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#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <osg/Matrix>
#include <osg/Vec3>
#include <osg/Vec3d>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp"
namespace osg
class Camera;
class Callback;
class Node;
namespace MWRender
class NpcAnimation;
/// \brief Camera control
class Camera
enum class Mode : int
Static = 0,
FirstPerson = 1,
ThirdPerson = 2,
Vanity = 3,
Preview = 4
Camera(osg::Camera* camera);
/// Attach camera to object
void attachTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { mTrackingPtr = ptr; }
MWWorld::Ptr getTrackingPtr() const { return mTrackingPtr; }
void setFocalPointTransitionSpeed(float v) { mFocalPointTransitionSpeedCoef = v; }
float getFocalPointTransitionSpeed() const { return mFocalPointTransitionSpeedCoef; }
void setFocalPointTargetOffset(const osg::Vec2d& v);
osg::Vec2d getFocalPointTargetOffset() const { return mFocalPointTargetOffset; }
void instantTransition();
void showCrosshair(bool v) { mShowCrosshair = v; }
/// Update the view matrix of \a cam
void updateCamera(osg::Camera* cam);
/// Reset to defaults
void reset() { setMode(Mode::FirstPerson); }
void rotateCameraToTrackingPtr();
float getPitch() const { return mPitch; }
float getYaw() const { return mYaw; }
float getRoll() const { return mRoll; }
void setPitch(float angle, bool force = false);
void setYaw(float angle, bool force = false);
void setRoll(float angle) { mRoll = angle; }
float getExtraPitch() const { return mExtraPitch; }
float getExtraYaw() const { return mExtraYaw; }
float getExtraRoll() const { return mExtraRoll; }
void setExtraPitch(float angle) { mExtraPitch = angle; }
void setExtraYaw(float angle) { mExtraYaw = angle; }
void setExtraRoll(float angle) { mExtraRoll = angle; }
osg::Quat getOrient() const;
/// @param Force view mode switch, even if currently not allowed by the animation.
void toggleViewMode(bool force = false);
bool toggleVanityMode(bool enable);
void applyDeferredPreviewRotationToPlayer(float dt);
void disableDeferredPreviewRotation() { mDeferredRotationDisabled = true; }
/// \brief Lowers the camera for sneak.
void setSneakOffset(float offset);
void processViewChange();
void update(float duration, bool paused = false);
float getCameraDistance() const { return mCameraDistance; }
void setPreferredCameraDistance(float v) { mPreferredCameraDistance = v; }
void setAnimation(NpcAnimation* anim);
osg::Vec3d getTrackedPosition() const { return mTrackedPosition; }
const osg::Vec3d& getPosition() const { return mPosition; }
void setStaticPosition(const osg::Vec3d& pos);
bool isVanityOrPreviewModeEnabled() const { return mMode == Mode::Vanity || mMode == Mode::Preview; }
Mode getMode() const { return mMode; }
std::optional<Mode> getQueuedMode() const { return mQueuedMode; }
void setMode(Mode mode, bool force = true);
void allowCharacterDeferredRotation(bool v) { mDeferredRotationAllowed = v; }
void calculateDeferredRotation();
void setFirstPersonOffset(const osg::Vec3f& v) { mFirstPersonOffset = v; }
osg::Vec3f getFirstPersonOffset() const { return mFirstPersonOffset; }
int getCollisionType() const { return mCollisionType; }
void setCollisionType(int collisionType) { mCollisionType = collisionType; }
const osg::Matrixf& getViewMatrix() const { return mViewMatrix; }
const osg::Matrixf& getProjectionMatrix() const { return mProjectionMatrix; }
MWWorld::Ptr mTrackingPtr;
osg::ref_ptr<const osg::Node> mTrackingNode;
osg::Vec3d mTrackedPosition;
float mHeightScale;
int mCollisionType;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> mCamera;
NpcAnimation* mAnimation;
// Always 'true' if mMode == `FirstPerson`. Also it is 'true' in `Vanity` or `Preview` modes if
// the camera should return to `FirstPerson` view after it.
bool mFirstPersonView;
Mode mMode;
std::optional<Mode> mQueuedMode;
bool mVanityAllowed;
bool mDeferredRotationAllowed;
bool mProcessViewChange;
float mHeight;
float mPitch, mYaw, mRoll;
float mExtraPitch = 0, mExtraYaw = 0, mExtraRoll = 0;
bool mLockPitch = false, mLockYaw = false;
osg::Vec3d mPosition;
osg::Matrixf mViewMatrix;
osg::Matrixf mProjectionMatrix;
float mCameraDistance, mPreferredCameraDistance;
osg::Vec3f mFirstPersonOffset{ 0, 0, 0 };
osg::Vec2d mFocalPointCurrentOffset;
osg::Vec2d mFocalPointTargetOffset;
float mFocalPointTransitionSpeedCoef;
bool mSkipFocalPointTransition;
// This fields are used to make focal point transition smooth if previous transition was not finished.
float mPreviousTransitionInfluence;
osg::Vec2d mFocalPointTransitionSpeed;
osg::Vec2d mPreviousTransitionSpeed;
osg::Vec2d mPreviousExtraOffset;
bool mShowCrosshair;
osg::Vec3d calculateTrackedPosition() const;
osg::Vec3d calculateFirstPersonPosition(const osg::Vec3d& trackedPosition) const;
osg::Vec3d getFocalPointOffset() const;
void updateFocalPointOffset(float duration);
void updatePosition();
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Callback> mUpdateCallback;
// Used to rotate player to the direction of view after exiting preview or vanity mode.
osg::Vec3f mDeferredRotation;
bool mDeferredRotationDisabled;