scramble(scramble(time + c.x/1000.0, 4.0), 3.0) + 1.0;
c.y *= scramble(scramble(time + c.y/1000.0, 3.5), 3.0) + 1.0;
return fract(c);
float randPhase(vec2 c)
return fract((c.x * c.y) / (c.x + c.y + 0.1));
float blip(float x)
x = max(0.0, 1.0-x*x);
return x*x*x;
float blipDerivative(float x)
x = clamp(x, -1.0, 1.0);
float n = x*x-1.0;
return -6.0*x*n*n;
const float RAIN_RING_TIME_OFFSET = 1.0/6.0;
vec4 circle(vec2 coords, vec2 corner, float adjusted_time)
vec2 center = vec2(0.5,0.5) + (0.5 - RAIN_RIPPLE_RADIUS) * (2.0 * randOffset(corner, floor(adjusted_time)) - 1.0);
float phase = fract(adjusted_time);
vec2 toCenter = coords - center;
float d = length(toCenter);
float ringfollower = (phase-d/r)/RAIN_RING_TIME_OFFSET-1.0; // -1.0 ~ +1.0 cover the breadth of the ripple's ring
// normal mapped ripples
if(ringfollower < -1.0 || ringfollower > 1.0)
return vec4(0.0);
if(d > 1.0) // normalize center direction vector, but not for near-center ripples
toCenter /= d;
float height = blip(ringfollower*2.0+0.5); // brighten up outer edge of ring; for fake specularity
float range_limit = blip(min(0.0, ringfollower));
float energy = 1.0-phase;
vec2 normal2d = -toCenter*blipDerivative(ringfollower)*5.0;
vec3 normal = vec3(normal2d, 0.5);
vec4 ret = vec4(normal, height);
ret.xyw *= energy*energy;
// do energy adjustment here rather than later, so that we can use the w component for fake specularity
ret.xyz = normalize(ret.xyz) * energy*range_limit;
ret.z *= range_limit;
return ret;
// ring-only ripples
if(ringfollower < -1.0 || ringfollower > 0.5)
return vec4(0.0);
float energy = 1.0-phase;
float height = blip(ringfollower*2.0+0.5)*energy*energy; // fake specularity
return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, height);
vec4 rain(vec2 uv, float time)
vec2 f_part = fract(uv);
vec2 i_part = floor(uv);
float adjusted_time = time * 1.2 + randPhase(i_part);
vec4 a = circle(f_part, i_part, adjusted_time);
vec4 b = circle(f_part, i_part, adjusted_time - RAIN_RING_TIME_OFFSET);
vec4 c = circle(f_part, i_part, adjusted_time - RAIN_RING_TIME_OFFSET*2.0);
vec4 d = circle(f_part, i_part, adjusted_time - RAIN_RING_TIME_OFFSET*3.0);
vec4 ret;
ret.xy = a.xy - b.xy/2.0 + c.xy/4.0 - d.xy/8.0;
// z should always point up
ret.z = a.z + b.z /2.0 + c.z /4.0 + d.z /8.0;
//ret.xyz *= 1.5;
// fake specularity looks weird if we use every single ring, also if the inner rings are too bright
ret.w = (a.w + c.w /8.0)*1.5;
return ret;
return circle(f_part, i_part, adjusted_time) * 1.5;
vec2 complex_mult(vec2 a, vec2 b)
return vec2(a.x*b.x - a.y*b.y, a.x*b.y + a.y*b.x);
vec4 rainCombined(vec2 uv, float time) // returns ripple normal in xyz and fake specularity in w
rain(uv, time)
+ rain(complex_mult(uv, vec2(0.4, 0.7)) + vec2(1.2, 3.0),time)
+ rain(uv * 0.75 + vec2( 3.7,18.9),time)
+ rain(uv * 0.9 + vec2( 5.7,30.1),time)
+ rain(uv * 1.0 + vec2(10.5 ,5.7),time)
// -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
float fresnel_dielectric(vec3 Incoming, vec3 Normal, float eta)
float c = abs(dot(Incoming, Normal));
float g = eta * eta - 1.0 + c * c;
float result;
if(g > 0.0) {
g = sqrt(g);
float A =(g - c)/(g + c);
float B =(c *(g + c)- 1.0)/(c *(g - c)+ 1.0);
result = 0.5 * A * A *(1.0 + B * B);
result = 1.0; /* TIR (no refracted component) */
return result;
vec2 normalCoords(vec2 uv, float scale, float speed, float time, float timer1, float timer2, vec3 previousNormal)
return uv * (WAVE_SCALE * scale) + WIND_DIR * time * (WIND_SPEED * speed) -(previousNormal.xy/previousNormal.zz) * WAVE_CHOPPYNESS + vec2(time * timer1,time * timer2);
