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synced 2025-03-22 16:20:58 +00:00
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245 lines
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#include "keyframemanager.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <components/vfs/manager.hpp>
#include <osgAnimation/Animation>
#include <osgAnimation/BasicAnimationManager>
#include <osgAnimation/Channel>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/misc/pathhelpers.hpp>
#include <components/misc/strings/algorithm.hpp>
#include <components/misc/strings/conversion.hpp>
#include <components/nifosg/nifloader.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/keyframe.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/osgacontroller.hpp>
#include <components/vfs/pathutil.hpp>
#include "animation.hpp"
#include "objectcache.hpp"
#include "scenemanager.hpp"
namespace Resource
std::string parseTextKey(const std::string& line)
const std::size_t spacePos = line.find_last_of(' ');
if (spacePos != std::string::npos)
return line.substr(0, spacePos);
return {};
double parseTimeSignature(std::string_view line)
const std::size_t spacePos = line.find_last_of(' ');
double time = 0.0;
if (spacePos != std::string_view::npos && spacePos + 1 < line.size())
time = Misc::StringUtils::toNumeric<double>(line.substr(spacePos + 1), time);
return time;
RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::RetrieveAnimationsVisitor(SceneUtil::KeyframeHolder& target,
osg::ref_ptr<osgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager> animationManager, VFS::Path::NormalizedView path,
const VFS::Manager& vfs)
, mTarget(target)
, mAnimationManager(std::move(animationManager))
, mPath(path)
, mVFS(&vfs)
bool RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::belongsToLeftUpperExtremity(const std::string& name)
static const std::array boneNames = { "bip01 l clavicle", "left clavicle", "bip01 l upperarm", "left upper arm",
"bip01 l forearm", "bip01 l hand", "left hand", "left wrist", "shield bone", "bip01 l pinky1",
"bip01 l pinky2", "bip01 l pinky3", "bip01 l ring1", "bip01 l ring2", "bip01 l ring3", "bip01 l middle1",
"bip01 l middle2", "bip01 l middle3", "bip01 l pointer1", "bip01 l pointer2", "bip01 l pointer3",
"bip01 l thumb1", "bip01 l thumb2", "bip01 l thumb3", "left forearm" };
if (std::find(boneNames.begin(), boneNames.end(), name) != boneNames.end())
return true;
return false;
bool RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::belongsToRightUpperExtremity(const std::string& name)
static const std::array boneNames = { "bip01 r clavicle", "right clavicle", "bip01 r upperarm",
"right upper arm", "bip01 r forearm", "bip01 r hand", "right hand", "right wrist", "bip01 r thumb1",
"bip01 r thumb2", "bip01 r thumb3", "weapon bone", "bip01 r pinky1", "bip01 r pinky2", "bip01 r pinky3",
"bip01 r ring1", "bip01 r ring2", "bip01 r ring3", "bip01 r middle1", "bip01 r middle2", "bip01 r middle3",
"bip01 r pointer1", "bip01 r pointer2", "bip01 r pointer3", "right forearm" };
if (std::find(boneNames.begin(), boneNames.end(), name) != boneNames.end())
return true;
return false;
bool RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::belongsToTorso(const std::string& name)
static const std::array boneNames
= { "bip01 spine1", "bip01 spine2", "bip01 neck", "bip01 head", "head", "neck", "chest", "groin" };
if (std::find(boneNames.begin(), boneNames.end(), name) != boneNames.end())
return true;
return false;
void RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::addKeyframeController(const std::string& name, const osg::Node& node)
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::OsgAnimationController> callback = new SceneUtil::OsgAnimationController();
std::vector<SceneUtil::EmulatedAnimation> emulatedAnimations;
for (const auto& animation : mAnimationManager->getAnimationList())
if (animation)
//"Default" is osg dae plugin's default naming scheme for unnamed animations
if (animation->getName() == "Default")
