mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 19:21:04 +00:00
conversion from 'const float' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'float' to 'int', possible loss of data
1097 lines
38 KiB
1097 lines
38 KiB
* =============================================================================================
* Filename: BtOgre.cpp
* Description: BtOgre implementation.
* Version: 1.0
* Created: 27/12/2008 01:47:56 PM
* Author: Nikhilesh (nikki)
* =============================================================================================
#include "BtOgrePG.h"
#include "BtOgreGP.h"
#include "BtOgreExtras.h"
#include <OgreEntity.h>
#include <OgreSubMesh.h>
#include <OgreSubEntity.h>
using namespace Ogre;
namespace BtOgre {
* =============================================================================================
* BtOgre::VertexIndexToShape
* =============================================================================================
void VertexIndexToShape::addStaticVertexData(const VertexData *vertex_data)
if (!vertex_data)
const VertexData *data = vertex_data;
const unsigned int prev_size = mVertexCount;
mVertexCount += (unsigned int)data->vertexCount;
Ogre::Vector3* tmp_vert = new Ogre::Vector3[mVertexCount];
if (mVertexBuffer)
memcpy(tmp_vert, mVertexBuffer, sizeof(Vector3) * prev_size);
delete[] mVertexBuffer;
mVertexBuffer = tmp_vert;
// Get the positional buffer element
const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem = data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_POSITION);
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource());
const unsigned int vSize = (unsigned int)vbuf->getVertexSize();
unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
float* pReal;
Ogre::Vector3 * curVertices = &mVertexBuffer[prev_size];
const unsigned int vertexCount = (unsigned int)data->vertexCount;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < vertexCount; ++j)
posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal);
vertex += vSize;
curVertices->x = (*pReal++);
curVertices->y = (*pReal++);
curVertices->z = (*pReal++);
*curVertices = mTransform * (*curVertices);
void VertexIndexToShape::addAnimatedVertexData(const Ogre::VertexData *vertex_data,
const Ogre::VertexData *blend_data,
const Ogre::Mesh::IndexMap *indexMap)
// Get the bone index element
const VertexData *data = blend_data;
const unsigned int prev_size = mVertexCount;
mVertexCount += (unsigned int)data->vertexCount;
Ogre::Vector3* tmp_vert = new Ogre::Vector3[mVertexCount];
if (mVertexBuffer)
memcpy(tmp_vert, mVertexBuffer, sizeof(Vector3) * prev_size);
delete[] mVertexBuffer;
mVertexBuffer = tmp_vert;
// Get the positional buffer element
const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem = data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_POSITION);
assert (posElem);
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(posElem->getSource());
const unsigned int vSize = (unsigned int)vbuf->getVertexSize();
unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
float* pReal;
Ogre::Vector3 * curVertices = &mVertexBuffer[prev_size];
const unsigned int vertexCount = (unsigned int)data->vertexCount;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < vertexCount; ++j)
posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal);
vertex += vSize;
curVertices->x = (*pReal++);
curVertices->y = (*pReal++);
curVertices->z = (*pReal++);
*curVertices = mTransform * (*curVertices);
const Ogre::VertexElement* bneElem = vertex_data->vertexDeclaration->findElementBySemantic(Ogre::VES_BLEND_INDICES);
assert (bneElem);
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = vertex_data->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(bneElem->getSource());
const unsigned int vSize = (unsigned int)vbuf->getVertexSize();
unsigned char* vertex = static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
unsigned char* pBone;
if (!mBoneIndex)
mBoneIndex = new BoneIndex();
BoneIndex::iterator i;
Ogre::Vector3 * curVertices = &mVertexBuffer[prev_size];
const unsigned int vertexCount = (unsigned int)vertex_data->vertexCount;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < vertexCount; ++j)
bneElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pBone);
vertex += vSize;
