#include "particles.hpp"

#include <OgreStringConverter.h>
#include <OgreParticleSystem.h>
#include <OgreParticleEmitter.h>
#include <OgreParticleAffector.h>
#include <OgreParticle.h>
#include <OgreBone.h>
#include <OgreTagPoint.h>
#include <OgreEntity.h>
#include <OgreSkeletonInstance.h>
#include <OgreSceneNode.h>
#include <OgreSceneManager.h>

/* FIXME: "Nif" isn't really an appropriate emitter name. */
class NifEmitter : public Ogre::ParticleEmitter
    std::vector<Ogre::Bone*> mEmitterBones;
    Ogre::Bone* mParticleBone;

    Ogre::ParticleSystem* getPartSys() { return mParent; }

    /** Command object for the emitter width (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdWidth : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target)->getWidth());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)

    /** Command object for the emitter height (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdHeight : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target)->getHeight());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)

    /** Command object for the emitter depth (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdDepth : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target)->getDepth());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)

    /** Command object for the emitter vertical_direction (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdVerticalDir : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const NifEmitter *self = static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getVerticalDirection().valueDegrees());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            NifEmitter *self = static_cast<NifEmitter*>(target);

    /** Command object for the emitter vertical_angle (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdVerticalAngle : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const NifEmitter *self = static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getVerticalAngle().valueDegrees());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            NifEmitter *self = static_cast<NifEmitter*>(target);

    /** Command object for the emitter horizontal_direction (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdHorizontalDir : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const NifEmitter *self = static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getHorizontalDirection().valueDegrees());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            NifEmitter *self = static_cast<NifEmitter*>(target);

    /** Command object for the emitter horizontal_angle (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdHorizontalAngle : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const NifEmitter *self = static_cast<const NifEmitter*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getHorizontalAngle().valueDegrees());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            NifEmitter *self = static_cast<NifEmitter*>(target);

    NifEmitter(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys)
      : Ogre::ParticleEmitter(psys)
      , mEmitterBones(Ogre::any_cast<NiNodeHolder>(psys->getUserObjectBindings().getUserAny()).mBones)
        assert (!mEmitterBones.empty());
        Ogre::TagPoint* tag = static_cast<Ogre::TagPoint*>(mParent->getParentNode());
        mParticleBone = static_cast<Ogre::Bone*>(tag->getParent());

    /** See Ogre::ParticleEmitter. */
    unsigned short _getEmissionCount(Ogre::Real timeElapsed)
        // Use basic constant emission
        return genConstantEmissionCount(timeElapsed);

    /** See Ogre::ParticleEmitter. */
    void _initParticle(Ogre::Particle *particle)
        Ogre::Vector3 xOff, yOff, zOff;

        // Call superclass

        xOff = Ogre::Math::SymmetricRandom() * mXRange;
        yOff = Ogre::Math::SymmetricRandom() * mYRange;
        zOff = Ogre::Math::SymmetricRandom() * mZRange;

#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0)
        Ogre::Vector3& position = particle->mPosition;
        Ogre::Vector3& direction = particle->mDirection;
        Ogre::ColourValue& colour = particle->mColour;
        Ogre::Real& totalTimeToLive = particle->mTotalTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Real& timeToLive = particle->mTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Vector3& position = particle->position;
        Ogre::Vector3& direction = particle->direction;
        Ogre::ColourValue& colour = particle->colour;
        Ogre::Real& totalTimeToLive = particle->totalTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Real& timeToLive = particle->timeToLive;

        Ogre::Node* emitterBone = mEmitterBones.at((int)(::rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0)*mEmitterBones.size()));

        position = xOff + yOff + zOff +
                 mParticleBone->_getDerivedOrientation().Inverse() * (emitterBone->_getDerivedPosition()
                - mParticleBone->_getDerivedPosition());