varying vec4 position;
varying float linearDepth;
uniform sampler2D normalMap;
uniform float osg_SimulationTime;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
uniform vec3 nodePosition;
uniform float rainIntensity;
uniform vec2 screenRes;
#include "shadows_fragment.glsl"
#include "lighting.glsl"
float frustumDepth;
float linearizeDepth(float depth)
#if @reverseZ
depth = 1.0 - depth;
float z_n = 2.0 * depth - 1.0;
depth = 2.0 * near * far / (far + near - z_n * frustumDepth);
return depth;
void main(void)
frustumDepth = abs(far - near);
vec3 worldPos = position.xyz + nodePosition.xyz;
vec2 UV = worldPos.xy / (8192.0*5.0) * 3.0;
UV.y *= -1.0;
float shadow = unshadowedLightRatio(linearDepth);
vec2 screenCoords = gl_FragCoord.xy / screenRes;
#define waterTimer osg_SimulationTime
vec3 normal0 = 2.0 * texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 0.05, 0.04, waterTimer, -0.015, -0.005, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0))).rgb - 1.0;
vec3 normal1 = 2.0 * texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 0.1, 0.08, waterTimer, 0.02, 0.015, normal0)).rgb - 1.0;
vec3 normal2 = 2.0 * texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 0.25, 0.07, waterTimer, -0.04, -0.03, normal1)).rgb - 1.0;
vec3 normal3 = 2.0 * texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 0.5, 0.09, waterTimer, 0.03, 0.04, normal2)).rgb - 1.0;
vec3 normal4 = 2.0 * texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 1.0, 0.4, waterTimer, -0.02, 0.1, normal3)).rgb - 1.0;
vec3 normal5 = 2.0 * texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 2.0, 0.7, waterTimer, 0.1, -0.06, normal4)).rgb - 1.0;
vec4 rainRipple;
if (rainIntensity > 0.01)
rainRipple = rainCombined(position.xy/1000.0, waterTimer) * clamp(rainIntensity, 0.0, 1.0);
rainRipple = vec4(0.0);
vec3 rippleAdd = rainRipple.xyz * 10.0;
vec2 bigWaves = vec2(BIG_WAVES_X,BIG_WAVES_Y);
vec2 midWaves = mix(vec2(MID_WAVES_X,MID_WAVES_Y),vec2(MID_WAVES_RAIN_X,MID_WAVES_RAIN_Y),rainIntensity);
vec2 smallWaves = mix(vec2(SMALL_WAVES_X,SMALL_WAVES_Y),vec2(SMALL_WAVES_RAIN_X,SMALL_WAVES_RAIN_Y),rainIntensity);
float bump = mix(BUMP,BUMP_RAIN,rainIntensity);
vec3 normal = (normal0 * bigWaves.x + normal1 * bigWaves.y + normal2 * midWaves.x +
normal3 * midWaves.y + normal4 * smallWaves.x + normal5 * smallWaves.y + rippleAdd);
normal = normalize(vec3(-normal.x * bump, -normal.y * bump, normal.z));
vec3 lVec = normalize((gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * vec4(lcalcPosition(0).xyz, 0.0)).xyz);
vec3 cameraPos = (gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * vec4(0,0,0,1)).xyz;
vec3 vVec = normalize(position.xyz - cameraPos.xyz);
float sunFade = length(gl_LightModel.ambient.xyz);
// fresnel
float ior = (cameraPos.z>0.0)?(1.333/1.0):(1.0/1.333); // air to water; water to air
float fresnel = clamp(fresnel_dielectric(vVec, normal, ior), 0.0, 1.0);
float radialise = 1.0;
#if @radialFog
float radialDepth = distance(position.xyz, cameraPos);
// TODO: Figure out how to properly radialise refraction depth and thus underwater fog
// while avoiding oddities when the water plane is close to the clipping plane
// radialise = radialDepth / linearDepth;
vec2 screenCoordsOffset = normal.xy * REFL_BUMP;
float depthSample = linearizeDepth(mw_sampleRefractionDepthMap(screenCoords)) * radialise;
float depthSampleDistorted = linearizeDepth(mw_sampleRefractionDepthMap(screenCoords-screenCoordsOffset)) * radialise;
