#include "localmap.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "vismask.hpp" namespace { float square(float val) { return val * val; } std::pair divideIntoSegments(const osg::BoundingBox& bounds, float mapSize) { osg::Vec2f min(bounds.xMin(), bounds.yMin()); osg::Vec2f max(bounds.xMax(), bounds.yMax()); osg::Vec2f length = max - min; const int segsX = static_cast(std::ceil(length.x() / mapSize)); const int segsY = static_cast(std::ceil(length.y() / mapSize)); return { segsX, segsY }; } } namespace MWRender { class LocalMapRenderToTexture : public SceneUtil::RTTNode { public: LocalMapRenderToTexture(osg::Node* sceneRoot, int res, int mapWorldSize, float x, float y, const osg::Vec3d& upVector, float zmin, float zmax); void setDefaults(osg::Camera* camera) override; osg::Node* mSceneRoot; osg::Matrix mProjectionMatrix; osg::Matrix mViewMatrix; bool mActive; }; class CameraLocalUpdateCallback : public SceneUtil::NodeCallback { public: void operator()(LocalMapRenderToTexture* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv); }; LocalMap::LocalMap(osg::Group* root) : mRoot(root) , mMapResolution(Settings::Manager::getInt("local map resolution", "Map")) , mMapWorldSize(Constants::CellSizeInUnits) , mCellDistance(Constants::CellGridRadius) , mAngle(0.f) , mInterior(false) { // Increase map resolution, if use UI scaling float uiScale = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getScalingFactor(); mMapResolution *= uiScale; SceneUtil::FindByNameVisitor find("Scene Root"); mRoot->accept(find); mSceneRoot = find.mFoundNode; if (!mSceneRoot) throw std::runtime_error("no scene root found"); } LocalMap::~LocalMap() { for (auto& rtt : mLocalMapRTTs) mRoot->removeChild(rtt); } const osg::Vec2f LocalMap::rotatePoint(const osg::Vec2f& point, const osg::Vec2f& center, const float angle) { return osg::Vec2f( std::cos(angle) * (point.x() - center.x()) - std::sin(angle) * (point.y() - center.y()) + center.x(), std::sin(angle) * (point.x() - center.x()) + std::cos(angle) * (point.y() - center.y()) + center.y()); } void LocalMap::clear() { mExteriorSegments.clear(); mInteriorSegments.clear(); } void LocalMap::saveFogOfWar(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) { if (!mInterior) { const MapSegment& segment = mExteriorSegments[std::make_pair(cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY())]; if (segment.mFogOfWarImage && segment.mHasFogState) { auto fog = std::make_unique(); fog->mFogTextures.emplace_back(); segment.saveFogOfWar(fog->mFogTextures.back()); cell->setFog(std::move(fog)); } } else { auto segments = divideIntoSegments(mBounds, mMapWorldSize); auto fog = std::make_unique(); fog->mBounds.mMinX = mBounds.xMin(); fog->mBounds.mMaxX = mBounds.xMax(); fog->mBounds.mMinY = mBounds.yMin(); fog->mBounds.mMaxY = mBounds.yMax(); fog->mNorthMarkerAngle = mAngle; fog->mFogTextures.reserve(segments.first * segments.second); for (int x = 0; x < segments.first; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < segments.second; ++y) { const MapSegment& segment = mInteriorSegments[std::make_pair(x, y)]; fog->mFogTextures.emplace_back(); // saving even if !segment.mHasFogState so we don't mess up the segmenting // plus, older openmw versions can't deal with empty images segment.saveFogOfWar(fog->mFogTextures.back()); fog->mFogTextures.back().mX = x; fog->mFogTextures.back().mY = y; } } cell->setFog(std::move(fog)); } } void LocalMap::setupRenderToTexture( int segment_x, int segment_y, float left, float top, const osg::Vec3d& upVector, float zmin, float zmax) { mLocalMapRTTs.emplace_back( new LocalMapRenderToTexture(mSceneRoot, mMapResolution, mMapWorldSize, left, top, upVector, zmin, zmax)); mRoot->addChild(mLocalMapRTTs.back()); MapSegment& segment = mInterior ? mInteriorSegments[std::make_pair(segment_x, segment_y)] : mExteriorSegments[std::make_pair(segment_x, segment_y)]; segment.mMapTexture = static_cast(mLocalMapRTTs.back()->getColorTexture(nullptr)); } void LocalMap::requestMap(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell) { if (!cell->isExterior()) { requestInteriorMap(cell); return; } int cellX = cell->getCell()->getGridX(); int cellY = cell->getCell()->getGridY(); MapSegment& segment = mExteriorSegments[std::make_pair(cellX, cellY)]; const std::uint8_t neighbourFlags = getExteriorNeighbourFlags(cellX, cellY); if ((segment.mLastRenderNeighbourFlags & neighbourFlags) == neighbourFlags) return; requestExteriorMap(cell, segment); segment.mLastRenderNeighbourFlags = neighbourFlags; } void LocalMap::addCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) { if (cell->isExterior()) mExteriorSegments.emplace( std::make_pair(cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY()), MapSegment{}); } void LocalMap::removeExteriorCell(int x, int y) { mExteriorSegments.erase({ x, y }); } void LocalMap::removeCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) { saveFogOfWar(cell); if (cell->isExterior()) mExteriorSegments.erase({ cell->getCell()->getGridX(), cell->getCell()->getGridY() }); else mInteriorSegments.clear(); } osg::ref_ptr LocalMap::getMapTexture(int x, int y) { auto& segments(mInterior ? mInteriorSegments : mExteriorSegments); SegmentMap::iterator found = segments.find(std::make_pair(x, y)); if (found == segments.end()) return osg::ref_ptr(); else return found->second.mMapTexture; } osg::ref_ptr LocalMap::getFogOfWarTexture(int x, int y) { auto& segments(mInterior ? mInteriorSegments : mExteriorSegments); SegmentMap::iterator found = segments.find(std::make_pair(x, y)); if (found == segments.end()) return osg::ref_ptr(); else return found->second.mFogOfWarTexture; } void LocalMap::cleanupCameras() { auto it = mLocalMapRTTs.begin(); while (it != mLocalMapRTTs.end()) { if (!(*it)->mActive) { mRoot->removeChild(*it); it = mLocalMapRTTs.erase(it); } else it++; } } void LocalMap::requestExteriorMap(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, MapSegment& segment) { mInterior = false; const int x = cell->getCell()->getGridX(); const int y = cell->getCell()->getGridY(); osg::BoundingSphere bound = mSceneRoot->getBound(); float zmin = bound.center().z() - bound.radius(); float zmax = bound.center().z() + bound.radius(); setupRenderToTexture(x, y, x * mMapWorldSize + mMapWorldSize / 2.f, y * mMapWorldSize + mMapWorldSize / 2.f, osg::Vec3d(0, 1, 0), zmin, zmax); if (segment.mFogOfWarImage != nullptr) return; if (cell->getFog()) segment.loadFogOfWar(cell->getFog()->mFogTextures.back()); else segment.initFogOfWar(); } static osg::Vec2f getNorthVector(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell) { MWWorld::ConstPtr northmarker = cell->searchConst(ESM::RefId::stringRefId("northmarker")); if (northmarker.isEmpty()) return osg::Vec2f(0, 1); osg::Quat orient(-northmarker.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 1)); osg::Vec3f dir = orient * osg::Vec3f(0, 1, 0); osg::Vec2f d(dir.x(), dir.y()); return d; } void LocalMap::requestInteriorMap(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell) { osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor computeBoundsVisitor; computeBoundsVisitor.setTraversalMask(Mask_Scene | Mask_Terrain | Mask_Object | Mask_Static); mSceneRoot->accept(computeBoundsVisitor); osg::BoundingBox bounds = computeBoundsVisitor.getBoundingBox(); // If we're in an empty cell, bail out // The operations in this function are only valid for finite bounds if (!bounds.valid() || bounds.radius2() == 0.0) return; mInterior = true; mBounds = bounds; // Get the cell's NorthMarker rotation. This is used to rotate the entire map. osg::Vec2f north = getNorthVector(cell); mAngle = std::atan2(north.x(), north.y()); // Rotate the cell and merge the rotated corners to the bounding box osg::Vec2f origCenter(bounds.center().x(), bounds.center().y()); osg::Vec3f origCorners[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) origCorners[i] = mBounds.corner(i); for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { osg::Vec3f corner = origCorners[i]; osg::Vec2f corner2d(corner.x(), corner.y()); corner2d = rotatePoint(corner2d, origCenter, mAngle); mBounds.expandBy(osg::Vec3f(corner2d.x(), corner2d.y(), 0)); } // Do NOT change padding! This will break older savegames. // If the padding really needs to be changed, then it must be saved in the ESM::FogState and // assume the old (500) value as default for older savegames. const float padding = 500.0f; // Apply a little padding mBounds.set(mBounds._min - osg::Vec3f(padding, padding, 0.f), mBounds._max + osg::Vec3f(padding, padding, 0.f)); float zMin = mBounds.zMin(); float zMax = mBounds.zMax(); // If there is fog state in the CellStore (e.g. when it came from a savegame) we need to do some checks // to see if this state is still valid. // Both the cell bounds and the NorthMarker rotation could be changed by the content files or exchanged models. // If they changed by too much then parts of the interior might not be covered by the map anymore. // The following code detects this, and discards the CellStore's fog state if it needs to. std::vector> segmentMappings; if (cell->getFog()) { ESM::FogState* fog = cell->getFog(); if (std::abs(mAngle - fog->mNorthMarkerAngle) < osg::DegreesToRadians(5.f)) { // Expand mBounds so the saved textures fit the same grid int xOffset = 0; int yOffset = 0; if (fog->mBounds.mMinX < mBounds.xMin()) { mBounds.xMin() = fog->mBounds.mMinX; } else if (fog->mBounds.mMinX > mBounds.xMin()) { float diff = fog->mBounds.mMinX - mBounds.xMin(); xOffset += diff / mMapWorldSize; xOffset++; mBounds.xMin() = fog->mBounds.mMinX - xOffset * mMapWorldSize; } if (fog->mBounds.mMinY < mBounds.yMin()) { mBounds.yMin() = fog->mBounds.mMinY; } else if (fog->mBounds.mMinY > mBounds.yMin()) { float diff = fog->mBounds.mMinY - mBounds.yMin(); yOffset += diff / mMapWorldSize; yOffset++; mBounds.yMin() = fog->mBounds.mMinY - yOffset * mMapWorldSize; } if (fog->mBounds.mMaxX > mBounds.xMax()) mBounds.xMax() = fog->mBounds.mMaxX; if (fog->mBounds.mMaxY > mBounds.yMax()) mBounds.yMax() = fog->mBounds.mMaxY; if (xOffset != 0 || yOffset != 0) Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: expanding fog by " << xOffset << ", " << yOffset; const auto& textures = fog->mFogTextures; segmentMappings.reserve(textures.size()); osg::BoundingBox savedBounds{ fog->mBounds.mMinX, fog->mBounds.mMinY, 0, fog->mBounds.mMaxX, fog->mBounds.mMaxY, 0 }; auto segments = divideIntoSegments(savedBounds, mMapWorldSize); for (int x = 0; x < segments.first; ++x) for (int y = 0; y < segments.second; ++y) segmentMappings.emplace_back(std::make_pair(x + xOffset, y + yOffset)); mAngle = fog->mNorthMarkerAngle; } } osg::Vec2f min(mBounds.xMin(), mBounds.yMin()); osg::Vec2f center(mBounds.center().x(), mBounds.center().y()); osg::Quat cameraOrient(mAngle, osg::Vec3d(0, 0, -1)); auto segments = divideIntoSegments(mBounds, mMapWorldSize); for (int x = 0; x < segments.first; ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < segments.second; ++y) { osg::Vec2f start = min + osg::Vec2f(mMapWorldSize * x, mMapWorldSize * y); osg::Vec2f newcenter = start + osg::Vec2f(mMapWorldSize / 2.f, mMapWorldSize / 2.f); osg::Vec2f a = newcenter - center; osg::Vec3f rotatedCenter = cameraOrient * (osg::Vec3f(a.x(), a.y(), 0)); osg::Vec2f pos = osg::Vec2f(rotatedCenter.x(), rotatedCenter.y()) + center; setupRenderToTexture(x, y, pos.x(), pos.y(), osg::Vec3f(north.x(), north.y(), 0.f), zMin, zMax); auto coords = std::make_pair(x, y); MapSegment& segment = mInteriorSegments[coords]; if (!segment.mFogOfWarImage) { bool loaded = false; for (size_t index{}; index < segmentMappings.size(); index++) { if (segmentMappings[index] == coords) { ESM::FogState* fog = cell->getFog(); segment.loadFogOfWar(fog->mFogTextures[index]); loaded = true; break; } } if (!loaded) segment.initFogOfWar(); } } } } void LocalMap::worldToInteriorMapPosition(osg::Vec2f pos, float& nX, float& nY, int& x, int& y) { pos = rotatePoint(pos, osg::Vec2f(mBounds.center().x(), mBounds.center().y()), mAngle); osg::Vec2f min(mBounds.xMin(), mBounds.yMin()); x = static_cast(std::ceil((pos.x() - min.x()) / mMapWorldSize) - 1); y = static_cast(std::ceil((pos.y() - min.y()) / mMapWorldSize) - 1); nX = (pos.x() - min.x() - mMapWorldSize * x) / mMapWorldSize; nY = 1.0f - (pos.y() - min.y() - mMapWorldSize * y) / mMapWorldSize; } osg::Vec2f LocalMap::interiorMapToWorldPosition(float nX, float nY, int x, int y) { osg::Vec2f min(mBounds.xMin(), mBounds.yMin()); osg::Vec2f pos(mMapWorldSize * (nX + x) + min.x(), mMapWorldSize * (1.0f - nY + y) + min.y()); pos = rotatePoint(pos, osg::Vec2f(mBounds.center().x(), mBounds.center().y()), -mAngle); return pos; } bool LocalMap::isPositionExplored(float nX, float nY, int x, int y) { auto& segments(mInterior ? mInteriorSegments : mExteriorSegments); const MapSegment& segment = segments[std::make_pair(x, y)]; if (!segment.mFogOfWarImage) return false; nX = std::clamp(nX, 0.f, 1.f); nY = std::clamp(nY, 0.f, 1.f); int texU = static_cast((sFogOfWarResolution - 1) * nX); int texV = static_cast((sFogOfWarResolution - 1) * nY); const std::uint32_t clr = reinterpret_cast(segment.mFogOfWarImage->data())[texV * sFogOfWarResolution + texU]; uint8_t alpha = (clr >> 24); return alpha < 200; } osg::Group* LocalMap::getRoot() { return mRoot; } void LocalMap::updatePlayer(const osg::Vec3f& position, const osg::Quat& orientation, float& u, float& v, int& x, int& y, osg::Vec3f& direction) { // retrieve the x,y grid coordinates the player is in osg::Vec2f pos(position.x(), position.y()); if (mInterior) { worldToInteriorMapPosition(pos, u, v, x, y); osg::Quat cameraOrient(mAngle, osg::Vec3(0, 0, -1)); direction = orientation * cameraOrient.inverse() * osg::Vec3f(0, 1, 0); } else { direction = orientation * osg::Vec3f(0, 1, 0); x = static_cast(std::ceil(pos.x() / mMapWorldSize) - 1); y = static_cast(std::ceil(pos.y() / mMapWorldSize) - 1); // convert from world coordinates to texture UV coordinates u = std::abs((pos.x() - (mMapWorldSize * x)) / mMapWorldSize); v = 1.0f - std::abs((pos.y() - (mMapWorldSize * y)) / mMapWorldSize); } // explore radius (squared) const float exploreRadius = 0.17f * (sFogOfWarResolution - 1); // explore radius from 0 to sFogOfWarResolution-1 const float sqrExploreRadius = square(exploreRadius); const float exploreRadiusUV = exploreRadius / sFogOfWarResolution; // explore radius from 0 to 1 (UV space) // change the affected fog of war textures (in a 3x3 grid around the player) for (int mx = -mCellDistance; mx <= mCellDistance; ++mx) { for (int my = -mCellDistance; my <= mCellDistance; ++my) { // is this texture affected at all? bool affected = false; if (mx == 0 && my == 0) // the player is always in the center of the 3x3 grid affected = true; else { bool affectsX = (mx > 0) ? (u + exploreRadiusUV > 1) : (u - exploreRadiusUV < 0); bool affectsY = (my > 0) ? (v + exploreRadiusUV > 1) : (v - exploreRadiusUV < 0); affected = (affectsX && (my == 0)) || (affectsY && mx == 0) || (affectsX && affectsY); } if (!affected) continue; int texX = x + mx; int texY = y + my * -1; auto& segments(mInterior ? mInteriorSegments : mExteriorSegments); MapSegment& segment = segments[std::make_pair(texX, texY)]; if (!segment.mFogOfWarImage || !segment.mMapTexture) continue; std::uint32_t* data = reinterpret_cast(segment.mFogOfWarImage->data()); bool changed = false; for (int texV = 0; texV < sFogOfWarResolution; ++texV) { for (int texU = 0; texU < sFogOfWarResolution; ++texU) { float sqrDist = square((texU + mx * (sFogOfWarResolution - 1)) - u * (sFogOfWarResolution - 1)) + square((texV + my * (sFogOfWarResolution - 1)) - v * (sFogOfWarResolution - 1)); const std::uint8_t alpha = std::min( *data >> 24, std::clamp(sqrDist / sqrExploreRadius, 0.f, 1.f) * 255); std::uint32_t val = static_cast(alpha << 24); if (*data != val) { *data = val; changed = true; } ++data; } } if (changed) { segment.mHasFogState = true; segment.mFogOfWarImage->dirty(); } } } } std::uint8_t LocalMap::getExteriorNeighbourFlags(int cellX, int cellY) const { constexpr std::tuple flags[] = { { NeighbourCellTopLeft, -1, -1 }, { NeighbourCellTopCenter, 