mirror of https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw.git synced 2025-03-26 20:37:25 +00:00

392 lines
12 KiB

#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include <istream>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <components/to_utf8/to_utf8.hpp>
#include "components/esm/decompose.hpp"
#include "components/esm/esmcommon.hpp"
#include "components/esm/refid.hpp"
#include "loadtes3.hpp"
namespace ESM
template <class T>
struct GetArray
using type = void;
template <class T, size_t N>
struct GetArray<std::array<T, N>>
using type = T;
template <class T, size_t N>
struct GetArray<T[N]>
using type = T;
template <class T>
inline constexpr bool IsReadable
= std::is_arithmetic_v<T> || std::is_enum_v<T> || IsReadable<typename GetArray<T>::type>;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsReadable<void> = false;
class ReadersCache;
class ESMReader
* Information retrieval
int getVer() const { return mHeader.mData.version.ui; }
int getRecordCount() const { return mHeader.mData.records; }
float esmVersionF() const { return (mHeader.mData.version.f); }
const std::string& getAuthor() const { return mHeader.mData.author; }
const std::string& getDesc() const { return mHeader.mData.desc; }
const std::vector<Header::MasterData>& getGameFiles() const { return mHeader.mMaster; }
const Header& getHeader() const { return mHeader; }
FormatVersion getFormatVersion() const { return mHeader.mFormatVersion; }
const NAME& retSubName() const { return mCtx.subName; }
uint32_t getSubSize() const { return mCtx.leftSub; }
const std::filesystem::path& getName() const { return mCtx.filename; }
bool isOpen() const { return mEsm != nullptr; }
* Opening and closing
/** Save the current file position and information in a ESM_Context
ESM_Context getContext();
/** Restore a previously saved context */
void restoreContext(const ESM_Context& rc);
/** Close the file, resets all information. After calling close()
the structure may be reused to load a new file.
void close();
/// Raw opening. Opens the file and sets everything up but doesn't
/// parse the header.
void openRaw(std::unique_ptr<std::istream>&& stream, const std::filesystem::path& name);
/// Load ES file from a new stream, parses the header. Closes the
/// currently open file first, if any.
void open(std::unique_ptr<std::istream>&& stream, const std::filesystem::path& name);
void open(const std::filesystem::path& file);
void openRaw(const std::filesystem::path& filename);
/// Get the current position in the file. Make sure that the file has been opened!
size_t getFileOffset() const { return mEsm->tellg(); }
// This is a quick hack for multiple esm/esp files. Each plugin introduces its own
// terrain palette, but ESMReader does not pass a reference to the correct plugin
// to the individual load() methods. This hack allows to pass this reference
// indirectly to the load() method.
void setIndex(const int index) { mCtx.index = index; }
int getIndex() const { return mCtx.index; }
// Assign parent esX files by tracking their indices in the global list of
// all files/readers used by the engine. This is required for correct adjustRefNum() results
// as required for handling moved, deleted and edited CellRefs.
/// @note Does not validate.
void resolveParentFileIndices(ReadersCache& readers);
const std::vector<int>& getParentFileIndices() const { return mCtx.parentFileIndices; }
// Used only when loading saves to adjust FormIds if load order was changes.
void setContentFileMapping(const std::map<int, int>* mapping) { mContentFileMapping = mapping; }
const std::map<int, int>* getContentFileMapping();
// Returns false if content file not found.
bool applyContentFileMapping(FormId& id);
* Medium-level reading shortcuts
// Because we want to get rid of CellId, we isolate it's uses.
ESM::RefId getCellId();
// Read data of a given type, stored in a subrecord of a given name
template <typename X>
void getHNT(X& x, NAME name)
getHNT(name, x);
template <class... Args>
void getHNT(NAME name, Args&... args)
constexpr size_t size = (0 + ... + sizeof(Args));
if (mCtx.leftSub != size)
reportSubSizeMismatch(size, mCtx.leftSub);
(getT(args), ...);
// Optional version of getHNT
template <typename X>
void getHNOT(X& x, NAME name)
getHNOT(name, x);
template <class... Args>
bool getHNOT(NAME name, Args&... args)
if (isNextSub(name))
return true;
return false;
// Get data of a given type/size, including subrecord header
template <class... Args>
void getHT(Args&... args)
constexpr size_t size = (0 + ... + sizeof(Args));
if (mCtx.leftSub != size)
reportSubSizeMismatch(size, mCtx.leftSub);
(getT(args), ...);
void getNamedComposite(NAME name, auto& value)
decompose(value, [&](auto&... args) { getHNT(name, args...); });
bool getOptionalComposite(NAME name, auto& value)
if (isNextSub(name))
return true;
return false;
void getComposite(auto& value)
decompose(value, [&](auto&... args) { (getT(args), ...); });
void getSubComposite(auto& value)
decompose(value, [&](auto&... args) { getHT(args...); });
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<IsReadable<T>>>
void skipHT()
constexpr size_t size = sizeof(T);
if (mCtx.leftSub != size)
reportSubSizeMismatch(size, mCtx.leftSub);
// Read a string by the given name if it is the next record.
