#ifndef MWLUA_LUAMANAGERIMP_H #define MWLUA_LUAMANAGERIMP_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../mwbase/luamanager.hpp" #include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp" #include "engineevents.hpp" #include "globalscripts.hpp" #include "localscripts.hpp" #include "luaevents.hpp" #include "menuscripts.hpp" #include "object.hpp" #include "objectlists.hpp" namespace MWLua { // \brief LuaManager is the central interface through which the engine invokes lua scripts. // // This class implements the interface defined in MWBase::LuaManager. // In addition to the interface, this class exposes lower level interaction between the engine // and the lua world. class LuaManager : public MWBase::LuaManager { public: LuaManager(const VFS::Manager* vfs, const std::filesystem::path& libsDir); LuaManager(const LuaManager&) = delete; LuaManager(LuaManager&&) = delete; ~LuaManager(); // Called by engine.cpp when the environment is fully initialized. void init(); void loadPermanentStorage(const std::filesystem::path& userConfigPath); void savePermanentStorage(const std::filesystem::path& userConfigPath); // \brief Executes lua handlers. Defaults to running in parallel with OSG Cull. // // The OSG Cull is expensive enough that we have "free" time to // execute Lua by running it in parallel. The Cull also does // not modify the game state, meaning we can safely read state from Lua // despite the concurrency. Only modifying the parts of the game state // that affect the scene graph is forbidden. Such modifications must // be queued for execution in synchronizedUpdate(). // The parallelism can be turned off in the settings. void update(); // \brief Executes latency-critical and scene graph related Lua logic. // // Called by engine.cpp from the main thread between InputManager and MechanicsManager updates. // Can use the scene graph and applies the actions queued during update() void synchronizedUpdate(); // Normally it is called by `synchronizedUpdate` every frame. // Additionally must be called before making a save to ensure that there are no pending delayed // actions and the world is in a consistent state. void applyDelayedActions() override; // Available everywhere through the MWBase::LuaManager interface. // LuaManager queues these events and propagates to scripts on the next `update` call. void newGameStarted() override; void gameLoaded() override; void gameEnded() override; void noGame() override; void objectAddedToScene(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override; void objectRemovedFromScene(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override; void inputEvent(const InputEvent& event) override; void itemConsumed(const MWWorld::Ptr& consumable, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) override { mEngineEvents.addToQueue(EngineEvents::OnConsume{ getId(actor), getId(consumable) }); } void objectActivated(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) override { mEngineEvents.addToQueue(EngineEvents::OnActivate{ getId(actor), getId(object) }); } void useItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, bool force) override; void animationTextKey(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const std::string& key) override; void playAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const std::string& groupname, const MWRender::AnimPriority& priority, int blendMask, bool autodisable, float speedmult, std::string_view start, std::string_view stop, float startpoint, uint32_t loops, bool loopfallback) override; void skillUse(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, ESM::RefId skillId, int useType, float scale) override; void skillLevelUp(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, ESM::RefId skillId, std::string_view source) override; void exteriorCreated(MWWorld::CellStore& cell) override { mEngineEvents.addToQueue(EngineEvents::OnNewExterior{ cell }); } void objectTeleported(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override; void questUpdated(const ESM::RefId& questId, int stage) override; void uiModeChanged(const MWWorld::Ptr& arg) override; void actorDied(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) override; MWBase::LuaManager::ActorControls* getActorControls(const MWWorld::Ptr&) const override; void clear() override; // should be called before loading game or starting a new game to reset internal state. void setupPlayer(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override; // Should be called once after each "clear". // Used only in Lua bindings void addCustomLocalScript(const MWWorld::Ptr&, int scriptId, std::string_view initData); void addUIMessage( std::string_view message, MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode mode = MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode_IfPossible) { mUIMessages.emplace_back(message, mode); } void addInGameConsoleMessage(const std::string& msg, const Misc::Color& color) { mInGameConsoleMessages.push_back({ msg, color }); } // Some changes to the game world can not be done from the scripting thread (because it runs in parallel with // OSG Cull), so we need to queue it and apply from the main thread. void addAction(std::function action, std::string_view name = ""); void addTeleportPlayerAction(std::function action); // Saving void write(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) override; void saveLocalScripts(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, ESM::LuaScripts& data) override; // Loading from a save void readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type) override; void loadLocalScripts(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const ESM::LuaScripts& data) override; void setContentFileMapping(const std::map& mapping) override { mContentFileMapping = mapping; } // At the end of the next `synchronizedUpdate` drops script cache and reloads all scripts. // Calls `onSave` and `onLoad` for every script. void reloadAllScripts() override { mReloadAllScriptsRequested = true; } void handleConsoleCommand( const std::string& consoleMode, const std::string& command, const MWWorld::Ptr& selectedPtr) override; // Used to call Lua callbacks from C++ void queueCallback(LuaUtil::Callback callback, sol::main_object arg) { mQueuedCallbacks.push_back({ std::move(callback), std::move(arg) }); } // Wraps Lua callback into an std::function. // NOTE: Resulted function is not thread safe. Can not be used while LuaManager::update() or // any other Lua-related function is running. template std::function wrapLuaCallback(const LuaUtil::Callback& c) { return [this, c](Arg arg) { this->queueCallback(c, sol::main_object(this->mLua.unsafeState(), sol::in_place, arg)); }; } LuaUi::ResourceManager* uiResourceManager() { return &mUiResourceManager; } bool isProcessingInputEvents() const { return mProcessingInputEvents; } void reportStats(unsigned int frameNumber, osg::Stats& stats) const; std::string formatResourceUsageStats() const override; LuaUtil::InputAction::Registry& inputActions() { return mInputActions; } LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Registry& inputTriggers() { return mInputTriggers; } private: void initConfiguration(); LocalScripts* createLocalScripts(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, std::optional autoStartConf = std::nullopt); void reloadAllScriptsImpl(); void synchronizedUpdateUnsafe(); bool mInitialized = false; bool mGlobalScriptsStarted = false; bool mProcessingInputEvents = false; bool mApplyingDelayedActions = false; bool mNewGameStarted = false; bool mReloadAllScriptsRequested = false; LuaUtil::ScriptsConfiguration mConfiguration; LuaUtil::LuaState mLua; LuaUi::ResourceManager mUiResourceManager; std::map mLocalPackages; std::map mPlayerPackages; MenuScripts mMenuScripts{ &mLua }; GlobalScripts mGlobalScripts{ &mLua }; std::set mActiveLocalScripts; std::vector mQueuedAutoStartedScripts; ObjectLists mObjectLists; MWWorld::Ptr mPlayer; LuaEvents mLuaEvents{ mGlobalScripts, mMenuScripts }; EngineEvents mEngineEvents{ mGlobalScripts }; std::vector mInputEvents; std::vector mMenuInputEvents; std::unique_ptr mGlobalSerializer; std::unique_ptr mLocalSerializer; std::map mContentFileMapping; std::unique_ptr mGlobalLoader; std::unique_ptr mLocalLoader; struct CallbackWithData { LuaUtil::Callback mCallback; sol::main_object mArg; }; std::vector mQueuedCallbacks; // Queued actions that should be done in main thread. Processed by applyQueuedChanges(). class DelayedAction { public: DelayedAction(LuaUtil::LuaState* state, std::function fn, std::string_view name); void apply() const; private: std::string mCallerTraceback; std::function mFn; std::string mName; }; std::vector mActionQueue; std::optional mTeleportPlayerAction; std::vector> mUIMessages; std::vector> mInGameConsoleMessages; std::optional mDelayedUiModeChangedArg; LuaUtil::LuaStorage mGlobalStorage; LuaUtil::LuaStorage mPlayerStorage; LuaUtil::InputAction::Registry mInputActions; LuaUtil::InputTrigger::Registry mInputTriggers; }; } #endif // MWLUA_LUAMANAGERIMP_H