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#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <components/lua/luastate.hpp>
#include <components/lua/storage.hpp>
#include <components/lua_ui/resources.hpp>
#include <components/misc/color.hpp>
#include <filesystem>
#include "../mwbase/luamanager.hpp"
#include "eventqueue.hpp"
#include "globalscripts.hpp"
#include "localscripts.hpp"
#include "object.hpp"
#include "worldview.hpp"
namespace MWLua
class LuaManager : public MWBase::LuaManager
LuaManager(const VFS::Manager* vfs, const std::filesystem::path& libsDir);
// Called by engine.cpp when the environment is fully initialized.
void init();
void loadPermanentStorage(const std::filesystem::path& userConfigPath);
void savePermanentStorage(const std::filesystem::path& userConfigPath);
// Called by engine.cpp every frame. For performance reasons it works in a separate
// thread (in parallel with osg Cull). Can not use scene graph.
void update();
// Called by engine.cpp from the main thread. Can use scene graph.
void synchronizedUpdate();
// Available everywhere through the MWBase::LuaManager interface.
// LuaManager queues these events and propagates to scripts on the next `update` call.
void newGameStarted() override;
void gameLoaded() override;
void objectAddedToScene(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override;
void objectRemovedFromScene(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override;
void inputEvent(const InputEvent& event) override { mInputEvents.push_back(event); }
void itemConsumed(const MWWorld::Ptr& consumable, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) override;
void objectActivated(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) override;
MWBase::LuaManager::ActorControls* getActorControls(const MWWorld::Ptr&) const override;
void clear() override; // should be called before loading game or starting a new game to reset internal state.
void setupPlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override; // Should be called once after each "clear".
// Used only in Lua bindings
void addCustomLocalScript(const MWWorld::Ptr&, int scriptId, std::string_view initData);
void addUIMessage(std::string_view message) { mUIMessages.emplace_back(message); }
void addInGameConsoleMessage(const std::string& msg, const Misc::Color& color)
mInGameConsoleMessages.push_back({ msg, color });
// Some changes to the game world can not be done from the scripting thread (because it runs in parallel with
// OSG Cull), so we need to queue it and apply from the main thread. All such changes should be implemented as
// classes inherited from MWLua::Action.
class Action
Action(LuaUtil::LuaState* state);
virtual ~Action() {}
void safeApply() const;
virtual void apply() const = 0;
virtual std::string toString() const = 0;
std::string mCallerTraceback;
void addAction(std::function<void()> action, std::string_view name = "");
void addAction(std::unique_ptr<Action>&& action) { mActionQueue.push_back(std::move(action)); }
void addTeleportPlayerAction(std::unique_ptr<Action>&& action) { mTeleportPlayerAction = std::move(action); }
// Saving
void write(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) override;
void saveLocalScripts(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, ESM::LuaScripts& data) override;
// Loading from a save
void readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type) override;
void loadLocalScripts(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const ESM::LuaScripts& data) override;
void setContentFileMapping(const std::map<int, int>& mapping) override { mContentFileMapping = mapping; }
// Drops script cache and reloads all scripts. Calls `onSave` and `onLoad` for every script.
void reloadAllScripts() override;
void handleConsoleCommand(
const std::string& consoleMode, const std::string& command, const MWWorld::Ptr& selectedPtr) override;
// Used to call Lua callbacks from C++
void queueCallback(LuaUtil::Callback callback, sol::main_object arg)
mQueuedCallbacks.push_back({ std::move(callback), std::move(arg) });
// Wraps Lua callback into an std::function.
// NOTE: Resulted function is not thread safe. Can not be used while LuaManager::update() or
// any other Lua-related function is running.
template <class Arg>
std::function<void(Arg)> wrapLuaCallback(const LuaUtil::Callback& c)
[this, c](Arg arg) { this->queueCallback(c, sol::main_object(this->mLua.sol(), sol::in_place, arg)); };
LuaUi::ResourceManager* uiResourceManager() { return &mUiResourceManager; }
bool isProcessingInputEvents() const { return mProcessingInputEvents; }
void reportStats(unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats) const;
std::string formatResourceUsageStats() const override;
void initConfiguration();
LocalScripts* createLocalScripts(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,
std::optional<LuaUtil::ScriptIdsWithInitializationData> autoStartConf = std::nullopt);
bool mInitialized = false;
bool mGlobalScriptsStarted = false;
bool mProcessingInputEvents = false;
LuaUtil::ScriptsConfiguration mConfiguration;
LuaUtil::LuaState mLua;
LuaUi::ResourceManager mUiResourceManager;
sol::table mNearbyPackage;
sol::table mUserInterfacePackage;
sol::table mCameraPackage;
sol::table mInputPackage;
sol::table mLocalStoragePackage;
sol::table mPlayerStoragePackage;
sol::table mPostprocessingPackage;
sol::table mDebugPackage;
GlobalScripts mGlobalScripts{ &mLua };
std::set<LocalScripts*> mActiveLocalScripts;
WorldView mWorldView;
bool mPlayerChanged = false;
bool mNewGameStarted = false;
MWWorld::Ptr mPlayer;
GlobalEventQueue mGlobalEvents;
LocalEventQueue mLocalEvents;
std::unique_ptr<LuaUtil::UserdataSerializer> mGlobalSerializer;
std::unique_ptr<LuaUtil::UserdataSerializer> mLocalSerializer;
std::map<int, int> mContentFileMapping;
std::unique_ptr<LuaUtil::UserdataSerializer> mGlobalLoader;
std::unique_ptr<LuaUtil::UserdataSerializer> mLocalLoader;
std::vector<MWBase::LuaManager::InputEvent> mInputEvents;
std::vector<ObjectId> mObjectAddedEvents;
struct CallbackWithData
LuaUtil::Callback mCallback;
sol::main_object mArg;
std::vector<CallbackWithData> mQueuedCallbacks;
struct LocalEngineEvent
ObjectId mDest;
LocalScripts::EngineEvent mEvent;
std::vector<LocalEngineEvent> mLocalEngineEvents;
// Queued actions that should be done in main thread. Processed by applyQueuedChanges().
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Action>> mActionQueue;
std::unique_ptr<Action> mTeleportPlayerAction;
std::vector<std::string> mUIMessages;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Misc::Color>> mInGameConsoleMessages;
LuaUtil::LuaStorage mGlobalStorage{ mLua.sol() };
LuaUtil::LuaStorage mPlayerStorage{ mLua.sol() };