#include "navmesh.hpp" #include "detourdebugdraw.hpp" #include "depth.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include namespace { // Copied from https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation/blob/c5cbd53024c8a9d8d097a4371215e3342d2fdc87/DebugUtils/Source/DetourDebugDraw.cpp#L26-L38 float distancePtLine2d(const float* pt, const float* p, const float* q) { float pqx = q[0] - p[0]; float pqz = q[2] - p[2]; float dx = pt[0] - p[0]; float dz = pt[2] - p[2]; float d = pqx*pqx + pqz*pqz; float t = pqx*dx + pqz*dz; if (d != 0) t /= d; dx = p[0] + t*pqx - pt[0]; dz = p[2] + t*pqz - pt[2]; return dx*dx + dz*dz; } // Copied from https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation/blob/c5cbd53024c8a9d8d097a4371215e3342d2fdc87/DebugUtils/Source/DetourDebugDraw.cpp#L40-L118 void drawPolyBoundaries(duDebugDraw* dd, const dtMeshTile* tile, const unsigned int col, const float linew, bool inner) { static const float thr = 0.01f*0.01f; dd->begin(DU_DRAW_LINES, linew); for (int i = 0; i < tile->header->polyCount; ++i) { const dtPoly* p = &tile->polys[i]; if (p->getType() == DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) continue; const dtPolyDetail* pd = &tile->detailMeshes[i]; for (int j = 0, nj = (int)p->vertCount; j < nj; ++j) { unsigned int c = col; if (inner) { if (p->neis[j] == 0) continue; if (p->neis[j] & DT_EXT_LINK) { bool con = false; for (unsigned int k = p->firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = tile->links[k].next) { if (tile->links[k].edge == j) { con = true; break; } } if (con) c = duRGBA(255,255,255,48); else c = duRGBA(0,0,0,48); } else c = duRGBA(0,48,64,32); } else { if (p->neis[j] != 0) continue; } const float* v0 = &tile->verts[p->verts[j]*3]; const float* v1 = &tile->verts[p->verts[(j+1) % nj]*3]; // Draw detail mesh edges which align with the actual poly edge. // This is really slow. for (int k = 0; k < pd->triCount; ++k) { const unsigned char* t = &tile->detailTris[(pd->triBase+k)*4]; const float* tv[3]; for (int m = 0; m < 3; ++m) { if (t[m] < p->vertCount) tv[m] = &tile->verts[p->verts[t[m]]*3]; else tv[m] = &tile->detailVerts[(pd->vertBase+(t[m]-p->vertCount))*3]; } for (int m = 0, n = 2; m < 3; n=m++) { if ((dtGetDetailTriEdgeFlags(t[3], n) & DT_DETAIL_EDGE_BOUNDARY) == 0) continue; if (distancePtLine2d(tv[n],v0,v1) < thr && distancePtLine2d(tv[m],v0,v1) < thr) { dd->vertex(tv[n], c); dd->vertex(tv[m], c); } } } } } dd->end(); } // Based on https://github.com/recastnavigation/recastnavigation/blob/c5cbd53024c8a9d8d097a4371215e3342d2fdc87/DebugUtils/Source/DetourDebugDraw.cpp#L120-L235 void drawMeshTile(duDebugDraw* dd, const dtNavMesh& mesh, const dtNavMeshQuery* query, const dtMeshTile* tile, unsigned char flags) { dtPolyRef base = mesh.getPolyRefBase(tile); int tileNum = mesh.decodePolyIdTile(base); const unsigned int tileNumColor = duIntToCol(tileNum, 128); const unsigned alpha = tile->header->userId == 0 ? 64 : 128; dd->depthMask(false); dd->begin(DU_DRAW_TRIS); for (int i = 0; i < tile->header->polyCount; ++i) { const dtPoly* p = &tile->polys[i]; if (p->getType() == DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) // Skip off-mesh links. continue; const dtPolyDetail* pd = &tile->detailMeshes[i]; unsigned int col; if (query && query->isInClosedList(base | (dtPolyRef)i)) col = duRGBA(255, 196, 0, alpha); else { if (flags & DU_DRAWNAVMESH_COLOR_TILES) col = duTransCol(tileNumColor, alpha); else col = duTransCol(dd->areaToCol(p->getArea()), alpha); } for (int j = 0; j < pd->triCount; ++j) { const unsigned char* t = &tile->detailTris[(pd->triBase+j)*4]; for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { if (t[k] < p->vertCount) dd->vertex(&tile->verts[p->verts[t[k]]*3], col); else dd->vertex(&tile->detailVerts[(pd->vertBase+t[k]-p->vertCount)*3], col); } } } dd->end(); // Draw inter poly boundaries drawPolyBoundaries(dd, tile, duRGBA(0,48,64,32), 1.5f, true); // Draw outer poly boundaries drawPolyBoundaries(dd, tile, duRGBA(0,48,64,220), 2.5f, false); if (flags & DU_DRAWNAVMESH_OFFMESHCONS) { dd->begin(DU_DRAW_LINES, 2.0f); for (int i = 0; i < tile->header->polyCount; ++i) { const dtPoly* p = &tile->polys[i]; if (p->getType() != DT_POLYTYPE_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) // Skip regular polys. continue; unsigned int col, col2; if (query && query->isInClosedList(base | (dtPolyRef)i)) col = duRGBA(255,196,0,220); else col = duDarkenCol(duTransCol(dd->areaToCol(p->getArea()), 220)); const dtOffMeshConnection* con = &tile->offMeshCons[i - tile->header->offMeshBase]; const float* va = &tile->verts[p->verts[0]*3]; const float* vb = &tile->verts[p->verts[1]*3]; // Check to see if start and end end-points have links. bool startSet = false; bool endSet = false; for (unsigned int k = p->firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = tile->links[k].next) { if (tile->links[k].edge == 0) startSet = true; if (tile->links[k].edge == 1) endSet = true; } // End points and their on-mesh locations. dd->vertex(va[0],va[1],va[2], col); dd->vertex(con->pos[0],con->pos[1],con->pos[2], col); col2 = startSet ? col : duRGBA(220,32,16,196); duAppendCircle(dd, con->pos[0],con->pos[1]+0.1f,con->pos[2], con->rad, col2); dd->vertex(vb[0],vb[1],vb[2], col); dd->vertex(con->pos[3],con->pos[4],con->pos[5], col); col2 = endSet ? col : duRGBA(220,32,16,196); duAppendCircle(dd, con->pos[3],con->pos[4]+0.1f,con->pos[5], con->rad, col2); // End point vertices. dd->vertex(con->pos[0],con->pos[1],con->pos[2], duRGBA(0,48,64,196)); dd->vertex(con->pos[0],con->pos[1]+0.2f,con->pos[2], duRGBA(0,48,64,196)); dd->vertex(con->pos[3],con->pos[4],con->pos[5], duRGBA(0,48,64,196)); dd->vertex(con->pos[3],con->pos[4]+0.2f,con->pos[5], duRGBA(0,48,64,196)); // Connection arc. duAppendArc(dd, con->pos[0],con->pos[1],con->pos[2], con->pos[3],con->pos[4],con->pos[5], 0.25f, (con->flags & 1) ? 0.6f : 0, 0.6f, col); } dd->end(); } const unsigned int vcol = duRGBA(0,0,0,196); dd->begin(DU_DRAW_POINTS, 3.0f); for (int i = 0; i < tile->header->vertCount; ++i) { const float* v = &tile->verts[i*3]; dd->vertex(v[0], v[1], v[2], vcol); } dd->end(); dd->depthMask(true); } } namespace SceneUtil { osg::ref_ptr createNavMeshTileGroup(const dtNavMesh& navMesh, const dtMeshTile& meshTile, const DetourNavigator::Settings& settings) { if (meshTile.header == nullptr) return nullptr; osg::ref_ptr group(new osg::Group); DebugDraw debugDraw(*group, osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 10), 1.0f / settings.mRecastScaleFactor); dtNavMeshQuery navMeshQuery; navMeshQuery.init(&navMesh, settings.mMaxNavMeshQueryNodes); drawMeshTile(&debugDraw, navMesh, &navMeshQuery, &meshTile, DU_DRAWNAVMESH_OFFMESHCONS | DU_DRAWNAVMESH_CLOSEDLIST); osg::ref_ptr material = new osg::Material; material->setColorMode(osg::Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); const float polygonOffsetFactor = SceneUtil::AutoDepth::isReversed() ? 1.0 : -1.0; const float polygonOffsetUnits = SceneUtil::AutoDepth::isReversed() ? 1.0 : -1.0; osg::ref_ptr polygonOffset = new osg::PolygonOffset(polygonOffsetFactor, polygonOffsetUnits); osg::ref_ptr stateSet = group->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateSet->setAttribute(material); stateSet->setAttributeAndModes(polygonOffset); return group; } }