mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-23 01:21:39 +00:00
2024-05-03 01:55:20 +02:00

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#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <components/esm/exteriorcelllocation.hpp>
#include <components/misc/algorithm.hpp>
#include "cellstore.hpp"
#include "ptr.hpp"
#include "ptrregistry.hpp"
namespace ESM
class ESMReader;
class ESMWriter;
class ReadersCache;
struct Cell;
namespace ESM4
struct Cell;
namespace Loading
class Listener;
namespace MWWorld
class ESMStore;
/// \brief Cell container
class WorldModel
explicit WorldModel(ESMStore& store, ESM::ReadersCache& reader);
WorldModel(const WorldModel&) = delete;
WorldModel& operator=(const WorldModel&) = delete;
void clear();
CellStore& getExterior(ESM::ExteriorCellLocation location, bool forceLoad = true) const;
CellStore* findCell(ESM::RefId Id, bool forceLoad = true) const;
CellStore& getCell(ESM::RefId Id, bool forceLoad = true) const;
// Returns a special cell that is never active. Can be used for creating objects
// without adding them to the scene.
CellStore& getDraftCell() const;
CellStore* findInterior(std::string_view name, bool forceLoad = true) const;
CellStore& getInterior(std::string_view name, bool forceLoad = true) const;
CellStore* findCell(std::string_view name, bool forceLoad = true) const;
CellStore& getCell(std::string_view name, bool forceLoad = true) const;
Ptr getPtrByRefId(const ESM::RefId& name);
Ptr getPtr(ESM::RefNum refNum) const { return mPtrRegistry.getOrEmpty(refNum); }
PtrRegistryView getPtrRegistryView() const { return PtrRegistryView(mPtrRegistry); }
ESM::RefNum getLastGeneratedRefNum() const { return mPtrRegistry.getLastGenerated(); }
void setLastGeneratedRefNum(ESM::RefNum v) { mPtrRegistry.setLastGenerated(v); }
std::size_t getPtrRegistryRevision() const { return mPtrRegistry.getRevision(); }
void registerPtr(const Ptr& ptr) { mPtrRegistry.insert(ptr); }
void deregisterLiveCellRef(const LiveCellRefBase& ref) noexcept { mPtrRegistry.remove(ref); }
template <typename Fn>
void forEachLoadedCellStore(Fn&& fn)
for (auto& [_, store] : mCells)
/// Get all Ptrs referencing \a name in exterior cells
/// @note Due to the current implementation of getPtr this only supports one Ptr per cell.
/// @note name must be lower case
void getExteriorPtrs(const ESM::RefId& name, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out);
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> getAll(const ESM::RefId& id);
int countSavedGameRecords() const;
void write(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) const;
bool readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type);
PtrRegistry mPtrRegistry; // defined before mCells because during destruction it should be the last
MWWorld::ESMStore& mStore;
ESM::ReadersCache& mReaders;
mutable std::unordered_map<ESM::RefId, CellStore> mCells;
mutable std::map<std::string, CellStore*, Misc::StringUtils::CiComp> mInteriors;
mutable std::map<ESM::ExteriorCellLocation, CellStore*> mExteriors;
ESM::Cell mDraftCell;
std::vector<std::pair<ESM::RefId, CellStore*>> mIdCache;
std::size_t mIdCacheIndex = 0;
CellStore& getOrInsertCellStore(const ESM::Cell& cell);
CellStore& insertCellStore(const ESM::Cell& cell);
Ptr getPtrAndCache(const ESM::RefId& name, CellStore& cellStore);
void writeCell(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, CellStore& cell) const;