mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-02-09 09:39:53 +00:00
Bo Svensson a854a6e04a
removes UnrefQueue (#3181)
Currently, we use an `UnrefQueue` which supposedly aims to transfer destruction costs to another thread. The implications of this unusual pattern can not be well understood because some allocators might free resources more efficiently if they are freed by the same thread that allocated them. In addition, `UnrefQueue` complicates the validation of thread safety in our engine. Lastly, our current usage of `UnrefQueue` triggers `ref()`, `unref()` atomic operations as objects are passed into the queue. These operations could be more expensive than the actual destruction.

With this PR we thus remove `UnrefQueue`. We can expect these changes to have a minor impact at most because we free most resources elsewhere in `ResourceSystem::updateCache`.
2021-10-20 23:02:15 +02:00

311 lines
9.4 KiB

#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include <osg/Light>
#include <osg/Camera>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include <osgUtil/IncrementalCompileOperation>
#include "objects.hpp"
#include "renderinginterface.hpp"
#include "rendermode.hpp"
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
namespace osg
class Group;
class PositionAttitudeTransform;
namespace osgUtil
class IntersectionVisitor;
class Intersector;
namespace Resource
class ResourceSystem;
namespace osgViewer
class Viewer;
namespace ESM
struct Cell;
struct RefNum;
namespace Terrain
class World;
namespace Fallback
class Map;
namespace SceneUtil
class ShadowManager;
class WorkQueue;
namespace DetourNavigator
struct Navigator;
struct Settings;
namespace MWRender
class StateUpdater;
class SharedUniformStateUpdater;
class EffectManager;
class ScreenshotManager;
class FogManager;
class SkyManager;
class NpcAnimation;
class Pathgrid;
class Camera;
class ViewOverShoulderController;
class Water;
class TerrainStorage;
class LandManager;
class NavMesh;
class ActorsPaths;
class RecastMesh;
class ObjectPaging;
class Groundcover;
class PostProcessor;
class RenderingManager : public MWRender::RenderingInterface
RenderingManager(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> rootNode,
Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, SceneUtil::WorkQueue* workQueue,
const std::string& resourcePath, DetourNavigator::Navigator& navigator);
osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation* getIncrementalCompileOperation();
MWRender::Objects& getObjects() override;
Resource::ResourceSystem* getResourceSystem();
SceneUtil::WorkQueue* getWorkQueue();
Terrain::World* getTerrain();
void preloadCommonAssets();
double getReferenceTime() const;
osg::Group* getLightRoot();
void setNightEyeFactor(float factor);
void setAmbientColour(const osg::Vec4f& colour);
void skySetDate(int day, int month);
int skyGetMasserPhase() const;
int skyGetSecundaPhase() const;
void skySetMoonColour(bool red);
void setSunDirection(const osg::Vec3f& direction);
void setSunColour(const osg::Vec4f& diffuse, const osg::Vec4f& specular);
void configureAmbient(const ESM::Cell* cell);
void configureFog(const ESM::Cell* cell);
void configureFog(float fogDepth, float underwaterFog, float dlFactor, float dlOffset, const osg::Vec4f& colour);
void addCell(const MWWorld::CellStore* store);
void removeCell(const MWWorld::CellStore* store);
void enableTerrain(bool enable);
void updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& old, const MWWorld::Ptr& updated);
void rotateObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const osg::Quat& rot);
void moveObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const osg::Vec3f& pos);
void scaleObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const osg::Vec3f& scale);
void removeObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void setWaterEnabled(bool enabled);
void setWaterHeight(float level);
/// Take a screenshot of w*h onto the given image, not including the GUI.
void screenshot(osg::Image* image, int w, int h);
bool screenshot360(osg::Image* image);
struct RayResult
bool mHit;
osg::Vec3f mHitNormalWorld;
osg::Vec3f mHitPointWorld;
MWWorld::Ptr mHitObject;
ESM::RefNum mHitRefnum;
float mRatio;
RayResult castRay(const osg::Vec3f& origin, const osg::Vec3f& dest, bool ignorePlayer, bool ignoreActors=false);
/// Return the object under the mouse cursor / crosshair position, given by nX and nY normalized screen coordinates,
/// where (0,0) is the top left corner.
RayResult castCameraToViewportRay(const float nX, const float nY, float maxDistance, bool ignorePlayer, bool ignoreActors=false);
/// Get the bounding box of the given object in screen coordinates as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY), with (0,0) being the top left corner.
osg::Vec4f getScreenBounds(const osg::BoundingBox &worldbb);