const unsigned char currBone = (indexMap) ? (*indexMap)[*pBone] : *pBone;
i = mBoneIndex->find (currBone);
Vector3Array* l = 0;
if (i == mBoneIndex->end())
l = new Vector3Array;
mBoneIndex->insert(BoneKeyIndex(currBone, l));
l = i->second;
void VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData(IndexData *data, const unsigned int offset)
const unsigned int prev_size = mIndexCount;
mIndexCount += (unsigned int)data->indexCount;
unsigned int* tmp_ind = new unsigned int[mIndexCount];
if (mIndexBuffer)
memcpy (tmp_ind, mIndexBuffer, sizeof(unsigned int) * prev_size);
delete[] mIndexBuffer;
mIndexBuffer = tmp_ind;
const unsigned int numTris = (unsigned int) data->indexCount / 3;
HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr ibuf = data->indexBuffer;
const bool use32bitindexes = (ibuf->getType() == HardwareIndexBuffer::IT_32BIT);
unsigned int index_offset = prev_size;
if (use32bitindexes)
const unsigned int* pInt = static_cast<unsigned int*>(ibuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < numTris; ++k)
mIndexBuffer[index_offset ++] = offset + *pInt++;
mIndexBuffer[index_offset ++] = offset + *pInt++;
mIndexBuffer[index_offset ++] = offset + *pInt++;
const unsigned short* pShort = static_cast<unsigned short*>(ibuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < numTris; ++k)
mIndexBuffer[index_offset ++] = offset + static_cast<unsigned int> (*pShort++);
mIndexBuffer[index_offset ++] = offset + static_cast<unsigned int> (*pShort++);
mIndexBuffer[index_offset ++] = offset + static_cast<unsigned int> (*pShort++);
Real VertexIndexToShape::getRadius()
if (mBoundRadius == (-1))
mBoundRadius = (std::max(mBounds.x,std::max(mBounds.y,mBounds.z)) * 0.5f);
return mBoundRadius;
Vector3 VertexIndexToShape::getSize()
const unsigned int vCount = getVertexCount();
if (mBounds == Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1) && vCount > 0)
const Ogre::Vector3 * const v = getVertices();
Ogre::Vector3 vmin(v[0]);
Ogre::Vector3 vmax(v[0]);
for(unsigned int j = 1; j < vCount; j++)
vmin.x = std::min(vmin.x, v[j].x);
vmin.y = std::min(vmin.y, v[j].y);
vmin.z = std::min(vmin.z, v[j].z);
vmax.x = std::max(vmax.x, v[j].x);
vmax.y = std::max(vmax.y, v[j].y);
vmax.z = std::max(vmax.z, v[j].z);
mBounds.x = vmax.x - vmin.x;
mBounds.y = vmax.y - vmin.y;
mBounds.z = vmax.z - vmin.z;
return mBounds;
const Ogre::Vector3* VertexIndexToShape::getVertices()
return mVertexBuffer;
unsigned int VertexIndexToShape::getVertexCount()
return mVertexCount;
const unsigned int* VertexIndexToShape::getIndices()
return mIndexBuffer;
unsigned int VertexIndexToShape::getIndexCount()
return mIndexCount;
btSphereShape* VertexIndexToShape::createSphere()
const Ogre::Real rad = getRadius();
assert((rad > 0.0) &&
("Sphere radius must be greater than zero"));
btSphereShape* shape = new btSphereShape(rad);
return shape;
btBoxShape* VertexIndexToShape::createBox()
const Ogre::Vector3 sz = getSize();
assert((sz.x > 0.0) && (sz.y > 0.0) && (sz.z > 0.0) &&
("Size of box must be greater than zero on all axes"));
btBoxShape* shape = new btBoxShape(Convert::toBullet(sz * 0.5));
return shape;
btCylinderShape* VertexIndexToShape::createCylinder()
const Ogre::Vector3 sz = getSize();
assert((sz.x > 0.0) && (sz.y > 0.0) && (sz.z > 0.0) &&
("Size of Cylinder must be greater than zero on all axes"));
btCylinderShape* shape = new btCylinderShapeX(Convert::toBullet(sz * 0.5));
return shape;
btConvexHullShape* VertexIndexToShape::createConvex()
assert(mVertexCount && (mIndexCount >= 6) &&
("Mesh must have some vertices and at least 6 indices (2 triangles)"));
return new btConvexHullShape((btScalar*) &mVertexBuffer[0].x, mVertexCount, sizeof(Vector3));
btBvhTriangleMeshShape* VertexIndexToShape::createTrimesh()
assert(mVertexCount && (mIndexCount >= 6) &&
("Mesh must have some vertices and at least 6 indices (2 triangles)"));
unsigned int numFaces = mIndexCount / 3;
btTriangleMesh *trimesh = new btTriangleMesh();
unsigned int *indices = mIndexBuffer;
Vector3 *vertices = mVertexBuffer;
btVector3 vertexPos[3];
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < numFaces; ++n)
const Vector3 &vec = vertices[*indices];
vertexPos[0][0] = vec.x;
vertexPos[0][1] = vec.y;
vertexPos[0][2] = vec.z;
const Vector3 &vec = vertices[*(indices + 1)];
vertexPos[1][0] = vec.x;
