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synced 2025-03-21 22:21:02 +00:00
Launcher now indicates files with problem using an icon. Using red text for files with load order issue removed because it doesn't work well with dark themes.
719 lines
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719 lines
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#include "contentmodel.hpp"
#include "esmfile.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <QDir>
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QBrush>
#include <QIcon>
#include "components/esm/esmreader.hpp"
ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::ContentModel(QObject *parent) :
mMimeType ("application/omwcontent"),
mMimeTypes (QStringList() << mMimeType),
mColumnCount (1),
mDragDropFlags (Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled),
mDropActions (Qt::CopyAction | Qt::MoveAction)
setEncoding ("win1252");
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::setEncoding(const QString &encoding)
mEncoding = encoding;
if (encoding == QLatin1String("win1252"))
mCodec = QTextCodec::codecForName("windows-1252");
else if (encoding == QLatin1String("win1251"))
mCodec = QTextCodec::codecForName("windows-1251");
else if (encoding == QLatin1String("win1250"))
mCodec = QTextCodec::codecForName("windows-1250");
return; // This should never happen;
int ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
if (parent.isValid())
return 0;
return mColumnCount;
int ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
return 0;
return mFiles.size();
const ContentSelectorModel::EsmFile *ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::item(int row) const
if (row >= 0 && row < mFiles.size())
return mFiles.at(row);
return 0;
ContentSelectorModel::EsmFile *ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::item(int row)
if (row >= 0 && row < mFiles.count())
return mFiles.at(row);
return 0;
const ContentSelectorModel::EsmFile *ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::item(const QString &name) const
EsmFile::FileProperty fp = EsmFile::FileProperty_FileName;
if (name.contains ('/'))
fp = EsmFile::FileProperty_FilePath;
foreach (const EsmFile *file, mFiles)
if (name.compare(file->fileProperty (fp).toString(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0)
return file;
return 0;
QModelIndex ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::indexFromItem(const EsmFile *item) const
//workaround: non-const pointer cast for calls from outside contentmodel/contentselector
EsmFile *non_const_file_ptr = const_cast<EsmFile *>(item);
if (item)
return index(mFiles.indexOf(non_const_file_ptr),0);
return QModelIndex();
Qt::ItemFlags ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const
if (!index.isValid())
return Qt::NoItemFlags;
const EsmFile *file = item(index.row());
if (!file)
return Qt::NoItemFlags;
//game files can always be checked
if (file->isGameFile())
return Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
Qt::ItemFlags returnFlags;
bool allDependenciesFound = true;
bool gamefileChecked = false;
//addon can be checked if its gamefile is and all other dependencies exist
foreach (const QString &fileName, file->gameFiles())
bool depFound = false;
foreach (EsmFile *dependency, mFiles)
//compare filenames only. Multiple instances
//of the filename (with different paths) is not relevant here.
depFound = (dependency->fileName().compare(fileName, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0);
if (!depFound)
if (!gamefileChecked)
if (isChecked (dependency->filePath()))
gamefileChecked = (dependency->isGameFile());
// force it to iterate all files in cases where the current
// dependency is a game file to ensure that a later duplicate
// game file is / is not checked.
// (i.e., break only if it's not a gamefile or the game file has been checked previously)
if (gamefileChecked || !(dependency->isGameFile()))
allDependenciesFound = allDependenciesFound && depFound;
if (gamefileChecked)
if (allDependenciesFound)
returnFlags = returnFlags | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable | mDragDropFlags;
returnFlags = Qt::ItemIsSelectable;
return returnFlags;
QVariant ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (!index.isValid())
return QVariant();
if (index.row() >= mFiles.size())
return QVariant();
const EsmFile *file = item(index.row());
if (!file)
return QVariant();
const int column = index.column();
switch (role)
case Qt::DecorationRole:
return isLoadOrderError(file) ? QIcon::fromTheme("edit-delete") : QVariant();
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::DisplayRole:
if (column >=0 && column <=EsmFile::FileProperty_GameFile)
return file->fileProperty(static_cast<const EsmFile::FileProperty>(column));
return QVariant();
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
switch (column)
case 0:
case 1:
return Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case 2:
case 3:
return Qt::AlignRight + Qt::AlignVCenter;
return Qt::AlignLeft + Qt::AlignVCenter;
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
if (column != 0)
return QVariant();
return toolTip(file);
case Qt::CheckStateRole:
if (file->isGameFile())
return QVariant();
return mCheckStates[file->filePath()];
case Qt::UserRole:
if (file->isGameFile())
return ContentType_GameFile;
if (flags(index))
return ContentType_Addon;
case Qt::UserRole + 1:
return isChecked(file->filePath());
return QVariant();
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
