#include <components/esm/refid.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace ESM
    class ESMReader;
    class ESMWriter;

    // LuaScriptCfg, LuaScriptsCfg are used in content files.

    struct LuaScriptCfg
        using Flags = uint32_t;
        static constexpr Flags sGlobal = 1ull << 0; // start as a global script
        static constexpr Flags sCustom = 1ull << 1; // local; can be attached/detached by a global script
        static constexpr Flags sPlayer = 1ull << 2; // auto attach to players

        // merge with configuration for this script from previous content files.
        static constexpr Flags sMerge = 1ull << 3;

        static constexpr Flags sMenu = 1ull << 4; // start as a menu script

        std::string mScriptPath; // VFS path to the script.
        std::string mInitializationData; // Serialized Lua table. It is a binary data. Can contain '\0'.
        Flags mFlags; // bitwise OR of Flags.

        // Auto attach as a local script to objects of specific types (i.e. Container, Door, Activator, etc.)
        std::vector<uint32_t> mTypes; // values are ESM::RecNameInts

        // Auto attach as a local script to objects with specific recordIds (i.e. specific door type, or an unique NPC)
        struct PerRecordCfg
            bool mAttach; // true - attach, false - don't attach (overrides previous attach)
            ESM::RefId mRecordId;
            // Initialization data for this specific record. If empty than LuaScriptCfg::mInitializationData is used.
            std::string mInitializationData;
        std::vector<PerRecordCfg> mRecords;

        // Auto attach as a local script to specific objects by their Refnums. The reference must be defined in the same
        // content file as this LuaScriptCfg or in one of its deps.
        struct PerRefCfg
            bool mAttach; // true - attach, false - don't attach (overrides previous attach)
            uint32_t mRefnumIndex;
            int32_t mRefnumContentFile;
            // Initialization data for this specific refnum. If empty than LuaScriptCfg::mInitializationData is used.
            std::string mInitializationData;
        std::vector<PerRefCfg> mRefs;

    struct LuaScriptsCfg
        std::vector<LuaScriptCfg> mScripts;

        void load(ESMReader& esm);
        void adjustRefNums(const ESMReader& esm);

        void save(ESMWriter& esm) const;

    // LuaTimer, LuaScript, LuaScripts are used in saved game files.
    // Storage structure for LuaUtil::ScriptsContainer. These are not top-level records.
    // Used either for global scripts or for local scripts on a specific object.

    struct LuaTimer
        enum class Type : bool
            SIMULATION_TIME = 0,
            GAME_TIME = 1,

        Type mType;
        double mTime;
        std::string mCallbackName;
        std::string mCallbackArgument; // Serialized Lua table. It is a binary data. Can contain '\0'.

    struct LuaScript
        std::string mScriptPath;
        std::string mData; // Serialized Lua table. It is a binary data. Can contain '\0'.
        std::vector<LuaTimer> mTimers;

    struct LuaScripts
        std::vector<LuaScript> mScripts;

        void load(ESMReader& esm);
        void save(ESMWriter& esm) const;

    // Saves binary string `data` (can contain '\0') as LUAD record.
    void saveLuaBinaryData(ESM::ESMWriter& esm, const std::string& data);

    // Loads LUAD as binary string. If next subrecord is not LUAD, then returns an empty string.
    std::string loadLuaBinaryData(ESM::ESMReader& esm);

