#include "esmreader.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>

#include "../files/constrainedfiledatastream.hpp"

namespace ESM

using namespace Misc;

    std::string ESMReader::getName() const
        return mCtx.filename;

ESM_Context ESMReader::getContext()
    // Update the file position before returning
    mCtx.filePos = mEsm->tell();
    return mCtx;

    : mBuffer(50*1024)
    , mRecordFlags(0)
    , mIdx(0)
    , mGlobalReaderList(NULL)
    , mEncoder(NULL)

int ESMReader::getFormat() const
    return mHeader.mFormat;

void ESMReader::restoreContext(const ESM_Context &rc)
    // Reopen the file if necessary
    if (mCtx.filename != rc.filename)

    // Copy the data
    mCtx = rc;

    // Make sure we seek to the right place

void ESMReader::close()
    mCtx.leftFile = 0;
    mCtx.leftRec = 0;
    mCtx.leftSub = 0;
    mCtx.subCached = false;
    mCtx.recName.val = 0;
    mCtx.subName.val = 0;

void ESMReader::openRaw(Ogre::DataStreamPtr _esm, const std::string &name)
    mEsm = _esm;
    mCtx.filename = name;
    mCtx.leftFile = mEsm->size();

void ESMReader::open(Ogre::DataStreamPtr _esm, const std::string &name)
    openRaw(_esm, name);

    if (getRecName() != "TES3")
        fail("Not a valid Morrowind file");


    mHeader.load (*this);

void ESMReader::open(const std::string &file)
    open (openConstrainedFileDataStream (file.c_str ()), file);

void ESMReader::openRaw(const std::string &file)
    openRaw (openConstrainedFileDataStream (file.c_str ()), file);

int64_t ESMReader::getHNLong(const char *name)
    int64_t val;
    getHNT(val, name);
    return val;

std::string ESMReader::getHNOString(const char* name)
    if (isNextSub(name))
        return getHString();
    return "";

std::string ESMReader::getHNString(const char* name)
    return getHString();

std::string ESMReader::getHString()

    // Hack to make MultiMark.esp load. Zero-length strings do not
    // occur in any of the official mods, but MultiMark makes use of
    // them. For some reason, they break the rules, and contain a byte
    // (value 0) even if the header says there is no data. If
    // Morrowind accepts it, so should we.
    if (mCtx.leftSub == 0)
        // Skip the following zero byte
        char c;
        mEsm->read(&c, 1);
        return "";

    return getString(mCtx.leftSub);

void ESMReader::getHExact(void*p, int size)
    if (size != static_cast<int> (mCtx.leftSub))
        std::stringstream error;
        error << "getHExact(): size mismatch (requested " << size << ", got " << mCtx.leftSub << ")";
    getExact(p, size);

// Read the given number of bytes from a named subrecord
void ESMReader::getHNExact(void*p, int size, const char* name)
    getHExact(p, size);

// Get the next subrecord name and check if it matches the parameter
void ESMReader::getSubNameIs(const char* name)
    if (mCtx.subName != name)
                "Expected subrecord " + std::string(name) + " but got "
                        + mCtx.subName.toString());

bool ESMReader::isNextSub(const char* name)
    if (!mCtx.leftRec)
        return false;


    // If the name didn't match, then mark the it as 'cached' so it's
    // available for the next call to getSubName.
    mCtx.subCached = (mCtx.subName != name);

    // If subCached is false, then subName == name.
    return !mCtx.subCached;

// Read subrecord name. This gets called a LOT, so I've optimized it
// slightly.
void ESMReader::getSubName()
    // If the name has already been read, do nothing
    if (mCtx.subCached)
        mCtx.subCached = false;

    // reading the subrecord data anyway.
    mEsm->read(mCtx.subName.name, 4);
    mCtx.leftRec -= 4;

bool ESMReader::isEmptyOrGetName()
    if (mCtx.leftRec)
        mEsm->read(mCtx.subName.name, 4);
        mCtx.leftRec -= 4;
        return false;
    return true;

void ESMReader::skipHSub()

void ESMReader::skipHSubSize(int size)
    if (static_cast<int> (mCtx.leftSub) != size)
        fail("skipHSubSize() mismatch");

void ESMReader::skipHSubUntil(const char *name)
    while (hasMoreSubs() && !isNextSub(name))
        mCtx.subCached = false;
    if (hasMoreSubs())
        mCtx.subCached = true;

void ESMReader::getSubHeader()
    if (mCtx.leftRec < 4)
        fail("End of record while reading sub-record header");

    // Get subrecord size

    // Adjust number of record bytes left
    mCtx.leftRec -= mCtx.leftSub + 4;

void ESMReader::getSubHeaderIs(int size)
    if (size != static_cast<int> (mCtx.leftSub))
        fail("getSubHeaderIs(): Sub header mismatch");

NAME ESMReader::getRecName()
    if (!hasMoreRecs())
        fail("No more records, getRecName() failed");
    mCtx.leftFile -= 4;

    // Make sure we don't carry over any old cached subrecord
    // names. This can happen in some cases when we skip parts of a
    // record.
    mCtx.subCached = false;

    return mCtx.recName;

void ESMReader::skipRecord()
    mCtx.leftRec = 0;

void ESMReader::getRecHeader(uint32_t &flags)
    // General error checking
    if (mCtx.leftFile < 12)
        fail("End of file while reading record header");
    if (mCtx.leftRec)
        fail("Previous record contains unread bytes");

    getUint(flags);// This header entry is always zero
    mCtx.leftFile -= 12;

    // Check that sizes add up
    if (mCtx.leftFile < mCtx.leftRec)
        fail("Record size is larger than rest of file");

    // Adjust number of bytes mCtx.left in file
    mCtx.leftFile -= mCtx.leftRec;

 *  Lowest level data reading and misc methods

void ESMReader::getExact(void*x, int size)
    int t = mEsm->read(x, size);
    if (t != size)
        fail("Read error");

std::string ESMReader::getString(int size)
    size_t s = size;
    if (mBuffer.size() <= s)
        // Add some extra padding to reduce the chance of having to resize
        // again later.

    // And make sure the string is zero terminated
    mBuffer[s] = 0;

    // read ESM data
    char *ptr = &mBuffer[0];
    getExact(ptr, size);

    size = strnlen(ptr, size);

    // Convert to UTF8 and return
    if (mEncoder)
        return mEncoder->getUtf8(ptr, size);

    return std::string (ptr, size);

void ESMReader::fail(const std::string &msg)
    using namespace std;

    stringstream ss;

    ss << "ESM Error: " << msg;
    ss << "\n  File: " << mCtx.filename;
    ss << "\n  Record: " << mCtx.recName.toString();
    ss << "\n  Subrecord: " << mCtx.subName.toString();
    if (!mEsm.isNull())
        ss << "\n  Offset: 0x" << hex << mEsm->tell();
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

void ESMReader::setEncoder(ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder* encoder)
    mEncoder = encoder;
