#include "interpretercontext.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/world.hpp" #include "../mwgui/window_manager.hpp" #include "../mwinput/inputmanager.hpp" #include "locals.hpp" #include "globalscripts.hpp" namespace MWScript { MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReference ( const std::string& id, bool activeOnly) { if (!id.empty()) { return mEnvironment.mWorld->getPtr (id, activeOnly); } else { if (mReference.isEmpty()) throw std::runtime_error ("no implicit reference"); return mReference; } } const MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReference ( const std::string& id, bool activeOnly) const { if (!id.empty()) { return mEnvironment.mWorld->getPtr (id, activeOnly); } else { if (mReference.isEmpty()) throw std::runtime_error ("no implicit reference"); return mReference; } } InterpreterContext::InterpreterContext (MWWorld::Environment& environment, MWScript::Locals *locals, MWWorld::Ptr reference) : mEnvironment (environment), mLocals (locals), mReference (reference), mActivationHandled (false) {} int InterpreterContext::getLocalShort (int index) const { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context"); return mLocals->mShorts.at (index); } int InterpreterContext::getLocalLong (int index) const { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context"); return mLocals->mLongs.at (index); } float InterpreterContext::getLocalFloat (int index) const { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context"); return mLocals->mFloats.at (index); } void InterpreterContext::setLocalShort (int index, int value) { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context"); mLocals->mShorts.at (index) = value; } void InterpreterContext::setLocalLong (int index, int value) { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context"); mLocals->mLongs.at (index) = value; } void InterpreterContext::setLocalFloat (int index, float value) { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error ("local variables not available in this context"); mLocals->mFloats.at (index) = value; } void InterpreterContext::messageBox (const std::string& message, const std::vector& buttons) { mEnvironment.mWindowManager->messageBox (message, buttons); } bool InterpreterContext::menuMode() { return mEnvironment.mWindowManager->isGuiMode(); } int InterpreterContext::getGlobalShort (const std::string& name) const { return mEnvironment.mWorld->getGlobalVariable (name).mShort; } int InterpreterContext::getGlobalLong (const std::string& name) const { // a global long is internally a float. return mEnvironment.mWorld->getGlobalVariable (name).mLong; } float InterpreterContext::getGlobalFloat (const std::string& name) const { return mEnvironment.mWorld->getGlobalVariable (name).mFloat; } void InterpreterContext::setGlobalShort (const std::string& name, int value) { if (name=="gamehour") mEnvironment.mWorld->setHour (value); else if (name=="day") mEnvironment.mWorld->setDay (value); else if (name=="month") mEnvironment.mWorld->setMonth (value); else mEnvironment.mWorld->getGlobalVariable (name).mShort = value; } void InterpreterContext::setGlobalLong (const std::string& name, int value) { if (name=="gamehour") mEnvironment.mWorld->setHour (value); else if (name=="day") mEnvironment.mWorld->setDay (value); else if (name=="month") mEnvironment.mWorld->setMonth (value); else mEnvironment.mWorld->getGlobalVariable (name).mLong = value; } void InterpreterContext::setGlobalFloat (const std::string& name, float value) { if (name=="gamehour") mEnvironment.mWorld->setHour (value); else if (name=="day") mEnvironment.mWorld->setDay (value); else if (name=="month") mEnvironment.mWorld->setMonth (value); else mEnvironment.mWorld->getGlobalVariable (name).mFloat = value; } bool InterpreterContext::isScriptRunning (const std::string& name) const { return mEnvironment.mGlobalScripts->isRunning (name); } void InterpreterContext::startScript (const std::string& name) { mEnvironment.mGlobalScripts->addScript (name); } void InterpreterContext::stopScript (const std::string& name) { mEnvironment.mGlobalScripts->removeScript (name); } float InterpreterContext::getDistance (const std::string& name, const std::string& id) const { // TODO handle exterior cells (when ref and ref2 are located in different cells) const MWWorld::Ptr ref2 = getReference (id, false); const MWWorld::Ptr ref = mEnvironment.mWorld->getPtr (name, true); double diff[3]; for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) diff[i] = ref.getCellRef().pos.pos[i] - ref2.getCellRef().pos.pos[i]; return std::sqrt (diff[0]*diff[0] + diff[1]*diff[1] + diff[2]*diff[2]); } bool InterpreterContext::hasBeenActivated (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) { if (!mActivated.isEmpty() && mActivated==ptr) { mActivationHandled = true; return true; } return false; } bool InterpreterContext::hasActivationBeenHandled() const { return mActivationHandled; } void InterpreterContext::activate (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, boost::shared_ptr action) { mActivated = ptr; mActivationHandled = false; mAction = action; } void InterpreterContext::executeActivation() { if (!mAction.get()) throw std::runtime_error ("activation failed, because no action to perform"); mAction->execute (mEnvironment); mActivationHandled = true; } void InterpreterContext::clearActivation() { mActivated = MWWorld::Ptr(); mActivationHandled = false; mAction.reset(); } float InterpreterContext::getSecondsPassed() const { return mEnvironment.mFrameDuration; } bool InterpreterContext::isDisabled (const std::string& id) const { const MWWorld::Ptr ref = getReference (id, false); return !ref.getRefData().isEnabled(); } void InterpreterContext::enable (const std::string& id) { MWWorld::Ptr ref = getReference (id, false); mEnvironment.mWorld->enable (ref); } void InterpreterContext::disable (const std::string& id) { MWWorld::Ptr ref = getReference (id, false); mEnvironment.mWorld->disable (ref); } MWWorld::Environment& InterpreterContext::getEnvironment() { return mEnvironment; } MWGui::WindowManager& InterpreterContext::getWindowManager() { return *mEnvironment.mWindowManager; } MWInput::MWInputManager& InterpreterContext::getInputManager() { return *mEnvironment.mInputManager; } MWWorld::World& InterpreterContext::getWorld() { return *mEnvironment.mWorld; } MWSound::SoundManager& InterpreterContext::getSoundManager() { return *mEnvironment.mSoundManager; } MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReference() { return getReference ("", true); } }