float surfaceDepth = linearizeDepth(gl_FragCoord.z) * radialise;
float realWaterDepth = depthSample - surfaceDepth; // undistorted water depth in view direction, independent of frustum
screenCoordsOffset *= clamp(realWaterDepth / BUMP_SUPPRESS_DEPTH,0,1);
// reflection
vec3 reflection = mw_sampleReflectionMap(screenCoords + screenCoordsOffset).rgb;
// specular
float specular = pow(max(dot(reflect(vVec, normal), lVec), 0.0),SPEC_HARDNESS) * shadow;
vec3 waterColor = WATER_COLOR * sunFade;
vec4 sunSpec = lcalcSpecular(0);
// artificial specularity to make rain ripples more noticeable
vec3 skyColorEstimate = vec3(max(0.0, mix(-0.3, 1.0, sunFade)));
vec3 rainSpecular = abs(rainRipple.w)*mix(skyColorEstimate, vec3(1.0), 0.05)*0.5;
// no alpha here, so make sure raindrop ripple specularity gets properly subdued
rainSpecular *= clamp(fresnel*6.0 + specular * sunSpec.w, 0.0, 1.0);
// refraction
vec3 refraction = mw_sampleRefractionMap(screenCoords - screenCoordsOffset).rgb;
vec3 rawRefraction = refraction;
// brighten up the refraction underwater
if (cameraPos.z < 0.0)
refraction = clamp(refraction * 1.5, 0.0, 1.0);
refraction = mix(refraction, waterColor, clamp(depthSampleDistorted/VISIBILITY, 0.0, 1.0));
// sunlight scattering
// normal for sunlight scattering
vec3 lNormal = (normal0 * bigWaves.x * 0.5 + normal1 * bigWaves.y * 0.5 + normal2 * midWaves.x * 0.2 +
normal3 * midWaves.y * 0.2 + normal4 * smallWaves.x * 0.1 + normal5 * smallWaves.y * 0.1 + rippleAdd);
lNormal = normalize(vec3(-lNormal.x * bump, -lNormal.y * bump, lNormal.z));
float sunHeight = lVec.z;
vec3 scatterColour = mix(SCATTER_COLOUR*vec3(1.0,0.4,0.0), SCATTER_COLOUR, clamp(1.0-exp(-sunHeight*SUN_EXT), 0.0, 1.0));
vec3 lR = reflect(lVec, lNormal);
float lightScatter = clamp(dot(lVec,lNormal)*0.7+0.3, 0.0, 1.0) * clamp(dot(lR, vVec)*2.0-1.2, 0.0, 1.0) * SCATTER_AMOUNT * sunFade * clamp(1.0-exp(-sunHeight), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[0].xyz = mix( mix(refraction, scatterColour, lightScatter), reflection, fresnel) + specular * sunSpec.xyz + rainSpecular;
gl_FragData[0].w = 1.0;
// wobbly water: hard-fade into refraction texture at extremely low depth, with a wobble based on normal mapping
vec3 normalShoreRippleRain = texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 2.0, 2.7, -1.0*waterTimer, 0.05, 0.1, normal3)).rgb - 0.5
+ texture2D(normalMap,normalCoords(UV, 2.0, 2.7, waterTimer, 0.04, -0.13, normal4)).rgb - 0.5;
float verticalWaterDepth = realWaterDepth * mix(abs(vVec.z), 1.0, 0.2); // an estimate
float shoreOffset = verticalWaterDepth - (normal2.r + mix(0.0, normalShoreRippleRain.r, rainIntensity) + 0.15)*8.0;
float fuzzFactor = min(1.0, 1000.0/surfaceDepth) * mix(abs(vVec.z), 1.0, 0.2);
shoreOffset *= fuzzFactor;
shoreOffset = clamp(mix(shoreOffset, 1.0, clamp(linearDepth / WOBBLY_SHORE_FADE_DISTANCE, 0.0, 1.0)), 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[0].xyz = mix(rawRefraction, gl_FragData[0].xyz, shoreOffset);
gl_FragData[0].xyz = mix(reflection, waterColor, (1.0-fresnel)*0.5) + specular * sunSpec.xyz + rainSpecular;
gl_FragData[0].w = clamp(fresnel*6.0 + specular * sunSpec.w, 0.0, 1.0); //clamp(fresnel*2.0 + specular * gl_LightSource[0].specular.w, 0.0, 1.0);
// fog
#if @radialFog
float fogValue = clamp((radialDepth - gl_Fog.start) * gl_Fog.scale, 0.0, 1.0);
float fogValue = clamp((linearDepth - gl_Fog.start) * gl_Fog.scale, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_FragData[0].xyz = mix(gl_FragData[0].xyz, gl_Fog.color.xyz, fogValue);