        // Generate complex data by reference

        // NOTE: We do not use mDirection/mAngle for the initial direction.
        Ogre::Radian hdir = mHorizontalDir + mHorizontalAngle*Ogre::Math::SymmetricRandom();
        Ogre::Radian vdir = mVerticalDir + mVerticalAngle*Ogre::Math::SymmetricRandom();
        direction = (mParticleBone->_getDerivedOrientation().Inverse()
                     * emitterBone->_getDerivedOrientation() *
                                Ogre::Quaternion(hdir, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z) *
                               Ogre::Quaternion(vdir, Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_X)) *


        // Generate simpler data
        timeToLive = totalTimeToLive = genEmissionTTL();

    /** Overloaded to update the trans. matrix */
    void setDirection(const Ogre::Vector3 &dir)

    /** Sets the size of the area from which particles are emitted.
        size Vector describing the size of the area. The area extends
        around the center point by half the x, y and z components of
        this vector. The box is aligned such that it's local Z axis points
        along it's direction (see setDirection)
    void setSize(const Ogre::Vector3 &size)
        mSize = size;

    /** Sets the size of the area from which particles are emitted.
    @param x,y,z
        Individual axis lengths describing the size of the area. The area
        extends around the center point by half the x, y and z components
        of this vector. The box is aligned such that it's local Z axis
        points along it's direction (see setDirection)
    void setSize(Ogre::Real x, Ogre::Real y, Ogre::Real z)
        mSize.x = x;
        mSize.y = y;
        mSize.z = z;

    /** Sets the width (local x size) of the emitter. */
    void setWidth(Ogre::Real width)
        mSize.x = width;
    /** Gets the width (local x size) of the emitter. */
    Ogre::Real getWidth(void) const
    { return mSize.x; }
    /** Sets the height (local y size) of the emitter. */
    void setHeight(Ogre::Real height)
        mSize.y = height;
    /** Gets the height (local y size) of the emitter. */
    Ogre::Real getHeight(void) const
    { return mSize.y; }
    /** Sets the depth (local y size) of the emitter. */
    void setDepth(Ogre::Real depth)
        mSize.z = depth;
    /** Gets the depth (local y size) of the emitter. */
    Ogre::Real getDepth(void) const
    { return mSize.z; }

    void setVerticalDirection(Ogre::Radian vdir)
    { mVerticalDir = vdir; }
    Ogre::Radian getVerticalDirection(void) const
    { return mVerticalDir; }

    void setVerticalAngle(Ogre::Radian vangle)
    { mVerticalAngle = vangle; }
    Ogre::Radian getVerticalAngle(void) const
    { return mVerticalAngle; }

    void setHorizontalDirection(Ogre::Radian hdir)
    { mHorizontalDir = hdir; }
    Ogre::Radian getHorizontalDirection(void) const
    { return mHorizontalDir; }

    void setHorizontalAngle(Ogre::Radian hangle)
    { mHorizontalAngle = hangle; }
    Ogre::Radian getHorizontalAngle(void) const
    { return mHorizontalAngle; }

    /// Size of the area
    Ogre::Vector3 mSize;

    Ogre::Radian mVerticalDir;
    Ogre::Radian mVerticalAngle;
    Ogre::Radian mHorizontalDir;
    Ogre::Radian mHorizontalAngle;

    /// Local axes, not normalised, their magnitude reflects area size
    Ogre::Vector3 mXRange, mYRange, mZRange;

    /// Internal method for generating the area axes
    void genAreaAxes(void)
        Ogre::Vector3 mLeft = mUp.crossProduct(mDirection);
        mXRange = mLeft * (mSize.x * 0.5f);
        mYRange = mUp * (mSize.y * 0.5f);
        mZRange = mDirection * (mSize.z * 0.5f);

    /** Internal for initializing some defaults and parameters
    @return True if custom parameters need initialising
    bool initDefaults(const Ogre::String &t)
        // Defaults
        mDirection = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z;
        mUp = Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Y;
        setSize(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);
        mType = t;

        // Set up parameters
        if(createParamDictionary(mType + "Emitter"))
            Ogre::ParamDictionary *dict = getParamDictionary();

