mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-12 13:13:27 +00:00
scrawl 395f98e476 Fix triggering changed flag for all references when cell is visited
The InsertFunctor for cells was calling localRotateObject() for all references which set the mChanged flag in RefData to true.

Also clean up RefData interface slightly.
2014-06-15 14:18:16 +02:00

428 lines
11 KiB

#include "class.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <OgreVector3.h>
#include <components/esm/defs.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "ptr.hpp"
#include "refdata.hpp"
#include "nullaction.hpp"
#include "failedaction.hpp"
#include "actiontake.hpp"
#include "containerstore.hpp"
#include "../mwgui/tooltips.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/magiceffects.hpp"
namespace MWWorld
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Class> > Class::sClasses;
Class::Class() {}
Class::~Class() {}
std::string Class::getId (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not support ID retrieval");
void Class::insertObjectRendering (const Ptr& ptr, MWRender::RenderingInterface& renderingInterface) const
void Class::insertObject(const Ptr& ptr, MWWorld::PhysicsSystem& physics) const
bool Class::apply (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& id, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const
return false;
void Class::skillUsageSucceeded (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, int skill, int usageType) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not represent an actor");
bool Class::canSell (const MWWorld::Ptr& item, int npcServices) const
return false;
int Class::getServices(const Ptr &actor) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have services");
MWMechanics::CreatureStats& Class::getCreatureStats (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have creature stats");
MWMechanics::NpcStats& Class::getNpcStats (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have NPC stats");
bool Class::hasItemHealth (const Ptr& ptr) const
return false;
int Class::getItemHealth(const Ptr &ptr) const
if (ptr.getCellRef().getCharge() == -1)
return getItemMaxHealth(ptr);
return ptr.getCellRef().getCharge();
int Class::getItemMaxHealth (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have item health");
void Class::hit(const Ptr& ptr, int type) const
throw std::runtime_error("class cannot hit");
void Class::block(const Ptr &ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error("class cannot block");
void Class::onHit(const Ptr& ptr, float damage, bool ishealth, const Ptr& object, const Ptr& attacker, bool successful) const
throw std::runtime_error("class cannot be hit");
void Class::setActorHealth(const Ptr& ptr, float health, const Ptr& attacker) const
throw std::runtime_error("class does not have actor health");
boost::shared_ptr<Action> Class::activate (const Ptr& ptr, const Ptr& actor) const
return boost::shared_ptr<Action> (new NullAction);
boost::shared_ptr<Action> Class::use (const Ptr& ptr) const
return boost::shared_ptr<Action> (new NullAction);
ContainerStore& Class::getContainerStore (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have a container store");
InventoryStore& Class::getInventoryStore (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have an inventory store");
bool Class::hasInventoryStore(const Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
void Class::lock (const Ptr& ptr, int lockLevel) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not support locking");
void Class::unlock (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not support unlocking");
void Class::setRemainingUsageTime (const Ptr& ptr, float duration) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not support time-based uses");
float Class::getRemainingUsageTime (const Ptr& ptr) const
return -1;
std::string Class::getScript (const Ptr& ptr) const
return "";
float Class::getSpeed (const Ptr& ptr) const
return 0;
float Class::getJump (const Ptr& ptr) const
return 0;
int Class::getEnchantmentPoints (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not support enchanting");
float Class::getFallDamage(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, float fallHeight) const
return 0;
MWMechanics::Movement& Class::getMovementSettings (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("movement settings not supported by class");
Ogre::Vector3 Class::getMovementVector (const Ptr& ptr) const
return Ogre::Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
Ogre::Vector3 Class::getRotationVector (const Ptr& ptr) const
return Ogre::Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> Class::getEquipmentSlots (const Ptr& ptr) const
return std::make_pair (std::vector<int>(), false);
int Class::getEquipmentSkill (const Ptr& ptr) const
return -1;
int Class::getValue (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::logic_error ("value not supported by this class");
float Class::getCapacity (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("capacity not supported by this class");
float Class::getWeight(const Ptr &ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("weight not supported by this class");
float Class::getEncumbrance (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("encumbrance not supported by class");
bool Class::isEssential (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
return false;
float Class::getArmorRating (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error("Class does not support armor rating");
const Class& Class::get (const std::string& key)
if (key.empty())
throw std::logic_error ("Class::get(): attempting to get an empty key");
std::map<std::string, boost::shared_ptr<Class> >::const_iterator iter = sClasses.find (key);
if (iter==sClasses.end())
throw std::logic_error ("Class::get(): unknown class key: " + key);
return *iter->second;
bool Class::isPersistent(const Ptr &ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not support persistence");
void Class::registerClass(const std::string& key, boost::shared_ptr<Class> instance)
instance->mTypeName = key;
sClasses.insert(std::make_pair(key, instance));
std::string Class::getUpSoundId (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have an up sound");
std::string Class::getDownSoundId (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have an down sound");
std::string Class::getSoundIdFromSndGen(const Ptr &ptr, const std::string &type) const
throw std::runtime_error("class does not support soundgen look up");
std::string Class::getInventoryIcon (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have any inventory icon");
MWGui::ToolTipInfo Class::getToolTipInfo (const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class does not have a tool tip");
bool Class::hasToolTip (const Ptr& ptr) const
return false;
std::string Class::getEnchantment (const Ptr& ptr) const
return "";
void Class::adjustScale(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,float& scale) const
void Class::adjustRotation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,float& x,float& y,float& z) const
std::string Class::getModel(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
return "";
std::string Class::applyEnchantment(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string& enchId, int enchCharge, const std::string& newName) const
throw std::runtime_error ("class can't be enchanted");
std::pair<int, std::string> Class::canBeEquipped(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr &npc) const
return std::make_pair (1, "");
void Class::adjustPosition(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
boost::shared_ptr<Action> Class::defaultItemActivate(const Ptr &ptr, const Ptr &actor) const
return boost::shared_ptr<Action>(new NullAction());
if(actor.getClass().isNpc() && actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor).isWerewolf())
const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore();
const ESM::Sound *sound = store.get<ESM::Sound>().searchRandom("WolfItem");
boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::FailedAction("#{sWerewolfRefusal}"));
if(sound) action->setSound(sound->mId);
return action;
boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new ActionTake(ptr));
return action;
Class::copyToCellImpl(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &cell) const
throw std::runtime_error("unable to move class to cell");
Class::copyToCell(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &cell) const
Ptr newPtr = copyToCellImpl(ptr, cell);
return newPtr;
Class::copyToCell(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &cell, const ESM::Position &pos) const
Ptr newPtr = copyToCell(ptr, cell);
return newPtr;
bool Class::isBipedal(const Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
bool Class::canFly(const Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
bool Class::canSwim(const Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
bool Class::canWalk(const Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
int Class::getSkill(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, int skill) const
throw std::runtime_error("class does not support skills");
int Class::getBloodTexture (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error("class does not support gore");
void Class::readAdditionalState (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const ESM::ObjectState& state) const {}
void Class::writeAdditionalState (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, ESM::ObjectState& state) const {}
int Class::getBaseGold(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error("class does not support base gold");
bool Class::isClass(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string &className) const
return false;
int Class::getDoorState (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error("this is not a door");
void Class::setDoorState (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, int state) const
throw std::runtime_error("this is not a door");