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florent.teppe 531e55e04c Better handling of the esm3 vs esm4 cell problem
Common attribute are in one structure that has two constructors, one for ESM3 vs ESM4 Cell
Mood part of MWWorld::Cell
2023-01-27 13:39:39 +01:00

402 lines
14 KiB

#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <tuple>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "cell.hpp"
#include "cellreflist.hpp"
#include "livecellref.hpp"
#include <components/esm/refid.hpp>
#include <components/esm3/fogstate.hpp>
#include <components/misc/tuplemeta.hpp>
#include "ptr.hpp"
#include "timestamp.hpp"
namespace ESM
class ReadersCache;
struct Cell;
struct CellState;
struct CellId;
struct RefNum;
struct Activator;
struct Potion;
struct Apparatus;
struct Armor;
struct Book;
struct Clothing;
struct Container;
struct Creature;
struct Door;
struct Ingredient;
struct CreatureLevList;
struct ItemLevList;
struct Light;
struct Lockpick;
struct Miscellaneous;
struct NPC;
struct Probe;
struct Repair;
struct Static;
struct Weapon;
struct BodyPart;
struct CellCommon;
namespace ESM4
class Reader;
struct Cell;
struct Reference;
struct Static;
namespace MWWorld
class ESMStore;
struct CellStoreImp;
using CellStoreTuple = std::tuple<CellRefList<ESM::Activator>, CellRefList<ESM::Potion>,
CellRefList<ESM::Apparatus>, CellRefList<ESM::Armor>, CellRefList<ESM::Book>, CellRefList<ESM::Clothing>,
CellRefList<ESM::Container>, CellRefList<ESM::Creature>, CellRefList<ESM::Door>, CellRefList<ESM::Ingredient>,
CellRefList<ESM::CreatureLevList>, CellRefList<ESM::ItemLevList>, CellRefList<ESM::Light>,
CellRefList<ESM::Lockpick>, CellRefList<ESM::Miscellaneous>, CellRefList<ESM::NPC>, CellRefList<ESM::Probe>,
CellRefList<ESM::Repair>, CellRefList<ESM::Static>, CellRefList<ESM::Weapon>, CellRefList<ESM::BodyPart>,
/// \brief Mutable state of a cell
class CellStore
friend struct CellStoreImp;
enum State
const MWWorld::ESMStore& mStore;
ESM::ReadersCache& mReaders;
// Even though fog actually belongs to the player and not cells,
// it makes sense to store it here since we need it once for each cell.
// Note this is nullptr until the cell is explored to save some memory
std::unique_ptr<ESM::FogState> mFogState;
MWWorld::Cell mCellVariant;
State mState;
bool mHasState;
std::vector<ESM::RefId> mIds;
float mWaterLevel;
MWWorld::TimeStamp mLastRespawn;
template <typename T>
static constexpr std::size_t getTypeIndex()
static_assert(Misc::TupleHasType<CellRefList<T>, CellStoreTuple>::value);
return Misc::TupleTypeIndex<CellRefList<T>, CellStoreTuple>::value;
std::unique_ptr<CellStoreImp> mCellStoreImp;
std::vector<CellRefListBase*> mCellRefLists;
template <class T>
CellRefList<T>& get()
mHasState = true;
return static_cast<CellRefList<T>&>(*mCellRefLists[getTypeIndex<T>()]);
template <class T>
const CellRefList<T>& get() const
return static_cast<const CellRefList<T>&>(*mCellRefLists[getTypeIndex<T>()]);
typedef std::map<LiveCellRefBase*, MWWorld::CellStore*> MovedRefTracker;
// References owned by a different cell that have been moved here.
// <reference, cell the reference originally came from>
MovedRefTracker mMovedHere;
// References owned by this cell that have been moved to another cell.
// <reference, cell the reference was moved to>
MovedRefTracker mMovedToAnotherCell;
// Merged list of ref's currently in this cell - i.e. with added refs from mMovedHere, removed refs from
// mMovedToAnotherCell
std::vector<LiveCellRefBase*> mMergedRefs;
// Get the Ptr for the given ref which originated from this cell (possibly moved to another cell at this point).
