#include "activespells.hpp" #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" namespace MWMechanics { void ActiveSpells::update(float duration) const { bool rebuild = false; // Erase no longer active spells and effects if (duration > 0) { TContainer::iterator iter (mSpells.begin()); while (iter!=mSpells.end()) { if (!timeToExpire (iter)) { mSpells.erase (iter++); rebuild = true; } else { bool interrupt = false; std::vector& effects = iter->second.mEffects; for (std::vector::iterator effectIt = effects.begin(); effectIt != effects.end();) { if (effectIt->mTimeLeft <= 0) { rebuild = true; // Note: it we expire a Corprus effect, we should remove the whole spell. if (effectIt->mEffectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Corprus) { iter = mSpells.erase (iter); interrupt = true; break; } effectIt = effects.erase(effectIt); } else { effectIt->mTimeLeft -= duration; ++effectIt; } } if (!interrupt) ++iter; } } } if (mSpellsChanged) { mSpellsChanged = false; rebuild = true; } if (rebuild) rebuildEffects(); } void ActiveSpells::rebuildEffects() const { mEffects = MagicEffects(); for (TIterator iter (begin()); iter!=end(); ++iter) { const std::vector& effects = iter->second.mEffects; for (std::vector::const_iterator effectIt = effects.begin(); effectIt != effects.end(); ++effectIt) { if (effectIt->mTimeLeft > 0) mEffects.add(MWMechanics::EffectKey(effectIt->mEffectId, effectIt->mArg), MWMechanics::EffectParam(effectIt->mMagnitude)); } } } ActiveSpells::ActiveSpells() : mSpellsChanged (false) {} const MagicEffects& ActiveSpells::getMagicEffects() const { update(0.f); return mEffects; } ActiveSpells::TIterator ActiveSpells::begin() const { return mSpells.begin(); } ActiveSpells::TIterator ActiveSpells::end() const { return mSpells.end(); } double ActiveSpells::timeToExpire (const TIterator& iterator) const { const std::vector& effects = iterator->second.mEffects; float duration = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (effects.begin()); iter!=effects.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->mTimeLeft > duration) duration = iter->mTimeLeft; } if (duration < 0) return 0; return duration; } bool ActiveSpells::isSpellActive(const std::string& id) const { for (TContainer::iterator iter = mSpells.begin(); iter != mSpells.end(); ++iter) { if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(iter->first, id)) return true; } return false; } const ActiveSpells::TContainer& ActiveSpells::getActiveSpells() const { return mSpells; } void ActiveSpells::addSpell(const std::string &id, bool stack, const std::vector& effects, const std::string &displayName, int casterActorId) { TContainer::iterator it(mSpells.find(id)); ActiveSpellParams params; params.mEffects = effects; params.mDisplayName = displayName; params.mCasterActorId = casterActorId; if (it == end() || stack) { mSpells.insert(std::make_pair(id, params)); } else { // addSpell() is called with effects for a range. // but a spell may have effects with different ranges (e.g. Touch & Target) // so, if we see new effects for same spell assume additional // spell effects and add to existing effects of spell mergeEffects(params.mEffects, it->second.mEffects); it->second = params; } mSpellsChanged = true; } void ActiveSpells::mergeEffects(std::vector& addTo, const std::vector& from) { for (std::vector::const_iterator effect(from.begin()); effect != from.end(); ++effect) { // if effect is not in addTo, add it bool missing = true; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter(addTo.begin()); iter != addTo.end(); ++iter) { if ((effect->mEffectId == iter->mEffectId) && (effect->mArg == iter->mArg)) { missing = false; break; } } if (missing) { addTo.push_back(*effect); } } } void ActiveSpells::removeEffects(const std::string &id) { for (TContainer::iterator spell = mSpells.begin(); spell != mSpells.end(); ++spell) { if (spell->first == id) { spell->second.mEffects.clear(); mSpellsChanged = true; } } } void ActiveSpells::visitEffectSources(EffectSourceVisitor &visitor) const { for (TContainer::const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { for (std::vector::const_iterator effectIt = it->second.mEffects.begin(); effectIt != it->second.mEffects.end(); ++effectIt) { std::string name = it->second.mDisplayName; float magnitude = effectIt->mMagnitude; if (magnitude) visitor.visit(MWMechanics::EffectKey(effectIt->mEffectId, effectIt->mArg), effectIt->mEffectIndex, name, it->first, it->second.mCasterActorId, magnitude, effectIt->mTimeLeft, effectIt->mDuration); } } } void ActiveSpells::purgeAll(float chance, bool spellOnly) { for (TContainer::iterator it = mSpells.begin(); it != mSpells.end(); ) { const std::string spellId = it->first; // if spellOnly is true, dispell only spells. Leave potions, enchanted items etc. if (spellOnly) { const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get().search(spellId); if (!spell || spell->mData.mType != ESM::Spell::ST_Spell) { ++it; continue; } } if (Misc::Rng::roll0to99() < chance) mSpells.erase(it++); else ++it; } mSpellsChanged = true; } void ActiveSpells::purgeEffect(short effectId) { for (TContainer::iterator it = mSpells.begin(); it != mSpells.end(); ++it) { for (std::vector::iterator effectIt = it->second.mEffects.begin(); effectIt != it->second.mEffects.end();) { if (effectIt->mEffectId == effectId) effectIt = it->second.mEffects.erase(effectIt); else ++effectIt; } } mSpellsChanged = true; } void ActiveSpells::purgeEffect(short effectId, const std::string& sourceId, int effectIndex) { for (TContainer::iterator it = mSpells.begin(); it != mSpells.end(); ++it) { for (std::vector::iterator effectIt = it->second.mEffects.begin(); effectIt != it->second.mEffects.end();) { if (effectIt->mEffectId == effectId && it->first == sourceId && (effectIndex < 0 || effectIndex == effectIt->mEffectIndex)) effectIt = it->second.mEffects.erase(effectIt); else ++effectIt; } } mSpellsChanged = true; } void ActiveSpells::purge(int casterActorId) { for (TContainer::iterator it = mSpells.begin(); it != mSpells.end(); ++it) { for (std::vector::iterator effectIt = it->second.mEffects.begin(); effectIt != it->second.mEffects.end();) { if (it->second.mCasterActorId == casterActorId) effectIt = it->second.mEffects.erase(effectIt); else ++effectIt; } } mSpellsChanged = true; } void ActiveSpells::purgeCorprusDisease() { for (TContainer::iterator iter = mSpells.begin(); iter!=mSpells.end();) { bool hasCorprusEffect = false; for (std::vector::iterator effectIt = iter->second.mEffects.begin(); effectIt != iter->second.mEffects.end();++effectIt) { if (effectIt->mEffectId == ESM::MagicEffect::Corprus) { hasCorprusEffect = true; break; } } if (hasCorprusEffect) { mSpells.erase(iter++); mSpellsChanged = true; } else ++iter; } } void ActiveSpells::clear() { mSpells.clear(); mSpellsChanged = true; } void ActiveSpells::writeState(ESM::ActiveSpells &state) const { for (TContainer::const_iterator it = mSpells.begin(); it != mSpells.end(); ++it) { // Stupid copying of almost identical structures. ESM::TimeStamp <-> MWWorld::TimeStamp ESM::ActiveSpells::ActiveSpellParams params; params.mEffects = it->second.mEffects; params.mCasterActorId = it->second.mCasterActorId; params.mDisplayName = it->second.mDisplayName; state.mSpells.insert (std::make_pair(it->first, params)); } } void ActiveSpells::readState(const ESM::ActiveSpells &state) { for (ESM::ActiveSpells::TContainer::const_iterator it = state.mSpells.begin(); it != state.mSpells.end(); ++it) { // Stupid copying of almost identical structures. ESM::TimeStamp <-> MWWorld::TimeStamp ActiveSpellParams params; params.mEffects = it->second.mEffects; params.mCasterActorId = it->second.mCasterActorId; params.mDisplayName = it->second.mDisplayName; mSpells.insert (std::make_pair(it->first, params)); mSpellsChanged = true; } } }