return false;
EsmFile *file = item(index.row());
QString fileName = file->fileName();
bool success = false;
case Qt::EditRole:
QStringList list = value.toStringList();
for (int i = 0; i < EsmFile::FileProperty_GameFile; i++)
file->setFileProperty(static_cast<EsmFile::FileProperty>(i), list.at(i));
for (int i = EsmFile::FileProperty_GameFile; i < list.size(); i++)
file->setFileProperty (EsmFile::FileProperty_GameFile, list.at(i));
emit dataChanged(index, index);
success = true;
case Qt::UserRole+1:
success = (flags (index) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
if (success)
success = setCheckState(file->filePath(), value.toBool());
emit dataChanged(index, index);
case Qt::CheckStateRole:
int checkValue = value.toInt();
bool setState = false;
if ((checkValue==Qt::Checked) && !isChecked(file->filePath()))
setState = true;
success = true;
else if ((checkValue == Qt::Checked) && isChecked (file->filePath()))
setState = true;
else if (checkValue == Qt::Unchecked)
setState = true;
if (setState)
setCheckState(file->filePath(), success);
emit dataChanged(index, index);
return success;
foreach (EsmFile *file, mFiles)
if (file->gameFiles().contains(fileName, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
QModelIndex idx = indexFromItem(file);
emit dataChanged(idx, idx);
success = true;
return success;
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::insertRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (parent.isValid())
return false;
beginInsertRows(parent, position, position+rows-1);
for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
mFiles.insert(position, new EsmFile);
} endInsertRows();
return true;
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::removeRows(int position, int rows, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (parent.isValid())
return false;
beginRemoveRows(parent, position, position+rows-1);
for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row)
delete mFiles.takeAt(position);
} endRemoveRows();
// at this point we know that drag and drop has finished.
return true;
Qt::DropActions ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::supportedDropActions() const
return mDropActions;
QStringList ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::mimeTypes() const
return mMimeTypes;
QMimeData *ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::mimeData(const QModelIndexList &indexes) const
QByteArray encodedData;
foreach (const QModelIndex &index, indexes)
if (!index.isValid())
QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData();
mimeData->setData(mMimeType, encodedData);
return mimeData;
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::dropMimeData(const QMimeData *data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent)
if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction)
return true;
if (column > 0)
return false;
if (!data->hasFormat(mMimeType))
return false;
int beginRow = rowCount();
if (row != -1)
beginRow = row;
else if (parent.isValid())
beginRow = parent.row();
QByteArray encodedData = data->data(mMimeType);
QDataStream stream(&encodedData, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
while (!stream.atEnd())
QString value;
QStringList values;
QStringList gamefiles;
for (int i = 0; i < EsmFile::FileProperty_GameFile; ++i)
stream >> value;
values << value;
stream >> gamefiles;
insertRows(beginRow, 1);
QModelIndex idx = index(beginRow++, 0, QModelIndex());
setData(idx, QStringList() << values << gamefiles, Qt::EditRole);
return true;
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::addFile(EsmFile *file)
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), mFiles.count(), mFiles.count());
QModelIndex idx = index (mFiles.size() - 2, 0, QModelIndex());
emit dataChanged (idx, idx);
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::addFiles(const QString &path)
QDir dir(path);
QStringList filters;
filters << "*.esp" << "*.esm" << "*.omwgame" << "*.omwaddon";
QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF8");
// Create a decoder for non-latin characters in esx metadata
QTextDecoder *decoder = codec->makeDecoder();
foreach (const QString &path, dir.entryList())
QFileInfo info(dir.absoluteFilePath(path));
if (item(info.absoluteFilePath()) != 0)
try {
ESM::ESMReader fileReader;
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder encoder =
EsmFile *file = new EsmFile(path);
foreach (const ESM::Header::MasterData &item, fileReader.getGameFiles())
file->setAuthor (decoder->toUnicode(fileReader.getAuthor().c_str()));
file->setDate (info.lastModified());
file->setFormat (fileReader.getFormat());
file->setFilePath (info.absoluteFilePath());
// Put the file in the table
} catch(std::runtime_error &e) {
// An error occurred while reading the .esp
qWarning() << "Error reading addon file: " << e.what();
delete decoder;
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::sortFiles()
//first, sort the model such that all dependencies are ordered upstream (gamefile) first.
bool movedFiles = true;
int fileCount = mFiles.size();
//Dependency sort
//iterate until no sorting of files occurs
while (movedFiles)
movedFiles = false;
//iterate each file, obtaining a reference to it's gamefiles list
for (int i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
QModelIndex idx1 = index (i, 0, QModelIndex());
const QStringList &gamefiles = mFiles.at(i)->gameFiles();
//iterate each file after the current file, verifying that none of it's
//dependencies appear.
