#ifndef OPENMW_MWWORLD_CELLPRELOADER_H #define OPENMW_MWWORLD_CELLPRELOADER_H #include "positioncellgrid.hpp" #include <components/sceneutil/workqueue.hpp> #include <osg/ref_ptr> #include <map> #include <span> namespace osg { class Stats; } namespace Resource { class ResourceSystem; class BulletShapeManager; } namespace Terrain { class World; class View; } namespace MWRender { class LandManager; } namespace Loading { class Listener; } namespace MWWorld { class CellStore; class TerrainPreloadItem; class CellPreloader { public: CellPreloader(Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, Resource::BulletShapeManager* bulletShapeManager, Terrain::World* terrain, MWRender::LandManager* landManager); ~CellPreloader(); /// Ask a background thread to preload rendering meshes and collision shapes for objects in this cell. /// @note The cell itself must be in State_Loaded or State_Preloaded. void preload(MWWorld::CellStore& cell, double timestamp); void notifyLoaded(MWWorld::CellStore* cell); void clear(); /// Removes preloaded cells that have not had a preload request for a while. void updateCache(double timestamp); /// How long to keep a preloaded cell in cache after it's no longer requested. void setExpiryDelay(double expiryDelay); /// The minimum number of preloaded cells before unused cells get thrown out. void setMinCacheSize(std::size_t value) { mMinCacheSize = value; } /// The maximum number of preloaded cells. void setMaxCacheSize(std::size_t value) { mMaxCacheSize = value; } /// Enables the creation of instances in the preloading thread. void setPreloadInstances(bool preload); std::size_t getMaxCacheSize() const { return mMaxCacheSize; } std::size_t getCacheSize() const { return mPreloadCells.size(); } void setWorkQueue(osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkQueue> workQueue); void setTerrainPreloadPositions(std::span<const PositionCellGrid> positions); void syncTerrainLoad(Loading::Listener& listener); void abortTerrainPreloadExcept(const PositionCellGrid* exceptPos); bool isTerrainLoaded(const PositionCellGrid& position, double referenceTime) const; void setTerrain(Terrain::World* terrain); void reportStats(unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats) const; private: void clearAllTasks(); Resource::ResourceSystem* mResourceSystem; Resource::BulletShapeManager* mBulletShapeManager; Terrain::World* mTerrain; MWRender::LandManager* mLandManager; osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkQueue> mWorkQueue; double mExpiryDelay; std::size_t mMinCacheSize = 0; std::size_t mMaxCacheSize = 0; bool mPreloadInstances; double mLastResourceCacheUpdate; struct PreloadEntry { PreloadEntry(double timestamp, osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkItem> workItem) : mTimeStamp(timestamp) , mWorkItem(std::move(workItem)) { } PreloadEntry() : mTimeStamp(0.0) { } double mTimeStamp; osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkItem> mWorkItem; }; typedef std::map<const MWWorld::CellStore*, PreloadEntry> PreloadMap; // Cells that are currently being preloaded, or have already finished preloading PreloadMap mPreloadCells; std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<Terrain::View>> mTerrainViews; std::vector<PositionCellGrid> mTerrainPreloadPositions; osg::ref_ptr<TerrainPreloadItem> mTerrainPreloadItem; osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::WorkItem> mUpdateCacheItem; std::vector<PositionCellGrid> mLoadedTerrainPositions; double mLoadedTerrainTimestamp; std::size_t mEvicted = 0; std::size_t mAdded = 0; std::size_t mExpired = 0; std::size_t mLoaded = 0; }; } #endif