#include <MyGUI_ScrollView.h>

namespace Gui
     * \brief a very simple list widget that supports word-wrapping entries
     * \note if the width or height of the list changes, you must call adjustSize() method
    class MWList : public MyGUI::Widget

        typedef MyGUI::delegates::MultiDelegate<const std::string&, int> EventHandle_StringInt;
        typedef MyGUI::delegates::MultiDelegate<MyGUI::Widget*> EventHandle_Widget;

         * Event: Item selected with the mouse.
         * signature: void method(std::string itemName, int index)
        EventHandle_StringInt eventItemSelected;

         * Event: Item selected with the mouse.
         * signature: void method(MyGUI::Widget* sender)
        EventHandle_Widget eventWidgetSelected;

         * Call after the size of the list changed, or items were inserted/removed
        void adjustSize();

        void sort();
        void addItem(std::string_view name);
        void addSeparator(); ///< add a seperator between the current and the next item.
        void removeItem(const std::string& name);
        size_t getItemCount();
        const std::string& getItemNameAt(size_t at); ///< \attention if there are separators, this method will return ""
                                                     ///< at the place where the separator is
        void clear();

        MyGUI::Button* getItemWidget(std::string_view name);
        ///< get widget for an item name, useful to set up tooltip

        void scrollToTop();

        void setPropertyOverride(std::string_view _key, std::string_view _value) override;

        void initialiseOverride() override;

        void redraw(bool scrollbarShown = false);

        void onMouseWheelMoved(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _rel);
        void onItemSelected(MyGUI::Widget* _sender);

        MyGUI::ScrollView* mScrollView;
        MyGUI::Widget* mClient;
        std::string mListItemSkin;

        std::vector<std::string> mItems;

        int mItemHeight; // height of all items
