#ifndef GAME_MWBASE_JOURNAL_H #define GAME_MWBASE_JOURNAL_H #include <deque> #include <map> #include <string> #include <string_view> #include <cstdint> #include "../mwdialogue/journalentry.hpp" #include "../mwdialogue/quest.hpp" #include "../mwdialogue/topic.hpp" namespace Loading { class Listener; } namespace ESM { class ESMReader; class ESMWriter; } namespace MWBase { /// \brief Interface for the player's journal (implemented in MWDialogue) class Journal { Journal(const Journal&); ///< not implemented Journal& operator=(const Journal&); ///< not implemented public: typedef std::deque<MWDialogue::StampedJournalEntry> TEntryContainer; typedef TEntryContainer::const_iterator TEntryIter; typedef std::map<ESM::RefId, MWDialogue::Quest> TQuestContainer; // topic, quest typedef TQuestContainer::const_iterator TQuestIter; typedef std::map<ESM::RefId, MWDialogue::Topic> TTopicContainer; // topic-id, topic-content typedef TTopicContainer::const_iterator TTopicIter; public: Journal() {} virtual void clear() = 0; virtual ~Journal() {} virtual MWDialogue::Quest& getOrStartQuest(const ESM::RefId& id) = 0; ///< Gets the quest requested. Creates it and inserts it in quests if it is not yet started. virtual MWDialogue::Quest* getQuestOrNull(const ESM::RefId& id) = 0; ///< Gets a pointer to the requested quest. Will return nullptr if the quest has not been started. virtual void addEntry(const ESM::RefId& id, int index, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) = 0; ///< Add a journal entry. /// @param actor Used as context for replacing of escape sequences (%name, etc). virtual void setJournalIndex(const ESM::RefId& id, int index) = 0; ///< Set the journal index without adding an entry. virtual int getJournalIndex(const ESM::RefId& id) const = 0; ///< Get the journal index. virtual void addTopic(const ESM::RefId& topicId, const ESM::RefId& infoId, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) = 0; /// \note topicId must be lowercase virtual void removeLastAddedTopicResponse(const ESM::RefId& topicId, std::string_view actorName) = 0; ///< Removes the last topic response added for the given topicId and actor name. /// \note topicId must be lowercase virtual TEntryIter begin() const = 0; ///< Iterator pointing to the begin of the main journal. /// /// \note Iterators to main journal entries will never become invalid. virtual TEntryIter end() const = 0; ///< Iterator pointing past the end of the main journal. virtual TQuestIter questBegin() const = 0; ///< Iterator pointing to the first quest (sorted by topic ID) virtual TQuestIter questEnd() const = 0; ///< Iterator pointing past the last quest. virtual TTopicIter topicBegin() const = 0; ///< Iterator pointing to the first topic (sorted by topic ID) /// /// \note The topic ID is identical with the user-visible topic string. virtual TTopicIter topicEnd() const = 0; ///< Iterator pointing past the last topic. virtual int countSavedGameRecords() const = 0; virtual void write(ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) const = 0; virtual void readRecord(ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type) = 0; }; } #endif