vertexPos[1][1] = vec.y;
vertexPos[1][2] = vec.z;
const Vector3 &vec = vertices[*(indices + 2)];
vertexPos[2][0] = vec.x;
vertexPos[2][1] = vec.y;
vertexPos[2][2] = vec.z;
indices += 3;
trimesh->addTriangle(vertexPos[0], vertexPos[1], vertexPos[2]);
const bool useQuantizedAABB = true;
btBvhTriangleMeshShape *shape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh, useQuantizedAABB);
return shape;
delete[] mVertexBuffer;
delete[] mIndexBuffer;
if (mBoneIndex)
for(BoneIndex::iterator i = mBoneIndex->begin();
i != mBoneIndex->end();
delete i->second;
delete mBoneIndex;
VertexIndexToShape::VertexIndexToShape(const Matrix4 &transform) :
mVertexBuffer (0),
mIndexBuffer (0),
mVertexCount (0),
mIndexCount (0),
mTransform (transform),
mBoundRadius (-1),
mBounds (Vector3(-1,-1,-1)),
mBoneIndex (0),
* =============================================================================================
* BtOgre::StaticMeshToShapeConverter
* =============================================================================================
StaticMeshToShapeConverter::StaticMeshToShapeConverter() :
mEntity (0),
mNode (0)
StaticMeshToShapeConverter::StaticMeshToShapeConverter(Entity *entity, const Matrix4 &transform) :
mEntity (0),
mNode (0)
addEntity(entity, transform);
StaticMeshToShapeConverter::StaticMeshToShapeConverter(Renderable *rend, const Matrix4 &transform) :
mEntity (0),
mNode (0)
RenderOperation op;
void StaticMeshToShapeConverter::addEntity(Entity *entity,const Matrix4 &transform)
// Each entity added need to reset size and radius
// next time getRadius and getSize are asked, they're computed.
mBounds = Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1);
mBoundRadius = -1;
mEntity = entity;
mNode = (SceneNode*)(mEntity->getParentNode());
mTransform = transform;
mScale = mNode->getScale();
if (mEntity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData)
VertexIndexToShape::addStaticVertexData (mEntity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData);
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < mEntity->getNumSubEntities();++i)
SubMesh *sub_mesh = mEntity->getSubEntity(i)->getSubMesh();
if (!sub_mesh->useSharedVertices)
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData(sub_mesh->indexData, mVertexCount);
VertexIndexToShape::addStaticVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData);
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData (sub_mesh->indexData);
void StaticMeshToShapeConverter::addMesh(const MeshPtr &mesh, const Matrix4 &transform)
// Each entity added need to reset size and radius
// next time getRadius and getSize are asked, they're computed.
mBounds = Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1);
mBoundRadius = -1;
//_entity = entity;
//_node = (SceneNode*)(_entity->getParentNode());
mTransform = transform;
if (mesh->hasSkeleton ())
Ogre::LogManager::getSingleton().logMessage("MeshToShapeConverter::addMesh : Mesh " + mesh->getName () + " as skeleton but added to trimesh non animated");
if (mesh->sharedVertexData)
VertexIndexToShape::addStaticVertexData (mesh->sharedVertexData);
for(unsigned int i = 0;i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes();++i)
SubMesh *sub_mesh = mesh->getSubMesh(i);
if (!sub_mesh->useSharedVertices)
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData(sub_mesh->indexData, mVertexCount);
VertexIndexToShape::addStaticVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData);
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData (sub_mesh->indexData);
* =============================================================================================
* BtOgre::AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter
* =============================================================================================
AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter(Entity *entity,const Matrix4 &transform) :
mEntity (0),
mNode (0),
addEntity(entity, transform);
AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter() :
mEntity (0),
mNode (0),
delete[] mTransformedVerticesTemp;
void AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::addEntity(Entity *entity,const Matrix4 &transform)
// Each entity added need to reset size and radius
// next time getRadius and getSize are asked, they're computed.
