#include <string>

#include "defs.hpp"

namespace ESM
    class ESMWriter;
    class ESMReader;

    struct RefNum
        int mIndex;
        int mContentFile; // -1 no content file

    /* Cell reference. This represents ONE object (of many) inside the
    cell. The cell references are not loaded as part of the normal
    loading process, but are rather loaded later on demand when we are
    setting up a specific cell.

    class CellRef

            // Reference number
            // Note: Currently unused for items in containers
            RefNum mRefNum;

            std::string mRefID;    // ID of object being referenced

            float mScale;          // Scale applied to mesh

            // The NPC that owns this object (and will get angry if you steal it)
            std::string mOwner;

            // Name of a global variable. If the global variable is set to '1', using the object is temporarily allowed
            // even if it has an Owner field.
            // Used by bed rent scripts to allow the player to use the bed for the duration of the rent.
            std::string mGlobalVariable;

            // ID of creature trapped in this soul gem
            std::string mSoul;

            // The faction that owns this object (and will get angry if
            // you take it and are not a faction member)
            std::string mFaction;

            // PC faction rank required to use the item. Sometimes is -1, which means "any rank".
            int mFactionRank;

            // For weapon or armor, this is the remaining item health.
            // For tools (lockpicks, probes, repair hammer) it is the remaining uses.
            int mCharge;

            // Remaining enchantment charge. This could be -1 if the charge was not touched yet (i.e. full).
            float mEnchantmentCharge;

            // This is 5 for Gold_005 references, 100 for Gold_100 and so on.
            int mGoldValue;

            // For doors - true if this door teleports to somewhere else, false
            // if it should open through animation.
            bool mTeleport;

            // Teleport location for the door, if this is a teleporting door.
            Position mDoorDest;

            // Destination cell for doors (optional)
            std::string mDestCell;

            // Lock level for doors and containers
            int mLockLevel;
            std::string mKey, mTrap; // Key and trap ID names, if any

            // This corresponds to the "Reference Blocked" checkbox in the construction set,
            // which prevents editing that reference.
            // -1 is not blocked, otherwise it is blocked.
            signed char mReferenceBlocked;

            // Position and rotation of this object within the cell
            Position mPos;

            void load (ESMReader& esm, bool wideRefNum = false);

            void save (ESMWriter &esm, bool wideRefNum = false, bool inInventory = false) const;

            void blank();

    bool operator== (const RefNum& left, const RefNum& right);
    bool operator< (const RefNum& left, const RefNum& right);
