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#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <components/esm/luascripts.hpp>
#include <components/esm/refid.hpp>
#include <components/esm3/loadgmst.hpp>
#include <components/misc/tuplemeta.hpp>
#include "store.hpp"
namespace Loading
class Listener;
namespace MWMechanics
class SpellList;
namespace ESM4
class Reader;
struct Static;
struct Cell;
struct Light;
struct Reference;
struct ActorCharacter;
struct ActorCreature;
struct Activator;
struct Potion;
struct Ammunition;
struct Armor;
struct Book;
struct Clothing;
struct Container;
struct Creature;
struct Door;
struct Furniture;
struct Ingredient;
struct LevelledCreature;
struct LevelledNpc;
struct MiscItem;
struct Npc;
struct Race;
struct Tree;
struct Weapon;
struct World;
struct Land;
namespace ESM
class ReadersCache;
struct Activator;
struct Potion;
struct Apparatus;
struct Armor;
struct BodyPart;
struct Book;
struct BirthSign;
struct Class;
struct Clothing;
struct Container;
struct Creature;
struct Dialogue;
struct Door;
struct Enchantment;
struct Faction;
struct Global;
struct Ingredient;
struct CreatureLevList;
struct ItemLevList;
struct Light;
struct Lockpick;
struct Miscellaneous;
struct NPC;
struct Probe;
struct Race;
struct Region;
struct Repair;
struct SoundGenerator;
struct Sound;
struct Spell;
struct StartScript;
struct Static;
struct Weapon;
struct GameSetting;
class Script;
struct Cell;
struct Land;
struct LandTexture;
struct Pathgrid;
struct MagicEffect;
struct Skill;
struct Attribute;
namespace MWWorld
struct ESMStoreImp;
class ESMStore
friend struct ESMStoreImp; // This allows StoreImp to extend esmstore without beeing included everywhere
using StoreTuple = std::tuple<Store<ESM::Activator>, Store<ESM::Potion>, Store<ESM::Apparatus>,
Store<ESM::Armor>, Store<ESM::BodyPart>, Store<ESM::Book>, Store<ESM::BirthSign>, Store<ESM::Class>,
Store<ESM::Clothing>, Store<ESM::Container>, Store<ESM::Creature>, Store<ESM::Dialogue>, Store<ESM::Door>,
Store<ESM::Enchantment>, Store<ESM::Faction>, Store<ESM::Global>, Store<ESM::Ingredient>,
Store<ESM::CreatureLevList>, Store<ESM::ItemLevList>, Store<ESM::Light>, Store<ESM::Lockpick>,
Store<ESM::Miscellaneous>, Store<ESM::NPC>, Store<ESM::Probe>, Store<ESM::Race>, Store<ESM::Region>,
Store<ESM::Repair>, Store<ESM::SoundGenerator>, Store<ESM::Sound>, Store<ESM::Spell>,
Store<ESM::StartScript>, Store<ESM::Static>, Store<ESM::Weapon>, Store<ESM::GameSetting>,
// Lists that need special rules
Store<ESM::Cell>, Store<ESM::Land>, Store<ESM::LandTexture>, Store<ESM::Pathgrid>,
Store<ESM::MagicEffect>, Store<ESM::Skill>,
// Special entry which is hardcoded and not loaded from an ESM
Store<ESM4::Static>, Store<ESM4::Cell>, Store<ESM4::Light>, Store<ESM4::Reference>, Store<ESM4::Activator>,
Store<ESM4::Potion>, Store<ESM4::Ammunition>, Store<ESM4::Armor>, Store<ESM4::Book>, Store<ESM4::Clothing>,
Store<ESM4::Container>, Store<ESM4::Door>, Store<ESM4::Ingredient>, Store<ESM4::MiscItem>,
Store<ESM4::Tree>, Store<ESM4::Weapon>, Store<ESM4::World>, Store<ESM4::Furniture>, Store<ESM4::Land>,
Store<ESM4::ActorCharacter>, Store<ESM4::ActorCreature>, Store<ESM4::Race>, Store<ESM4::Creature>,
Store<ESM4::LevelledCreature>, Store<ESM4::Npc>, Store<ESM4::LevelledNpc>>;
template <typename T>
static constexpr std::size_t getTypeIndex()
static_assert(Misc::TupleHasType<Store<T>, StoreTuple>::value);
return Misc::TupleTypeIndex<Store<T>, StoreTuple>::value;
std::unique_ptr<ESMStoreImp> mStoreImp;
std::unordered_map<ESM::RefId, int> mRefCount;
std::vector<StoreBase*> mStores;
std::vector<DynamicStore*> mDynamicStores;
unsigned int mDynamicCount;
mutable std::unordered_map<ESM::RefId, std::weak_ptr<MWMechanics::SpellList>> mSpellListCache;
template <class T>
Store<T>& getWritable()
return static_cast<Store<T>&>(*mStores[getTypeIndex<T>()]);
/// Validate entries in store after setup
void validate();