Ptr getCurrentPtr(MWWorld::LiveCellRefBase* ref);
/// Moves object from the given cell to this cell.
void moveFrom(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, MWWorld::CellStore* from);
/// Repopulate mMergedRefs.
void updateMergedRefs();
// (item, max charge)
typedef std::vector<std::pair<LiveCellRefBase*, float>> TRechargingItems;
TRechargingItems mRechargingItems;
bool mRechargingItemsUpToDate;
void updateRechargingItems();
void rechargeItems(float duration);
void checkItem(const Ptr& ptr);
/// Should this reference be accessible to the outside world (i.e. to scripts / game logic)?
/// Determined based on the deletion flags. By default, objects deleted by content files are never accessible;
/// objects deleted by setCount(0) are still accessible *if* they came from a content file (needed for vanilla
/// scripting compatibility, and the fact that objects may be "un-deleted" in the original game).
static bool isAccessible(const MWWorld::RefData& refdata, const MWWorld::CellRef& cref)
return !refdata.isDeletedByContentFile() && (cref.hasContentFile() || refdata.getCount() > 0);
/// Moves object from this cell to the given cell.
/// @note automatically updates given cell by calling cellToMoveTo->moveFrom(...)
/// @note throws exception if cellToMoveTo == this
/// @return updated MWWorld::Ptr with the new CellStore pointer set.
MWWorld::Ptr moveTo(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, MWWorld::CellStore* cellToMoveTo);
void rest(double hours);
void recharge(float duration);
/// Make a copy of the given object and insert it into this cell.
/// @note If you get a linker error here, this means the given type can not be inserted into a cell.
/// The supported types are defined at the bottom of this file.
template <typename T>
LiveCellRefBase* insert(const LiveCellRef<T>* ref)
mHasState = true;
CellRefList<T>& list = get<T>();
LiveCellRefBase* ret = &list.insert(*ref);
return ret;
/// @param readerList The readers to use for loading of the cell on-demand.
CellStore(MWWorld::Cell cell, const MWWorld::ESMStore& store, ESM::ReadersCache& readers);
const MWWorld::Cell* getCell() const;
State getState() const;
const std::vector<ESM::RefId>& getPreloadedIds() const;
///< Get Ids of objects in this cell, only valid in State_Preloaded
bool hasState() const;
///< Does this cell have state that needs to be stored in a saved game file?
bool hasId(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
///< May return true for deleted IDs when in preload state. Will return false, if cell is
/// unloaded.
/// @note Will not account for moved references which may exist in Loaded state. Use search() instead if the
/// cell is loaded.
Ptr search(const ESM::RefId& id);
///< Will return an empty Ptr if cell is not loaded. Does not check references in
/// containers.
/// @note Triggers CellStore hasState flag.
ConstPtr searchConst(const ESM::RefId& id) const;
///< Will return an empty Ptr if cell is not loaded. Does not check references in
/// containers.
/// @note Does not trigger CellStore hasState flag.
Ptr searchViaActorId(int id);
///< Will return an empty Ptr if cell is not loaded.
Ptr searchViaRefNum(const ESM::RefNum& refNum);
///< Will return an empty Ptr if cell is not loaded. Does not check references in
/// containers.
/// @note Triggers CellStore hasState flag.
float getWaterLevel() const;
bool movedHere(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
void setWaterLevel(float level);
void setFog(std::unique_ptr<ESM::FogState>&& fog);
///< \note Takes ownership of the pointer
ESM::FogState* getFog() const;
std::size_t count() const;
///< Return total number of references, including deleted ones.
void load();
///< Load references from content file.
void preload();
///< Build ID list from content file.
/// Call visitor (MWWorld::Ptr) for each reference. visitor must return a bool. Returning
/// false will abort the iteration.
/// \note Prefer using forEachConst when possible.
