#include <components/esm/esmcommon.hpp>
#include <vector>

namespace ESM
    class ESMReader;

namespace ESSImport

    struct SPLM

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
        struct SPDT // 160 bytes
            int mType; // 1 = spell, 2 = enchantment, 3 = potion
            ESM::NAME32 mId; // base ID of a spell/enchantment/potion
            unsigned char mUnknown[4 * 4];
            ESM::NAME32 mCasterId;
            ESM::NAME32 mSourceId; // empty for spells
            unsigned char mUnknown2[4 * 11];

        struct NPDT // 56 bytes
            ESM::NAME32 mAffectedActorId;
            unsigned char mUnknown[4 * 2];
            int mMagnitude;
            float mSecondsActive;
            unsigned char mUnknown2[4 * 2];

        struct INAM // 40 bytes
            int mUnknown;
            unsigned char mUnknown2;
            ESM::FixedString<35> mItemId; // disintegrated item / bound item / item to re-equip after expiration

        struct CNAM // 36 bytes
            int mUnknown; // seems to always be 0
            ESM::NAME32 mSummonedOrCommandedActor[32];

        struct VNAM // 4 bytes
            int mUnknown;

#pragma pack(pop)

        struct ActiveEffect
            NPDT mNPDT;

        struct ActiveSpell
            int mIndex;
            SPDT mSPDT;
            std::string mTarget;
            std::vector<ActiveEffect> mActiveEffects;

        std::vector<ActiveSpell> mActiveSpells;

        void load(ESM::ESMReader& esm);

