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-- `openmw.core` defines functions and types that are available in both local
-- and global scripts.
-- @module core
-- @usage local core = require('openmw.core')
-- The revision of OpenMW Lua API. It is an integer that is incremented every time the API is changed.
-- @field [parent=#core] #number API_REVISION
-- Terminates the game and quits to the OS. Should be used only for testing purposes.
-- @function [parent=#core] quit
-- Send an event to global scripts.
-- @function [parent=#core] sendGlobalEvent
-- @param #string eventName
-- @param eventData
-- Simulation time in seconds.
-- The number of simulation seconds passed in the game world since starting a new game.
-- @function [parent=#core] getSimulationTime
-- @return #number
-- The scale of simulation time relative to real time.
-- @function [parent=#core] getSimulationTimeScale
-- @return #number
-- Game time in seconds.
-- @function [parent=#core] getGameTime
-- @return #number
-- The scale of game time relative to simulation time.
-- @function [parent=#core] getGameTimeScale
-- @return #number
-- Whether the world is paused (onUpdate doesn't work when the world is paused).
-- @function [parent=#core] isWorldPaused
-- @return #boolean
-- Get a GMST setting from content files.
-- @function [parent=#core] getGMST
-- @param #string setting Setting name
-- @return #any
-- Return i18n formatting function for the given context.
-- It is based on `i18n.lua` library.
-- Language files should be stored in VFS as `i18n/<ContextName>/<Lang>.lua`.
-- See https://github.com/kikito/i18n.lua for format details.
-- @function [parent=#core] i18n
-- @param #string context I18n context; recommended to use the name of the mod.
-- @return #function
-- @usage
-- -- DataFiles/i18n/MyMod/en.lua
-- return {
-- good_morning = 'Good morning.',
-- you_have_arrows = {
-- one = 'You have one arrow.',
-- other = 'You have %{count} arrows.',
-- },
-- }
-- @usage
-- -- DataFiles/i18n/MyMod/de.lua
-- return {
-- good_morning = "Guten Morgen.",
-- you_have_arrows = {
-- one = "Du hast ein Pfeil.",
-- other = "Du hast %{count} Pfeile.",
-- },
-- ["Hello %{name}!"] = "Hallo %{name}!",
-- }
-- @usage
-- local myMsg = core.i18n('MyMod')
-- print( myMsg('good_morning') )
-- print( myMsg('you_have_arrows', {count=5}) )
-- print( myMsg('Hello %{name}!', {name='World'}) )
-- Any object that exists in the game world and has a specific location.
-- Player, actors, items, and statics are game objects.
-- @type GameObject
-- @field openmw.util#Vector3 position Object position.
-- @field openmw.util#Vector3 rotation Object rotation (ZXY order).
-- @field #Cell cell The cell where the object currently is. During loading a game and for objects in an inventory or a container `cell` is nil.
-- @field #table type Type of the object (one of the tables from the package @{openmw.types#types}).
-- @field #number count Count (makes sense if stored in a container).
-- @field #string recordId Record ID.
-- Does the object still exist and is available.
-- Returns true if the object exists and loaded, and false otherwise. If false, then every
-- access to the object will raise an error.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] isValid
-- @param self
-- @return #boolean
-- Send local event to the object.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] sendEvent
-- @param self
-- @param #string eventName
-- @param eventData
-- Activate the object.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] activateBy
-- @param self
-- @param #GameObject actor The actor who activates the object
-- @usage local self = require('openmw.self')
-- object:activateBy(self)
-- Add new local script to the object.
-- Can be called only from a global script. Script should be specified in a content
-- file (omwgame/omwaddon/omwscripts) with a CUSTOM flag. Scripts can not be attached to Statics.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] addScript
-- @param self
-- @param #string scriptPath Path to the script in OpenMW virtual filesystem.
-- Whether a script with given path is attached to this object.
-- Can be called only from a global script.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] hasScript
-- @param self
-- @param #string scriptPath Path to the script in OpenMW virtual filesystem.
-- @return #boolean
-- Removes script that was attached by `addScript`
-- Can be called only from a global script.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] removeScript
-- @param self
-- @param #string scriptPath Path to the script in OpenMW virtual filesystem.
-- Moves object to given cell and position.
-- The effect is not immediate: the position will be updated only in the next
-- frame. Can be called only from a global script.
-- @function [parent=#GameObject] teleport
-- @param self
-- @param #string cellName Name of the cell to teleport into. For exteriors can be empty.
-- @param openmw.util#Vector3 position New position
-- @param openmw.util#Vector3 rotation New rotation. Optional argument. If missed, then the current rotation is used.
-- List of GameObjects. Implements [iterables#List](iterables.html#List) of #GameObject
-- @type ObjectList
-- @list <#GameObject>
-- Filter list with a Query.
-- @function [parent=#ObjectList] select
-- @param self
-- @param openmw.query#Query query
-- @return #ObjectList
-- A cell of the game world.
-- @type Cell
-- @field #string name Name of the cell (can be empty string).
-- @field #string region Region of the cell.
-- @field #boolean isExterior Is it exterior or interior.
-- @field #number gridX Index of the cell by X (only for exteriors).
-- @field #number gridY Index of the cell by Y (only for exteriors).
-- @field #boolean hasWater True if the cell contains water.
-- Returns true either if the cell contains the object or if the cell is an exterior and the object is also in an exterior.
-- @function [parent=#Cell] isInSameSpace
-- @param self
-- @param #GameObject object
-- @return #boolean
-- @usage
-- if obj1.cell:isInSameSpace(obj2) then
-- dist = (obj1.position - obj2.position):length()
-- else
-- -- the distance can't be calculated because the coordinates are in different spaces
-- end
-- Get all objects of given type from the cell.
-- @function [parent=#Cell] getAll
-- @param self
-- @param type (optional) object type (see @{openmw.types#types})
-- @return #ObjectList
-- @usage
-- local type = require('openmw.types')
-- local all = cell:getAll()
-- local weapons = cell:getAll(types.Weapon)
-- Inventory of a player/NPC or a content of a container.
-- @type Inventory
-- The number of items with given recordId.
-- @function [parent=#Inventory] countOf
-- @param self
-- @param #string recordId
-- @return #number
-- Get all items of given type from the inventory.
-- @function [parent=#Inventory] getAll
-- @param self
-- @param type (optional) items type (see @{openmw.types#types})
-- @return #ObjectList
-- @usage
-- local type = require('openmw.types')
-- local all = inventory:getAll()
-- local weapons = inventory:getAll(types.Weapon)
return nil