/// \note Do not modify this cell (i.e. remove/add objects) during the forEach, doing this may result in
/// unintended behaviour. \attention This function also lists deleted (count 0) objects! \return Iteration
/// completed?
template <class Visitor>
bool forEach(Visitor&& visitor)
if (mState != State_Loaded)
return false;
if (mMergedRefs.empty())
return true;
mHasState = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMergedRefs.size(); ++i)
if (!isAccessible(mMergedRefs[i]->mData, mMergedRefs[i]->mRef))
if (!visitor(MWWorld::Ptr(mMergedRefs[i], this)))
return false;
return true;
/// Call visitor (MWWorld::ConstPtr) for each reference. visitor must return a bool. Returning
/// false will abort the iteration.
/// \note Do not modify this cell (i.e. remove/add objects) during the forEach, doing this may result in
/// unintended behaviour. \attention This function also lists deleted (count 0) objects! \return Iteration
/// completed?
template <class Visitor>
bool forEachConst(Visitor&& visitor) const
if (mState != State_Loaded)
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mMergedRefs.size(); ++i)
if (!isAccessible(mMergedRefs[i]->mData, mMergedRefs[i]->mRef))
if (!visitor(MWWorld::ConstPtr(mMergedRefs[i], this)))
return false;
return true;
/// Call visitor (ref) for each reference of given type. visitor must return a bool. Returning
/// false will abort the iteration.
/// \note Do not modify this cell (i.e. remove/add objects) during the forEach, doing this may result in
/// unintended behaviour. \attention This function also lists deleted (count 0) objects! \return Iteration
/// completed?
template <class T, class Visitor>
bool forEachType(Visitor& visitor)
if (mState != State_Loaded)
return false;
if (mMergedRefs.empty())
return true;
mHasState = true;
CellRefList<T>& list = get<T>();
for (typename CellRefList<T>::List::iterator it(list.mList.begin()); it != list.mList.end(); ++it)
LiveCellRefBase* base = &*it;
if (mMovedToAnotherCell.find(base) != mMovedToAnotherCell.end())
if (!isAccessible(base->mData, base->mRef))
if (!visitor(MWWorld::Ptr(base, this)))
return false;
for (MovedRefTracker::const_iterator it = mMovedHere.begin(); it != mMovedHere.end(); ++it)
LiveCellRefBase* base = it->first;
if (dynamic_cast<LiveCellRef<T>*>(base))
if (!visitor(MWWorld::Ptr(base, this)))
return false;
return true;
// NOTE: does not account for moved references
// Should be phased out when we have const version of forEach
inline const CellRefList<ESM::Door>& getReadOnlyDoors() const { return get<ESM::Door>(); }
inline const CellRefList<ESM::Static>& getReadOnlyStatics() const { return get<ESM::Static>(); }
inline const CellRefList<ESM4::Static>& getReadOnlyEsm4Statics() const { return get<ESM4::Static>(); }
bool isExterior() const;
bool isQuasiExterior() const;
Ptr searchInContainer(const ESM::RefId& id);
void loadState(const ESM::CellState& state);
void saveState(ESM::CellState& state) const;
void writeFog(ESM::ESMWriter& writer) const;
void readFog(ESM::ESMReader& reader);
void writeReferences(ESM::ESMWriter& writer) const;
struct GetCellStoreCallback
///@note must return nullptr if the cell is not found
virtual CellStore* getCellStore(const ESM::CellId& cellId) = 0;
virtual ~GetCellStoreCallback() = default;
/// @param callback to use for retrieving of additional CellStore objects by ID (required for resolving moved
/// references)
void readReferences(
ESM::ESMReader& reader, const std::map<int, int>& contentFileMap, GetCellStoreCallback* callback);
void respawn();
///< Check mLastRespawn and respawn references if necessary. This is a no-op if the cell is not loaded.
Ptr getMovedActor(int actorId) const;
bool operator==(const CellStore& right) const;
/// Run through references and store IDs
void listRefs();
void loadRefs();
void loadRef(const ESM4::Reference& ref, bool deleted);
void loadRef(ESM::CellRef& ref, bool deleted, std::map<ESM::RefNum, ESM::RefId>& refNumToID);
///< Make case-adjustments to \a ref and insert it into the respective container.
/// Invalid \a ref objects are silently dropped.