osg::ref_ptr<Resource::Animation> mergedAnimationTrack = new Resource::Animation;
const std::string animationName = animation->getName();
const osgAnimation::ChannelList& channels = animation->getChannels();
for (const auto& channel : channels)
if (name == "Bip01 R Clavicle")
if (!belongsToRightUpperExtremity(channel->getTargetName()))
else if (name == "Bip01 L Clavicle")
if (!belongsToLeftUpperExtremity(channel->getTargetName()))
else if (name == "Bip01 Spine1")
if (!belongsToTorso(channel->getTargetName()))
else if (belongsToRightUpperExtremity(channel->getTargetName())
|| belongsToLeftUpperExtremity(channel->getTargetName())
|| belongsToTorso(channel->getTargetName()))
float startTime = animation->getStartTime();
float stopTime = startTime + animation->getDuration();
SceneUtil::EmulatedAnimation emulatedAnimation;
emulatedAnimation.mStartTime = startTime;
emulatedAnimation.mStopTime = stopTime;
emulatedAnimation.mName = animationName;
// mTextKeys is a nif-thing, used by OpenMW's animation system
// Format is likely "AnimationName: [Keyword_optional] [Start OR Stop]"
// AnimationNames are keywords like idle2, idle3... AiPackages and various mechanics control which
// animations are played Keywords can be stuff like Loop, Equip, Unequip, Block, InventoryHandtoHand,
// InventoryWeaponOneHand, PickProbe, Slash, Thrust, Chop... even "Slash Small Follow" osgAnimation formats
// should have a .txt file with the same name, each line holding a textkey and whitespace separated time
// value e.g. idle: start 0.0333
if (const Files::IStreamPtr textKeysFile = mVFS->find(mPath))
std::string line;
while (getline(*textKeysFile, line))
mTarget.mTextKeys.emplace(parseTimeSignature(line), parseTextKey(line));
catch (const std::exception& e)
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Failed to read text key file \"" << mPath << "\": " << e.what();
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Text key file is not found: " << mPath;
mTarget.mKeyframeControllers.emplace(name, callback);
void RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node)
if (node.libraryName() == std::string_view("osgAnimation") && node.className() == std::string_view("Bone")
&& Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(node.getName()) == std::string_view("bip01"))
addKeyframeController("bip01", node); /* Character root */
addKeyframeController("Bip01 Spine1", node); /* Torso */
addKeyframeController("Bip01 L Clavicle", node); /* Left arm */
addKeyframeController("Bip01 R Clavicle", node); /* Right arm */
KeyframeManager::KeyframeManager(const VFS::Manager* vfs, SceneManager* sceneManager, double expiryDelay,
const ToUTF8::StatelessUtf8Encoder* encoder)
: ResourceManager(vfs, expiryDelay)
, mSceneManager(sceneManager)
, mEncoder(encoder)
osg::ref_ptr<const SceneUtil::KeyframeHolder> KeyframeManager::get(VFS::Path::NormalizedView name)
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> obj = mCache->getRefFromObjectCache(name);
if (obj != nullptr)
return osg::ref_ptr<const SceneUtil::KeyframeHolder>(static_cast<SceneUtil::KeyframeHolder*>(obj.get()));
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::KeyframeHolder> loaded(new SceneUtil::KeyframeHolder);
if (Misc::getFileExtension(name.value()) == "kf")
auto file = std::make_shared<Nif::NIFFile>(name);
Nif::Reader reader(*file, mEncoder);
NifOsg::Loader::loadKf(*file, *loaded.get());
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> scene = const_cast<osg::Node*>(mSceneManager->getTemplate(name).get());
osg::ref_ptr<osgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager> bam
= dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::BasicAnimationManager*>(scene->getUpdateCallback());
if (bam)
Resource::RetrieveAnimationsVisitor rav(*loaded.get(), std::move(bam), name, *mVFS);
mCache->addEntryToObjectCache(name.value(), loaded);
return loaded;
void KeyframeManager::reportStats(unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats* stats) const
Resource::reportStats("Keyframe", frameNumber, mCache->getStats(), *stats);