mBounds = Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1);
mBoundRadius = -1;
mEntity = entity;
mNode = (SceneNode*)(mEntity->getParentNode());
mTransform = transform;
assert (entity->getMesh()->hasSkeleton ());
if (mEntity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData)
VertexIndexToShape::addAnimatedVertexData (mEntity->getMesh()->sharedVertexData,
for (unsigned int i = 0;i < mEntity->getNumSubEntities();++i)
SubMesh *sub_mesh = mEntity->getSubEntity(i)->getSubMesh();
if (!sub_mesh->useSharedVertices)
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData(sub_mesh->indexData, mVertexCount);
VertexIndexToShape::addAnimatedVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData,
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData (sub_mesh->indexData);
void AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::addMesh(const MeshPtr &mesh, const Matrix4 &transform)
// Each entity added need to reset size and radius
// next time getRadius and getSize are asked, they're computed.
mBounds = Ogre::Vector3(-1,-1,-1);
mBoundRadius = -1;
//_entity = entity;
//_node = (SceneNode*)(_entity->getParentNode());
mTransform = transform;
assert (mesh->hasSkeleton ());
if (mesh->sharedVertexData)
VertexIndexToShape::addAnimatedVertexData (mesh->sharedVertexData,
for(unsigned int i = 0;i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes();++i)
SubMesh *sub_mesh = mesh->getSubMesh(i);
if (!sub_mesh->useSharedVertices)
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData(sub_mesh->indexData, mVertexCount);
VertexIndexToShape::addAnimatedVertexData (sub_mesh->vertexData,
VertexIndexToShape::addIndexData (sub_mesh->indexData);
bool AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::getBoneVertices(unsigned char bone,
unsigned int &vertex_count,
Ogre::Vector3* &vertices,
const Vector3 &bonePosition)
BoneIndex::iterator i = mBoneIndex->find(bone);
if (i == mBoneIndex->end())
return false;
if (i->second->empty())
return false;
vertex_count = (unsigned int) i->second->size() + 1;
if (vertex_count > mTransformedVerticesTempSize)
if (mTransformedVerticesTemp)
delete[] mTransformedVerticesTemp;
mTransformedVerticesTemp = new Ogre::Vector3[vertex_count];
vertices = mTransformedVerticesTemp;
vertices[0] = bonePosition;
//mEntity->_getParentNodeFullTransform() *
unsigned int currBoneVertex = 1;
Vector3Array::iterator j = i->second->begin();
while(j != i->second->end())
vertices[currBoneVertex] = (*j);
return true;
btBoxShape* AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::createAlignedBox(unsigned char bone,
const Vector3 &bonePosition,
const Quaternion &boneOrientation)
unsigned int vertex_count;
Vector3* vertices;
if (!getBoneVertices(bone, vertex_count, vertices, bonePosition))
return 0;
Vector3 min_vec(vertices[0]);
Vector3 max_vec(vertices[0]);
for(unsigned int j = 1; j < vertex_count ;j++)
min_vec.x = std::min(min_vec.x,vertices[j].x);
min_vec.y = std::min(min_vec.y,vertices[j].y);
min_vec.z = std::min(min_vec.z,vertices[j].z);
max_vec.x = std::max(max_vec.x,vertices[j].x);
max_vec.y = std::max(max_vec.y,vertices[j].y);
max_vec.z = std::max(max_vec.z,vertices[j].z);
const Ogre::Vector3 maxMinusMin(max_vec - min_vec);
btBoxShape* box = new btBoxShape(Convert::toBullet(maxMinusMin));
/*const Ogre::Vector3 pos
(min_vec.x + (maxMinusMin.x * 0.5),
min_vec.y + (maxMinusMin.y * 0.5),
min_vec.z + (maxMinusMin.z * 0.5));*/
return box;
bool AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::getOrientedBox(unsigned char bone,
const Vector3 &bonePosition,
const Quaternion &boneOrientation,
Vector3 &box_afExtent,
Vector3 *box_akAxis,
Vector3 &box_kCenter)
unsigned int vertex_count;
Vector3* vertices;
if (!getBoneVertices(bone, vertex_count, vertices, bonePosition))