void countAllCellRefsAndMarkKeys(ESM::ReadersCache& readers);
template <class T>
void removeMissingObjects(Store<T>& store);
void setIdType(const ESM::RefId& id, ESM::RecNameInts type);
using LuaContent = std::variant<ESM::LuaScriptsCfg, // data from an omwaddon
std::filesystem::path>; // path to an omwscripts file
std::vector<LuaContent> mLuaContent;
bool mIsSetUpDone = false;
void addOMWScripts(std::filesystem::path filePath) { mLuaContent.push_back(std::move(filePath)); }
ESM::LuaScriptsCfg getLuaScriptsCfg() const;
/// \todo replace with SharedIterator<StoreBase>
typedef std::vector<DynamicStore*>::const_iterator iterator;
iterator begin() const { return mDynamicStores.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return mDynamicStores.end(); }
/// Look up the given ID in 'all'. Returns 0 if not found.
int find(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
int findStatic(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
void clearDynamic();
void rebuildIdsIndex();
void movePlayerRecord();
/// Validate entries in store after loading a save
void validateDynamic();
void load(ESM::ESMReader& esm, Loading::Listener* listener, ESM::Dialogue*& dialogue);
void loadESM4(ESM4::Reader& esm);
template <class T>
const Store<T>& get() const
return static_cast<const Store<T>&>(*mStores[getTypeIndex<T>()]);
/// Insert a custom record (i.e. with a generated ID that will not clash will pre-existing records)
/// \return pointer to created record
template <class T>
const T* insert(const T& x)
const ESM::RefId id = ESM::RefId::generated(mDynamicCount++);
Store<T>& store = getWritable<T>();
if (store.search(id) != nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Try to override existing record: " + id.toDebugString());
T record = x;
record.mId = id;
T* ptr = store.insert(record);
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<Store<T>*, DynamicStore*>)
setIdType(ptr->mId, T::sRecordId);
return ptr;
/// Insert a record with set ID, and allow it to override a pre-existing static record.
template <class T>
const T* overrideRecord(const T& x)
Store<T>& store = getWritable<T>();
T* ptr = store.insert(x);
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<Store<T>*, DynamicStore*>)
setIdType(ptr->mId, T::sRecordId);
return ptr;
template <class T>
const T* insertStatic(const T& x)
Store<T>& store = getWritable<T>();
if (store.search(x.mId) != nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("Try to override existing record " + x.mId.toDebugString());
T* ptr = store.insertStatic(x);
if constexpr (std::is_convertible_v<Store<T>*, DynamicStore*>)
setIdType(ptr->mId, T::sRecordId);
return ptr;
// This method must be called once, after loading all master/plugin files. This can only be done
// from the outside, so it must be public.
void setUp();
void validateRecords(ESM::ReadersCache& readers);
int countSavedGameRecords() const;
void write(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) const;
bool readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type);
///< \return Known type?
// To be called when we are done with dynamic record loading
void checkPlayer();
/// @return The number of instances defined in the base files. Excludes changes from the save file.
int getRefCount(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
/// Actors with the same ID share spells, abilities, etc.
/// @return The shared spell list to use for this actor and whether or not it has already been initialized.
std::pair<std::shared_ptr<MWMechanics::SpellList>, bool> getSpellList(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
template <>
const ESM::Cell* ESMStore::insert<ESM::Cell>(const ESM::Cell& cell);
template <>
const ESM::NPC* ESMStore::insert<ESM::NPC>(const ESM::NPC& npc);
template <class T, class = std::void_t<>>
struct HasRecordId : std::false_type
template <class T>
struct HasRecordId<T, std::void_t<decltype(T::sRecordId)>> : std::true_type