            // Custom params
                                                  "Width of the shape in world coordinates.",
                                                  "Height of the shape in world coordinates.",
                                                  "Depth of the shape in world coordinates.",

                                                  "Vertical direction of emitted particles (in degrees).",
                                                  "Vertical direction variance of emitted particles (in degrees).",
                                                  "Horizontal direction of emitted particles (in degrees).",
                                                  "Horizontal direction variance of emitted particles (in degrees).",

            return true;
        return false;

    /// Command objects
    static CmdWidth msWidthCmd;
    static CmdHeight msHeightCmd;
    static CmdDepth msDepthCmd;
    static CmdVerticalDir msVerticalDirCmd;
    static CmdVerticalAngle msVerticalAngleCmd;
    static CmdHorizontalDir msHorizontalDirCmd;
    static CmdHorizontalAngle msHorizontalAngleCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdWidth NifEmitter::msWidthCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdHeight NifEmitter::msHeightCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdDepth NifEmitter::msDepthCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdVerticalDir NifEmitter::msVerticalDirCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdVerticalAngle NifEmitter::msVerticalAngleCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdHorizontalDir NifEmitter::msHorizontalDirCmd;
NifEmitter::CmdHorizontalAngle NifEmitter::msHorizontalAngleCmd;

Ogre::ParticleEmitter* NifEmitterFactory::createEmitter(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys)
    Ogre::ParticleEmitter *emitter = OGRE_NEW NifEmitter(psys);
    return emitter;

class GrowFadeAffector : public Ogre::ParticleAffector
    /** Command object for grow_time (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdGrowTime : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const GrowFadeAffector *self = static_cast<const GrowFadeAffector*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getGrowTime());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            GrowFadeAffector *self = static_cast<GrowFadeAffector*>(target);

    /** Command object for fade_time (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdFadeTime : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const GrowFadeAffector *self = static_cast<const GrowFadeAffector*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getFadeTime());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            GrowFadeAffector *self = static_cast<GrowFadeAffector*>(target);

    /** Default constructor. */
    GrowFadeAffector(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys) : ParticleAffector(psys)
        mGrowTime = 0.0f;
        mFadeTime = 0.0f;

        mType = "GrowFade";

        // Init parameters
            Ogre::ParamDictionary *dict = getParamDictionary();

            Ogre::String grow_title("grow_time");
            Ogre::String fade_title("fade_time");
            Ogre::String grow_descr("Time from begin to reach full size.");
            Ogre::String fade_descr("Time from end to shrink.");

            dict->addParameter(Ogre::ParameterDef(grow_title, grow_descr, Ogre::PT_REAL), &msGrowCmd);
            dict->addParameter(Ogre::ParameterDef(fade_title, fade_descr, Ogre::PT_REAL), &msFadeCmd);

    /** See Ogre::ParticleAffector. */
    void _initParticle(Ogre::Particle *particle)
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0)
        const Ogre::Real life_time     = particle->mTotalTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Real       particle_time = particle->mTimeToLive;
        const Ogre::Real life_time     = particle->totalTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Real       particle_time = particle->timeToLive;
        Ogre::Real width = mParent->getDefaultWidth();
        Ogre::Real height = mParent->getDefaultHeight();
        if(life_time-particle_time < mGrowTime)
            Ogre::Real scale = (life_time-particle_time) / mGrowTime;
            assert (scale >= 0);
            // HACK: don't allow zero-sized particles which can rarely cause an AABB assertion in Ogre to fail
            scale = std::max(scale, 0.00001f);
            width *= scale;
            height *= scale;
        if(particle_time < mFadeTime)
            Ogre::Real scale = particle_time / mFadeTime;
            assert (scale >= 0);
            // HACK: don't allow zero-sized particles which can rarely cause an AABB assertion in Ogre to fail
            scale = std::max(scale, 0.00001f);
            width *= scale;
            height *= scale;
        particle->setDimensions(width, height);

