#include "interpretercontext.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp" #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/inputmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/luamanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/scriptmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" #include "../mwworld/action.hpp" #include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp" #include "../mwworld/class.hpp" #include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp" #include "globalscripts.hpp" #include "locals.hpp" namespace MWScript { const MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReferenceImp(const ESM::RefId& id, bool activeOnly, bool doThrow) const { if (!id.empty()) { return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPtr(id, activeOnly); } else { if (mReference.isEmpty() && mGlobalScriptDesc) mReference = mGlobalScriptDesc->getPtr(); if (mReference.isEmpty() && doThrow) throw MissingImplicitRefError(); return mReference; } } const Locals& InterpreterContext::getMemberLocals(bool global, ESM::RefId& id) const { if (global) { return MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().getLocals(id); } else { const MWWorld::Ptr ptr = getReferenceImp(id, false); id = ptr.getClass().getScript(ptr); ptr.getRefData().setLocals(*MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find(id)); return ptr.getRefData().getLocals(); } } Locals& InterpreterContext::getMemberLocals(bool global, ESM::RefId& id) { if (global) { return MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().getLocals(id); } else { const MWWorld::Ptr ptr = getReferenceImp(id, false); id = ptr.getClass().getScript(ptr); ptr.getRefData().setLocals(*MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find(id)); return ptr.getRefData().getLocals(); } } MissingImplicitRefError::MissingImplicitRefError() : std::runtime_error("no implicit reference") { } int InterpreterContext::findLocalVariableIndex(const ESM::RefId& scriptId, std::string_view name, char type) const { int index = MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getLocals(scriptId).searchIndex(type, name); if (index != -1) return index; std::ostringstream stream; stream << "Failed to access "; switch (type) { case 's': stream << "short"; break; case 'l': stream << "long"; break; case 'f': stream << "float"; break; } stream << " member variable " << name << " in script " << scriptId; throw std::runtime_error(stream.str().c_str()); } InterpreterContext::InterpreterContext(MWScript::Locals* locals, const MWWorld::Ptr& reference) : mLocals(locals) , mReference(reference) { } InterpreterContext::InterpreterContext(std::shared_ptr globalScriptDesc) : mLocals(&(globalScriptDesc->mLocals)) { const MWWorld::Ptr* ptr = globalScriptDesc->getPtrIfPresent(); // A nullptr here signifies that the script's target has not yet been resolved after loading the game. // Script targets are lazily resolved to MWWorld::Ptrs (which can, upon resolution, be empty) // because scripts started through dialogue often don't use their implicit target. if (ptr) mReference = *ptr; else mGlobalScriptDesc = globalScriptDesc; } ESM::RefId InterpreterContext::getTarget() const { if (!mReference.isEmpty()) return mReference.mRef->mRef.getRefId(); else if (mGlobalScriptDesc) return mGlobalScriptDesc->getId(); return ESM::RefId(); } int InterpreterContext::getLocalShort(int index) const { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error("local variables not available in this context"); return mLocals->mShorts.at(index); } int InterpreterContext::getLocalLong(int index) const { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error("local variables not available in this context"); return mLocals->mLongs.at(index); } float InterpreterContext::getLocalFloat(int index) const { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error("local variables not available in this context"); return mLocals->mFloats.at(index); } void InterpreterContext::setLocalShort(int index, int value) { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error("local variables not available in this context"); mLocals->mShorts.at(index) = value; } void InterpreterContext::setLocalLong(int index, int value) { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error("local variables not available in this context"); mLocals->mLongs.at(index) = value; } void InterpreterContext::setLocalFloat(int index, float value) { if (!mLocals) throw std::runtime_error("local variables not available in this context"); mLocals->mFloats.at(index) = value; } void InterpreterContext::messageBox(std::string_view message, const std::vector& buttons) { if (buttons.empty()) MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->messageBox(message); else MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->interactiveMessageBox(message, buttons); } void InterpreterContext::report(const std::string& message) {} int InterpreterContext::getGlobalShort(std::string_view name) const { return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGlobalInt(name); } int InterpreterContext::getGlobalLong(std::string_view name) const { // a global long is internally a float. return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGlobalInt(name); } float InterpreterContext::getGlobalFloat(std::string_view name) const { return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGlobalFloat(name); } void InterpreterContext::setGlobalShort(std::string_view name, int value) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->setGlobalInt(name, value); } void InterpreterContext::setGlobalLong(std::string_view name, int value) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->setGlobalInt(name, value); } void InterpreterContext::setGlobalFloat(std::string_view name, float value) { MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->setGlobalFloat(name, value); } std::vector InterpreterContext::getGlobals() const { const MWWorld::Store& globals = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get(); std::vector ids; for (const auto& globalVariable : globals) { ids.emplace_back(globalVariable.mId.getRefIdString()); } return ids; } char InterpreterContext::getGlobalType(std::string_view name) const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); return world->getGlobalVariableType(name); } std::string InterpreterContext::getActionBinding(std::string_view targetAction) const { MWBase::InputManager* input = MWBase::Environment::get().getInputManager(); const auto& actions = input->getActionKeySorting(); for (const int action : actions) { std::string_view desc = input->getActionDescription(action); if (desc.empty()) continue; if (desc == targetAction) { if (input->joystickLastUsed()) return input->getActionControllerBindingName(action); else return input->getActionKeyBindingName(action); } } return "None"; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getActorName() const { const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = getReferenceImp(); if (ptr.getClass().isNpc()) { const ESM::NPC* npc = ptr.get()->mBase; return npc->mName; } const ESM::Creature* creature = ptr.get()->mBase; return creature->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getNPCRace() const { const ESM::NPC* npc = getReferenceImp().get()->mBase; const ESM::Race* race = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find(npc->mRace); return race->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getNPCClass() const { const ESM::NPC* npc = getReferenceImp().get()->mBase; const ESM::Class* class_ = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find(npc->mClass); return class_->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getNPCFaction() const { const ESM::NPC* npc = getReferenceImp().get()->mBase; const ESM::Faction* faction = MWBase::Environment::get().getESMStore()->get().find(npc->mFaction); return faction->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getNPCRank() const { const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr = getReferenceImp(); const ESM::RefId& faction = ptr.getClass().getPrimaryFaction(ptr); if (faction.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("getNPCRank(): NPC is not in a faction"); int rank = ptr.getClass().getPrimaryFactionRank(ptr); if (rank < 0 || rank > 9) throw std::runtime_error("getNPCRank(): invalid rank"); MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = world->getStore(); const ESM::Faction* fact = store.get().find(faction); return fact->mRanks[rank]; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getPCName() const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); return world->getPlayerPtr().get()->mBase->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getPCRace() const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const ESM::RefId& race = world->getPlayerPtr().get()->mBase->mRace; return world->getStore().get().find(race)->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getPCClass() const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); const ESM::RefId& class_ = world->getPlayerPtr().get()->mBase->mClass; return world->getStore().get().find(class_)->mName; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getPCRank() const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr(); const ESM::RefId& factionId = getReferenceImp().getClass().getPrimaryFaction(getReferenceImp()); if (factionId.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("getPCRank(): NPC is not in a faction"); const auto& ranks = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getFactionRanks(); auto it = ranks.find(factionId); int rank = -1; if (it != ranks.end()) rank = it->second; // If you are not in the faction, PcRank returns the first rank, for whatever reason. // This is used by the dialogue when joining the Thieves Guild in Balmora. if (rank == -1) rank = 0; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = world->getStore(); const ESM::Faction* faction = store.get().find(factionId); if (rank < 0 || rank > 9) // there are only 10 ranks return {}; return faction->mRanks[rank]; } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getPCNextRank() const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr(); const ESM::RefId& factionId = getReferenceImp().getClass().getPrimaryFaction(getReferenceImp()); if (factionId.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("getPCNextRank(): NPC is not in a faction"); const auto& ranks = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getFactionRanks(); auto it = ranks.find(factionId); int rank = -1; if (it != ranks.end()) rank = it->second; ++rank; // Next rank // if we are already at max rank, there is no next rank if (rank > 9) rank = 9; const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = world->getStore(); const ESM::Faction* faction = store.get().find(factionId); if (rank < 0) return {}; return faction->mRanks[rank]; } int InterpreterContext::getPCBounty() const { MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld(); MWWorld::Ptr player = world->getPlayerPtr(); return player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty(); } std::string_view InterpreterContext::getCurrentCellName() const { return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getCellName(); } void InterpreterContext::executeActivation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) { // MWScripted activations don't go through Lua because 1-frame delay can brake mwscripts. #if 0 MWBase::Environment::get().getLuaManager()->objectActivated(ptr, actor); // TODO: Enable this branch after implementing one of the options: // 1) Pause this mwscript (or maybe all mwscripts) for one frame and continue from the same // command when the activation is processed by Lua script. // 2) Force Lua scripts to handle a zero-length extra frame right now, so when control // returns to the mwscript, the activation is already processed. #else std::unique_ptr action = (ptr.getClass().activate(ptr, actor)); action->execute(actor); if (action->getTarget() != MWWorld::Ptr() && action->getTarget() != ptr) { updatePtr(ptr, action->getTarget()); } #endif } int InterpreterContext::getMemberShort(ESM::RefId id, std::string_view name, bool global) const { const Locals& locals = getMemberLocals(global, id); return locals.mShorts[findLocalVariableIndex(id, name, 's')]; } int InterpreterContext::getMemberLong(ESM::RefId id, std::string_view name, bool global) const { const Locals& locals = getMemberLocals(global, id); return locals.mLongs[findLocalVariableIndex(id, name, 'l')]; } float InterpreterContext::getMemberFloat(ESM::RefId id, std::string_view name, bool global) const { const Locals& locals = getMemberLocals(global, id); return locals.mFloats[findLocalVariableIndex(id, name, 'f')]; } void InterpreterContext::setMemberShort(ESM::RefId id, std::string_view name, int value, bool global) { Locals& locals = getMemberLocals(global, id); locals.mShorts[findLocalVariableIndex(id, name, 's')] = value; } void InterpreterContext::setMemberLong(ESM::RefId id, std::string_view name, int value, bool global) { Locals& locals = getMemberLocals(global, id); locals.mLongs[findLocalVariableIndex(id, name, 'l')] = value; } void InterpreterContext::setMemberFloat(ESM::RefId id, std::string_view name, float value, bool global) { Locals& locals = getMemberLocals(global, id); locals.mFloats[findLocalVariableIndex(id, name, 'f')] = value; } MWWorld::Ptr InterpreterContext::getReference(bool required) const { return getReferenceImp({}, true, required); } void InterpreterContext::updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr& base, const MWWorld::Ptr& updated) { if (!mReference.isEmpty() && base == mReference) { mReference = updated; if (mLocals == &base.getRefData().getLocals()) mLocals = &mReference.getRefData().getLocals(); } } }