for (int j = i + 1; j < fileCount; j++)
if (gamefiles.contains(mFiles.at(j)->fileName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
mFiles.move(j, i);
QModelIndex idx2 = index (j, 0, QModelIndex());
emit dataChanged (idx1, idx2);
movedFiles = true;
if (movedFiles)
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::isChecked(const QString& filepath) const
if (mCheckStates.contains(filepath))
return (mCheckStates[filepath] == Qt::Checked);
return false;
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::isEnabled (QModelIndex index) const
return (flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::isLoadOrderError(const EsmFile *file) const
return mPluginsWithLoadOrderError.contains(file->filePath());
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::setContentList(const QStringList &fileList, bool isChecked)
int previousPosition = -1;
foreach (const QString &filepath, fileList)
if (setCheckState(filepath, isChecked))
// as necessary, move plug-ins in visible list to match sequence of supplied filelist
const EsmFile* file = item(filepath);
int filePosition = indexFromItem(file).row();
if (filePosition < previousPosition)
mFiles.move(filePosition, previousPosition);
emit dataChanged(index(filePosition, 0, QModelIndex()), index(previousPosition, 0, QModelIndex()));
previousPosition = filePosition;
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::checkForLoadOrderErrors()
for (int row = 0; row < mFiles.count(); ++row)
EsmFile* file = item(row);
bool isRowInError = checkForLoadOrderErrors(file, row).count() != 0;
if (isRowInError)
QList<ContentSelectorModel::LoadOrderError> ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::checkForLoadOrderErrors(const EsmFile *file, int row) const
QList<LoadOrderError> errors = QList<LoadOrderError>();
foreach(QString dependentfileName, file->gameFiles())
const EsmFile* dependentFile = item(dependentfileName);
if (!dependentFile)
errors.append(LoadOrderError(LoadOrderError::ErrorCode_MissingDependency, dependentfileName));
if (!isChecked(dependentFile->filePath()))
errors.append(LoadOrderError(LoadOrderError::ErrorCode_InactiveDependency, dependentfileName));
if (row < indexFromItem(dependentFile).row())
errors.append(LoadOrderError(LoadOrderError::ErrorCode_LoadOrder, dependentfileName));
return errors;
QString ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::toolTip(const EsmFile *file) const
if (isLoadOrderError(file))
QString text("<b>");
int index = indexFromItem(item(file->filePath())).row();
foreach(const LoadOrderError& error, checkForLoadOrderErrors(file, index))
text += "<p>";
text += error.toolTip();
text += "</p>";
text += ("</b>");
text += file->toolTip();
return text;
return file->toolTip();
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::refreshModel()
emit dataChanged (index(0,0), index(rowCount()-1,0));
bool ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::setCheckState(const QString &filepath, bool checkState)
if (filepath.isEmpty())
return false;
const EsmFile *file = item(filepath);
if (!file)
return false;
Qt::CheckState state = Qt::Unchecked;
if (checkState)
state = Qt::Checked;
mCheckStates[filepath] = state;
emit dataChanged(indexFromItem(item(filepath)), indexFromItem(item(filepath)));
if (file->isGameFile())
//if we're checking an item, ensure all "upstream" files (dependencies) are checked as well.
if (state == Qt::Checked)
foreach (QString upstreamName, file->gameFiles())
const EsmFile *upstreamFile = item(upstreamName);
if (!upstreamFile)
if (!isChecked(upstreamFile->filePath()))
mCheckStates[upstreamFile->filePath()] = Qt::Checked;
emit dataChanged(indexFromItem(upstreamFile), indexFromItem(upstreamFile));
//otherwise, if we're unchecking an item (or the file is a game file) ensure all downstream files are unchecked.
if (state == Qt::Unchecked)
foreach (const EsmFile *downstreamFile, mFiles)
QFileInfo fileInfo(filepath);
QString filename = fileInfo.fileName();
if (downstreamFile->gameFiles().contains(filename, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
if (mCheckStates.contains(downstreamFile->filePath()))
mCheckStates[downstreamFile->filePath()] = Qt::Unchecked;
emit dataChanged(indexFromItem(downstreamFile), indexFromItem(downstreamFile));
return true;
ContentSelectorModel::ContentFileList ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::checkedItems() const
ContentFileList list;
// TODO:
// First search for game files and next addons,
// so we get more or less correct game files vs addons order.
foreach (EsmFile *file, mFiles)
if (isChecked(file->filePath()))
list << file;
return list;
void ContentSelectorModel::ContentModel::uncheckAll()
emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
emit layoutChanged();