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synced 2025-03-28 19:21:04 +00:00
This also makes Force Per Pixel Lighting caption shorter to provide more space for the new button
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84 lines
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#include "lighting_util.glsl"
float calcLambert(vec3 viewNormal, vec3 lightDir, vec3 viewDir)
float lambert = dot(viewNormal, lightDir);
lambert = max(lambert, 0.0);
float eyeCosine = dot(viewNormal, viewDir);
if (lambert < 0.0)
lambert = -lambert;
eyeCosine = -eyeCosine;
lambert *= clamp(-8.0 * (1.0 - 0.3) * eyeCosine + 1.0, 0.3, 1.0);
return lambert;
float calcSpecIntensity(vec3 viewNormal, vec3 viewDir, float shininess, vec3 lightDir)
if (dot(viewNormal, lightDir) > 0.0)
vec3 halfVec = normalize(lightDir - viewDir);
float NdotH = max(dot(viewNormal, halfVec), 0.0);
return pow(NdotH, shininess);
return 0.0;
void doLighting(vec3 viewPos, vec3 viewNormal, float shininess, float shadowing, out vec3 diffuseLight, out vec3 ambientLight, out vec3 specularLight)
void doLighting(vec3 viewPos, vec3 viewNormal, float shininess, out vec3 diffuseLight, out vec3 ambientLight, out vec3 specularLight, out vec3 shadowDiffuse, out vec3 shadowSpecular)
vec3 viewDir = normalize(viewPos);
shininess = max(shininess, 1e-4);
vec3 sunDir = normalize(lcalcPosition(0));
diffuseLight = lcalcDiffuse(0) * calcLambert(viewNormal, sunDir, viewDir);
ambientLight = gl_LightModel.ambient.xyz;
specularLight = lcalcSpecular(0).xyz * calcSpecIntensity(viewNormal, viewDir, shininess, sunDir);
diffuseLight *= shadowing;
specularLight *= shadowing;
shadowDiffuse = diffuseLight;
shadowSpecular = specularLight;
diffuseLight = vec3(0.0);
specularLight = vec3(0.0);
for (int i = @startLight; i < @endLight; ++i)
#if @lightingMethodUBO
int lightIndex = PointLightIndex[i];
int lightIndex = i;
vec3 lightPos = lcalcPosition(lightIndex) - viewPos;
float lightDistance = length(lightPos);
// cull non-FFP point lighting by radius, light is guaranteed to not fall outside this bound with our cutoff
#if !@classicFalloff && !@lightingMethodFFP
if (lightDistance > lcalcRadius(lightIndex) * 2.0)
vec3 lightDir = lightPos / lightDistance;
float illumination = lcalcIllumination(lightIndex, lightDistance);
diffuseLight += lcalcDiffuse(lightIndex) * calcLambert(viewNormal, lightDir, viewDir) * illumination;
ambientLight += lcalcAmbient(lightIndex) * illumination;
specularLight += lcalcSpecular(lightIndex).xyz * calcSpecIntensity(viewNormal, viewDir, shininess, lightDir) * illumination;