void setSkyEnabled(bool enabled);
bool toggleRenderMode(RenderMode mode);
SkyManager* getSkyManager();
void spawnEffect(const std::string &model, const std::string &texture, const osg::Vec3f &worldPosition, float scale = 1.f, bool isMagicVFX = true);
/// Clear all savegame-specific data
void clear();
/// Clear all worldspace-specific data
void notifyWorldSpaceChanged();
void update(float dt, bool paused);
Animation* getAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
const Animation* getAnimation(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
void addWaterRippleEmitter(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void removeWaterRippleEmitter(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void emitWaterRipple(const osg::Vec3f& pos);
void updatePlayerPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr);
void removePlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr& player);
void setupPlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr& player);
void renderPlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr& player);
void rebuildPtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings);
float getNearClipDistance() const;
float getTerrainHeightAt(const osg::Vec3f& pos);
// camera stuff
Camera* getCamera() { return mCamera.get(); }
const osg::Vec3f& getCameraPosition() const { return mCurrentCameraPos; }
/// temporarily override the field of view with given value.
void overrideFieldOfView(float val);
/// reset a previous overrideFieldOfView() call, i.e. revert to field of view specified in the settings file.
void resetFieldOfView();
osg::Vec3f getHalfExtents(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object) const;
void exportSceneGraph(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& filename, const std::string& format);
LandManager* getLandManager() const;
bool toggleBorders();
void updateActorPath(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const std::deque<osg::Vec3f>& path,
const osg::Vec3f& halfExtents, const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end) const;
void removeActorPath(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) const;
void setNavMeshNumber(const std::size_t value);
void setActiveGrid(const osg::Vec4i &grid);
bool pagingEnableObject(int type, const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, bool enabled);
void pagingBlacklistObject(int type, const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr);
bool pagingUnlockCache();
void getPagedRefnums(const osg::Vec4i &activeGrid, std::set<ESM::RefNum> &out);
void updateProjectionMatrix();
void updateTextureFiltering();
void updateAmbient();
void setFogColor(const osg::Vec4f& color);
void updateThirdPersonViewMode();
void reportStats() const;
void updateNavMesh();
void updateRecastMesh();
osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor> getIntersectionVisitor(osgUtil::Intersector* intersector, bool ignorePlayer, bool ignoreActors);
osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor> mIntersectionVisitor;
osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> mViewer;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> mRootNode;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> mSceneRoot;
Resource::ResourceSystem* mResourceSystem;
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkQueue> mWorkQueue;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> mSunLight;
DetourNavigator::Navigator& mNavigator;
std::unique_ptr<NavMesh> mNavMesh;
std::size_t mNavMeshNumber = 0;
std::unique_ptr<ActorsPaths> mActorsPaths;
std::unique_ptr<RecastMesh> mRecastMesh;
std::unique_ptr<Pathgrid> mPathgrid;
std::unique_ptr<Objects> mObjects;
std::unique_ptr<Water> mWater;
std::unique_ptr<Terrain::World> mTerrain;
std::unique_ptr<TerrainStorage> mTerrainStorage;
std::unique_ptr<ObjectPaging> mObjectPaging;
std::unique_ptr<Groundcover> mGroundcover;
std::unique_ptr<SkyManager> mSky;
std::unique_ptr<FogManager> mFog;
std::unique_ptr<ScreenshotManager> mScreenshotManager;
std::unique_ptr<EffectManager> mEffectManager;
std::unique_ptr<SceneUtil::ShadowManager> mShadowManager;
osg::ref_ptr<PostProcessor> mPostProcessor;
osg::ref_ptr<NpcAnimation> mPlayerAnimation;
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::PositionAttitudeTransform> mPlayerNode;
std::unique_ptr<Camera> mCamera;
std::unique_ptr<ViewOverShoulderController> mViewOverShoulderController;
osg::Vec3f mCurrentCameraPos;
osg::ref_ptr<StateUpdater> mStateUpdater;
osg::ref_ptr<SharedUniformStateUpdater> mSharedUniformStateUpdater;
osg::Vec4f mAmbientColor;
float mMinimumAmbientLuminance;
float mNightEyeFactor;
float mNearClip;
float mViewDistance;
bool mFieldOfViewOverridden;
float mFieldOfViewOverride;
float mFieldOfView;
float mFirstPersonFieldOfView;
void operator = (const RenderingManager&);
RenderingManager(const RenderingManager&);