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-- `openmw.world` is an interface to the game world for global scripts.
-- Can not be used from local scripts.
-- @module world
-- @usage local world = require('openmw.world')
-- List of currently active actors.
-- @field [parent=#world] openmw.core#ObjectList activeActors
-- List of players. Currently (since multiplayer is not yet implemented) always has one element.
-- @field [parent=#world] openmw.core#ObjectList players
-- Functions related to MWScript (see @{#MWScriptFunctions}).
-- @field [parent=#world] #MWScriptFunctions mwscript
-- Functions related to MWScript.
-- @type MWScriptFunctions
-- @type MWScriptVariables
-- @map <#string, #number>
-- Returns local mwscript on ``object``. Returns `nil` if the script doesn't exist or is not started.
-- @function [parent=#MWScriptFunctions] getLocalScript
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player (optional) Will be used in multiplayer mode to get the script if there is a separate instance for each player. Currently has no effect.
-- @return #MWScript, #nil
-- Returns mutable global variables. In multiplayer, these may be specific to the provided player.
-- @function [parent=#MWScriptFunctions] getGlobalVariables
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player (optional) Will be used in multiplayer mode to get the globals if there is a separate instance for each player. Currently has no effect.
-- @return #MWScriptVariables
-- Returns global mwscript with given recordId. Returns `nil` if the script doesn't exist or is not started.
-- Currently there can be only one instance of each mwscript, but in multiplayer it will be possible to have a separate instance per player.
-- @function [parent=#MWScriptFunctions] getGlobalScript
-- @param #string recordId
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player (optional) Will be used in multiplayer mode to get the script if there is a separate instance for each player. Currently has no effect.
-- @return #MWScript, #nil
-- @type MWScript
-- @field #string recordId Id of the script
-- @field openmw.core#GameObject object The object the script is attached to.
-- @field openmw.core#GameObject player The player the script refers to.
-- @field #boolean isRunning Whether the script is currently running
-- @field #MWScriptVariables variables Local variables of the script (mutable)
-- @usage
-- for _, script in ipairs(world.mwscript.getLocalScripts(object)) do
-- -- print the value of local variable 'something' (0 if there is no such variable)
-- print(script.variables.something)
-- -- set the variable 'something' (raises an error if there is no such variable)
-- script.variables.something = 5
-- end
-- Loads a named cell
-- @function [parent=#world] getCellByName
-- @param #string cellName
-- @return openmw.core#Cell
-- Loads a cell by ID provided
-- @function [parent=#world] getCellById
-- @param #string cellId
-- @return openmw.core#Cell
-- Loads an exterior cell by grid indices
-- @function [parent=#world] getExteriorCell
-- @param #number gridX
-- @param #number gridY
-- @param #any cellOrName (optional) other cell or cell name in the same exterior world space
-- @return openmw.core#Cell
-- List of all cells
-- @field [parent=#world] #list<openmw.core#Cell> cells
-- @usage for i, cell in ipairs(world.cells) do print(cell) end
-- Simulation time in seconds.
-- The number of simulation seconds passed in the game world since starting a new game.
-- @function [parent=#world] getSimulationTime
-- @return #number
-- The scale of simulation time relative to real time.
-- @function [parent=#world] getSimulationTimeScale
-- @return #number
-- Set the simulation time scale.
-- @function [parent=#world] setSimulationTimeScale
-- @param #number scale
-- Game time in seconds.
-- @function [parent=#world] getGameTime
-- @return #number
-- The scale of game time relative to simulation time.
-- @function [parent=#world] getGameTimeScale
-- @return #number
-- Set the ratio of game time speed to simulation time speed.
-- @function [parent=#world] setGameTimeScale
-- @param #number ratio
-- Whether the world is paused (onUpdate doesn't work when the world is paused).
-- @function [parent=#world] isWorldPaused
-- @return #boolean
-- Pause the game starting from the next frame.
-- @function [parent=#world] pause
-- @param #string tag (optional, empty string by default) The game will be paused until `unpause` is called with the same tag.
-- Remove given tag from the list of pause tags. Resume the game starting from the next frame if the list became empty.
-- @function [parent=#world] unpause
-- @param #string tag (optional, empty string by default) Needed to undo `pause` called with this tag.
-- The tags that are currently pausing the game.
-- @function [parent=#world] getPausedTags
-- @return #table
-- Return an object by RefNum/FormId.
-- Note: the function always returns @{openmw.core#GameObject} and doesn't validate that
-- the object exists in the game world. If it doesn't exist or not yet loaded to memory),
-- then `obj:isValid()` will be `false`.
-- @function [parent=#world] getObjectByFormId
-- @param #string formId String returned by `core.getFormId`
-- @return openmw.core#GameObject
-- @usage local obj = world.getObjectByFormId(core.getFormId('Morrowind.esm', 128964))
-- Create a new instance of the given record.
-- After creation the object is in the disabled state. Use :teleport to place to the world or :moveInto to put it into a container or an inventory.
-- Note that dynamically created creatures, NPCs, and container inventories will not respawn.
-- @function [parent=#world] createObject
-- @param #string recordId Record ID in lowercase
-- @param #number count (optional, 1 by default) The number of objects in stack
-- @return openmw.core#GameObject
-- @usage -- put 100 gold on the ground at the position of `actor`
-- money = world.createObject('gold_001', 100)
-- money:teleport(actor.cell.name, actor.position)
-- @usage -- put 50 gold into the actor's inventory
-- money = world.createObject('gold_001', 50)
-- money:moveInto(types.Actor.inventory(actor))
-- Creates a custom record in the world database.
-- Eventually meant to support all records, but the current
-- set of supported types is limited to:
-- * @{openmw.types#PotionRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#ArmorRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#BookRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#MiscellaneousRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#ClothingRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#WeaponRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#ActivatorRecord},
-- * @{openmw.types#LightRecord}
-- @function [parent=#world] createRecord
-- @param #any record A record to be registered in the database. Must be one of the supported types.
-- @return #any A new record added to the database. The type is the same as the input's.
--- @{#VFX}: Visual effects
-- @field [parent=#world] #VFX vfx
-- Spawn a VFX at the given location in the world. Best invoked through the SpawnVfx global event
-- @function [parent=#VFX] spawn
-- @param #string model string model path (normally taken from a record such as @{openmw.types#StaticRecord.model} or similar)
-- @param openmw.util#Vector3 position
-- @param #table options optional table of parameters. Can contain:
-- * `mwMagicVfx` - Boolean that if true causes the textureOverride parameter to only affect nodes with the Nif::RC_NiTexturingProperty property set. (default: true).
-- * `particleTextureOverride` - Name of a particle texture that should override this effect's default texture. (default: "")
-- * `scale` - A number that scales the size of the vfx (Default: 1)
-- @usage -- Spawn a sanctuary effect near the player
-- local effect = core.magic.effects.records[core.magic.EFFECT_TYPE.Sanctuary]
-- local pos = self.position + util.vector3(0, 100, 0)
-- local model = types.Static.record(effect.castingStatic).model
-- core.sendGlobalEvent('SpawnVfx', {model = model, position = pos})
return nil