mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 04:14:05 +00:00
296 lines
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296 lines
10 KiB
#include "fontloader.hpp"
#include <OgreResourceGroupManager.h>
#include <OgreTextureManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_ResourceManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_FontManager.h>
#include <MyGUI_ResourceManualFont.h>
#include <MyGUI_XmlDocument.h>
#include <MyGUI_FactoryManager.h>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
unsigned long utf8ToUnicode(const std::string& utf8)
size_t i = 0;
unsigned long unicode;
size_t todo;
unsigned char ch = utf8[i++];
if (ch <= 0x7F)
unicode = ch;
todo = 0;
else if (ch <= 0xBF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
else if (ch <= 0xDF)
unicode = ch&0x1F;
todo = 1;
else if (ch <= 0xEF)
unicode = ch&0x0F;
todo = 2;
else if (ch <= 0xF7)
unicode = ch&0x07;
todo = 3;
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
for (size_t j = 0; j < todo; ++j)
unsigned char ch = utf8[i++];
if (ch < 0x80 || ch > 0xBF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
unicode <<= 6;
unicode += ch & 0x3F;
if (unicode >= 0xD800 && unicode <= 0xDFFF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
if (unicode > 0x10FFFF)
throw std::logic_error("not a UTF-8 string");
return unicode;
std::string getUtf8 (unsigned char c, ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder& encoder, ToUTF8::FromType encoding)
if (encoding == ToUTF8::WINDOWS_1250)
unsigned char win1250;
std::map<unsigned char, unsigned char> conv;
conv[0x80] = 0xc6;
conv[0x81] = 0x9c;
conv[0x82] = 0xe6;
conv[0x83] = 0xb3;
conv[0x84] = 0xf1;
conv[0x85] = 0xb9;
conv[0x86] = 0xbf;
conv[0x87] = 0x9f;
conv[0x88] = 0xea;
conv[0x89] = 0xea;
conv[0x8a] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0x8b] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0x8c] = 0x8f;
conv[0x8d] = 0xaf;
conv[0x8e] = 0xa5;
conv[0x8f] = 0x8c;
conv[0x90] = 0xca;
conv[0x93] = 0xa3;
conv[0x94] = 0xf6;
conv[0x95] = 0xf3;
conv[0x96] = 0xaf;
conv[0x97] = 0x8f;
conv[0x99] = 0xd3;
conv[0x9a] = 0xd1;
conv[0x9c] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0xa0] = 0xb9;
conv[0xa1] = 0xaf;
conv[0xa2] = 0xf3;
conv[0xa3] = 0xbf;
conv[0xa4] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0xe1] = 0x8c;
conv[0xe1] = 0x8c;
conv[0xe3] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
conv[0xf5] = 0x0; // not contained in win1250
if (conv.find(c) != conv.end())
win1250 = conv[c];
win1250 = c;
return encoder.getUtf8(std::string(1, win1250));
return encoder.getUtf8(std::string(1, c));
namespace MWGui
FontLoader::FontLoader(ToUTF8::FromType encoding)
if (encoding == ToUTF8::WINDOWS_1252)
mEncoding = ToUTF8::CP437;
mEncoding = encoding;
void FontLoader::loadAllFonts()
Ogre::StringVector groups = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().getResourceGroups ();
for (Ogre::StringVector::iterator it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); ++it)
Ogre::StringVectorPtr resourcesInThisGroup = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton ().findResourceNames (*it, "*.fnt");
for (Ogre::StringVector::iterator resource = resourcesInThisGroup->begin(); resource != resourcesInThisGroup->end(); ++resource)
typedef struct
float x;
float y;
} Point;
typedef struct
float u1; // appears unused, always 0
Point top_left;
Point top_right;
Point bottom_left;
Point bottom_right;
float width;
float height;
float u2; // appears unused, always 0
float kerning;
float ascent;
} GlyphInfo;
void FontLoader::loadFont(const std::string &fileName)
Ogre::DataStreamPtr file = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(fileName);
float fontSize;
int one;
file->read(&fontSize, sizeof(fontSize));
file->read(&one, sizeof(int));
assert(one == 1);
file->read(&one, sizeof(int));
assert(one == 1);
char name_[284];
file->read(name_, sizeof(name_));
std::string name(name_);
GlyphInfo data[256];
file->read(data, sizeof(data));
// Create the font texture
std::string bitmapFilename = "Fonts/" + std::string(name) + ".tex";
Ogre::DataStreamPtr bitmapFile = Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(bitmapFilename);
int width, height;
bitmapFile->read(&width, sizeof(int));
bitmapFile->read(&height, sizeof(int));
std::vector<Ogre::uchar> textureData;
bitmapFile->read(&textureData[0], width*height*4);
std::string resourceName;
if (name.size() >= 5 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name.substr(0, 5), "magic"))
resourceName = "Magic Cards";
else if (name.size() >= 7 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name.substr(0, 7), "century"))
resourceName = "Century Gothic";
else if (name.size() >= 7 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name.substr(0, 7), "daedric"))
resourceName = "Daedric";
return; // no point in loading it, since there is no way of using additional fonts
std::string textureName = name;
Ogre::Image image;
image.loadDynamicImage(&textureData[0], width, height, Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGBA);
Ogre::TexturePtr texture = Ogre::TextureManager::getSingleton().createManual(textureName,
width, height, 0, Ogre::PF_BYTE_RGBA);
// Register the font with MyGUI
MyGUI::ResourceManualFont* font = static_cast<MyGUI::ResourceManualFont*>(
MyGUI::FactoryManager::getInstance().createObject("Resource", "ResourceManualFont"));
// We need to emulate loading from XML because the data members are private as of mygui 3.2.0
MyGUI::xml::Document xmlDocument;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr root = xmlDocument.createRoot("ResourceManualFont");
root->addAttribute("name", resourceName);
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr defaultHeight = root->createChild("Property");
defaultHeight->addAttribute("key", "DefaultHeight");
defaultHeight->addAttribute("value", fontSize);
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr source = root->createChild("Property");
source->addAttribute("key", "Source");
source->addAttribute("value", std::string(textureName));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr codes = root->createChild("Codes");
for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
int x1 = data[i].top_left.x*width;
int y1 = data[i].top_left.y*height;
int w = data[i].top_right.x*width - x1;
int h = data[i].bottom_left.y*height - y1;
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder encoder(mEncoding);
unsigned long unicodeVal = utf8ToUnicode(getUtf8(i, encoder, mEncoding));
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr code = codes->createChild("Code");
code->addAttribute("index", unicodeVal);
code->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
code->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
code->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
// ASCII vertical bar, use this as text input cursor
if (i == 124)
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", MyGUI::FontCodeType::Cursor);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", MyGUI::utility::toString(x1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(y1) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(w) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString(h));
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", data[i].width);
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", MyGUI::utility::toString(data[i].kerning) + " "
+ MyGUI::utility::toString((fontSize-data[i].ascent)));
// These are required as well, but the fonts don't provide them
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
MyGUI::FontCodeType::Enum type;
if(i == 0)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::Selected;
else if (i == 1)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::SelectedBack;
else if (i == 2)
type = MyGUI::FontCodeType::NotDefined;
MyGUI::xml::ElementPtr cursorCode = codes->createChild("Code");
cursorCode->addAttribute("index", type);
cursorCode->addAttribute("coord", "0 0 0 0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("advance", "0");
cursorCode->addAttribute("bearing", "0 0");
font->deserialization(root, MyGUI::Version(3,2,0));