mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 16:43:33 +00:00
conversion from 'const float' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'float' to 'int', possible loss of data
233 lines
9.5 KiB
233 lines
9.5 KiB
#include "autocalcspell.hpp"
#include <climits>
#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
namespace MWMechanics
struct SchoolCaps
int mCount;
int mLimit;
bool mReachedLimit;
int mMinCost;
std::string mWeakestSpell;
std::vector<std::string> autoCalcNpcSpells(const int *actorSkills, const int *actorAttributes, const ESM::Race* race)
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::GameSetting>& gmst = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>();
static const float fNPCbaseMagickaMult = gmst.find("fNPCbaseMagickaMult")->getFloat();
float baseMagicka = fNPCbaseMagickaMult * actorAttributes[ESM::Attribute::Intelligence];
static const std::string schools[] = {
"alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration"
static int iAutoSpellSchoolMax[6];
static bool init = false;
if (!init)
for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
const std::string& gmstName = "iAutoSpell" + schools[i] + "Max";
iAutoSpellSchoolMax[i] = gmst.find(gmstName)->getInt();
init = true;
std::map<int, SchoolCaps> schoolCaps;
for (int i=0; i<6; ++i)
SchoolCaps caps;
caps.mCount = 0;
caps.mLimit = iAutoSpellSchoolMax[i];
caps.mReachedLimit = iAutoSpellSchoolMax[i] <= 0;
caps.mMinCost = INT_MAX;
schoolCaps[i] = caps;
std::vector<std::string> selectedSpells;
const MWWorld::Store<ESM::Spell> &spells =
// Note: the algorithm heavily depends on the traversal order of the spells. For vanilla-compatible results the
// Store must preserve the record ordering as it was in the content files.
for (MWWorld::Store<ESM::Spell>::iterator iter = spells.begin(); iter != spells.end(); ++iter)
const ESM::Spell* spell = &*iter;
if (spell->mData.mType != ESM::Spell::ST_Spell)
if (!(spell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Spell::F_Autocalc))
static const int iAutoSpellTimesCanCast = gmst.find("iAutoSpellTimesCanCast")->getInt();
if (baseMagicka < iAutoSpellTimesCanCast * spell->mData.mCost)
if (race && race->mPowers.exists(spell->mId))
if (!attrSkillCheck(spell, actorSkills, actorAttributes))
int school;
float skillTerm;
calcWeakestSchool(spell, actorSkills, school, skillTerm);
assert(school >= 0 && school < 6);
SchoolCaps& cap = schoolCaps[school];
if (cap.mReachedLimit && spell->mData.mCost <= cap.mMinCost)
static const float fAutoSpellChance = gmst.find("fAutoSpellChance")->getFloat();
if (calcAutoCastChance(spell, actorSkills, actorAttributes, school) < fAutoSpellChance)
if (cap.mReachedLimit)
std::vector<std::string>::iterator found = std::find(selectedSpells.begin(), selectedSpells.end(), cap.mWeakestSpell);
if (found != selectedSpells.end())
cap.mMinCost = INT_MAX;
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator weakIt = selectedSpells.begin(); weakIt != selectedSpells.end(); ++weakIt)
const ESM::Spell* testSpell = spells.find(*weakIt);
//int testSchool;
//float dummySkillTerm;
//calcWeakestSchool(testSpell, actorSkills, testSchool, dummySkillTerm);
// Note: if there are multiple spells with the same cost, we pick the first one we found.
// So the algorithm depends on the iteration order of the outer loop.
if (
// There is a huge bug here. It is not checked that weakestSpell is of the correct school.
// As result multiple SchoolCaps could have the same mWeakestSpell. Erasing the weakest spell would then fail if another school
// already erased it, and so the number of spells would often exceed the sum of limits.
// This bug cannot be fixed without significantly changing the results of the spell autocalc, which will not have been playtested.