std::string getHNOString(NAME name);
ESM::RefId getHNORefId(NAME name);
void skipHNORefId(NAME name);
// Read a string with the given sub-record name
std::string getHNString(NAME name);
RefId getHNRefId(NAME name);
// Read a string, including the sub-record header (but not the name)
std::string getHString();
std::string_view getHStringView();
RefId getRefId();
void skipHString();
void skipHRefId();
ESM::FormId getFormId(bool wide = false, NAME tag = "FRMR");
* Low level sub-record methods
// Get the next subrecord name and check if it matches the parameter
void getSubNameIs(NAME name);
/** Checks if the next sub record name matches the parameter. If it
does, it is read into 'subName' just as if getSubName() was
called. If not, the read name will still be available for future
calls to getSubName(), isNextSub() and getSubNameIs().
bool isNextSub(NAME name);
bool peekNextSub(NAME name);
// Store the current subrecord name for the next call of getSubName()
void cacheSubName() { mCtx.subCached = true; }
// Read subrecord name. This gets called a LOT, so I've optimized it
// slightly.
void getSubName();
// Skip current sub record, including header (but not including
// name.)
void skipHSub();
// Skip sub record and check its size
void skipHSubSize(std::size_t size);
// Skip all subrecords until the given subrecord or no more subrecords remaining
void skipHSubUntil(NAME name);
/* Sub-record header. This updates leftRec beyond the current
sub-record as well. leftSub contains size of current sub-record.
void getSubHeader();
* Low level record methods
// Get the next record name
NAME getRecName();
// Skip the rest of this record. Assumes the name and header have
// already been read
void skipRecord();
/* Read record header. This updatesleftFile BEYOND the data that
follows the header, ie beyond the entire record. You should use
leftRec to orient yourself inside the record itself.
void getRecHeader() { getRecHeader(mRecordFlags); }
void getRecHeader(uint32_t& flags);
bool hasMoreRecs() const { return mCtx.leftFile > 0; }
bool hasMoreSubs() const { return mCtx.leftRec > 0; }
* Lowest level data reading and misc methods
template <typename X, typename = std::enable_if_t<IsReadable<X>>>
void getT(X& x)
getExact(&x, sizeof(X));
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<IsReadable<T>>>
void skipT()
void getExact(void* x, std::size_t size)
mEsm->read(static_cast<char*>(x), static_cast<std::streamsize>(size));
void getName(NAME& name) { getT(name.mData); }
void getUint(uint32_t& u) { getT(u); }
std::string getMaybeFixedStringSize(std::size_t size);
RefId getMaybeFixedRefIdSize(std::size_t size);
// Read the next 'size' bytes and return them as a string. Converts
// them from native encoding to UTF8 in the process.
std::string_view getStringView(std::size_t size);
RefId getRefId(std::size_t size);
void skip(std::size_t bytes)
char buffer[4096];
if (bytes > std::size(buffer))
mEsm->seekg(getFileOffset() + bytes);
mEsm->read(buffer, bytes);
/// Used for error handling
[[noreturn]] void fail(std::string_view msg);
/// Sets font encoder for ESM strings
void setEncoder(ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder* encoder) { mEncoder = encoder; }
/// Get record flags of last record
uint32_t getRecordFlags() { return mRecordFlags; }
size_t getFileSize() const { return mFileSize; }
[[noreturn]] void reportSubSizeMismatch(size_t want, size_t got)
fail("record size mismatch, requested " + std::to_string(want) + ", got " + std::to_string(got));
void clearCtx();
RefId getRefIdImpl(std::size_t size);
std::unique_ptr<std::istream> mEsm;
ESM_Context mCtx;
uint32_t mRecordFlags;
// Special file signifier (see SpecialFile enum above)
// Buffer for ESM strings
std::vector<char> mBuffer;
Header mHeader;
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder* mEncoder;
size_t mFileSize;
const std::map<int, int>* mContentFileMapping = nullptr;