0, -1 }, { NeighbourCellTopRight, 1, -1 }, { NeighbourCellMiddleLeft, -1, 0 }, { NeighbourCellMiddleRight, 1, 0 }, { NeighbourCellBottomLeft, -1, 1 }, { NeighbourCellBottomCenter, 0, 1 }, { NeighbourCellBottomRight, 1, 1 }, }; std::uint8_t result = 0; for (const auto& [flag, dx, dy] : flags) if (mExteriorSegments.contains(std::pair(cellX + dx, cellY + dy))) result |= flag; return result; } void LocalMap::MapSegment::createFogOfWarTexture() { if (mFogOfWarTexture) return; mFogOfWarTexture = new osg::Texture2D; // TODO: synchronize access? for now, the worst that could happen is the draw thread jumping a frame ahead. // mFogOfWarTexture->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); mFogOfWarTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); mFogOfWarTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); mFogOfWarTexture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mFogOfWarTexture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mFogOfWarTexture->setUnRefImageDataAfterApply(false); mFogOfWarTexture->setImage(mFogOfWarImage); } void LocalMap::MapSegment::initFogOfWar() { mFogOfWarImage = new osg::Image; // Assign a PixelBufferObject for asynchronous transfer of data to the GPU mFogOfWarImage->setPixelBufferObject(new osg::PixelBufferObject); mFogOfWarImage->allocateImage(sFogOfWarResolution, sFogOfWarResolution, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE); assert(mFogOfWarImage->isDataContiguous()); std::vector data; data.resize(sFogOfWarResolution * sFogOfWarResolution, 0xff000000); memcpy(mFogOfWarImage->data(), data.data(), data.size() * 4); createFogOfWarTexture(); } void LocalMap::MapSegment::loadFogOfWar(const ESM::FogTexture& esm) { const std::vector& data = esm.mImageData; if (data.empty()) { initFogOfWar(); return; } osgDB::ReaderWriter* readerwriter = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension("png"); if (!readerwriter) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Unable to load fog, can't find a png ReaderWriter"; return; } Files::IMemStream in(data.data(), data.size()); osgDB::ReaderWriter::ReadResult result = readerwriter->readImage(in); if (!result.success()) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Failed to read fog: " << result.message() << " code " << result.status(); return; } mFogOfWarImage = result.getImage(); mFogOfWarImage->flipVertical(); mFogOfWarImage->dirty(); createFogOfWarTexture(); mHasFogState = true; } void LocalMap::MapSegment::saveFogOfWar(ESM::FogTexture& fog) const { if (!mFogOfWarImage) return; std::ostringstream ostream; osgDB::ReaderWriter* readerwriter = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension("png"); if (!readerwriter) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Unable to write fog, can't find a png ReaderWriter"; return; } // extra flips are unfortunate, but required for compatibility with older versions mFogOfWarImage->flipVertical(); osgDB::ReaderWriter::WriteResult result = readerwriter->writeImage(*mFogOfWarImage, ostream); if (!result.success()) { Log(Debug::Error) << "Error: Unable to write fog: " << result.message() << " code " << result.status(); return; } mFogOfWarImage->flipVertical(); std::string data = ostream.str(); fog.mImageData = std::vector(data.begin(), data.end()); } LocalMapRenderToTexture::LocalMapRenderToTexture(osg::Node* sceneRoot, int res, int mapWorldSize, float x, float y, const osg::Vec3d& upVector, float zmin, float zmax) : RTTNode(res, res, 0, false, 0, StereoAwareness::Unaware_MultiViewShaders) , mSceneRoot(sceneRoot) , mActive(true) { setNodeMask(Mask_RenderToTexture); if (SceneUtil::AutoDepth::isReversed()) mProjectionMatrix = SceneUtil::getReversedZProjectionMatrixAsOrtho( -mapWorldSize / 2, mapWorldSize / 2, -mapWorldSize / 2, mapWorldSize / 2, 5, (zmax - zmin) + 10); else mProjectionMatrix.makeOrtho( -mapWorldSize / 2, mapWorldSize / 2, -mapWorldSize / 2, mapWorldSize / 2, 5, (zmax - zmin) + 10); mViewMatrix.makeLookAt(osg::Vec3d(x, y, zmax + 5), osg::Vec3d(x, y, zmin), upVector); setUpdateCallback(new