//testSchool == school &&
testSpell->mData.mCost < cap.mMinCost)
cap.mMinCost = testSpell->mData.mCost;
cap.mWeakestSpell = testSpell->mId;
cap.mCount += 1;
if (cap.mCount == cap.mLimit)
cap.mReachedLimit = true;
if (spell->mData.mCost < cap.mMinCost)
cap.mWeakestSpell = spell->mId;
cap.mMinCost = spell->mData.mCost;
return selectedSpells;
bool attrSkillCheck (const ESM::Spell* spell, const int* actorSkills, const int* actorAttributes)
const std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>& effects = spell->mEffects.mList;
for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator effectIt = effects.begin(); effectIt != effects.end(); ++effectIt)
const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find(effectIt->mEffectID);
static const int iAutoSpellAttSkillMin = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iAutoSpellAttSkillMin")->getInt();
if ((magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::TargetSkill))
assert (effectIt->mSkill >= 0 && effectIt->mSkill < ESM::Skill::Length);
if (actorSkills[effectIt->mSkill] < iAutoSpellAttSkillMin)
return false;
if ((magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::TargetAttribute))
assert (effectIt->mAttribute >= 0 && effectIt->mAttribute < ESM::Attribute::Length);
if (actorAttributes[effectIt->mAttribute] < iAutoSpellAttSkillMin)
return false;
return true;
ESM::Skill::SkillEnum mapSchoolToSkill(int school)
std::map<int, ESM::Skill::SkillEnum> schoolSkillMap; // maps spell school to skill id
schoolSkillMap[0] = ESM::Skill::Alteration;
schoolSkillMap[1] = ESM::Skill::Conjuration;
schoolSkillMap[3] = ESM::Skill::Illusion;
schoolSkillMap[2] = ESM::Skill::Destruction;
schoolSkillMap[4] = ESM::Skill::Mysticism;
schoolSkillMap[5] = ESM::Skill::Restoration;
assert(schoolSkillMap.find(school) != schoolSkillMap.end());
return schoolSkillMap[school];
void calcWeakestSchool (const ESM::Spell* spell, const int* actorSkills, int& effectiveSchool, float& skillTerm)
float minChance = FLT_MAX;
const ESM::EffectList& effects = spell->mEffects;
for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator it = effects.mList.begin(); it != effects.mList.end(); ++it)
const ESM::ENAMstruct& effect = *it;
float x = static_cast<float>(effect.mDuration);
const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find(effect.mEffectID);
if (!(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::UncappedDamage))
x = std::max(1.f, x);
x *= 0.1f * magicEffect->mData.mBaseCost;
x *= 0.5f * (effect.mMagnMin + effect.mMagnMax);
x += effect.mArea * 0.05f * magicEffect->mData.mBaseCost;
if (effect.mRange == ESM::RT_Target)
x *= 1.5f;
static const float fEffectCostMult = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fEffectCostMult")->getFloat();
x *= fEffectCostMult;
float s = 2.f * actorSkills[mapSchoolToSkill(magicEffect->mData.mSchool)];
if (s - x < minChance)
minChance = s - x;
effectiveSchool = magicEffect->mData.mSchool;
skillTerm = s;
float calcAutoCastChance(const ESM::Spell *spell, const int *actorSkills, const int *actorAttributes, int effectiveSchool)
if (spell->mData.mType != ESM::Spell::ST_Spell)
return 100.f;
if (spell->mData.mFlags & ESM::Spell::F_Always)
return 100.f;
float skillTerm = 0;
if (effectiveSchool != -1)
skillTerm = 2.f * actorSkills[mapSchoolToSkill(effectiveSchool)];
calcWeakestSchool(spell, actorSkills, effectiveSchool, skillTerm); // Note effectiveSchool is unused after this
float castChance = skillTerm - spell->mData.mCost + 0.2f * actorAttributes[ESM::Attribute::Willpower] + 0.1f * actorAttributes[ESM::Attribute::Luck];
return castChance;