return false;
box_kCenter = Vector3::ZERO;
for(unsigned int c = 0 ;c < vertex_count;c++)
box_kCenter += vertices[c];
const Ogre::Real invVertexCount = 1.0f / vertex_count;
box_kCenter *= invVertexCount;
Quaternion orient = boneOrientation;
// Let C be the box center and let U0, U1, and U2 be the box axes. Each
// input point is of the form X = C + y0*U0 + y1*U1 + y2*U2. The
// following code computes min(y0), max(y0), min(y1), max(y1), min(y2),
// and max(y2). The box center is then adjusted to be
// C' = C + 0.5*(min(y0)+max(y0))*U0 + 0.5*(min(y1)+max(y1))*U1 +
// 0.5*(min(y2)+max(y2))*U2
Ogre::Vector3 kDiff (vertices[1] - box_kCenter);
Ogre::Real fY0Min = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[0]), fY0Max = fY0Min;
Ogre::Real fY1Min = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[1]), fY1Max = fY1Min;
Ogre::Real fY2Min = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[2]), fY2Max = fY2Min;
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < vertex_count; i++)
kDiff = vertices[i] - box_kCenter;
const Ogre::Real fY0 = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[0]);
if ( fY0 < fY0Min )
fY0Min = fY0;
else if ( fY0 > fY0Max )
fY0Max = fY0;
const Ogre::Real fY1 = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[1]);
if ( fY1 < fY1Min )
fY1Min = fY1;
else if ( fY1 > fY1Max )
fY1Max = fY1;
const Ogre::Real fY2 = kDiff.dotProduct(box_akAxis[2]);
if ( fY2 < fY2Min )
fY2Min = fY2;
else if ( fY2 > fY2Max )
fY2Max = fY2;
box_afExtent.x = ((Real)0.5)*(fY0Max - fY0Min);
box_afExtent.y = ((Real)0.5)*(fY1Max - fY1Min);
box_afExtent.z = ((Real)0.5)*(fY2Max - fY2Min);
box_kCenter += (0.5f*(fY0Max+fY0Min))*box_akAxis[0] +
(0.5f*(fY1Max+fY1Min))*box_akAxis[1] +
box_afExtent *= 2.0;
return true;
btBoxShape *AnimatedMeshToShapeConverter::createOrientedBox(unsigned char bone,
const Vector3 &bonePosition,
const Quaternion &boneOrientation)
Ogre::Vector3 box_akAxis[3];
Ogre::Vector3 box_afExtent;
Ogre::Vector3 box_afCenter;
if (!getOrientedBox(bone, bonePosition, boneOrientation,
return 0;
btBoxShape *geom = new btBoxShape(Convert::toBullet(box_afExtent));
return geom;
* =============================================================================================
* BtOgre::DynamicRenderable
* =============================================================================================
: mVertexBufferCapacity(0)
, mIndexBufferCapacity(0)
delete mRenderOp.vertexData;
delete mRenderOp.indexData;
void DynamicRenderable::initialize(RenderOperation::OperationType operationType,
bool useIndices)
// Initialize render operation
mRenderOp.operationType = operationType;
mRenderOp.useIndexes = useIndices;
mRenderOp.vertexData = new VertexData;
if (mRenderOp.useIndexes)
mRenderOp.indexData = new IndexData;
// Reset buffer capacities
mVertexBufferCapacity = 0;
mIndexBufferCapacity = 0;
// Create vertex declaration
void DynamicRenderable::prepareHardwareBuffers(size_t vertexCount,
size_t indexCount)
// Prepare vertex buffer
size_t newVertCapacity = mVertexBufferCapacity;
if ((vertexCount > mVertexBufferCapacity) ||
// vertexCount exceeds current capacity!
// It is necessary to reallocate the buffer.
// Check if this is the first call
if (!newVertCapacity)
newVertCapacity = 1;
// Make capacity the next power of two
while (newVertCapacity < vertexCount)
newVertCapacity <<= 1;
else if (vertexCount < mVertexBufferCapacity>>1) {
// Make capacity the previous power of two
while (vertexCount < newVertCapacity>>1)
newVertCapacity >>= 1;
if (newVertCapacity != mVertexBufferCapacity)
mVertexBufferCapacity = newVertCapacity;
// Create new vertex buffer
HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY); // TODO: Custom HBU_?