    /** See Ogre::ParticleAffector. */
    void _affectParticles(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys, Ogre::Real timeElapsed)
        Ogre::ParticleIterator pi = psys->_getIterator();
        while (!pi.end())
            Ogre::Particle *p = pi.getNext();
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0)
        const Ogre::Real life_time     = p->mTotalTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Real       particle_time = p->mTimeToLive;
        const Ogre::Real life_time     = p->totalTimeToLive;
        Ogre::Real       particle_time = p->timeToLive;
            Ogre::Real width = mParent->getDefaultWidth();
            Ogre::Real height = mParent->getDefaultHeight();
            if(life_time-particle_time < mGrowTime)
                Ogre::Real scale = (life_time-particle_time) / mGrowTime;
                assert (scale >= 0);
                // HACK: don't allow zero-sized particles which can rarely cause an AABB assertion in Ogre to fail
                scale = std::max(scale, 0.00001f);
                width *= scale;
                height *= scale;
            if(particle_time < mFadeTime)
                Ogre::Real scale = particle_time / mFadeTime;
                assert (scale >= 0);
                // HACK: don't allow zero-sized particles which can rarely cause an AABB assertion in Ogre to fail
                scale = std::max(scale, 0.00001f);
                width *= scale;
                height *= scale;
            p->setDimensions(width, height);

    void setGrowTime(Ogre::Real time)
        mGrowTime = time;
    Ogre::Real getGrowTime() const
    { return mGrowTime; }

    void setFadeTime(Ogre::Real time)
        mFadeTime = time;
    Ogre::Real getFadeTime() const
    { return mFadeTime; }

    static CmdGrowTime msGrowCmd;
    static CmdFadeTime msFadeCmd;

    Ogre::Real mGrowTime;
    Ogre::Real mFadeTime;
GrowFadeAffector::CmdGrowTime GrowFadeAffector::msGrowCmd;
GrowFadeAffector::CmdFadeTime GrowFadeAffector::msFadeCmd;

Ogre::ParticleAffector *GrowFadeAffectorFactory::createAffector(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys)
    Ogre::ParticleAffector *p = new GrowFadeAffector(psys);
    return p;

class GravityAffector : public Ogre::ParticleAffector
    enum ForceType {

    Ogre::Bone* mEmitterBone;
    Ogre::Bone* mParticleBone;

    Ogre::ParticleSystem* getPartSys() { return mParent; }

    /** Command object for force (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdForce : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const GravityAffector *self = static_cast<const GravityAffector*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getForce());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            GravityAffector *self = static_cast<GravityAffector*>(target);

    /** Command object for force_type (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdForceType : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        static ForceType getTypeFromString(const Ogre::String &type)
            if(type == "wind")
                return Type_Wind;
            if(type == "point")
                return Type_Point;
            OGRE_EXCEPT(Ogre::Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Invalid force type string: "+type,

        static Ogre::String getStringFromType(ForceType type)
                case Type_Wind: return "wind";
                case Type_Point: return "point";
            OGRE_EXCEPT(Ogre::Exception::ERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Invalid force type enum: "+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(type),

        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const GravityAffector *self = static_cast<const GravityAffector*>(target);
            return getStringFromType(self->getForceType());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            GravityAffector *self = static_cast<GravityAffector*>(target);

    /** Command object for direction (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdDirection : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const GravityAffector *self = static_cast<const GravityAffector*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getDirection());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            GravityAffector *self = static_cast<GravityAffector*>(target);

    /** Command object for position (see Ogre::ParamCommand).*/
    class CmdPosition : public Ogre::ParamCommand
        Ogre::String doGet(const void *target) const
            const GravityAffector *self = static_cast<const GravityAffector*>(target);
            return Ogre::StringConverter::toString(self->getPosition());
        void doSet(void *target, const Ogre::String &val)
            GravityAffector *self = static_cast<GravityAffector*>(target);