CameraLocalUpdateCallback); setDepthBufferInternalFormat(GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8); } void LocalMapRenderToTexture::setDefaults(osg::Camera* camera) { // Disable small feature culling, it's not going to be reliable for this camera osg::Camera::CullingMode cullingMode = (osg::Camera::DEFAULT_CULLING | osg::Camera::FAR_PLANE_CULLING) & ~(osg::Camera::SMALL_FEATURE_CULLING); camera->setCullingMode(cullingMode); SceneUtil::setCameraClearDepth(camera); camera->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::Camera::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR); camera->setReferenceFrame(osg::Camera::ABSOLUTE_RF_INHERIT_VIEWPOINT); camera->setRenderTargetImplementation(osg::Camera::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT, osg::Camera::PIXEL_BUFFER_RTT); camera->setClearColor(osg::Vec4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); camera->setClearMask(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); camera->setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::PRE_RENDER); camera->setCullMask(Mask_Scene | Mask_SimpleWater | Mask_Terrain | Mask_Object | Mask_Static); camera->setCullMaskLeft(Mask_Scene | Mask_SimpleWater | Mask_Terrain | Mask_Object | Mask_Static); camera->setCullMaskRight(Mask_Scene | Mask_SimpleWater | Mask_Terrain | Mask_Object | Mask_Static); camera->setNodeMask(Mask_RenderToTexture); camera->setProjectionMatrix(mProjectionMatrix); camera->setViewMatrix(mViewMatrix); auto* stateset = camera->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateset->setAttribute(new osg::PolygonMode(osg::PolygonMode::FRONT_AND_BACK, osg::PolygonMode::FILL), osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("projectionMatrix", static_cast(mProjectionMatrix)), osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); if (Stereo::getMultiview()) Stereo::setMultiviewMatrices(stateset, { mProjectionMatrix, mProjectionMatrix }); // assign large value to effectively turn off fog // shaders don't respect glDisable(GL_FOG) osg::ref_ptr fog(new osg::Fog); fog->setStart(10000000); fog->setEnd(10000000); stateset->setAttributeAndModes(fog, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); // turn of sky blending stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("far", 10000000.0f)); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("skyBlendingStart", 8000000.0f)); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("sky", 0)); stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("screenRes", osg::Vec2f{ 1, 1 })); osg::ref_ptr lightmodel = new osg::LightModel; lightmodel->setAmbientIntensity(osg::Vec4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.f)); stateset->setAttributeAndModes(lightmodel, osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); osg::ref_ptr light = new osg::Light; light->setPosition(osg::Vec4(-0.3f, -0.3f, 0.7f, 0.f)); light->setDiffuse(osg::Vec4(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.f)); light->setAmbient(osg::Vec4(0, 0, 0, 1)); light->setSpecular(osg::Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0)); light->setLightNum(0); light->setConstantAttenuation(1.f); light->setLinearAttenuation(0.f); light->setQuadraticAttenuation(0.f); osg::ref_ptr lightSource = new osg::LightSource; lightSource->setLight(light); lightSource->setStateSetModes(*stateset, osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); SceneUtil::ShadowManager::disableShadowsForStateSet(stateset); // override sun for local map SceneUtil::configureStateSetSunOverride(static_cast(mSceneRoot), light, stateset); camera->addChild(lightSource); camera->addChild(mSceneRoot); } void CameraLocalUpdateCallback::operator()(LocalMapRenderToTexture* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) { if (!node->mActive) node->setNodeMask(0); node->mActive = false; // Rtt-nodes do not forward update traversal to their cameras so we can traverse safely. // Traverse in case there are nested callbacks. traverse(node, nv); } }