// Bind buffer
mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->setBinding(0, vbuf);
// Update vertex count in the render operation
mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexCount = vertexCount;
if (mRenderOp.useIndexes)
OgreAssert(indexCount <= std::numeric_limits<unsigned short>::max(), "indexCount exceeds 16 bit");
size_t newIndexCapacity = mIndexBufferCapacity;
// Prepare index buffer
if ((indexCount > newIndexCapacity) ||
// indexCount exceeds current capacity!
// It is necessary to reallocate the buffer.
// Check if this is the first call
if (!newIndexCapacity)
newIndexCapacity = 1;
// Make capacity the next power of two
while (newIndexCapacity < indexCount)
newIndexCapacity <<= 1;
else if (indexCount < newIndexCapacity>>1)
// Make capacity the previous power of two
while (indexCount < newIndexCapacity>>1)
newIndexCapacity >>= 1;
if (newIndexCapacity != mIndexBufferCapacity)
mIndexBufferCapacity = newIndexCapacity;
// Create new index buffer
mRenderOp.indexData->indexBuffer =
HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY); // TODO: Custom HBU_?
// Update index count in the render operation
mRenderOp.indexData->indexCount = indexCount;
Real DynamicRenderable::getBoundingRadius(void) const
return Math::Sqrt(std::max(mBox.getMaximum().squaredLength(), mBox.getMinimum().squaredLength()));
Real DynamicRenderable::getSquaredViewDepth(const Camera* cam) const
Vector3 vMin, vMax, vMid, vDist;
vMin = mBox.getMinimum();
vMax = mBox.getMaximum();
vMid = ((vMax - vMin) * 0.5) + vMin;
vDist = cam->getDerivedPosition() - vMid;
return vDist.squaredLength();
* =============================================================================================
* BtOgre::DynamicLines
* =============================================================================================
enum {
DynamicLines::DynamicLines(OperationType opType)
mDirty = true;
void DynamicLines::setOperationType(OperationType opType)
mRenderOp.operationType = opType;
RenderOperation::OperationType DynamicLines::getOperationType() const
return mRenderOp.operationType;
void DynamicLines::addPoint(const Vector3 &p)
mDirty = true;
void DynamicLines::addPoint(Real x, Real y, Real z)
mDirty = true;
const Vector3& DynamicLines::getPoint(unsigned short index) const
assert(index < mPoints.size() && "Point index is out of bounds!!");
return mPoints[index];
unsigned short DynamicLines::getNumPoints(void) const
return (unsigned short)mPoints.size();
void DynamicLines::setPoint(unsigned short index, const Vector3 &value)
assert(index < mPoints.size() && "Point index is out of bounds!!");
mPoints[index] = value;
mDirty = true;
void DynamicLines::clear()
mDirty = true;
void DynamicLines::update()
if (mDirty) fillHardwareBuffers();
void DynamicLines::createVertexDeclaration()
VertexDeclaration *decl = mRenderOp.vertexData->vertexDeclaration;
void DynamicLines::fillHardwareBuffers()
int size = mPoints.size();
if (!size) {
Vector3 vaabMin = mPoints[0];
Vector3 vaabMax = mPoints[0];
HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
Real *prPos = static_cast<Real*>(vbuf->lock(HardwareBuffer::HBL_DISCARD));
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
*prPos++ = mPoints[i].x;
*prPos++ = mPoints[i].y;
*prPos++ = mPoints[i].z;
if(mPoints[i].x < vaabMin.x)
vaabMin.x = mPoints[i].x;
if(mPoints[i].y < vaabMin.y)
vaabMin.y = mPoints[i].y;
if(mPoints[i].z < vaabMin.z)
vaabMin.z = mPoints[i].z;
if(mPoints[i].x > vaabMax.x)
vaabMax.x = mPoints[i].x;
if(mPoints[i].y > vaabMax.y)
vaabMax.y = mPoints[i].y;
if(mPoints[i].z > vaabMax.z)
vaabMax.z = mPoints[i].z;
mBox.setExtents(vaabMin, vaabMax);
mDirty = false;