    /** Default constructor. */
    GravityAffector(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys)
      : ParticleAffector(psys)
      , mForce(0.0f)
      , mForceType(Type_Wind)
      , mPosition(0.0f)
      , mDirection(0.0f)
        std::vector<Ogre::Bone*> bones = Ogre::any_cast<NiNodeHolder>(psys->getUserObjectBindings().getUserAny()).mBones;
        assert (!bones.empty());
        mEmitterBone = bones[0];
        Ogre::TagPoint* tag = static_cast<Ogre::TagPoint*>(mParent->getParentNode());
        mParticleBone = static_cast<Ogre::Bone*>(tag->getParent());

        mType = "Gravity";

        // Init parameters
            Ogre::ParamDictionary *dict = getParamDictionary();

            Ogre::String force_title("force");
            Ogre::String force_descr("Amount of force applied to particles.");
            Ogre::String force_type_title("force_type");
            Ogre::String force_type_descr("Type of force applied to particles (point or wind).");
            Ogre::String direction_title("direction");
            Ogre::String direction_descr("Direction of wind forces.");
            Ogre::String position_title("position");
            Ogre::String position_descr("Position of point forces.");

            dict->addParameter(Ogre::ParameterDef(force_title, force_descr, Ogre::PT_REAL), &msForceCmd);
            dict->addParameter(Ogre::ParameterDef(force_type_title, force_type_descr, Ogre::PT_STRING), &msForceTypeCmd);
            dict->addParameter(Ogre::ParameterDef(direction_title, direction_descr, Ogre::PT_VECTOR3), &msDirectionCmd);
            dict->addParameter(Ogre::ParameterDef(position_title, position_descr, Ogre::PT_VECTOR3), &msPositionCmd);

    /** See Ogre::ParticleAffector. */
    void _affectParticles(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys, Ogre::Real timeElapsed)
            case Type_Wind:
                applyWindForce(psys, timeElapsed);
            case Type_Point:
                applyPointForce(psys, timeElapsed);

    void setForce(Ogre::Real force)
    { mForce = force; }
    Ogre::Real getForce() const
    { return mForce; }

    void setForceType(ForceType type)
    { mForceType = type; }
    ForceType getForceType() const
    { return mForceType; }

    void setDirection(const Ogre::Vector3 &dir)
    { mDirection = dir; }
    const Ogre::Vector3 &getDirection() const
    { return mDirection; }

    void setPosition(const Ogre::Vector3 &pos)
    { mPosition = pos; }
    const Ogre::Vector3 &getPosition() const
    { return mPosition; }

    static CmdForce msForceCmd;
    static CmdForceType msForceTypeCmd;
    static CmdDirection msDirectionCmd;
    static CmdPosition msPositionCmd;

    void applyWindForce(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys, Ogre::Real timeElapsed)
        const Ogre::Vector3 vec = mDirection * mForce * timeElapsed;
        Ogre::ParticleIterator pi = psys->_getIterator();
        while (!pi.end())
            Ogre::Particle *p = pi.getNext();
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0)
            p->mDirection += vec;
            p->direction += vec;

    void applyPointForce(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys, Ogre::Real timeElapsed)
        const Ogre::Real force = mForce * timeElapsed;
        Ogre::ParticleIterator pi = psys->_getIterator();
        while (!pi.end())
            Ogre::Particle *p = pi.getNext();
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0)
            Ogre::Vector3 position = p->mPosition;
            Ogre::Vector3 position = p->position;

            Ogre::Vector3 vec = (mPosition - position).normalisedCopy() * force;
#if OGRE_VERSION >= (1 << 16 | 10 << 8 | 0)
            p->mDirection += vec;
            p->direction += vec;

    float mForce;

    ForceType mForceType;

    Ogre::Vector3 mPosition;
    Ogre::Vector3 mDirection;
GravityAffector::CmdForce GravityAffector::msForceCmd;
GravityAffector::CmdForceType GravityAffector::msForceTypeCmd;
GravityAffector::CmdDirection GravityAffector::msDirectionCmd;
GravityAffector::CmdPosition GravityAffector::msPositionCmd;

Ogre::ParticleAffector *GravityAffectorFactory::createAffector(Ogre::ParticleSystem *psys)
    Ogre::ParticleAffector *p = new GravityAffector(psys);
    return p;